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1、 Hello, Id like to learn at your centre. Could you give me some information please? Of course. Could I have your name ,please? Its Mathew Romney. How do you spell your surname? R-O-M-N-E-Y. Thanks. Now what language do you want to learn? What have you got? Well, weve got French, Spanish ,Italian ,Ja

2、panese and Chinese . Last year I did Italian, this year Id like to do something different. Japanese, I think. When can I start? Let me see. The next Italian class starts on the second the February .Oh, sorry, the Japanese class begins on the fifth. There is room for formal people. Id like to go once

3、 a week. Which day can I come? Lessons are on Wednesdays and Sundays. Sundays is better, because on Wednesdays I have to work late. I just got one more question. How much does it cost? Its three pounds seventy-five a lesson and ten pounds for the books.二、听单词,选出相应的音标词,在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 (6). freigrns (7)

4、. hlu (8). diktein (9). mistiris (10). sent ri三、听对话的内容,选择问题的答案,在答题卡上 (11)W: I called you many times this morning. But no one answered the phone. Really? But I was at home all the morning. Is your number is 87540393. I see, my phone number is 87450339.Question: What is the mans telephone number?(12)

5、M: She looks like she is getting better. Its nice to hear that. I dont like seeing her sick. I dont like coming to places like this. There are too many sick people here. What are the two people talking about?(13)W: How much money did you get from your father? Just 10 dollars . Thats better than noth

6、ing. What does the girl mean?(14) M: Why cant you close your bag? I have too many things in it. Did You need me to help you take up a few things? No, thats ok. Ill do it myself. You dont have much time, we have to leave for the train station in two hours. What is wrong with the womans bag?(15) M: Wh

7、ats that sound? Nothing, its just my bird. Can it talk? No, it just sings. What is the bird doing?(16) W: Can I get you something to eat? M: Not right now. Im waiting for a friend、 W:I just leave a menu with you . Can I get something to drink when I wait? What will the man do?(17) M: Look at that be

8、autiful old house. W: Its very pretty. Oh, look over there, thats a cute littleshop. I didnt know traveling train could be so much fun. I know. We saw so many beautiful things today. Where are the man and the woman ?(18) W: Would you water the plants, daring? Sure.Thanks. Dont forget to talk to them

9、 . Talk to them? Why? Plants grow better if you talk to them when you water them. What did the woman ask the man to do ?(19).W: Lets take a walk in the park after dinner. That sounds like a good idea. Well, do the dishes and then start for the park. Ill take the dog with us. So she can get some exer

10、cise too. Who will go to the park?(20) M: Here is the picture of you when you were 4 years old. S: I looked stupid. Why am I wearing those silly clothes? It was Halloween. Your dad and I wanted you to wear them to the party.S: Because you were cute and we wanted everybody to see you. You know, you w

11、ere such a cute, good-looking child. Who is the woman in this dialogue?四、听段落,根据所听内容选择问题的答案,在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。Passage1:My problem is with my mother. She is now over 70 and becoming very weak. My father died 5 years ago and I have no brothers or sisters. Im the only one who has to take care of her. But in

12、 the town where she lives is difficult for me to find a job. I am a lawyer and she cant come to live with me, because she doesnt like the weather. She said its too bad to her health. Its true, because its very clod here, so I really dont know what to do.Passage 2:Are you a morning person or an eveni

13、ng person? When do you work best? I work best in the morning. I always do my work before a lunch time. Usually I start at 9 oclock and work to 12 oclock. After that, my brain stops working. On a good day, I write 1,500 words or more, sometimes 2,000 words in the morning. Then after lunch, I go out f

14、or a walk or read. In the evening, I go out and meet people. Meeting people usually brings me new ideas for my books.Passage 3:A star fish looks like a star. Most of them have five arms. Some have even more. At the end of each arm is an eye. The star fish has as many eyes as it has arms. And if an a

15、rm as the star fish lost, it grows a new one. If you cut a star fish in two, each piece will grow into a new star fish. Star fish are not real fish, they are not good to eat. Dry ones are very pretty, people take dry star fish home and decorate their houses with them. Passage 4:The White House is fo

16、r the American president works and lives. People like to visit it for a party every Easter. On Easter Monday, 2009, the White House prepared 13,000 Easter eggs for the visitors. President Obama read a book to the children, played basketball with them and looked for eggs with them. First lady Michell

17、e Obama and some children picked the vegetables in the White Houses garden and they made salad together.五、听人物介绍,根据所听到的内容判断下列陈述是正确,错误还是未提及,在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。Daphne Belt will be 60, this year. But she will not have a holiday or a party to celebrate her birthday. On that day, she will jump into a lake and

18、swim for a kilometer, then ride 180 kilometers on a bicycle, and then run for 42 kilometers. This race is called “triathlon”, in Chinese it is called “铁人三项赛”. And it is very difficult. She is the best in the world in her aged group. 10 years ago things were very different for Daphne. “I saw myself i

19、n a photograph”, she says, “I was really fat, I knew something had to change.” She started going to a sport club, and at first found it difficult. But she worked hard and 4 years later, she was wining triathlon all over the world. “Suddenly it was so easy,” she says, “when I was young, I loved danci

20、ng, but my parents stopped me doing it.” Said Daphne,” Now I have found something else I love, but it is expensive.” Daphne never goes out and she hasnt had a new dress for five years, but she has to buy a new running shoes all the time.六、听关于汽车的短文,根据短文内容选择问题的答案,在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。There are many kinds of

21、cars in this world. My grandfather thinks this is because cars are like their drivers. He says, “rich people have expensive cars, big people have large cars, and old people drive old cars. But I dont agree with him. My neighbor Mrs Hill is 82 years old, she drives only on Tuesday and then she drives

22、 only to the bank. She never drives more than 30 kilometers an hour. Do you think Mrs Hill has a very old and small car. No, her car is new, it is very large and it can go 200 kilometers an hour. My friend Mike is an artist. He paints beautiful pictures with lots of colors. But his car is black. Mrs

23、 Bates has a very very old car. It often has some trouble. Does she drive that kind of car because she is poor? No, she has 4 restaurants and 2 million dollars in the bank. My uncle Joe has a very small car. Every Sunday he drives to the country with his wife, his three children, his mother and his

24、dog. Now you have read about my friends and their cars, do you agree with my grandfather? Maybe you have a car, does it say something about you?”七、听体重器的故事,根据故事的内容选择问题的答案,在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。A man-made and an interesting talking machine, it could tell people how heavy they are. He put the machine into a wa

25、iting room of a busy station. The first person to use the machine was an Indian woman. She stood on the machine and the machine spoke to her in Indian. ”good morning, madam,” it said,” your weight is 72 kilograms, that kilogram is too heavy. Eat more fruit and vegetables. And you will soon be all ri

26、ght. Please have a nice day.” The second one to use the machine was a Chinese girl. She stood on the machine and waited to hear her weight.” Good morning, Miss,” the machine said in Chinese,” your weight is 45 kilograms, its all right for your weight. Keep eating what you eat everyday, please have a

27、 nice day.” The third one to use the machine was a very fat American woman. She thought for a long time before getting on the machine. The machine spoke quickly in English,” good morning, will one of you get off?八、听短文,选择问题的答案,在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。Jacks is the name of game, its quite popular with the childr

28、en. To play Jacks you will need a small rubber ball and ten small building blocks call Jacks. Here are the rules for this game. To begin, you put the ten Jacks on the floor or ground in front of you. Through the ball up but not too high, pick up one Jack and then catch the ball. Keep the Jack in you

29、r hand, and then go on picking up the other Jacks one by one. You lose your turn if you do not catch the ball, you do not pick up the Jack or you drop any Jack from your hand. When you finish all ten Jacks, you now try to do the same thing again, but with two Jacks at one time, this is more difficult of course. You lose your turn if you make any of 3 mistakes or if you dont pick up two Jacks each time.听力部分到此结束

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