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1、英语老师课堂用语大全 集团标准化工作小组 #Q8QGGQT-GX8G08Q8-GNQGJ8-MHHGN#英语老师课堂用语大全课堂上常用的英语Classroom English第1部分 课前准备和上课1 before class begins (上课前)Come on (now)快走啊!Lets wait outside our classroom.让我们在教室外面等一会吧!Let go in.咱们进去吧Hurry up!快点Hi,guys, lets go inside 喂,孩子们,咱们进教室吧Where is Class Two ,Grade Two 二年级二班在哪儿Are you a ne

2、w student你是新生么Thats our new English teacher over there 那是我们新的英语老师。.Hurry up so that I can start the lesson .快点!我们要上课了。Run quickly!快点跑!Come in and sit down 进来,坐下.Come in and close the door . 进来把门关上。2Greetings 问候Good afternoon, everybody/boys/and/girls, children. 大家/孩子们下午好。Good morning Zhang Hua 早上好,张

3、华。Hello ,everyone.大家好。Nice to meet you all.很高兴见到你们Hello ,Wang Li 你好,王利Hi ,Li Ming 你好 黎明How are you 你好么How are you ,Tom你好吗,汤姆How is your father/mother你父亲/母亲怎样How is your little sister你的小妹妹怎么样How are you getting on 近来怎么样Hows life生活怎么样Howre you feeling today ,Mike 迈克,你今天感觉怎么样Are you all well this morni

4、ng 今天上午你们感觉都很好吗Are you feeling better today. Wei Hua 卫华,你今天感觉好多了吗3 Before starting the class(上课前)Have you got the time你知道几点了吗How many minutes are there to go 还有几分钟上课There are still five minutes .还有5分钟Class will begin soon .很快就要上课了。The bell will ring in a few minutes.还有几分钟铃就响。Is it time for class 上课的

5、时间到了吗Its nearly time for class.快到上课的时间了。Has the bell rung铃响了吗Is the bell 这是铃响了吗Will the bell ring soon 很快就响铃了吗Has the bell gone off yet 铃已经响了吗Did the bell ring 已经响铃了吗The bell has rung .铃响过了。There goes the bell.铃响了The bell has gone off.铃响了The bell is ringing.铃响了4getting ready for class(作好课前准备)Im wait

6、ing to start. 我等着开始呢。Im waiting for you to be quiet. 我等着你们安静下来。Please get everything ready for class.请做好上课准备。Be ready for class. 同上Are you ready for class准备好上课了吗Have you got everything ready for class做好上课的准备了吗Lets get ready for class。让我们准备好上课。Leave your English books on the desks.把你们的英语书留在课桌上。Put yo

7、ur English books on the desks把你们的英语书放在课桌上。Put your books on your desks ,please.请把书放在课桌上。Take out your notebooks, and put them on your desk.拿出笔记本来把它们放课桌上。5introducing oneself(做自我介绍)My name is Mr./ Mrs./ Miss Li 我叫李先生,太太,小姐Im Mr. Zhang 我是张老师Ill just tell you a bit about myself.我来简单说说我自己吧Im your new En

8、glish teacher.我是你们的新老师。Ill be teaching you English this year.今年我教你们英语6calling the rolls(点名)Let me call the rolls.让我来点一下名。Who is absent today 今天谁缺席Where is Li Ming 黎明到哪里去了Who is missing 谁不在Who isnt here谁没有到Anybody absent有缺席的么Is Zhang Hua here张华来了吗Does anyone know where Wang Xin is谁知道王欣去哪了 Who knows w

9、hen Wang Xin will be back谁知道王欣什么时候回来Is there anyone absent有缺席的吗Is anyone else absent还有缺席的吗Li Feng is absent today.李烽今天缺席。Why is he absent他为什么缺席Whats the matter with you today你今天怎么了 Do you know why he is absent 你知道他为什么缺席吗。Please come earlier next time.下次请早点来。Dont be late next time.下次别迟到了。Get to your

10、seat .we have already begun the lesson.到座位上去。我们已经开始上课了。Please hurry up and sit down .Weve already started . 请快点去坐下,我们已经上课了。Thats all right. Sit down and we can start.好了,坐下,我们可以开始了。Try not to be late next time .下次尽量别迟到。Try to be here on time next time .下次尽量准时到。Dont let it happen again .不要再迟到了。7starti

11、ng the class(开始上课)Its time for class.上课的时间到了。Lets begin(the class). 开始上课。Shall we start我们开始吗Class is about to begin.就要上课了。Lets start .让我们开始吧。Who is on duty today今天谁值日Are you on duty 是你值日吗Im on duty today .今天我值日。Im happy to report that everybody is present.我高兴的报告全都到了。Wang Wei and I are duty today .我和

12、王微今天值日。Your classroom looks nice and clean .你们的教室看起来既美观又干净。You have done your duty very well .你的值日做的很好。8 asking miscellaneous questions (问各式各样的问题)1)about date (关于日期)Whats the date today今天几号What date is it today同上Whats todays date同上What day is it 今天星期几What month is it这是几月份What year is it 这是哪一年Whats t

13、he date next Thursday 下周四是几号What was the date last Wednesday 上周三是几号What day is the 12th 12号是星期几Is the 16th a Friday or a Saturday 16号是星期五还是星期四What month follows(comes after)October 10月份接下来的是哪个月What is the day before Monday called 星期一前面的那一天是星期几2)about weather (关于天气)Whats the weather like 天气怎么样Is it c

14、old or hot天气冷还是热Whats the forecast for next week下周的天气预报是怎么说的What temperature is it温度是多少Is it below freezing气温是零度以下吗How many degrees below is it零下多少度Do you think it will snow 你认为会下雪吗What season is it 现在是什么季节Is it raining / snowing /sleeting /hailing /thundering是下雨/下雪/下冰雹/打雷了吗 3)about identity(关于身份)Wh

15、o are you 你是谁Whats your name你叫什么名字How do you spell it 你的名字怎么拼Whats your English name你的英文名字叫什么Where do you live你住哪Whats your address你的家庭地址是什么Whats your telephone number你的电话号码是多少Which part of China are you from你来自中国的哪部分Where is it它在哪Where is in Beijing do you live 你住在北京的什么地方How old are you 你多大了Have you any brothers or sisters你有兄弟或姐妹吗What are their names他们叫什么名字Which school do you go to 你上的是哪一所学校Whose class are you in 你在谁的班上Who is your teacher 谁是你们的班主任Who is your

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