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1、放好 put back拨慢;搁置 put down放下;记下;击败;使(飞机)着陆; put off延期;推迟 put on上演;穿上;戴上 put out熄灭;关掉;扑灭 put through接通电话;完成 put up with忍受;忍耐 put into action/effect/practice实施;实行4. What do you know about infectious diseases such as cholera?关于传染病你了解什么,比如霍乱?Colds are infectious, and so are some eye diseases. 感冒是传染的,有些眼病

2、也是传染的。Its more useful to learn modern languages, such as English and German. 学习英语和德语等现代语言有用。5. so famous, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria to ease the birth of her babies.他的确医术精湛,因而成为照料维多利亚女皇的私人医生Which doctor is attending you? 哪一个医生为你看病?attend a meeting lecture出席会议听演讲, 听课attend a wedding a fu

3、neral参加婚礼葬礼attend school church上学教堂ease用作动词,意思是“减轻;消除;舒缓;放松”,表示消除某人的痛苦时用结构“ease sb. of sth.”;也可以用作名词,意为“舒适;自在;不拘束;容易”。These pills will ease the headache. 这些药丸会减轻头疼。Walking helped to ease him of his pain. 他散了散步减轻了一些痛苦。Her words gave ease to my distracted mind. 我心神不宁,她的话使我宽心。ease作名词时的常见搭配:at ease放松;自如

4、;不拘束 be/feel at ease感到舒适 ill at ease不自在;感到拘束 put/set sb. at ones ease使某人感到舒适、不拘束 with ease容易地;无困难地The doctor gave him some painkillers to ease the pain. 医生给了他一些止疼片以减缓疼痛。I dont feel at ease in the strange place.在这个陌生的地方,我觉得很不自在。6. people exposed to cholera. 得了霍乱的老百姓是过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰people。相当于定语从句which

5、were exposed to cholera。expose的意思是“暴露;揭露;使曝光”,常与介词to连用,表示“使暴露于(日光、风雨等);受到风险;使面临”的意思。The soil was washed away by the flood, exposing bare rock. 泥土被洪水冲走,露出光秃秃的石头。The baby was left exposed to the wind and rain.婴儿被弃于风雨之中。The soldiers in the open field are exposed to the enemys fire. 空地里的士兵暴露于敌人的火力之下。7.

6、the most deadly disease in its day.在当时是最致命的疾病deadly adj.致命的, 势不两立的, 死一般的, 极度的, 必定的adv.如死一般地, 极度地;非常地Fog is the sailors deadly enemy. 雾是航海者最致命的敌人。deadly serious.极其严重8. So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak. 每当(疾病)突发时,总有成千的人死去。 本句是一个复合句,every time引导的是一个时间状语从句,意思是“

7、每当”,相当于“when”。 另外,此状语从句中还有一个“there be”结构。类似用法的副词和短语有“directly(一就), immediately(一就), instantly(一就), the minute(一就), the moment(一就), the second(一就), each (every) time(每当), next time(下次时), the last time(上次时)等。She went to see him directly she got the letter. 她一收到信就去他了。Immediately the meal was over, he s

8、witched on the radio.饭一吃完他就把收音机打开。She came to the scene the moment she heard of the accident.她一听说发生了事故,就立刻到现场来了。The last time we talked he said he needed another two days.上次我们谈话时他说他还需要两天。9. The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals.第二种看法是在吃饭的时候人们把这种病毒引

9、入体内的。I suggest that you did not catch the 8 oclock train, but that you caught the 8.25 train. 你没有搭8点钟的火车,而是搭的8点25分的车。He suggested going out for a walk.= He suggested that we (should)go out for a walk. 他建议出去走走。absorb的意思是“吸收;吸引;使专心;合并;吞并”,常用be absorbed in sth.表示“专心于某事”。Clever children absorb knowledge

10、 easily. 聪明孩子容易吸收知识。Aspirin is quickly absorbed by /into the body. 阿司匹林很快被身体吸收了。He is absorbed in his business. 他专心致志的处理业务。be absorbed by被吞并;为所吸收 absorb into吞并;吸到 absorb ones attention吸引某人注意 absorb ones time占用某人的时间10. the affected person 患者be affected by heat cold 中暑着凉He was deeply affected by my wo

11、rds. 他听了我的话很受感动。11. So when another outbreak hit London in 1854, John Snow was ready to test these two theories.因此,在1854年伦敦再次爆发霍乱的时候,约翰斯诺着手准备对此进行调研。be ready to do sth 乐于做,准备做We were all hit by the depression. 我们都受到了不景气的影响。Price increases hit everyones pocket. 物价上涨冲击了每个人的钱袋。Strike waves hit several W

12、estern European countries. 罢工的浪潮袭击了好几个西欧国家。12. the cholera outbreak was so severe that more than 500 people had died in 10 days.霍乱流行得很严重,在10天之内就死去了500多人。severe 用作形容词,当它的意思为“严重的;严肃的”时,和serious相近;当它的意思为“严厉的;严格的”时,与strict 相近,常用结构be severe on(upon)/with sb.表示“对某人严厉或严格”;此外它还有“剧烈的;尖锐的;朴素的”的意思。The drought

13、is becoming increasingly severe. 旱灾日趋严重。He is severe with his children. 和对子女很严格。You are too severe on (upon) the boy. 你对那个男孩太严厉了。I felt a severe pain in the chest. 我感到胸口剧烈疼痛。表示“伤势严重”要用severe,不用serious; 但指“疾病严重”时,两者都可与illness连接。She received severe head injuries in the accident.在事故中她的头部受了重伤。(此句不可用seri

14、ous)I was laid up for six weeks with a severe/serious illness.由于重病,我卧床六个星期。13. The map gave a valuable clue about the cause of the disease.这张地图提供了一条说明霍乱起因的很有价值的线索。valuable 的意思是“贵重的;有很大价值的;有用的;有帮助的”,其名词形式为value。I have a valuable collection of painting. 我有一批很有价值的画。This book is valuable to /for student

15、s of English. 这本书对学英语的学生很用。valuable, valueless, invaluable, priceless与 worthless的用法区别:(1)valuable, priceless, invaluable这三个词意思一样,都表示“贵重的;无价的”的意思。priceless意思为“无价的;价值连城的”,用于加强语气,加深程度等情况;比valuable的程度更强。invaluable的意思是“无法估价的;无价的”,不用于形容价值或金钱,而是指质或品质。(2)valueless, worthless这两个词意思一样,表示“无价值的,无用的”的意思,worthles

16、s是个常用词,valueless很少用。The jewel is of great value, and it is priceless. 这珠宝很有价值,是无价之宝。This ancient gold coin isnt just valuable, its priceless.这枚古代金币不仅贵重,而且价值连城。Your advice is invaluable to us. 你的建议对我们来说是非常珍贵的。The drawing is of no value, and it is worthless. 这画没有价值,它没有用。It looked like gold, but in fac

17、t it was worthless (valueless). 这看起来像金子,其实毫无价值。14. It seemed the water was to blame. 看来水是罪魁祸首。blame用作动词,意为“责备;责怪;归咎于”的意思。常用结构为blame sb for sth./blame sth on sb (把某事归咎于某人),be to blame for sth(应受责备;对某坏事应负责任),此句就使用这种结构。Dont blame it on him, but on me. 别怪他,该怪我。They blamed the secretary for the delay of

18、the plan. 他们怪罪秘书造成计划延误。The driver was not to blame for the traffic accident.那次交通事故不应该责怪司机。blame也可用作名词,意为“责任;责怪”。常见搭配有:bear/take/accept/get the blame for sth.(对某事承担责任),lay/put the blame for sth on sb(把某事归咎于某人)。We should take the blame for our failure. 我们应该承担失败的责任。We shouldnt lay the blame for our fai

19、lure on him. 我们不应该把失败归咎于他15. look into the source of the water调查水源look into 调查,观察16. slow down (使)慢下来,放慢速度,减速17. in addition 另外,加之,此外,可以用在句子开头,可以用于句末。和besides意思相同,但besides不能用在句尾。In addition, there was a crop failure in many provinces.此外,许多省份粮食歉收。The man worked him sixteen hours a day and beat him in

20、 addition. 那人让他每天工作16小时,而且还打他。(2)in addition to的意思是“除了外(还有)”,可用于句首,也可置于句子后部,相当于 besides, apart from。In addition to giving him some advice, I gave him thirty dollars. 我向他提出忠告,又给了他30美元。He can get twenty dollars extra income every month in addition to his salary.除工资外,他每月还可得到20美元的收入。18. be linked to 与有关

21、联link 在此句中用作动词,意为“连接;联系”,常用结构link to/with意思是“将和连接或联系起来”,link up意为“连接或连接起来”;也可用作名词,意为“环;连接;联系;纽带”。The highway links Shanghai to/with Beijing. 这条公路连接上海和北京。A railway links up the two towns.这两个城镇由一条铁路连接起来。Your story links up with his. 你所说的和他所说得能联系的起来。A lot of links fitted together form a chain. 许多链环连在一起

22、组成链条。Old friends are a link with the past. 老朋友是连接往事的纽带。(1)join指的是任何事物的直接连接,连接的程度可紧可松,还能分开之意。常用结构jointo, join up。(2)connect指的是通过某种媒介物把事物连接起来,事物的特征还保持,常表示与技术有关的连接和火车、飞机等实行联运。常用结构connectwith/to。(3)combine着重指两个或两个以上的人或事物为了共同目的而结合在一起,结合后原来部分可能仍不改变或失其本性,常用结构combinewith。(4)unite强调紧密地结成一体,含极难分开之意,常用结构unitew

23、ith。Please join this pole to that one. 请把这根竿子和那根竿子接起来。This flight connects with New York one. 这班飞机在纽约可接上另一班机。We should combine theory with practice. 我们应该理论联系实际。The two big companies plan to unite. 两家大公司计划联合起来。19. she had had it delivered from the pump to her house 她派人从水泵打水运到家里。deliver sth. to sb. 把某

24、物交付给某人deliver a message 带信, 传话20. With this extra evidence, John Snow was able to announce with certainty that polluted water carried the disease. 有了这个提别的证据,约翰斯诺就能够肯定地宣布,这种被污染了的水携带着病菌。The captain announced that the plane was going to land. 机长宣布飞机就要着陆了。It can be said with certainty that English is pr

25、etty important nowadays.可以肯定地说,英语在当今社会里相当重要。21. To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all water supplies be examined and new methods of dealing with polluted water be found. 为了防止这种情况的再度发生,约翰斯诺建议所有水源都要经过检测并且要找到处理污水的新方法。To prevent为表示目的的不定式短语;prevent(from) doing s

26、th 意为“阻止做某事”,其中prevent可与stop, keep互换;suggest表示“建议”的,其宾语从句的谓语用“should +动词原形”,句中的should被省略了。22. The water companies were also instructed not to expose people to polluted water anymore.自来水公司也接到指令,不能在让人们接触被污染的水了。instruct意思为“命令;指示;嘱咐;吩咐;教导(教授知识或技术);训练”。其名词形式为instructor(教员;教练)和instruction(命令;说明)。The teach

27、er instructed him to start early. 老师命令他早动身Ive been instructed to wait here until the lecturer arrives.我得到指示在这儿等到讲课老师到来。He instructs a class in history. 他教授一个班的历史(instruct in)Read the instructions on the pocket. 看一下袋子上的说明。辨析instruct, order, demand 和direct :instruct 指出正确的方式以教导; order 意为“命令”; demand 指强

28、烈地“要求”;direct 表示“指示;期望;服从”。23. be similar to 与相似,类似What I am going to say to you would be similar to what you are going to tell me. 我想对你说的话,类似于你想对我说的话.24. conclude用作动词,意为“结束;推论;推断”,常用conclude by doing/with sth. 表示“以而结束”;conclude from 表示“从推出结论”的意思,to conclude表示“最后”的意思,相当于意思名词短语in conclusion。He concluded his speech with/by reading a poem.他朗诵一首诗结束了他的演讲。What do you conclude from these facts.从这些事实中你得出什么结论?The doctor concluded th

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