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1、Company NameRegistered Address:(Hereinafter referred to as the “Company”)AndEmployee NameAddress:(Hereinafter referred to as the “Employee”)1. Date of EmploymentThe Employee is employed with effect from 1st June 20xx.2. Job TitleThe position of the Employee is General Manager who reports to the Chai

2、rman of Directors of the Board or to the personnel of the mother company (or a sister company) appointed by the Chairman. The Employees duties may include but not necessarily be limited to sales and marketing activities, allocated by the Chairman.3. Place of Work and Working HoursThe place of work m

3、ay be located in an appointed office of the Company or the Employee may work at any other place agreed by both the Company and the Employee. The Employee may be required to make local and overseas travels occasionally in order to perform the duties.The total number of working hours is 40 hours per w

4、eek, excluding lunch / break. Working Hours: Weekdays 08:45 12:45, 14:00 18:00 (12:45 14:00 lunch / break) Weekends and Public Holidays: Off4. RemunerationThe Employees monthly salary will be Salary with a twelfth month salary for a complete year of services, or pro-rated with the calendar year paya

5、ble at the end of December.The pay for the referred period will be deposited on the Employees bank account on the last weekday of the month. The Employees salary shall be annually reviewed and an adjustment of the salary, if any, will be made with effect from January 2012.5. Mandatory Provident Fund

6、The Company will contribute five (5) % of the Employees basic salary as MandatoryProvident Fund from 1st August 2011 on after the Employees probationary period for2 months, but total fare will not exceed per year.6. Medical InsuranceThe Employees medical insurance will be provided by the Company.7.

7、HolidayThe Company pays holiday allowance to an annual leave of twelve (12) days oncompletion of each years service with the Company. The holiday is accrued duringthe qualifying year, which is the calendar year, and can be held in the followingholiday year, which is from 1st June until 31st May the

8、following year.8. TerminationTermination terms for the both parties will be one (1) months written notice orpayment in lieu hereof.9. Conflict of InterestThe Employee shall not engage, participate or be involved in any trades of businesseswhich may be in conflict with the Companys interests. The Emp

9、loyee is not allowedto disclose information which will endanger the Companys business to other partieswithout consent and permission from authorized personnel of the Company.The Employee will also undertake an obligation that should the Employee leave theemploy of the Company, the Employee will not,

10、 within a period of six (6) moths fromthe date of the Employees leaving, engage himself or be engaged in activities whichdirectly or indirectly may compete with the activities of the Company. Should theEmployee, however, contrary to this obligation, thereby cause or lead to causeincreased competitio

11、n for the Company, the Employee will agree to be liable for areasonable payment of compensation to the Company.This Contract is executed in 2 original copies, of which one shall remain with theCompany whereas the other shall remain with the Employee.Place: Shanghai, China Place: Hong KongDate: Date:

12、For Company- Employee(Stamp)篇二:此雇用合同由_(以下简称雇主)和_(以下简称雇员)缔结。根据本合同,雇主将聘用雇员且雇员同意受聘于雇主就以下所规定的工作提供服务和履行义务。一、义务和责任合同双方同意雇员将受聘从事_工作,并履行以下职责。二、期限本合同有效期为_(年、月),从_年_月_日起至_年_月_日止。三、工作日和工时雇员每周工作从星期_至星期_,每天从_点至_点,一周共_小时。四、报酬雇主同意就雇员的服务提供以下报酬:1.每(小时)_美元;2.每加班(小时)_美元,每两周结算一次,支票支付。3.其他报酬(红利、佣金等),数额及计算办法如下:五、扣除款每次发薪时




16、而产生的一切怨情或争议向其管理员报告,如管理员不在,可直接报告雇主;2.如管理员不能立即解决问题,管理员应将怨情或争议写成书面材料,同时写明被触犯的合同段落,法律或规章制度。管理人员应在五天内解决怨情或争议,或写出其认为没有违犯规则的理由。3.如上述第一、二步骤不能解决怨情或争议,雇员可上书工长或工长代理人。在怨情或争议解决期间,雇主和雇员的雇佣关系存在,经工长、工长代理人或政府特派调查员暂时准予的除外。十四、汇款及其他义务雇员必须按原籍国政府的规定向其家人汇款和缴纳所有税收。十五、不可分割协定上述条款规定构成本合同双方当事人之间唯一的,不可分割的协定,该协定将取代任何其他书面、口头和其他形式的协定。雇主(签字):_年_月_日签订地点:雇员(签字):附件公证书兹证明_和_于_年_月_日,在我的面前,签订了以上雇用合同。经查,此行为是他(她)(他们)按合同自愿精神签订的。公证员(签字):_经_批准工长(签字):_年_月_日可在本位置填写公司名或地址YOU CAN FILL IN THE NAME HERE

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