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1、 Monday; weekend); this morning 等词连用。结构是主语 +be 动词的过去式( was; were)或主语 +动词的过去式。注意: be 动词与动词过去式不可同时使用。 My earphones were on the ground just now.我的耳机刚刚还在呢。Where were you last week? I was at a camp.你上个星期去哪了?我去野营了What did you do yesterday? I visited a farm你昨天去干嘛了?我去参观农场了。问句有 be 动词将 be 动词移前,没有 be 动词借助于 did

2、,后面动词还原; 否定句有 be 动词在后面加 not,没有借助于 didnt 后面动词还原。4一般将来时表示将要打算发生的事情或动作,常与 tomorrow, next week(year; Tuesday ), thisweek( weekend ;evening; afternoon; going to + 动原或主语 +will + 动原。等词)t连od用ay。结构是主语 +be(am, is, are) What are you going to do tomorrow? I am going to have a picnic.你明天要去干嘛?我要去野餐。The childre ar

3、e going to have a sports meeting next week.孩子们下个星期将参加运动会。Tom will/is going to see a play with his father this evening.Tom 今晚将和父母去看演出。问句将 be 动词或 will 移前;否定句在 be 动词或 will 后加 not.5情态动词can; can t; should; shouldn 后t; m一u定st加; m动a词y 如: The girl can t swim, but she can skate.女孩不会游泳,但是会滑冰原形。Don t talk in c

4、lass, you should listen to the teacher carefully.不要再课上说话,你应该认真听老师讲。6祈使句肯定祈使句以动词原形开头;否定祈使句以 don加t动词原形开头。 Open the box for me ,please.请为我打开盒子。Liu Tao! Please get up earlier tomorrow.刘涛,明天请早点起床!Don t walk on the grass!不要在草地上走!Helen! Don t climb the tree,please.海伦!不要爬树。7go 的用法去干嘛用 go +动词 ing如: go swimmi

5、ng; go fishing; go skating;go camping; go running; go skiing; go rowing8比较than 前用比较级; as as之间用原级。 My mother is two years younger than my father.我妈比我爸年轻两岁。Liu Tao jumps as far as Ben.刘涛跳得和本一样远。9喜欢做某事用 like + 动词 ing 或 like+ to + 动原。如 : Su Yang likes growing flowers. 苏阳喜欢种花。The children like to play wi

6、th lanterns at Spring Festival.孩子们喜欢在春节去玩花灯。10想要做某事用 would like +to+ 动原或 want + to +动原。例: I d like to visit the History Museum.=I want to visit the History Museum11some用于肯定句中,在否定句和问句中改为 any,但当表示委婉语气时仍用如: Can I have some writing paper? Would you like some orange juice?12代词人称代词主格做主语用一般放在句首或动词前,主格分别是 I

7、 you he she it we you they。宾格做宾语用,一般放在动词或介词后 Open them for me. Let us , join me等。宾格分别是 me you him her it us you them。形容词性物主代词放在名词前,不能单独使用,分别是 my your his her its our your their名词性物主代词相当于形物加名词, 它只能单独使用后面不好加名词, 分别是 mineyours his hers its ours yours theirs。13介词介词后要么不加动词,加动词只能加动词 ing 形式如: be good at run

8、ning;do well in jumping;14时间介词季节前,月份前用介词 in in summer;in March具体的哪一天如星期几,几月几日用介词 on on Saturday; on the second of April; on Wednesday morning在几点钟前用介词 at at a quarter to four;只在上下午晚上用 in in the morning/ afternoon/ evening;但在夜间用 at night。另:季节,月份和星期前不好加 the.15名词复数构成的方法有规则的有:(1)直接在名词后加 s如 orange oranges

9、; photo photos;(2)以 x, s, sh, ch 结尾的加 es boxboxes; glassglasses; waitresswaitresses; watch watches;peach-peaches(3)以辅音字母加 y 结尾的改 y 为 i 加 es study studies; library libraries; hobby hobbies; family families;(4)以 f, fe 结尾的改 f, fe 为 ves 如: knifeknives; thief thieves(注:以 o 结尾的我们学过的只有 mango 加 es, mangoman

10、goes其余加 s,)不规则的有:man men; womanwomen; people people; child children16动词第三人称单数的构成(1)直接在动词后加 s run runs; dance dances(2)以 s,sh,ch,o结尾的加 es do does;go goes;wash washes;catchcatches study studies; carrycarries;17现在分词的构成(1)直接在动词后加 ing singsinging; skiskiing;(2)双写词尾加 ing swim swimming; jog jogging;run run

11、ning;(3)以不发音的 e 结尾的去 e 加 ing rideriding; dancedancing; make making;18规则动词过去式的构成(1)直接在动词后加 ed clean cleaned; milkmilked; play played;(2)以 e 结尾的直接加 d dance danced; tastetasted;(3)以辅音字母加 y 结尾的改 y 为 i 加 ed study studied;carry carried;(4)双写词尾加 ed stopstopped; jog jogged; am,iswas; are were; do,doesdid; h

12、ave,hashad; gowent; meetmet; sitsat; seesaw; get got; tell told; run ran; comecame; stealstole; readread;19形容词副词比较级的构成规则的:(1)直接在形容词或副词后加 er如; smallsmaller; low lower;(2)以 e 结尾的加 r latelarer;(3)双写词尾加 er big bigger; thin thinner; fat fatter;(4)以辅音字母加 y 结尾的改 y 为 i 加 er heavyheavier; earlyearlier;good,

13、well better(最高级为 best); many, much- more(最高级为 most); far-farther;20rain 与 snow 的用法(1)作为名词意思是雨水和雪是不可数名词 There is a lot of rain there in spring. 那儿的春天有很多雨水。(2)作为动词意思是下雨和下雪,有四种形式分别是: 动词原形 rain, snow;第三人称单数 rains ,snows; 现 在 分 词 raining; snowing 过去式 rained; snowed; Look! It is raining now. 瞧!天正在下雨。It of

14、ten rains in Nantong in summer.南通夏天经常下雨。 It rained yesterday.昨天下了雨。It is going to rain tomorrow. 明天要下雨。(3)形容词为 rainy 和 snowy 意思是有雨的和有雪的 It is often rainy here in spring.这儿的春天经常是有雨的。If it is rainy tomorrow, I ll s如ta果y a明t 天ho是me有. 雨的,我将呆在家里。21 比较级注意只有同类事物才可进行比较。 My eyes are bigger than hers.Your sch

15、ool bag is heavier than mine. My computer is nicer than Nancy s. My brother is stronger than me.22have, has表示某人有 (has 用于第三人称单数 ); There is/ are; There was/ were 表示某地存在有注意 There be 句型的就近原则单数或不可数用 there is /was; 复数用 there are/ were.23本身就是复数的词眼镜 glasses; 耳机 earphones; 鞋 shoes;裤子 trousers等词本身是复数。 My gla

16、sses were on the chair just now.但如果表示这双,这副,一双的时候用单数 There is a pair of chopsticks on the plate. This pair of earphones is for you.24五个元音字母分别是 Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu;25一个的用法a 用于辅音前不是辅音字母前; an 用于元音前不是元音字母前。 There is an s, a t , a u, a d ,an e, an n,and a t in the word26时间表示法有两种:( 1)直接读时钟和分钟。如 6:10 读成 six

17、ten; 7:30 读成 seven thirty; 8:45 读成 eight forty-five;(2)用 to 与 past 表示。在半小时包括半小时以内用几分 past 几点 6: 10 读成 ten past six;30读成 half past seven;过了半小时用下一个钟点差几分如 7:45 读成 a quarter to eight; 9:50 读成 ten to ten;27基数词变序数词的方法基变序有规律,结尾加上 th; 一二三特殊例,结尾字母 t、d(即 first, second, third);八去 t, 九去 e, ve 要用 f 替(即 eigheight

18、h; nineninth; five- fifth ;twelve twelfth );ty 改 y 为 ie 后加 th 别忘记(即整十数如 twentytwentieth; forty fortieth);几十几十位为基个位为序(如第二十一为 twenty-first )。另外强调序数词前一定要加 the。28日期的表示法用 the+序数词 + of + 月三月三日 the third of March; 12 月 25 日 the 25th of December.29both 表示两者都 My parents are both teachers.all 表示三者以上都 The stud

19、ents are all very excited.30节日的表示法有 day 的节日前用 on.没有 day 的节日前用 at, at Christmas; on Christmas Day; at New Year; on New Year s Day.31激动兴奋的excited 表示激动的,兴奋地主语是人; exciting 表示令人激动的,令人兴奋的主语是事情 The running race is very exciting, so all the students are very excited.赛跑非常令人激动,因此所有的学生都很激动。32比较两者比较用比较级,三者以上比较用

20、最高级 Who runs faster, the boy or the girl? The boy does谁跑得更快,男孩还是女孩?男孩。Which season do you like best? I like autumn best.你最喜欢哪个季节?我最喜欢秋天。Which season do you like better, summer or winter? I like winter better.你更喜欢哪个季节,夏天还是冬天?我更喜欢冬天。33动词还原的用法前面用了 do, does did, don t, doesn 后t 面did动n词要t还原。 Did she watc

21、h TV last night?Helen doesn t like taking photos.34到了到达用 get to但注意到家,到这儿,到那儿不可以加 to get home; get here; get there,另外 go home; come here; go there也一样。35长着和穿着 长着什么用 with the girl with big eyes 大眼睛的女孩; 穿着什么用 in the man in black 穿黑衣服的男人或: the woman in the white skirt 穿白色短裙的妇女36让某人做某事用 let sb 后加动词原形 Let

22、s water the flowers together.是该做 的时候了用 It s time fo名r+词或 It s time to动+原。帮助某人做某事是 help sb with sth帮我学英语是 help me with my English37树上外来的东西在树上用 in the tree the bird in the tree;树上长的用 on the tree the apples on the tree38运动和乐器球类之前不加 the;乐器之前必须加 the play the piano; play football39get 后加比较级表示变得更怎么样 get stronger; get longer

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