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1、四、1. Thursday 2. six 3. English 4. Maths 5. Chinese 6. piano 7. very 8. well五、AABAC附:听力材料一、听对话,找出与你所听内容相符的选项,将序号填入题前的方框里,并在横线上填写该单词,将句子补充完整。(听两遍)1. A: What day is it today? B: Its Monday. 2. A: What subject do you like? I like Chinese.3. A: What lessons do you have on Friday? We have Maths, English,

2、 Computer Studies and Art on Friday.4. A: Its Wednesday.二、听对话,判断下列图画是否与所听内容一致,相符的画笑脸,不相符的画哭脸。 What lessons do you have in the morning? We have Maths, Chinese, English and PE.B: We have Chinese, Maths, Social Science and Computer Studies. We have Maths, English, Science and Art. What lessons do you h

3、ave in the afternoon? We have English, Chinese, Social Science and PE.5. A: We have Chinese, Maths, English, and Art.6. A: We have Computer Studies and Art.5B Unit 2 A telephone call一、1. D 2.A 3.B 4. D二、1. feel, get, for; 2. wrong with you, feel, a fever; 3. do you feel, feel, headache, cough;

4、feel, feel ill, wrong , fever, medicine一、1. with, got, rest; 2. the, matter, got, an, some, water; 3. a, bad, cold二、1.cough; 2. nurse, a backache; 3. farmer, a headache; 4. is a waitress, has got an earache; 5. is a policeman, has got a toothache; 6. is a cook, has got a stomache ache一、a.3 b. 6 c.1

5、d. 5 e. 2 f. 4一、1. (E) stomachache胃痛 2. (C) earache耳痛 3. (A) toothache牙痛 4. (B) headache头痛 5. (F) backache背痛 6. (D) cough咳嗽二、1.D an earache 2.B to 3.B on或now删去 4.D lessons 5.D any bread 6.C a三、1.AB 2.BC 3. BC 4. BC 5. ABC 6. ABC 7. AB 8. AB 9. AC 10. AB 11. A 12. AB四、T F F F T一、听对话,找出与你所听内容相符的图画,并将序

6、号填入该图下方的方框里。 Whats wrong with you? Ive got a backache Ive got a toothache. Ive got a stomach ache. Whats the matter with you? Ive got a headache. Ive got a cough. Why are you absent today? Im ill. Ive got a fever. How do you feel now? I feel cold. A: I can get a pair of jeans for you. I feel ill. A:

7、 Shall we go to see the doctor? OK. I feel hot. A: I can get an ice-cream for you. I feel thirsty.A: Would you like some water or some juice? Some juice, please. I feel sleepy. A: Heres a pillow(枕头)for you. I feel tired. A: Sit here and have a rest.5B Unit 3 Hobbies一、1. take photos 2. grow flowers 3

8、. collect stamps 4.go shopping二、 b. dancing growing flowers c. making model ships d. playing violin 三、1. Do you have any hobbies? 2. She likes collecting stamps. 3. What does your Mum like doing? 4. Do you like playing football?第二课时Parts D&一、1.likes, playing, football; 2.likes, coll

9、ecting;3.likes, making, planes; 4.growing, flowers;二、1. Do you like growing flowers? 2. Can you make clothes?3. What is he doing now? 4. Where are her stamps?第三课时 PartA一、1.许多好看的邮票 2.做好吃的食物 3.一些漂亮的衣服 4.做一件T恤衫二、1. is 2. likes 3. making 4. hobbies三、1. collecting stamps 2. making 3. taking photos一、a.4 b

10、.3 c.6 d.1 e.2 f.5 二、1.b 2.e 3.d 4.f 5.a 6.c一、1.hobbies 2.grows 3.taking 4.does not 5.those 6.minus二、1.with 4.of 6.after三、1. taking photos, Does, all2. wrong with, toothache, hear, see 3. any hobbies, about, likes四、C E G A D H B F 五、ABABA Wheres Mrs Brown? Shes at the supermarket. She

11、s still at the supermarket? Yes, she likes going shopping. This is my friend. He likes growing flowers. B: Do you like growing flowers? No, I dont. I like keeping goldfish. Do you like playing the guitar? No, I dont. I like playing the violin. My hobby is taking photos. Do you have any hobbies? Yes,

12、 I do. I like making model planes. Show me your model planes, please. B: Here you are. Is that your grandmother? Yes, she is. She likes making clothes. Shes making a skirt for me. Come and have a look at my stamps. I like collecting Chinese stamps. Great! I like these flower stamps. Theyre beautiful

13、. 二、听对话,根据所听内容将下列图画连接起来。1. Look, this is my brother. He likes taking photos.2. This is my classmate. She doesnt like dancing. She likes collecting stamps.3. My aunt likes growing flowers.4. My uncles hobby is making model ships.5. This is my grandfather. He likes playing football.6. My grandmother d

14、oesnt like doing housework. She likes dancing.5B Unit 4 An English FriendC 一、1. 2. 3. 4. 二、1. beautiful, beautifully 2. loud, loudly 3. careful, carefully 4. good, well三、1. do 2. doesnt 3. loudly 4. dancing 5. stamps 6. making四、1.d 2.c 3. b 4.a 5.e一、1. 在周一 2. 在周日 3. 在早晨 4. 在晚间 5. 放学后 6. 早餐后二、1. read

15、 2. makes 3. plays 4. make 5. watches 6. reading 三、1. reads 2. swim 3. plays 4. surfs四、1. has 2. keeping 3. grows 4. making一、T F T F T T T F T二、English, writing, small, same, Maths, Chinese, plays, swimming, well听力部分 一、1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A 二、are, doing, writing, to, ten, do, dance, dances, plays, vio

16、lin一、听句子,选择你所听到的短语。听两遍。1. Wang Bing has an English friend. 2. Does Yang Ling draw carefully?3. They are playing table tennis now. 4. He usually makes kites on Sundays5. My mother usually washes clothes for us in the evening. 二、听对话,补全句子,每空一词。听三遍。 A : Hi, John, what are you doing? B : Hi, Ben, Im writ

17、ing an e-mail to my sister. How old is she? Shes ten. What can she do? She can dance. She dances beautifully. What does she usually do after school? She usually plays the violin in the music room.笔试部分一、1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.C 二、1.c 2.e 3.a 4.b 5.d 6. h 7. f 8. i 9. j 10. g三、1. dont

18、like 2. can beautifully/well 3. going in 4. goes on 5. play with四、1. B, likes 2. B, some / many 3. A, Do 4. C, beautifully 5. C , does五、1.F 2.T 3.F 4. F 5.T5B Unit 5 Review and check一、二、BACAB一、1.- Do you have any hobbies? - Yes. I like collecting stamps.2. - What are you doing? Lets play football. -

19、 Sorry, I am surfing the internet.3. - Whats wrong with you? -Ive got a headache. - I will get some medicine for you4. - Can he skate well? - Yes, he can.5. - Whats that in her hand? - Its a toy bear.二、1. - What subject do you like? - I like Social Science.Question: Does he like Social Science?2. -

20、How do you feel now? - I feel cold. Whats wrong with the boy?3. - Do you like running? - Yes, thats my hobby. Whats his hobby?4. - Look, she is dancing so beautifully - Of course. Her mother teaches Art in my school. Whats her mother?5. - What lessons do you have in the morning? - We have Chinese, m

21、aths, English and PE. How many lessons do they have in the morning?一、CABAC二、have, like, dont like, play football, likes, doesnt like三、1. What is 2. How many 3. Who is 4. How old 5. Does like四、1. stamps, classmates 2. drawing, pictures 3. looks, after 4. Do, hobbies, 5. make, doll 6. Who, Art 7. Chin

22、ese, on, Friday 五、1. well, 2. taking, 3. interesting, 4. Does, 5. wants 六、whos, Hes, swimming, he, does, swims七、T F F T T T5B Unit 6 A PE lesson 一、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 二、1. five times 2. 触摸你的膝盖 3 . turn left 4. 躺下来 5. touch your legs with your hands 6. 把你的右胳臂举高 三、1. Touch your head four times. 2. Dont

23、open the door. 3. Touch your/the knees with the/your hands. 4. Dont lie on the floor. 5. The boy is lifting up his legs.一、1. Lift up 2. Touch with 3. Put on 4. right left二、1.d 2.e 3.c 4.a 5.b三、1. times 2. putting 3. small 4. high 5. sit 6. with一、1. in the playground 2. 听从口令 3. listen carefully 4. 听我

24、说 5. stand in a line 6.做运动 7. have an English lesson 8. 把你的双腿移向左边二、1. at 2. in 3. down 4. on 5. on 6. with 三、1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.A 一、1.A 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 二、do, Put, right, left, times, lie, to, Touch, Stop, stand 听力材料 一、听句子,选择正确的应答,将其序号填入题前括号内。1. Where are the children? 2. Can you put an egg on your fi

25、nger?3. Which girl is Bens sister? 4. Whats the boy doing? 5. Do this eight times.二、听短文,填入所缺的单词,每空一词。 Now, boys an girls. Listen to me carefully. Lets do some exercise .Put your hands on your head, then turn right and left four times. Now lie on your back, bend your knees, move your legs to the left

26、. Touch your toes with your fingers. OK. Stop here, stand in a line, please.一、1.D 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.C 6.A二、1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.B三、1. feet 2. me 3. is putting 4. touch 5. running 6. carefully四、1. are having 2. is giving 3. put on 4. touching with 5. Put Jump times五、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5B Unit 7 A busy day一、1. 5:15 2. half past two 3. a quarter to ten 4.

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