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1、哈利波特及死亡圣器上中英双语台词 这是个黑暗的时候 这是不可否认的These are dark times, there is no denying. 我们的世界不会面临 比今天更大的威胁Our world has, perhaps,faced no greater threat than it does today. 不过我会对我们公民说But I say this to our citizenry: 我们是你们每一个人的公仆We, ever your servants. 将继续捍卫你们的自由.will continue to defend your liberty. 并且设法排除这股力量.

2、and repel the forcesthat seek to take it from you. 你们的魔法部仍然Your Ministry remains. 很强大的.strong. (黑暗标记引发恐慌) (暴力蔓延 麻瓜家庭遇害) (食尸人数目增加) 赫敏 茶好了 亲爱的Hermione. Teas ready, darling. 来了 妈妈Coming, Mom. 快点 达德利 赶快Come on, Dudley, hurry up. 我不明白干嘛非得离开这里?I still dont understandwhy we have to leave. 因为继续住在这里很不安全Becau

3、se, unh,its not safe for us here anymore. 荣恩 告诉你父亲晚餐快好了Ron, tell your fathersuppers nearly ready. 这是在澳大利亚吗?Is this in Australia? 看起来好极了 不是吗?Looks wonderful, doesnt it? 离澳大利亚东海岸三千五百公里远Three and a half thousandkilometers along Australias east coast. 一忘皆空Obliviate. 片名:哈利波特与死神的圣物 上卷(字幕原创:David Chiu 双语制作

4、:dahongying) 赛佛勒斯Severus. 我还担心你是不是迷路了I was beginning to worryyou had lost your way. 来吧 我们给你留了座位Come, weve saved you a seat. 我相信你肯定带来了什么消息吧?You bring news, I trust? 时间订在下周六 晚上It will happen Saturday next, at nightfall. 我听到的不一样 我的主人Ive heard differently, my Lord. 多利士 傲罗说漏了嘴Dawlish, the Auror,has let s

5、lip that the Potter boy. 说波特本月日前不会离开.will not be moveduntil the th of this month. 要等到他过完岁生日The day before he turns . 这是误导This is a false trail. 傲罗办事处不再参与保护哈利 波特的行动The Auror Office no longer plays any partin the protection of Harry Potter. 哈利身边的人确信 我们的人混入魔法部Those closest to him believewe have infiltr

6、ated the Ministry. 好啊!还真的叫他们说中Well, they got that right, havent they? 你怎么说 皮乌斯?What say you, Pius? 消息倒是不少 主人One hears many things, my Lord. 可是哪条是真的还不明朗Whether the truth is among themis not clear. 你讲话还真像个政客Heh. Spoken like a true politician. 我认为你会发挥极大用处的 皮乌斯You will, I think,prove most useful, Pius.

7、- 他们要把那小子带到哪里? - 安全的地方- Where will he be taken, the boy?- To a safe house. 可能是某位凤凰会成员家里Most likely the home of someonein the Order. 听说已采取最全面的防护措施Im told its been givenevery manner of protection possible. 一旦他到达那里 将很难攻击他了Once there,it will be impractical to attack him. 我的主人 我自愿执行这个任务Ahem. My Lord.Id l

8、ike to volunteer myself for this task. 我想杀了那小子I want to kill the boy. 虫尾Wormtail! 我没跟你说要让客人保持安静吗 ?Have I not spoken to youabout keeping our guest quiet? 遵命 我的主人Yes, my Lord. 好的我马上去 主人Right away, my Lord. 你杀气很重表现让人兴奋 贝拉特里克斯As inspiringas I find your bloodlust, Bellatrix. 但我必须亲手杀死哈利波特.I must be the on

9、e to kill Harry Potter. 不过 我遇到一个棘手的难题But I face an unfortunate complication. 我的魔杖跟波特的杖芯是相同的That my wand and Pottersshare the same core. 他们从某程度来讲 是一对的They are, in some ways, twins. 我们能伤害彼此 但无法杀死对方We can wound,but not fatally harm one another. 假如我要杀死他If I am to kill him. 必须使用其他魔杖.I must do it with ano

10、thers wand. 那好 你们有谁想要这份荣耀?Come,surely one of you would like the honor? 嗯?Mm? 你怎样啊 卢修斯?What about you, Lucius? 我的主人?My Lord? “我的主人?”My Lord? 我需要你的魔杖I require your wand. 我看看是不是榆木的?Do I detect elm? 是的 主人Yes, my Lord. 杖芯呢?And the core? 是龙 阿门Dragon. Ahem. 是龙的心 主人Dragon heartstring, my Lord. 龙的心- Dragon h

11、eartstring.- Mm. 你们可能有人不认识To those of you who do not know. 我们今晚邀请的客人凯瑞迪 布巴吉.we are joined tonightby Miss Charity Burbage. 以前她是个老师 在霍格华兹魔法学校.who, until recently, taught at HogwartsSchool of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 她的专业是研究麻瓜Her specialty was Muggle Studies. 巴布吉小姐认为 麻瓜与我们没什么不同It is Miss Burbages belie

12、fthat Muggles are not so different from us. 她要用她的方式She would, given her way. 让我们跟麻瓜通婚.have us mate with them. 她认为巫师与麻瓜结婚并不可恶To her, the mixture of magicaland Muggle blood is not an abomination. 还有些愉悦.but something to be encouraged. 赛佛勒斯Severus. 赛佛勒斯 求求你Severus, please. 我们是朋友Were friends. 阿瓦达索命!Avada

13、 Kedavra! 纳吉尼Nagini. 吃晚餐了Dinner. - 你好 哈利! - 好的 嗨!- Hello, Harry.- All right. Wow. 嗨Hello. - 你看起来好极了 - 耶 他绝对看起很好- Youre looking fit.- Yeah, hes absolutely gorgeous. 是说我们要赶在他们动手前悄悄行动吗?What say we get undercoverbefore someone murders him? 晚上Evening. 金斯莱 我以为你保护首相了I thought you werelooking after the Prim

14、e Minister. 你更重要You are more important. - 你好 哈利 比尔 韦斯利 - 很高兴认识你- Hello, Harry. Bill Weasley.- Oh. Pleasure to meet you. - 他并不常这么帅气 - 真恐怖- He was never always this handsome.- Dead ugly. 真的够了True enough. 一个名叫格里贝克的狼人造成的Owe it all to a werewolf,name of Greyback. - 我想有一天会还给他的 - 在我眼里你还是那么帅 威廉- Hope to repay the favor one day.- Youre still beautiful to me, William. 你要小心 弗勒

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