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1、Task 4 Listening activity (上课做)Task 5 Pair work模仿1c部分的对话,编写新对话。与同伴练习对话A: How much is this / that ? B: Its dollars. How much are these / those ? Theyre dollars.模仿2d部分的对话,与同伴就2b中的物品进行问答。Task 6 A quick test一、单项选择1. -What can I do for you? -_. A. Yes, you can give a skirt to me B. I want a skirt C. No,

2、I can do it myself D. I can do what I want2. -How much _ the skirt? -_ thirty yuan A. is; Its B. are; Theyre C. is;re D. are;s3. The yellow shorts _ 15 yuan. A. is on sale B. are on sale C. are on sell for D. are on sale for4. This hat is _. A. 10 yuans B. 10 dollar C. 10 dollars D. dollar 10 5. I t

3、hink your trousers _ very nice A. be B. is C. am D. are二、完成下列表格。 Ask Answerl. _ _ is the red sweater?Its $302. _ _ are the trousers?Theyre $503. _ _is the T-shirt?_ $304. How much _ the green shoes?_ $605. _ _ hats are black?Two hats6. _ _ apples do you want?Five.Unit 7 How much are these socks?(Per

4、iod 2 2e-3c)【学习目标】学会谈论对服装的喜好和购物时使用的礼貌用语。在课代表带领下跟读书本P100 Unit7的部分单词读课文2e, 找出不懂的地方,小展示时先组内解决。读Grammar Focus完成P39 3a,3b的练习。仔细看3b中的图片,完成下列总结(summary):Summary: The (黑色的帽子) is . The (白T恤) is . The (袜子) . The (黄色短裙) is . The (包) is . And the (蓝色的毛衣) is . Task 3 学习2e自学指导1.英语中常见的购物用语提供帮助的表达法:Can I help you?

5、您要买点什么吗?What can I do for you? 我能为您做些什么?Is there anything I can do for you?直接回答说要买什么东西:I need / want a sweater. 我需要一件毛衣。I want to buy a sweater. 我想买一件毛衣。决定买时说:Ill take / buy it. 我买下了。 Ill =I will1) Here you are. = Here it is. / It is here. 给您。2) Thanks a lot. =Thank you very much. 非常感谢。3) You are we

6、lcome. = Thats all right. = Thats OK. = Its my pleasure. 不客气4) How much is it? = Whats the price of it? 多少钱?2. need for需要去做 I need a sweater for school. 我需要买一件毛衣上学穿。3. pair表示“双;对;副;套”,通常与介词of搭配,表示裤子、鞋袜、手套、眼镜等由两个相同部分组成的物品的量。 a pair of trousers 一条长裤翻译下列句子:1. 我买下这条裤子。2. 我想买一件夹克衫。3. 我能为您做些什么?4. 这条短裤多少钱?

7、5. 我需要一只书包上学用。Task 4 A quick test一、根据提示完成句子1. -Thank you. -Youre welcome. (改为同义句) -Thank you -Thats _ 2. The red sweater is only 30 dollars. (对划线部分提问) _ is the red sweater?3. I want a pair of shoes. (划线提问) _ _ you want?4. He likes yellow. (划线提问) _ _ _ he like?5. Those black bags are 30 yuan. (划线提问)

8、_ _ _ those black bags?6. I can help you. (一般疑问句) _ you help _?二、 根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词完成句子。1. My watch is lost. I want to b_ a new one.2. The s_ hat is my sisters. The big one is my mothers.3. There are t_ months (月) in a year (年).4. Her sweater is brown and my sweater is p .5. Do you like that p of sock

9、s?6. How much are these shorts? They are ten d .7. How about this skirt? It l nice.8. Can I h you? Yes, please. I want a hat.Period 3 Section B 1a-1e1.掌握数字10-30的英文表达。2.复习谈论对服装的喜好和购物时使用的礼貌用语。1.完成书本1b练习,并朗读1b中的单词。(要求人人会读会拼)2.根据音标默写单词(英文表达并释义)1. ilevn 2. twelv 3. :ti:n 4. fifti:n 5. ein 6. twenti 7. ti

10、 8. kluz Task 2自学指导在英语中,袜子、裤子和鞋子等都用复数形式来表示,但在表达一双袜子、鞋子或一条裤子时,可运用a pair 0f(一双;一件;一条)词组,当这个短语做主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:The pair of socksshoestrousers is very cheap那双袜子鞋子(那条裤子)很便宜。Two pairs of socksshoestrousers are 10 dollars.两双袜子要十美元。按要求翻译下列句子:1. -我能为您做些什么? -我想买一条长裤。2. 袜子一双五元,三双十二元。3. 我需要一双棕色的鞋子上学穿。4. (买)两副眼镜

11、(glasses)多少钱?5. 他有两双足球鞋。Task 3 Listening (上课做)Task 4 SurveyNameClothesColorPrice ()Like/ dislike(喜欢/不喜欢)Student 1:Yourself(你自己)Ask like this: Do you have ? What color? How much? Do you like ? Why or why not?Report:I have ,it is , itsonly .I like it because it is .Student 1 has , .(颜色) .(价格) She/ He

12、because . 一、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 1. Mr. Brown (like) _blue socks. 2. Lillian (not have)_the green dress.3. Hello, I (be)_John Smith. 4. What (be) _your name?5. How much (be) _those black trousers?6. Excuse (I) _, where are my shorts?7. What color (be) _ the oranges?二、根据要求完成句子。1. This bag is three dollars.

13、 (就划线部分提问) _ is this bag?2. How much are these black shoes? (回答) _four dollars.3. I want green. (变成what引导的问句) _ do you want?4. I like oranges. (变成一般疑问句) _ like oranges?5. She likes the green sweater. (变成否定句)She _ the green sweater.【课堂活动】 Mom: Oh, look! I like that _ sweater. How _ is it?Kate: Fiftee

14、n _. Oh, I like these _. Oh, no. I _ like red. _ you like this T- shirt? Mmm, yes, I do, _ its eleven dollars. Oh. How much is the green _? Its _ dollars. But you have a green sweater. Mmm. Oh, do you like these _? Oh, yes. How much _ they? _ sixteen dollars. Ok, Ill _them. (Period 4 B 2a-3b)1.复习有关服

15、饰和购物时使用的词汇。2.掌握新单词、新词组:sale, come, sell, all, price, now, pair, only;at our great sale, at very good prices, in purple, for boys / girls;3.能读懂广告,从中获取有用的信息填写价签。1.读P88 数字表达两遍。2.在课代表带领下,朗读文章2b两遍,并完成P41 2a,2c的练习。3.根据音标默写单词并释义。prais :l sel seil bai st: veri unli Task 2 Read 2b1.阅读文章,找出下列词组大促销 价格非常优惠 紫色的裙

16、子 来买衣服 酷先生服装店 2.翻译下列句子Come and buy your clothes at our great sale!We sell all our clothes at very good prices.3 We have green sweaters for only $15.4 For girls, we have skirts in purple for only $20.5 Socks are only $2 for three pairs.3.仔细阅读文章,回答下列问题。What kind of things does the store sell?How much

17、money do we need to buy a green sweater and a yellow sweater?What does the store sell for boys?Task 3 Writing (完成P42 3a的练习,看图并补全广告信息。Huaxing Clothes StoreDo you like ? We have for only yuan. How much are our ? Only yuan. And red are yuan.Come to our store now!一、Fill in the blanks1. How m_ is this T-

18、shirt? Four dollars2. What c_ do you want? Green3. Thank you. Youre w_4. We have sweaters in all c_5. My socks are not green. They are y_6. Do you n_ bags for school?7. The red shorts on s_ are very cheap.二、ReadingWen Feng Store Goods ColorsPrice(each) Socks Black,white,green $ 3 Sweater Black $15 H

19、at Blue, white $ 4 Tshirt Red,green $14 Shoes Black and white $25 Bag Blue $5( )1Jack wants to buy two pairs of socks, one bag and two hats. How much are they?ATwenty-one yuan B. Nineteen yuan C. Eighteen dollars D. Nineteen dollars( )2Mary only likes blue, so(因此)she will buy _ .Asocks and bag Btrou

20、sers and sweater Chat and bag Dshoes and hat( )3The store has hat in _.Aall colors Bblue, white and black C. blue and black Dwhite and blue( )4Peter has twenty dollars, so what can he buy? ATwo bags and one T-shirt BThree hats and two bagsCOne sweater and two pairs of socks DOne T-shirt and one bag

21、(Section B Review)1. 复习有关服饰和购物时使用的词汇。2. 巩固单词、词组:3. 能读懂广告,并且自己会写英文广告。1. 熟读P41文章2b2. 阅读以下一则广告,并补全广告。Huaxing Clothes Store Sale!Come and buy your clothes Huaxings great ! Do you like sweaters? We have sweaters very good prices - only 25! Do you bags sports? We also have great bags for 12! girls, we hav

22、e T-shirts red, green, and white for only 18! boys, you can buy socks for only 5 ! Come and your clothes Huaxing Clothes Store !3. 仔细阅读广告内容,回答下列问题。Whats the name of the store?What does the store sell for girls?How much money do we need to buy a sweater and two T-shirts?4 How much are three pairs of socks?How many kinds of colors(几种颜色) are the T-shirts in?4. 为你自己的服装店写一则广告。Sale at (你的店名)Come and buy your clothes at . Do you like ? .

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