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1、15. Everything will be fine./Things will turn out all right./Things will work out all right.一切都会好起来的。16. Everything will come up roses.一切都会圆满结束的。如何地道表达悲观情绪上次我们讲过如何地道表达乐观情绪。但是人不可避免地会情绪低落,这时候我们可能觉得天空都是灰暗的,现在我们来看一下怎么来表达这些情绪吧!1. Im all at sea.我是一片茫然。2. Dont get your hopes too high.不要期望太高。3. No chance at

2、 all./Fat chance.不可能的。4. Im throwing in the towel.我认输了。5. My heart is heavy./Im heavy-hearted.我心情很沉重。6. Im not too happy about it.我对此并不乐观。7. Where do I go from here?我该何去何从呢?8. Weve had it.我们无计可施了。/我们没希望了。9. No way./Its hopeless.不可能的,没希望了。10. Its the end of the world for me.对我来说这简直是世界末日。11. No such l

3、uck!没那么好运气!/没那么好命!12. Ive got a lot on my mind.我的心情有些沉重。13. Thats the way it goes.实在没有办法。/现实就是这样。14. Im downhearted.我感到灰心丧气。15. I dont feel like doing anything./I dont have enthusiasm for anything.我提不起精神做任何事。16. Im on my last legs.我真是山穷水尽了。17. Its fate./Its doomed./Itis my destiny.这是注定的。/我命该如此。喜怒哀乐的

4、地道表达心情不同时,呈现在脸上的表情也不同;微笑、流泪、抿嘴各种表情就是你内心世界的外在写照。当你看到他人的表情时,你能用英语形象准确地描述出来吗?1. She threw her head back in a hearty laughafter she heard the joke.听了那个笑话,她笑得前仰后合。2. Shell smile from ear to ear if we give her a bike for her birthday.如果她生日得到我们送的自行车,一定会笑得合不拢嘴。3. Come on, a big smile for me!开心地笑一个吧!4. Did y

5、ou see the way her eyes sparkled? Shes so happy.你们看到她闪闪发亮的眼神了吗?她很开心。5. See how she pouts, someone must be not very happy.瞧瞧她那努嘴的样子,有人正生气呢。6. Come on, wipe that frown from your face, nothings that bad.我说,你就不要那么一副难过表情了,没什么大不了的。7. Shes all teary-eyed.她眼里噙满泪水。8. He had his eyes downcast and was crestfal

6、len.他低着头,一副特别失落的样子。9. I was frightened by the mean look in his eyes.他眼神里充满愤怒,让我感到害怕。10. Her lips were pursed, and she was ready to let him have it.她的双唇紧闭着,准备好好训他一顿。11. His face was flushed with anger, like hes about to throw a tantrum.他气得满脸通红,好像马上就要爆发了。12. She smirked and I could tell she was happy

7、that I had failed.她嘲弄地笑了笑,我知道她是因为我失败了而感到高兴。13. She grimaced at the fact that he was there at the party.因为他也在派对现场,所以她皱了一下眉头。14. She had her chin up and nose high up in the air, like shes the queen of the world.她一副趾高气昂、目中无人的样子,好像自己是女王一样。平时常说的那些客套话很多人都说中国人喜欢客套,该客套的时候、不该客套的时候,大家都在客套。可是,你看看美剧、英剧里头,他们不也是客

8、套话满天飞么?不信,我们一起来看看吧。1. So far so good.目前为止,一切都好。2. Be my guest.请便、别客气。3. Think nothing of it.别放在心上。m working on it.我正在努力。ll keep my ears open.我会留意的。6. Youre the boss.听你的。7. Lets give him a big hand.让我们热烈鼓掌。8. Thats really something.真了不起。9. Excuse me for a moment.失陪一会儿。10.Im dying to see you.我特想见你。11.

9、 m flattered.过奖了。12. Sorry to bother you.抱歉打扰你。13. Im very / really / terribly / awfully / extremely sorry.十分抱歉。14. Lets forgive and forget.让我们摈弃前嫌。15. ve heard so much about you!久仰大名!16. You have my word.我保证。17. I hope Im not in the way.我希望没有妨碍到你们。表达“难过”1. She was cut up by the news.她听到这个消息很难过。2. I

10、 am sorry about your misfortune.我为你的不幸感到难过。3. Everyone is in deepest sorrow and affection.大家都沉痛哀悼,深表同情。4. It breaks my heart to see him crying.看到他哭,我心都碎了。5. I am sorry to learn that your dear mother has just passed on.听到你母亲去世,我很难过。6. The death of her father left Mary disconsolate.玛丽因父亲去世而伤心欲绝。7. The

11、 bad news saddened me.我得知这个消息后很难过。8.The earthquake makes the whole country in pain.这次地震使全国人民陷于悲痛。9. She was pained at her own bitterness.她是为自己的苦难而难过。10. He is sad despite his smiles.虽然他脸上露出笑容,其实心里很难过。吵架时如何缓和气氛吵架的时候双方情绪都很激动,这个时候如果能够说几句“软话”缓和一下气氛,那么矛盾可能就不会那么激烈了。俗话说“退一步海阔天空”么。1.Please try to understand

12、 my point of view.请理解我的观点。2. Wait, can I take that back?等一下,我能收回我说的话吗?3. This is important to me. Please listen.这对我很重要。请仔细听。4. I overreacted.我反应过激了。5. I see youre in a tough position.我知道你的处境艰难。6. I can see my part in this.这个问题,我有错。7. I hadnt thought of it that way before.我以前没有这样想过。8. I could be wron

13、g.我可能是错的。9. Lets agree to disagree on that.让我们接受我们的不同观点。10.This isnt just your problem; its our problem.这不只是你的问题。这是我们的问题。11. Im feeling unappreciated.我感觉没有受到重视。12. Were getting off the subject.我们跑题了。13. I know I need to listen more.我知道,我应该多倾听。14. Youve convinced me.我已经被你说服了。15. Lets take a break for

14、 a few minutes.我们停一会吧。16. I realize its not your fault.我意识到这不是你的错。17. That came out all wrong.我表达错了。18. I see how I contributed to the problem.我明白是我引发了这个问题。19. What are we really fighting about?我们到底在争什么呢?20. How can I make things better?我怎样才能把事情变得更好呢?如何友善拒绝表白俗话说强扭的瓜儿不甜,强求的爱也不会香。每个人多少都有告白或者被人告白的经历,被人

15、拒绝当然是一件痛苦的事,但有时拒绝别人更是一件痛苦的事。今天我们就来说一说对那些我们希望维持友好关系或是需要一起共事的人,如何友善地拒绝对方的表白。1.赞美对方,修饰原因告诉表白对象你觉得他/她很好很出色,或者让你的拒绝原因中带着一些你无法控制的因素,比如工作太忙或是尚未准备好投入一段感情等等。Youre a great guy/girl, but Im just too busy to pursue a serious relationship right now.你是一个很好的男人/女人,但我实在太忙了,没有时间投入到长期、稳定的恋爱关系中。m flattered that you ask

16、ed, but Im not ready to start a relationship right now.你会这么问让我很是受宠若惊,但我现在还没有准备谈恋爱。Work has been keeping me too busy, I dont think Im a good boyfriend/girlfriend material.我工作非常忙,所以我觉得我不具备一个很好的男朋友/女朋友的资质。m still hung up over my previous relationship, and Id rather us just be friends.我对前一段恋情还是很放不下,我希望我

17、们就做朋友吧。ve just gotten out of a bad relationship and I dont want to start anything too hastily.我刚经历了一段不堪回首的感情,我不希望太过着急开始另一段恋情。2.坦白直率,愿友情长存直接告诉对方你觉得双方可能不太合适做恋人,但希望还能继续保持现有的友情。如果对方不愿跟你继续交往,那也不用太强求了。I like you, but Im just not interested in you in that way.我喜欢你,但我对你的感情不是那种恋人间情感。re a great friend, and Id

18、 rather that we keep it this way.你是一个很好的朋友,我希望我们能继续保持这样的关系。m not the right guy/girl for you. I hope that you can understand and that we can still be friends.我不是适合你的男人/女人,我希望你能够明白,并且希望我们还能够继续当朋友。I like you as a friend, and I hope that we wouldnt have to give up our friendship over this.我喜欢和你做朋友,我希望我们

19、的友谊不会因为这件事而结束。如何表达各种情感纠葛话说人是这世界上最复杂的动物,那么人与人之间的感情自然也不会简单到哪儿去。今天咱们就来说说各种感情纠葛的英语表达方式。1.I dont want to be the third wheel.我不想当电灯泡。2. He is dating another girl on the side.他脚踏两条船。3. I am a one-woman kind of man.我是那种从一而终的男人。4. Those boys like to hit on me all the time.那些男生老爱找我搭讪。5. Thats the long distanc

20、e relationship.我们是异地恋。6. You should have chivalry.你应该有点绅士风度。7. I saw you smooching with that girl just outside my window.我看到你在我家窗外亲那个女孩了。m all over you.我对你很着迷。9. Im over you.我跟你之间完了。10. Are you trying to seduce me?你想勾引我吗?让人难以抵抗的表白1.Do you have a map? Because I just keep losting in your eyes.你有地图么?因为

21、我刚在你的眼神中迷失了。2.Meeting you was fate, and falling in love with you was out of my control.遇见你是命运的安排而爱上你是我情不自禁。3.No man or woman is worth your tears and the one who is, wont make your cry.没人值得你为ta流泪,真正爱你的人不会让你哭泣。4.There are two reasons why I wake up in the morning: my alarm clock and you.我早上醒来的原因有两个: 闹钟

22、和你。5.You are everything to me, and I was so blessed when god sent you here for me.你是我的一切,上帝让你来到我身边,我真是太幸运。6.In spite of you and me and the silly world going to pieces around us, I love you.哪怕是世界末日,我都会爱你。7.If I could rearrange the alphabet, Id put Y and I together.如果我能重新来排列字母,我要把Y(你)跟I(我)排在一起。8.Its n

23、ot being in love that makes me happy, but is being in love with you.不是恋爱的感觉让我幸福而是爱上你的感觉让我幸福。9.There are 4 steps to happiness: 1 you 2 me 3 our hearts 4 together通往幸福的路有四步:1 你2 我3 我们的心4 在一起。10.Love you so I dont wanna go to sleep, for reality is better than a dream.爱你所以我不愿去睡觉,因为现实比梦境更美好。女生拒绝男生搭讪的经典句子遇

24、到不招人喜欢的男生搭讪,又不知道怎么让他死心?看看下面这位女生是怎么对付这类人的吧,一定让你获益匪浅。Boy: Can I buy you a drink?(我可以为你买一杯饮料吗?)Girl: Actually Id rather have the money.(不必,我宁愿要你买饮料的钱。 Can I have your name?(我能请教你的名字吗? Why? Dont you already have one? (为什么?你不是已经有名字吗?故意把上句中的have当作“有”来理解) Im a photographer. Ive been looking for a face like

25、 yours.(我是摄影师。我一直在寻找一张像你这样的脸。 Im a plastic surgeon. Ive been looking for a face like yours.(我是整形外科医生。我也一直在寻找一张像你这样的脸。 Is this seat empty?(这个座位没人吧? Yes, and this one will be if you sit down.(是的,如果你坐下,我这个座位就会是空的。 Havent I seen you some place before?(我好象以前在什么地方见过你? Yes. Thats why I dont go there anymor

26、e.(是的。这就是我不再去那个地方的原因。 Will you go out with me this Saturday?(这个星期六你想跟我出去吗? Sorry. Im having a headache this weekend.(抱歉。这个周末我头疼。 I think I could make you very happy.(我想我能让你非常快乐。 Are you leaving?(是吗?你是说你要离开? May I hold your hand? (我能牵着你的手吗? No thanks,it isnt heavy. (不用了,我自己能拿的动。 Hi,didnt we go on dat

27、es before? Once or twice? (我们以前有过一两次约会吧? Mustve been once.I never make the same mistake twice. (肯定只有一次,我从不会犯两次同样的错误。 Id like to call you.Your number? (能告诉我你的电话号码吗? Its in the phone book.(在电话本里。后悔的时候要怎么表达人无完人,做错事很难避免。错误,我们不能改变,但是我们认错的态度却是可以掌控的。诚心诚意地表示后悔,对方一定会感觉到的。下面这些句子是表达遗憾、后悔时常用的:1. I regret doing

28、that. 我很后悔那样做。2. I am ashamed of . 我对.感到很羞愧。3. I shouldnt have done it. 我真不该那样做。4. If only I. 要是.就好了。5. I should have asked you. 我要是问你就好了。6. I went a bit too far. 我做得有点太过分了。7. It was too careless of me to make such a decision. 我做这样的决定太草率了。口语如何表达惊讶我们的生活总是充满了意外,有些让人惊喜,有些让人不愿接受。这些意外来临的时候,我们用英语说出的第一反应是什么呢?下面这些句子可以作为参考。1. What a surprise.

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