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1、3. 本次合格证书采用挂号邮递。如因上述信息不详或错误造成合格证书无法投递,考生将自付第二次投递(特快专递)资费。六年级英语口语What do you want to eat/drink?B: I want a hotdog/a cola.2、 A: How much is it? Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.3、 A: When are we going to eat ? We are going to eat at half past twelve.4、 A: What are we going to do? We are goin

2、g to walk around the lake.5、 A: Where are we going to go? We are going to go to the park.6、 A: Whats the weather like tomorrow? Its going to snow.Its going to be sunny/hot/cold/warm/windy.7、 A: Who can help me? Sorry. I cant. Im making Damings birthday card.I can help you.8 A: Who gave it to you? Si

3、mons family gave it to me.9、 A: Whats it about? Its about animals.B: Her name was Helen Keller.11、A: When was she born? She was born in 1880.12、A: Where was she born? She was born in America.13、A: What happened to her ? As a small child, she became blind and deaf .14、A: What did she learn to do? She

4、 learned to read and write.15、A: Whats the matter? Were going to have a baseball team.16、A: Why are you wearing a raincoat ? Because its going to rain.17、A: What are you going to study? Im going to study English.18、A: Tell me more about the Great Wall.How long is it? Its about six thousand seven hun

5、dred kilometers.19、A: How big is Beijing? Its got eight million people.B: Its in the east of America.21、A: Where is Canada? Canada is north of America.22、A: Do you collect stamps? Yes, Ive got lots of stamps.23、A: Have you got any stamps from China? Yes, I have .24、A: Whats your hobby? Collect dolls

6、 is my hobby.25、A: What do you do on Thanksgiving Day? B: We always have a special meal.26、A: Whats your favourite festival? Thanksgiving is my favourite festival.27、A: Can you speak English? Yes, I can speak some English.28、A: Can I write to you? Yes, of course.29、A: Who can be your pen friend? Jim

7、 can.A: Why ? Because he can speak French.30、A: Have you got a knife and fork or chopsticks? Ive got a knife and fork and chopsticks.Ive got a knife and fork, but I havent gotchopsticks.31、A: Do you often play with dolls? Not really.32、A:Do you like reading books now? Yes, of course.33、A: Do you wan

8、t to visit the UN building in New York? Yes, we do.34、A: Do you want to go to Guilin? Yes, I do./ No, I dont . 1. A: When did you come back? We came back last Sunday.2. A: Did you walk to school ?Did you see a bus?Did you have an ice cream ?Did you go home by bike ?Did you eat rice ? Yes, I did. / N

9、o, I didnt3. A: How many bananas /applesdo you want? Six, please.4.A: How much rice /meatdo you want? one kilo /two kilos please.5. A: What did you do at the weekend/yesterday? We visited lots of places.We went to the park.6. A: Where did you go? We went to .7. A: What did Daming/Lingling do yesterd

10、ay? He/She read a book/went shopping.8. A: Whose bag is this ? Its Linglings.Its (isnt) mine/ yours/hers/his. 9. There are ten pencils in the blue box.There are (not) enough pencils.There are too many books on the desk.10. A: Can you run fast?Can you control the ball?Can you catch the ball? Yes, I c

11、an. /No, I cant.11. This man is blind . He cant see. This man is deaf. He cant hear.12. A: Can we have a dog , please, Mum? No , we cant.13. A: What time does school start? My school starts at nine oclock.14. A: What time do you get up?I get up at half past seven.15. A: Are you feeling sad/bored/ang

12、ry? No.16 . A: Nothing.17. A: Is he/she feeling.? Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isnt.18. A: You should look, then cross the road. B: Yes, Mum.A: You should hold my hand, too.B: Yes, Mum.19. There were (not) some/any buses.We lived in a small house.20. There are lots of buses and cars.We live in a big h

13、ouse.21.A: Did your grandma/grandpa/mother/father learn English? Yes , he/she did.22. A: What is he/she doing? He/She is learning English now.23. A: What did he/she have forbreakfast/lunch/dinner? He/She had eggs/fish/chips/sandwiches.24. A: What did you eat last night ? I ate noodles.24. A: What ar

14、e you going to drink tonight? Im going to drink juice1,Have you got an elephant?Yes ,I have.2, Excuse me. where is No. West Lake Road, please?Turn left. Go straight on . Its next to supermarket. 3 ,Thank you so much ! you are welcome.4, where is Train 1?Its up the hill.5, what are you doing?I am lis

15、tening to music.6,what is Tom doing?He is reading a book7 what are they doing?They are doing taijiquan.8, what are they doing?They are rowing a dragon boat. 9, what are they doing?They are playing chess.10, what are they drinking?They are drinking soybean milk. 11 Do you want some rice?No ,thank you

16、.12, what is he doing?He is making noodles.13,Do you want some noodles?Yes ,please.14, Have you got chopsticks in England? No ,we havent.15, can you run fast?Yes ,I can.16,can you wash clothes?No ,I cant.17, what is your name ?I am Sam .18 where are you from ?I am from Eng land.19, what is that ?It

17、is a monster .20, where are you going ?I am going to run in the park.30 what are you going to do for Sports Day? I am going to do the high jump.31. Can I come in ?Yes , of course.32, Can I have some sweets?Here you are .33, How many birthdays are there? There are thirty-five.34 , How many months are

18、 there in a year? There are twelve.35,will you take your kite?No ,I wont .36,will you take your ball?Yes ,I will.37, will it be windy in Beijing?Yes ,It will.38 what will you do Shanshan? On Monday I ll go swimming. 39, will you play football on Monday? Yes ,I will.40 will they do our homework?No ,

19、they wont.41, Is Sam stronger than Lingling?Yes, he is.42, do you agree ?No ,I dont.43, Who is that little boy?Its Tom .44, what music do you like? I like pop music.I like it ,too.I think Chinese music is better. 45, where is New York?Its in the east.46, who are they ?They are my grandparents. 47, w

20、ho is that little girl?48, was it fat?No , it wasnt.49,Did you cook meat yesterday?No , I didnt .50 Was it a nice day?Yes . it was Sunday.51,Did dad cook lunch?Yes ,he did.1、A: Hello? Hello!2、A: How are you? Im fine, thank you.3、A: How old are you? I4、A: How do you do? How do you do!5、A: Good mornin

21、g? Good morning.6、A: Good afternoon? Good afternoon.7、A: Whats your name?8、 9、A: Whats this? It10、A: Happy birthday! Thank you.11、A: Is it a dog? No, it isnt. (Yes, it is.)12、This is my mother.She is a teacher.13、B: Yes, I do. (No, I dont.)14、A: Does Daming like bananas? Yes, he does. (No, he doesnt

22、)15、A:Does she like apples? No, she doesnt. (Yes, she does.)16、A: Whats your favourite toy? My favourite toy is a car.17、A: Whats your favourite colour? My favourite colour is yellow.18、A: Whats the time ? Its half past five.Its seven oclock.19、A: What do you do at the weekend? I have English. (我在上英

23、语课)I play football.I go swimming.2 0、A: What does she do at the weekend? She has PE.She goes swimming.21、B: Yes, I have. /No, I havent.22、A: How are you go to school? I go to school by bike.23、A: How does Mum go to work? She goes to work by bus.24、A: How does Dad go to work? He walks to work.25、A: W

24、here is the apple? Its on the desk? 在桌子上) / in the desk(在桌子里)/under the desk(在桌子下面) 短语口令:Stand up! (起立) Sit down!(坐下) Point to!(指向)get up (起床) go to school (去上学) go home(回家)watch TV(看电视) go to bed (睡觉) have breakfast (吃早餐)have lunch(吃午餐) have supper(吃晚餐) have dinner(吃饭) Happy New Year! (新年快乐!) Merry

25、 Christmas! (圣诞快乐!) 高级英语口语 高级英语口语课程教学大纲课程编号:18040052课程名称:高级英语口语学时与学分: 32学时/2学分先修课程:大学英语1、2、3册适应专业:大学二年级第四学期非英语专业英语四级成绩为425分以上的本科生教学目的和要求随着我国改革开放的不断深入、社会的不断进步和对外交际的日益扩大,对大学英语的口语教学提出了更高的要求。而修改后的教学大纲不仅指语言是符号系统(a system of symbols),而且更强调了语言是交际工具(a toll for communication),是思维工具(the dress of thought),是文化载

26、体(a carrier of culture)。为此,大学英语最终的目的就是帮助学生打好语言基础,即在重视语言形式学习的同时,熟悉英美人的思维方式,借鉴和吸收英语文化精华,提高文化素质,培养英语应用能力。而大学英语高级口语课程的教学则是达到上述目标的重要环节之一。对学生在应用提高阶段的口语的要求如下:1. 能听懂题材熟悉,内容广泛,语速正常的英语讲话,广播,演讲等。2. 能抓住所听材料要点,领会讲话者的观点、态度,并能进行分析、推理、判断。3. 能用英语进行有关专业的一般性会话。经过准备,能就与本专业相关的作简短报告和讨论。4. 能就一般性的日常生活和社会、政治、经济、贸易技术等问题与英语国家

27、人士进行口头交流。以上均要求学生能能就各种熟悉的话题进行口头交际,能较自如地表达思想。讲话比较流畅,语言基本得体,语音语调基本正确。教学内容教学内容包括两部分:第一部分进行板块式的口语句型操练:1 讨论问题2 描写数据3 比较事物4 解释现状5 情景对话第二部分按主题进行实践训练:1 日常生活:家庭婚姻、妇女与儿童、老人与家庭、代沟、体育运动、旅游爱好等2 社会生活:就业与失业、男女平等、公共关系、人口控制、环境保护、住房改革等3 政治经济:工农业发展、外贸、医疗、广告、大众媒介等4 教育文化:教育、高科技、信息革命等 课时安排每周2学时,共32学时。教学原则和方法1. 实践练习为主,讲授为辅

28、。2. 要求学生广泛涉猎政治、经济、外贸、教育等方面的知识,搜集信息,并进行实践。3. 培养学生思考问题、分析问题的能力。4. 课堂方法包括:情景会话,看图说话,口头作文,即兴演讲,现场讨论,辩论等。考核方式1. 随堂测试:A. 就所学内容提出若干论点,学生作3-4分钟的发言,陈述自己的观点,并进行辩解。B. 老师或旁听学生针对发言内容提出反对论点,由被考学生提出辩解。2. 期末考试:每人10-15分钟时间。A. 老师就所学内容出题,学生以抽签的方式决定所考内容。作三分钟的准备。B. 就考生发言提出相反论点,考生自我辩解。C. 老师就学生的平时成绩综合考试分,确定学期口语成绩。平时表现占期评成

29、绩的30%,期末考试占期评成绩的70%。教材及参考书目1. 文秋芳,跨文化口语教程,外语教学与研究出版社,20052. 彭金定,高效英语会话教程,湖南人民出版社,20063. 肖莉,大学英语口语教程,高等教育出版社,20044. 周红红,高级英语口语教程,机械工业出版社,2006 大纲制定人:李瑶大纲审核人:沈金华大纲批准人: 印晓红制定时间:2009年10月 七年级英语口语一,朗读下列单词(共4分)1Japanese 2.cabbage 3.studied 4.worked 二回答以下问题。(共8分)1. What do you do?2. What do you want to be? Why?3. What does your good friend look like?4. What would she/he like for breakfast? 三朗读以下短文。(共8分)Monday,July15thGreat weather! It was sunny and hot all day. We went to a beautiful beach. We had great fun playing in the water. In the afternoon ,we went shopping. The shops were

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