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1、1、激发学习兴趣1、Stimulate interest in learning小学生的年龄特点决定了他们的学习动机来自于兴趣,小学阶段英语教学的目的也是培养学生学习英语的兴趣。一个人只有当他对某一事物发生兴趣时,才会对其产生好奇心并产生对其进行探究的心理欲望。这种欲望一旦被激发,它就会成为一种学习的自觉性和内动力。一旦有了浓厚的学习兴趣,学习者就会自觉、主动地参与到学习中,把学习看成是一种乐趣而不是一种负担。反之,如果对学习丧失了兴趣,它不仅会成为学习的阻力,甚至还会引发心理障碍。学习者学习兴趣的高低会对学习效果产生直接影响。由此可知,兴趣与教学的成败是密不可分的,对教学和学习效果有着至关重

2、要的作用。Pupils age characteristics of learning determines their interest and motivation comes from primary school English teaching aim is to cultivate students interest in learning English. A person only when he interested in one thing, when will the curiosity of the inquiry and the psychological desir

3、e. This desire, it was once a learning self-consciousness and power. Once you have a strong interest in learning, the learners will consciously, actively participate in the study, the study as a fun and not a burden. Conversely, if learn to lose interest in learning, it will not only be the resistan

4、ce, even can cause psychological barriers. Learner interest for learning effect of discretion will have a direct impact. Thus, the success or failure of interest and teaching is closely tied to the teaching and learning effects, which plays an important role.2、促进听说能力2、Promotes listening ability人类语言的


6、促进学生语言运用能力发展的有效教学手段,而交际的本质在于人与人之间的互动,在课堂上则表现为师生,生生乃至师生与环境的多维互动。One of the important function of human language is information and express ideas, and that is the main communication language communication. Children with congenital advantage of learning a language, and this advantage is mainly manifest

7、ed in the childrens language of listening and speaking of congenital potential advantage. Primary school English teaching is the most basic grasp of English skills, and the main way in this way, the English textbook on how the language into elementary English ability, using the potential advantages

8、of childhood, promote its language communicative ability raise? Teaching practice proves that develop diverse forms and meaningful communication activities to cultivate students ability to use language plays an important role. Through the communication activities can not only to the students in the

9、new language knowledge, and infiltration can improve students interest in learning English, and promote their wholeheartedly actively into English learning, especially the mutual exchange activities, and then get more knowledge. Therefore, the communicative activities to promote students ability to

10、use language is the development of effective teaching methods, and the essence of communication between people is in the classroom interaction, the teachers and students, teachers and environmental movement and multidimensional interaction.3、回归学生生活3、Returning student life“回归生活”是新课程的生长点。我国大教育家陶行之先生提倡

11、“生活化教育”。著名教育学家杜威也说过,“教育即生活、即生长,即经验改造。”对于语言学习者来说,学习语言,是为了表达和交流。英语是人们在生活中进行交流表达的一种活的语言。它来自于生活,并为生活所用。因此,在日常的英语教学工作中,作为英语教师必须努力创设生活化的教学氛围,让学生沉浸其中,潜移默化地受到感染,这不但有助于学生用真实的方式来应用所学的知识,同时也有助于学生认识他们所学知识的作用和意义。Return to life is a new course of growing. Our big TaoHangZhi educators advocate life education, Mr.

12、Famous education experts Dewey also said, life education namely, namely growth, namely the experience. For language learners, learning a language is to express and communication. English is to communicate in life expression of a living language. It comes from life, and used for life. Therefore, in t

13、he daily work of English teaching, the teacher must strive to create a life in English teaching atmosphere, lets the student among subtly, infection, which not only helps students with the real way to apply their knowledge, but also help students to understand their meaning and function of knowledge

14、.(二)小学英语课堂互动教学的特征 Primary English classroom teaching随着新课改理念的深入,教学活动、教学方式的多样化,英语课堂教学中的问题也随之而来。要提高小学英语课堂教学质量,实现真正的互动性课堂教学是极其重要的一环。什么是真正的互动性小学英语课堂呢?威尔斯指出“语言的互动是一种合作的活动”,它包括“建立一个由发送器、接受器和语境三者构成的三角关系”。可见,互动不只是传递信息的过程,更是理解信息和加工信息的过程。在这个过程中,互动的参与者在一定的自然或非自然语境中,借助文字或非文字手段,对信息进行理解、加工和交流。理想的互动性小学英语课堂应具备以下特征:W

15、ith the new concept, teaching methods, teaching activities in English classroom teaching, diversification, questions. To improve the quality of classroom teaching, true interactive teaching is one of the most important one annulus. What is the real interactive classroom elementary school? The langua

16、ge of interaction that Wells is a cooperative activities, it includes build a transmitter and receiver and the context of the triangle three constitutions. Visible, interactive message not only, more understanding the process of information and information process. In this process, the interaction o

17、f the participants in the context of natural or nature, with words or verbal means, to understand, processing and information exchange. The ideal of elementary English classroom interaction should have the following features:1、多维互动1、Multidimensional interaction在英语教学活动中,信息在发送器与接受器之间的互动不是单向地从教师向学生传递(即

18、:教师是发送器,学生是接受器),这是传统的教学模式;也不是单一地以教师为始发点,在师生之间交互传递,这不是真正的互动性课堂教学。真实的互动其信息走向应该是多维的,即从教师到学生,从学生到教师,从学生到学生,从个体到群体,从群体到个体,从个体到个体,从群体到群体等。教师与学生是平等的参与活动,他们既是信息的发送者,又是信息的接受者。In English teaching activities, information transmitter and receiver on the interactions between teachers and not to students from one

19、-way transmission (i.e., teachers, students are the transmitter is receiving device), this is the traditional teaching mode, Not a single to teachers for the origination point between teachers and students, this is not true, interaction of interactive teaching. True to its information should be mult

20、idimensional, namely from teachers to students, teachers and students from to from a student to students, from individual to individual and group from the group, from individual to individual and group to from the group, etc. Teachers and students is equal to participate in activities, they both sen

21、ders of information and information of the receiver.2、合作共享2、Cooperation and sharing在英语课堂教学中,教师经常采用个体活动、配对活动、小组活动和全班活动等。但是,“个体活动”由于是以独立个体形式进行的,难以做到合作与共享;“配对活动”的参与者有限,往往缺少足够的共享资源;“全班活动”会相对降低学生的参与率。相对而言“小组活动”能比较合理地解决“参与率”与“资源量”之间的矛盾。也能充分体现合作共享。当然,在日常的课堂教学活动中,教师不能排斥某种活动形式,而应根据教学的实际需要,综合运用各种活动形式。教师在设计课堂活

22、动时,应该考虑建立一定的信息差,以体现合作共享的真实性。例如,在学习“职业”类单词的时候,教师可以组织学生互相询问家长的职业,可是有些同学之间的关系较好,知道对方的家长是干什么的,在这种情况下如果还明知故问就不能实现信息的互补,也就体现不了合作的真实性,教师应考虑到这些因素,让学生去调查未知的信息,实现交流的真实性。In English teaching, teachers often USES individual activities, matching, and group activities and class activities, etc. But, individual act

23、ivity because of individual form is hard, cooperation and sharing, Matching, the participants often lack of sharing resources, The class activities will be relatively lower student participation. Relatively group activity can compare reasonable solution participation and resources. Also can fully em

24、body the cooperation and sharing. Of course, in the daily activities of classroom teaching, the teacher not exclude some form of activity, and should be based on the teaching of actual need, comprehensive use of various forms of activities. Teachers in the design of classroom activities, should cons

25、ider to establish certain information sent to reflect the authenticity of cooperation and sharing. For example, in the study of the word professional, teachers can ask students to each other, but some parents professional students, the relationship between the parents know each other is stem what of

26、, in this case, if still know perfectly well past ask can realize the complementary, also dont reflect the authenticity of cooperation, teachers should consider these factors, lets the student to survey the unknown authenticity of information exchange.3、体验创造3、Experience of creation在互动性语言活动中,学习者运用他们所


28、成为课堂的主人,给他们足够的时间自由思考想象。In the interactive activities of language learners use what they have learned and the language knowledge, through the real communication, express your true thought, this is a process of creation. First is the language of the creation. In order to express, students need to use language knowledge, the combination of la

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