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1、第二课时:Section B1a,1b ,1c,2,3第三课时:Section C1a,1b,1c第四课时:Section C 2,3a,3b,Section D-2第五课时:Section DGrammar and Functions,1a,1b,Project 第一课时(Section B1a,1b,1c,2,3)教学设计思路:本课主要是继续学习宾语从句和it作形式主语。首先通过玩“传话”游戏,巩固上一节课所学的宾语从句的知识。然后通过展示各种图片解决1a的新词汇,为1b的听力任务作准备。随后就听1a,完成1b。听后接着让学生读1a,补全短文完成1c 。然后让学生再读1a,找出宾语从句和难

2、点句子。处理完难点之后,就立即进行2的句型操练。展示完毕后,让学生先读后听3的语调练习,完成3。最后回顾本课知识,完成本课时。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1)学习并掌握新词汇 enter,knee,take off,occasion,correctly,gatekeeper,attendant(2)继续学习宾语是特殊疑问句的宾语从句和it作形式主语的句型。2. Skill aims:(1) 能够向别人提出合理的建议。 (2) 能够使用正确的语调。3. Emotional aims:4. Culture awareness: 让学生认识到在不同的场所应得体

3、地着装。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: (1)继续学习特殊疑问句作宾语的宾语从句。 (2) 继续学习it作形式主语的句型。2. Difficult points: (1)如何把特殊疑问句转换成陈述语气 。 (2)通过改变语调来表达不同的语气。. Learning strategies1. 运用不同的句型来表示强调。2. 运用不同的语调来表达不同的语气。. Teaching aids多媒体课件/图片/小黑板/录音机V. Teaching proceduresStage 1( 5 mins):RevisionStepTeach

4、er activityStudent activityDesigning purpose(Class activity)Greet the Ss and play the game “Passing Words” to revise the object clause.T: Good morning,class! Do you like playing games? Lets begin our class with a game called “Passing Words”. I will ask the first student of each row a question. But I

5、 only ask him or her in the lowest voice. Then the second student should ask the first student“Could you tell me what the teacher says?” and then the third student asks the second student, and so on. If the last student get the same question as the first one, then this row win the game. Are you read

6、y? Lets begin. Play the game“Passing Words”to revise the object clause.Ss: Good morning, Mr. . Of course !Example:Row One:S2: Could you tell me what the teacher says?S3:.玩“传话”游戏,既能复习宾语从句,又能激发学生的兴趣。Remark:“传话”游戏非常适合这种转述的复习,参与人数多。教师给每一列学生的句子最好不一样。教师要用“悄悄话”的形式去询问第一个学生。教师一定要询问每一列最后一个学生,以便确定该组是否传话成功。Stag

7、e 2(5mins): Getting the students ready for learningLet the Ss learn the new words by looking at the pictures.T:Hi, boys and girls. Do you enjoy playing the game?But we cant play games only, we have to learn the new lesson. Look, I have some pictures here.(Show pictures) Do you know who he is?You are

8、 right . He is the gatekeeper of our school. Then Could you tell me what this man does? Youd better call him “attendant”. A waiter usually works in a restaurant. An attendant may work in a museum. We know on different occasions, we should wear different clothes. For example, If I take part in an imp

9、ortant meeting, I have to wear my business suit. If I enter a Japanese home, I have to take off my clothes. If I take part in a football game, I have to wear knee-caps to protect my knees. Learn the new words by looking at the pictures. Yes . 门卫。 Waiter.学习新词汇,为后面的听、读活动扫除障碍。教师在教学新词汇时,最好能够使用相匹配的图片或者实物

10、,既直观又能加深学生的印象。Stage3(3 mins) Listening 1a and finishing 1b(Individual work)Let the Ss listen to 1a and finish 1b. You are what you wear. So you should dress correctly on every occasion. But in our daily life, people sometimes dont dress correctly. For example, you will find what I said is true in th

11、e conversations you will listen to. Before listening, you should read the sentences in 1b. While listening, you should mark T or F. Are you clear? Can I play the tape now? Shall we listen again? Ok, lets check. No.1 is . .Listen to 1a and finish 1b. Yes. Yes No. F培养学生的听力技能,完成1b 。这个听力任务比较简单,只要学生能判断出T

12、/F 即可。Stage 4(5 mins):Finishing 1c Designing purpose: (Individual work)Let the Ss read 1a and do 1c.THave you finished yet? Lets check the answers together. Its impolite. tell him what .Read 1a and do 1c. he should wear, change, take off,.培养学生的阅读能力,完成1c 。这个环节是把对话转换成短文,让学生补充完整短文,以检查学生的阅读能力。不过所填的内容均可直

13、接从对话中获得,教师不用花过多时间与此活动。Stage5(5mins):Intensive reading of 1a(Class activity )Let the Ss read 1a, find out the object clauses and difficult points.Congratulations! Finished reading? Xxx, please read out the object clauses you found out. Any more? Right. You have got them. Any problems?Read 1a, find ou

14、t the object clauses and difficult points.S1: Can you tell me. here ? Could you tell me . are?让学生再读1a,通过找宾语从句的方式来复习宾语从句,同时找出难点并加以解决,完成1a 。Remark: 1a 的对话内容比较简单,只要学生能找出宾语从句的句子即可。如果学生没有更多问题,教师也不必花更多时间。Stage 6(15mins):Finishing 2Let the Ss make sentences after the example with the information given in 2

15、. Now ,lets move to 2. We have learned these drills in Section A. Today, we will spend more time practicing them. You can make the sentences on your book. The example may help you. Ill give you 4 minutes. After finishing, you can check with each other. Then I will ask some students to read out their

16、 sentences. Hi, kids! Time is up! Any volunteers? I need volunteers!Make sentences after the example with the information given in 2. Its right to for us . Its right that we .S4:S5:操练it 作形式主语的句型。 这个活动的主要目的是让学生训练it作形式主语的句型。这是本话题的重点,教师要确保学生能运用这两个句型,并且提醒学生这个句型也是为了强调形容词部分。教师要鼓励更多的学生来展示,并且最好活动完成后再抄写到作业本上

17、。教师可以让学生在展示前先相互检查,互相学习。教师要把学生展示过程中出现的问题及时进行纠正。Stage 7(2mins): Finishing 3(Individual work )Let the Ss listen to 3a and try to imitate. We know different tones have different functions. Look, here are some sentences. Xxx. Can you read out the first one? Now, listen to the tape and imitate.Listen to 3

18、a and try to imitate.模仿正确地语音语调,让学生懂得通过改变语调来表达不同的语气。 对于升降调,学生并不陌生。教师把3中的句子展示在黑板上让学生先自己读,然后再听录音模仿。教师要提醒学生阅读金钥匙里的小窍门,并强调升降调的基本规则。Stage 8(5mins): Summarizing and assigning HMK1(Class activity)Let the Ss summarize what they have learned in this period. Wow! We have only 5 minutes left. We should summariz

19、e now. What have you learned today?Summarize what they have learned in this period. Object clause . I know we should dress correctly on every occasion. Its +adj. + for sb.+ to do sth. Its +adj. +that + .S6:回顾总结本课的知识,加强学生的记忆。2 (Class activity)Assign the HMK. For todays HMK, Id like you to rewrite the

20、 sentences in 2 on your exercise book. Whats more, you should make five more sentences.Finish the HMK.让学生把2的句子重抄在作业本上,巩固对It 作形式主语的用法。本课的重点之一就是操练it作形式主语,把2中学生所造的句子再抄一遍很必要,并要学生再仿写几句。VI. Blackboard design 第二课时(Section B1a,1b,1c,2,3) Words and expressions Grammar gatekeeper 宾语从句attendant V.+ 陈述语气的特殊疑问句take offenter 形式主语knee Its + 形容词+ that + 从句correctly Its +形容词+ for sb. + to do sth.occasion 语音语调: 升调 降调

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