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1、eg: Knowing her political bias, we discounted most of her story.由于了解她的政治偏见,我们对她的大部分报道都持怀疑态度。 sret vTo segregate two groups of people or things means to keep them physically apart from each other. 隔离,分开 A large detachment of police was used to segregate the two rival camps of protesters.一大队分遣警察被派来隔离两

2、群敌对的抗议者。strtap n and vN. a stereotype is fixed general image or set of characteristics that a lot of people believe represent a particular type of person or thing. 模式化形象,成见 Theres always been a stereotype about successful businessmen. 对成功的商人们总有偏见V. if someone is stereotyped as something, people form

3、 a fixed general idea or image of them, so that it is assumed that they will behave in a particular way. 把模式化;对产生成见 He was stereotyped by some as a renegade.他被一些人带着成见视为一名背叛者。Segregate installation 隔离设施 nfrs v 1. If people in authority enforce a law or s rule, they make sure that it is obeyed, usuall

4、y by punishing people who do not obey it. 施行 Boulder was one of the first cities in the nation to enforce a ban on smoking. 博尔德是该国率先施行禁烟令的城市之一。2. To enforce something means to force or cause it to be done or to happen. 强制执行 They struggled to limit the cost by enforcing a low-tech specification. 他们通过

5、强制执行一种低技术规范来竭力限制成本。 Enforce upon 强迫6. Institute 英nsttju:t美 organization that has a particular purpose, especially one that is connected with education or a particular profession教育,专业等的机构 eg: a research institute 研究所 institutes of higher education 高等学校 the building used by this organizatio

6、n机构建筑 introduce a system, policy ,etc, or start a process 建立,制定,设立,实行 The new management intends to institute a number r of changes 新任管理层打算实行一些改革7. Spectator英spektet(r)美spektetr n. a person who is watching an event, especially a sports event 由指体育比赛的观看者,观众8. Superficial英su:pfl美su:prfl粗略的,肤浅的,粗枝大叶的,浅薄

7、的 eg: The book shows only a superficial understanding of historical context .这本书表现出对历史背景的肤浅了解。appearing to be true, real or important until you look at it more carefully 表面的,外表的 eg: When you first meet her ,she gives a superficial impression of warmth and friendliness.初次见面时,她总给人一种热情亲切的表面印象。Text 1中的生

8、单词: lmnet leave out of consideration. 不加考虑,略去 When the family was deciding which house to buy, they eliminated all those that didnt have a back yard. 那家人在选择房子时,对那些没有后院的都不予考虑。to cast aside. 排除,消除 Can we ever eliminate poverty from the world. 我们能完全消除世界上的贫穷吗。 k:mnplesn. a well-known statement or

9、remark worn out by too much use. 老生常谈,陈词滥调 It is a commonplace to say that Northern Ireland is a backwater in the modern Europe.说北爱尔兰是现代欧洲死气沉沉的落后地区已经陈词滥调了。anything ordinary. 平凡之物,平凡的事 Its become a commonplace to see people collapsing from hunger in the streets.在街上看见有人饿晕是很平常的事。Adj. uninteresting, com

10、mon, dull. 无趣的,平常的,陈腐的 Foreign vacations have become commonplace. 去国外度假已经变得很平常了。 : V prtre to paint or draw the likeness of.绘像,描绘 The film portrays a culture of young people who live in lower Manhattan. 这部电影描绘了在下曼哈顿地区生活的青年人文化。 to represent by acting.扮演 In 1975 he portrayed the king in a Los Angeles

11、revival of Camelot.1975年他在洛杉矶重演的戏剧卡米洛特中扮演国王。Portrayal (n)描写,描绘 n ,suprntndnt a person who directs and manages an organization 主管, He became superintendent of the banks East African branches. 他成了这家银行东非分行的主管。 a caretaker for an apartment house; represents the owner as janitor and rent collector. 负责人,

12、监督人 But the regional superintendent for the artistic and historical heritage of Tuscany, Antonio Paolucci, did not seem to impressed. 但托斯卡纳地区艺术和文化遗产负责人安东尼奥保卢奇似乎对此不以为然。: n ,sk,spltenthe commercial exploitation of sex in films and other media 性泛滥 This show has no plot but a lot of sexploitation. 这个剧没有

13、什么情节,只有许多性爱场面。6. Bouffant adj bufnt Adj .being puffed out; used of hair style or clothing鼓起的,蓬松的;向外胀起的 eg:Although he appears to have recovered, both his ample gut and bouffant hair have thinned noticeably. 尽管他看起来已经复原了,但是他那隆起的肚子和蓬松的头发还多多少少引起人们的注意。N .a womans hairstyle in which the hair gives a puffy

14、 appearance蓬松的发式 He uses platform shoes and bouffant hair to appear taller. 为了看起来高一点,他终日穿增高鞋,梳着高耸的蓬松发型。r nan assembly of gears designed to transmit motion 齿轮传动装置 The gearing of this machine is unusual. 这机器的齿轮装置很特别. put cogs or teeth on. 以齿轮连起;配搭活动 For example, the section on gears explained gearing

15、ratios and how the different types of gears worked. 举例来说,关于齿轮的小节阐述了啮合比率,以及不同类型的齿轮如何工作。Questions:1. In many families , the wife does better on the job than husband, so it a bad thing or good thingWhat do you think about itAnswer: I think its a good thing. First, the husband will work harder to keep p

16、ace with his wife .There is competition there will be progress. Second, science has shown that women can withstand more pressure than men, so women are more suitable for work. Since women gain equal right with men, they have the right to choose to be a housewife or go out to work.2. How about the wo

17、men in education, sports and media of China Answer: In our country, I think, the woman in education develops pretty well. Women can study any course if they like it including the mathematics , physics and chemistry which were once thought to be “the mans “course stereotyped. In sports, we can see th

18、at there are so many teams, such as basketball, volleyball, Ping-Pong, swimming, and so on, being made of women. And they made so many contributions to the sports of our country. In media, so many women play a important part in media. Like Yang Landshut make remarks on the social problems after stud

19、ying thoroughly. So in conclusion, I think the women in these three aspects develop very well. They have the equal treatment as the men. 3. As a women, how to improve your ability by education, sports and media in the society In my view, you should to learn about current news in the media and read t

20、he books in your free time, and make you relax do exercise. Only this way, can we keep a balance in your life.4. According to the text, in the past, what aspects of the performance of the sex bias, and think, what bias exists in todays societyIn the past, physical education classes were usually segr

21、egated by sex, and more money was spend on sports for boys than girls. Career advice often encouraged girls to train for such “acceptable” occupations as nurse or secretary or teacher.Nowadays, because of the influence of traditional concepts, the concept still thinks that women are inferior to men. And because of physiological reasons, many companies in the recruitment of talent more inclined to male.

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