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1、 1 2 3Unit 2 Our holidays看日历回答问题。1When is the football game going to be? Its going to be on . 2When is Sues birthday going to be? 3What holiday is it on October 1? Its Day. 4What is Bob going to be on the 22nd of this month? He is going to . 5What holiday is it on the 31st of this month? Its . 6What

2、 is Bob going to do on the 21st of this month?有个同学建议把节日用英文表示出来,一起来试试吧。 妇女节 父亲节 元 旦 教师节 新 年 国庆节 在方格里写出你在节日里的打算,只写短语。看图写标号。 ( )AWhat is he doing? He is making a card. ( )BIs Andy dancing? No, he isnt. Hes drinking a cup of tea. ( )CIs Sue drawing a picture? Yes, she is. Shes drawing a tree. ( )DWhat a

3、re you going to do? We are going to sing a song. ( )EIs the painting? No. Shes writing a poem.国庆节前一天Tim收到了一封邮件,内容是这样的: 1Whats the date today? . ASep. 28 BOct. 2 COct.1 DSep. 30 2Where are they going? ATiananmen Square BThe Flower Park CSchool DThe Water Park 3The letter is from . ATim BJenny CPat DM

4、ay 4Theyre going to have in the park. Abreakfast Blunch Cdinner DCoke我们一起来帮Tim写封回信吧。Dear ,Im s . I cant go with you. In the morning, Im g to the library w my cousin. Hes going to write a p for National Day in the l . And Im going to r books there, too. In the a , we are going to s in the pool. Its g

5、oing to b a lovely day too. Have a good time on the National Day.See you soon,LoveTim 下面请你判断正()误()。 1Tim cant go to the Flower Park with May on National Day. ( ) 2Tim is going to stay at home that day. ( ) 3Tims cousin is going to writer a poem. ( ) 4They are going to go to school in the afternoon.

6、( )Unit 3 Sports Day【知识要点】 Koko的话:小朋友,学校的运动会马上就要举行了,你和你的同学们准备参加运动会的哪些比赛项目呢?在这个单元我们要学习一些运动会的比赛项目。看一看,下面的单词、词组和句子你会听、会说、会读、会写吗? 1catch a ball, do the high jump, do the long jump, run in a race, skip, throw a ball; 2Whats he/she going to do? Hes/Shes going to 3Is he/she going to ? Yes, he/she is. No, h

7、e/she isnt. 别忘了字母组合are的发音哦。你能举出几个are发音的例子吗?【单元自测】改变下列单词中的其中一个字母将它变为本课书中的生词。 1nest 2weak 3lone 4threw 5ship 6face 7watch 8bun 9day 10hot 11price 12bump 阅读书本第20页,填写所缺的单词。 This is Koko. I am going to tell you the from Sports Day. Today were going to have fun. Our , Mr. Bai and our teacher, Mrs. Wang ar

8、e going to give the to the winners. Look! A ball is this way! John is it. I am going to the ball! I am at this .请你设计一次运动会的项目,你可以从下列提供项目选择。 the long jump the high jump basketball football table tennis badminton skip throw a ball one-hundred meter race swim catch a ball sixty-meter racePat把班上运动员的比赛项目列

9、了出来,请你把它们写出来。各种项目正在激烈地进行着,看看小记者的报道吧。请用1,2,3给图片排序。 常用口语 1How much?多少钱? 2Im full.我饱了 3Im home.我回来了。 4Im lost.我迷路了。 5My treat.我请客。 6So do I.我也一样。 7This way.这边请。 8After you.您先。 9Bless you!祝福你! 10Fllow me.跟我来。 11Forget if!休想!(算了!) 12Good luck!祝好运! 13I decline!我拒绝。 14I promise.我保证。 15Of course!当然了! 16Slow

10、 down!慢点! 17Take care!保重! 18They hurt.(伤口)疼。 19Try again.再试试。 20Watch out!当心。Unit 4 A school outing同学们在沙滩上玩得很开心,看一看他们正在干什么。 1Tims drawing a of the sea. 2Mary and Koko are playing .3Pat has a . Shes taking photos with her friends. 4Some boys are . 5Some girls are .同学们玩累了,坐在一起一边吃东西一边聊天。 this Tims ? Ye

11、s, it is. Its paper. games these? They are . Theyre 。 Are these ? Yes, are lunch boxes. camera ? Its .回到车上大家才发现原来很多东西都拿错了,我们来帮他们把东西物原主吧。cameragamepicturesraincoatsunglassesMaryKokoLilyAnn 1Mary:Oh, this is not my raincoat. My raincoat is small. raincoat is this? Koko:Its . 2Tim: sunglasses are these

12、? Lily: Anns. 3Ann:Is this your camera, Mary? Mary:Yes, its . Thanks. 4Koko: pictures, Lily?No, I think theyre . 5Ann: game that? Tim:I dont know. Perhaps Kokos.Yes, its game.大家正聊得起劲,没想到看看发生什么事了。 1Look, its going to rain. 2Boys and girls, quick! Put your things in your bag. 3Oh, no! Its raining. 4Do

13、 you have a raincoat, children? Put on your raincoats, please. 5Quick, run! Get on the bus.仿照例句,完成句子。Shes us Anns Theyre our Example:Peter is a doctor. Hes a doctor. 1Jerome is a student. my neighbours. 2Maria is a student. a student. 3Ann has a shirt. The shirt is . 4We have a camera. Its camera. 5

14、Jan is waiting for Ken and I. Jan is waiting for .看图写句子。 笑一笑。 Teacher:What three words are used most by students?Unit 5 Revision选择正确的答案。( )1Mothers Day is May. Ain Bon Cat( )2My birthday is November 13th.( )3I get up six thirty every morning.( )4Do have money, Ken? Ayour/ your Byou/ you Cyour/ you D

15、you/ your( )5Mr. Li is new English teacher. Aour Bwe Cus Dwes改变划线单词其中一个字母,将其变为另一个单词使句子完整。 1I am going to a song on Childrens Day. 2You cant on the ship. But you can throw a ball. 3The man has a in the hand. He doesnt know the ways in Shenzhen. 4Jane has her birthday on 24. 5He hit my face in the one

16、-hundred-meter at Sports Day. 6He is going to come back at noon. 7 class is going out.看右图圈出正确的单词。 1(Hes/ Shes) looking at (him/ her.) 2(Hes/ Theyre) looking at (him/ her.)大家来到沙滩。Party开始了,看看他们送了什么礼物。 1Im going to for you, Jenny. 2Heres a for you. 3Whose is this? Its my game. Its for you. 4Im going to

17、 take a for you.5Do you like this , Jenny? Its for you.现在同学们开始比赛了,一起看看他们吧! 1They are . 2Tim and Pat are going to jump. 3Jenny and Tom are going to . 4They are going to .Jenny今天过得好开心啊,她写了一封信给她的笔友,我们来看看。 现在请回答Jenny的问题吧! 1Whens my birthday? ADec. 18 BDec. 17 CDec. 28 2Where do we go? AThe park BThe sch

18、ool CThe beach 3Who gives a cake to me? ALucy BLily CAnny 4Do we take photos at the beach? AYes BNo 5Am I happy today?阅读小诗,回答问题。 Thirty days has September. April, June and November; All the rest(剩下的)has thirty-one. February has twenty-eight alone(单独的), Excepting(除外)Leap Year(闰年); thats the time, Whe

19、n Februarys days are twenty-nine. 1What months have thirty-one days? _ 2In what year February has twenty-nine days? 3What months have thirty days?Unit 6 At the mall小朋友,你家附近的购物中心里有哪些商店呢?它们分别在购物中心的哪层楼。 1a bank, a camera shop, a fast food restaurant, a gift shop, a pet shop, a toy shop, toilets;2Wheres

20、 the/ Where are the ? Its on the ground/ first/ second floor. Its above/ below/ beside/ between the and 别忘了字母合ue的发音哦。你能举几个ue发音的例子吗?用下列单词填空,每词只用一次。 in on under below beside between above at 1The pencil is the book. 2There is a cat sleeping the light. 3Dads car is parking the house. 4The national flag

21、 is the blackboard. 5Sues house is Kens and Pats. 6I can see a picture the wall. 7My bird is the small cage. 8The woman is the bus stop.Pat发现每个地方都有不同的标志,同学们你们认识吗?请填一填。321不能买宠物Pat好失望,看看她们离开宠物店后又干了什么。 Mum:Dont be so , Pat. Lets go and buy a . Then we can take with the pets. Pat:Really? is the camera ?

22、Its there. Its on the floor.Oh, yes. I can it. go.Pat和妈妈买了一台好漂亮的照相机,看看她们要做什么。请用1,2,3给图片排顺序。Pat很喜欢这个兔子玩具,看一看她们接下来做什么。请给她们要去的地方用1,2,3排顺序。Pat和妈妈把需要的东西都买到了。回到家里,爸爸问了Pat商场的情况。 1 there a book shop? Yes, is. Its the floor. Its the gift shop. 2Theres a . Its on the floor. Its beside the camera ship. You can

23、 see a very big sign the camera shop. 3Is there a supermarket? Yes, Its on the floor. Its the pet shop and the . 4Is there a restaurant? Yes. There two. One is on the floor, the toy shop. The other is it. 5 clothes shops are there? Only one. Its the book shop.Unit 7 Eating out小朋友,下面的句子你会听、会说、会读、会写吗?

24、 1What would you like? Id like a hamburger and a packet of fries. 3Im going to have a bowl of noodles.阅读下面西班牙煎蛋的烹饪方法,把插图字母写在相应的横线上。 For two people, you need:两个人吃的分量需要材料如下: onion(洋葱) oil(油) some of garlic(大蒜) pepper(辣椒,胡椒粉) half cup of peas an omelette pan(平底锅) four eggs salt(盐) How to make(制作步骤): 1Cut the onion and garlic into small pieces with a knife. 2Add a little oil to the pan. Heat(加热)the oil. 3Cook all the vegetables for about 5 minutes. 4Beat(搅打)the eggs with a fork. Add salt an

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