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1、The force displayed by a plant seed is simply incomparable. Here goes another story.他心里那一团火,也像乡下人。那一团火是热,是力,是光。Again like a countryman, he has a heart as warm as fire radiating warmth, power and light.有人喜欢海是风平浪静的时候是波涛汹涌的时候Some like the seaWhen it is calm and tranquil.Others like itWhen the waves are

2、 roaring.二、 “有”字句汉语中包含“有”的无主句较常见,翻译成英语时切记:1. 少数情况下可用“there be”句型(该句型一般表达某空间里客观存在某物,be有存在的意思: 如 state of being; human beings; I think, so I am.我思故我在。)例如:屋里有十来个人。There are about a dozen people in the room.树上有两只小鸟。There are two birds in the tree.有时,带有主语的“有”字句也可用“there be”句型。例如:你的话很有道理。There is a lot of

3、 sense in what you say.形势有了新发展。There are new developments in the situation.2. 许多情况下,尤其是“有”后边的名词带有没有主语的从句时,不用“there be”句型,而要酌情处理。很久很久以前,有个老妪住在山里 * Long, long ago, there was an old woman who lived in the mountain (living in the mountain)*there was an old woman lived in the mountain.Long, long ago, an

4、old woman lived in the mountain世间也有不少在学问上有成就的人,并不具备这些条件。* In the world, there are also many people who have achievements (get success) in studying dont have these conditions.* In this world there are also many people have achievements in study dont have these conditions.In this world, many people wi

5、thout those conditions have also done well (succeeded / made achievements) in learning.有人说可以,有人说不可以。* There are some people who say yes, there are some people who say no* There are some people say yes, there are some people say no.Some say yes, while others say no.一有问题就去解决。*Once have problem, go to

6、solve.The problem should be dealt with as it crops up.卷上有好多题我都不会做。In the paper, there are many problems (that / which) I cant solve.短文中许多词我不认识。In the passage there are many words (that / which) I dont know.There are many new words in the passage.三、 变式句汉语单句中的各种成分一般都按固定的顺序排列,但在一定的上下文中,为了强调某一成分所表达的意义,将

7、其提前或挪后,并加以停顿这种改变了一定语序的句子称为变式句。该句式的表情功能和美感功能比常式句强,但信息功能基本语义未变,翻译时不能改变语义。1. 语序基本一致多美啊,这花海。How beautiful the sea of flower is.海面上劈面立起一片从来没有见过的山峦,黑苍苍的,像水墨画一样。In front of us on the ocean rose straight up a strange mountain range darkly like an ink-wash painting.2. 需酌情处理我还期待着新的东西的到来,无名的,意外的。I was waiting

8、for something new, something nameless and unexpected.荷塘四面,长着许多树,蓊蓊郁郁的。Around the lotus pond grows a profusion of luxuriant trees.只有四婶,因为后来雇佣的女工,大抵非懒即馋,或者馋而且懒,左右不如意,所以也还提起祥林嫂。My aunt was the only one who still spoke of Xianglins Wife. This was because most of the maids taken on afterwards turned out

9、to be lazy or greedy, or both, none of them giving satisfaction.四、 长句1. 断句(把一长句译成数句)1)汉语中较长、内容较复杂的句子历来只有真正老实的劳动者,才懂得劳动生产财富的道理,才能排除一切想入非非的发财思想,而踏踏实实地用自己的辛勤劳动,为社会也为自己创造财富和积累财富。Throughout the ages only honest laboring people see the truth that wealth is created through labor. Only they can free their m

10、inds of any fantastic ideas of getting rich. And only they create and accumulate wealth for both society and themselves through hard practical work.2)汉语的总分复句:先总说后分述或反之这一点现在必须向党内讲明白,务必使同志们继续地保持谦虚、谨慎、不骄、不躁的作风,务必使同志们继续保持艰苦奋斗的作风。This must be made clear now in the Party. The comrades must be taught to re

11、main modest, prudent, and free from arrogance and rashness in their style of work. The comrades must be taught to preserve the style of plain living and hard struggle.我们的有些国营企业很少注意经济效果,广泛存在着劳动无定员、生产无定额、质量无检查、成本无核算的现象,在人力、物力、财力上造成很多浪费。Some of our state-run enterprises pay little attention to economic

12、 result, since usually the number of workers needed for a job is not fixed, production quota is not fixed, the quality of products is not checked, and cost accounting is not earnestly practiced. All this has incurred a big waste of manpower, material resources and money.3)汉语的转折复句为了我们的事业,我已将生死置之度外,如有

13、不幸,就把我埋在阴山顶上,以表示一个共产主义者的崇高而圣洁的节操。For the sake of our cause, Ive never worried about life or death. If the worst happens, please bury me on the top of the Daching Mountains so as to show the lofty, pure moral principles of a Communist!4)汉语长句的结尾部分是“反问”或“感叹”分句应当承认,每个民族都有它的长处,不然它为什么能生存?为什么能发展?It must be

14、 admitted that every nation has its strong points. If not, how can it survive? How can it progress?2. 区分主从在英语中,复合句用得要比汉语多得多。汉语的许多从属性分句前不带标志性的连词,译者一定要仔细区分,方能搞清主从关系。一般地说1)表示原因或条件的部分应从属于表示结果的部分错误和挫折教训了我们,使我们变得比较地聪明起来了,我们的事情就办得比较好一些。Taught by mistakes and setbacks, we have become wiser and handle our af

15、fairs better.2)表示方式或状态的部分从属于表示行为或动作的部分这些厂子,大搞技术革新,充分利用当地资源,生产出大量的、多种多样的药品。Going in for technological innovation and making full use of local resources, these plants now turn out a wide range of medicines in great quantities.3)表示方法或手段的部分从属于目的分句这些错误都应该向他们去进行教育,加以改正,而不是简单地去进行斥责。These mistakes should be

16、 corrected by educating them and not by simply dressing them down.4)表示修饰或说明关系的部分或短语应译成从属部分说到这儿,她没有再说下去,锐利的眼光停留在他菜黄的脸上,观察他的表情。She said nothing, but let her keen glance rest on his sallow face, observing his expression.5)表示背景情况的部分从属于结论部分当时,无论干部和战士,长途跋涉,冻饿交加,体质都已相当虚弱。In those days, always on the march,

17、 always cold and hungry, cadres and fighters alike were physically exhausted.6)否定或反说部分从属于肯定或正说部分国际争端应在此基础上予以解决,而不诉诸武力威胁。International disputes should be settled on this basis, without resorting to the use of threat or force.7)非本质部分从属于本质部分我们的伟大祖国昂首挺立于世界民族之林,愈来愈成为世界上任何人都不能忽视的巨大力量。Standing firm and pro

18、ud among nations of the world, our great motherland has become an ever stronger force which nobody can ignore.结语:汉语句子的英译犹如英语写作,要注意以下4点:1. 要确保基本语法正确:一个英语句子一般至少要有主语和谓语(有时带宾语);2. 各个分句之间要连贯:要善用连词,引导词等(If winter comes, is spring far behind?);3. 搭配和句型要符合英语习惯:汉译英要和阅读结合起来原则:自己没见过的搭配和句型最好不用;4. (若非考试)汉译英要勤查传统

19、词典(电子词典一般没例句):汉英词典(注意:要有相当的英语基础,才能在所给的几种英译中选一个合适的,所以英译功夫还在平时的积累汉英字典不能完全代替长期踏实的英语学习,不能在较小的汉英词典中查个词就搬过来用直译,因为英汉词汇与句型在大多数情况下都不是一对一的);有时甚至需查有较多例句的大型英汉字典(从例句中判断自己想到的搭配和句型是否准确或地道)Exercise:1. 丑石是以丑为美的丑到极处,便是美到极处。2. 目前有一些运动员和演员每年赚很多钱。3. 然而现在呢,只有寂静和空虚依旧,她却再也不会回来了,而且永远,永远!4. 快乐教育强调德、智、体、美、劳全面发展的人才,它使教育者改变了以往唯

20、有高分的学生才是人才的观念,因为我们的建设事业不仅需要工程师、科学家,同样需要各行各业的能工巧匠。5. 中国特色的社会主义道路,就是在中国共产党的领导下,立足本国国情,以经济建设为核心,坚持四项基本原则,坚持改革开放,解放和发展生产力,巩固和完善社会主义制度,建设社会主义市场经济,社会主义民主政治,社会主义先进文化,社会主义和谐社会,建设富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家。Keys:1. The ugly stones beauty comes from its ugliness When something becomes the ugliest, it turns out the mos

21、t beautiful indeed.2. Nowadays, many (a lot of, lots of, quite a few) athletes and entertainers make a lot of (much / quite a little) money every year.3. But now there is only silence and emptiness. She will never come backnever, nerve again.4. Enjoyable education emphasizes developing children in a

22、n all-round way: intellect, ethics, physical culture, aesthetics and practical work. It has changed the old concept of the educators that only pupils with high grades are promising talents. In fact, Chinas construction needs not only engineers and scientists, but also capable workers in all fields.5

23、. Taking the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics means that we will, under the leadership of the CPC and in light of Chinas basic conditions, take economic development as the central task, adhere to the Four Cardinal Principles and persevere in reform and opening up, release and develop t

24、he productive forces, consolidate and improve the socialist system, develop the socialist market economy, socialist democracy, an advanced socialist culture and a harmonious socialist society, and make China a prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious modern socialist country.

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