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New words and expressions of B7U1Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、听证会、审讯、庭审;(行为、思想或意见的)解释/申辩机会 hearing-impaired 听觉受损的 a court hearing 庭审 get/give sb a fair hearing 得到/给予某人公正的申辩机会 in/within sbs hearing 在某人听力所及的范围内eg. His views may be unfashionable but he deserves a hearing. 他的观点可能不合潮流,但他应该有机会解释。She shouldnt have said such things in your hearing. 她不应该在你面前说这种事。Dont m

2、ention that in Johns hearing or hell go crazy. 别在约翰听得见的地方提那件事,否则他会很生气的。3. eyesight n. 视力 have good/bad/poor eyesight 视力好/不好/差 an eyesight test 视力测试4. syndrome n. 综合病征;综合症状5. infantile paralysis 小儿麻痹6. Rosalyn n. 罗莎琳(女名) 7. lap n. 跑道的一圈;重叠部分;(人坐着时)大腿的上方lap vi. (轻柔而有规律地)拍打;舔舐、舔着喝;领先一圈 do a lap of hono

3、r/do a victory lap 绕场一周欢庆胜利 the sound of water lapping against the boat 水轻轻拍打船帮的声音eg. Theres only one seat so you youll have to sit on my lap. 只有一个座位,你只好坐在我的腿上了。The waves lapped around our feet. 波涛轻轻拍打着我们的脚。She had always lapped most of the other runners. 她比其他大部分的选手至少领先一圈。8. ambition n. 追求的目标、夙愿;雄心、

4、抱负、野心 (to be/do sth)ambitious adj. 有雄心的、有野心的;费力的、耗时的、耗资的political/literary/sporting ambition 政治抱负/文学夙愿/运动目标 motivated by personal ambition 为个人野心所驱使an ambitious and hard-working junior manager 一个雄心勃勃的,工作勤奋的初级部门经理be ambitious for sb 希望某人成功the governments ambitious plans for social reform 政府耗资巨大的社会改革计划

5、eg. He never achieved his ambition of becoming a famous writer. 他一直未能实现当名作家的夙愿。She was intelligence but suffered from a lack of ambition. 她很聪明,但却缺乏远大志向。Your problem is that you have no ambition. 你的问题在于你胸无大志。My ambition is to become a pilot. 我的志向是当一名飞行员。Mothers are often highly ambitious for their ch

6、ildren. 做母亲的往往都希望孩子出人头地。9. dictation n. 口授;听写(的文字) take dictation 做听写Eg. I hate doing English dictations. 我讨厌做英语听写。10. Sally n. 萨利(女名)11. noisy n. 吵闹的、嘈杂的12. suitable adj. 适合的、适宜的 (for sth/sb)/(to do sth) (opp) unsuitable suitability n. a suitable candidate 合适的人选 a suitable place for a picnic 适合吃野餐的

7、地方 suitably qualified candidates 十分符合条件的人选 suitably dressed/prepared/equipped 衣着得体/准备停当/装备完善 suitably impressed/amazed 相当佩服/吃惊的eg. This programme is not suitable for children. 这个节目儿童不宜。I am not really suitably dressed for a party. 我穿着这样的衣服参加聚会并不十分得体。There is no doubt about her suitability for the jo

8、b. 毫无疑问,她适合做这项工作。13. entry n. 项目、条目、词条、账目、记录;登记、录入;进入、加入;参赛的事物/作品;入口处、大门、通道、门厅 (to/into sth) an encyclopedia entry 百科全书的一个条目 entry into the information technology age 进入信息技术时代 No entry. 禁止入内 be granted/refused entry into the country 准予/禁止入境 eg. The children were surprised by the sudden entry of thei

9、r teacher. 老师突然进来使孩子们感到意外。More eastern European countries hope to gain entry to the European Union in the next years. 更多的东欧国家希望在今后几年加入欧盟。Over a thousand entries were received within the first week of the competition. 一周内就收到了1,000多件参赛作品。14. beneficial adj. 有益的、受益的、有帮助的 (to sb/sth) (syn) favorable/adv

10、antageous beneficial effects 裨益 an agreement that will be beneficial to both parties 对双方都有益的协议 Eg. A good diet is beneficial to health. 良好的饮食有益于健康。 benefit vt. & vi. 有益于、有利于、对有好处 benefit sb/sth; 获益、受益 benefit from/by sth a trade agreement that will greatly benefit the developing world 对发展中国家十分有利的一项贸

11、易协定eg. We should spend the money on something that will benefit everyone. 我们应该把这笔钱花在大家都能得益的事上。Many thousands have benefited from the new treatment. 千千万万的人受益于这种新的疗法。 benefit n. 好处、益处、裨益 ;救济金、津贴 (syn)welfare have the benefit of sth 得益于 for sbs benefit 对某人有益、为了帮助某人 be of benefit (to sb/sth) = be benefi

12、cial (to sb/sth) (对)有益、有好处 housing/child/unemployment benefit a benefit concert/performance/match 慈善音乐会/义演/义赛eg. Ive had the benefit of a good education. 我得益于良好的教育。She has had the benefit of a first-class education. 她获益于受过一流的教育。All donations are used for the benefit of disabled children. 所有的捐款都用于残疾儿

13、童福利。I have typed out some lecture notes for the benefit of those people who were absent last week. 我帮上星期缺席的人打印了些上课的笔记。The new credit cards will be of great benefit to our customers. 新信用卡将会为我们的客户带来很多的好处。15. Marty 马蒂?菲尔丁16. in other words 换句话说、也就是说、换言之 in a word 简言之、一句话、总之Eg. They asked him to leave-i

14、n other words he was fired. 他们请他走人,也就是说,他被解雇了。My answer is , in a word , no. 总而言之,我的回答是“不行”。16. clumsy adj. 笨拙的、不灵巧的;无技巧的、冒犯人的、不得体的;难处理的、难用的Eg. I split your coffee. Sorry, that was clumsy of me. 我弄洒了你的咖啡。对不起,我真是笨手笨脚。David made a clumsy but well-meaning attempt to comfort us. 戴维好意地想安慰我们,尽管有些笨拙。17. bu

15、mp vi. 碰撞;撞击18. outgoing adj. 外向的;友好的;外出的;离开的 19. adapt vt.& vi. 使适应/适合 adapt sth(for sth) (syn)modify;适应(新情况) adapt (oneself) (to sth) (syn) adjust ; 改编、改写 adapt sth (for sth) Eg. Most of these tools have been specially adapted for use by disabled people. 这些工具多数已经过特别改装,供残疾人使用。These styles can be ad

16、apted to suit individual tastes. 这些式样可以修改,以适应个人不同爱好。The materials can be adapted for use with older children. 这些材料改一下可以给大一点的孩子用。It took him a while to adapt himself to his new surroundings. 他过了好一阵才适应新环境。The children are finding it hard to adapt their new school. 孩子们发觉很难适应新学校。 Three of her novels hav

17、e been adapted for television. 她的长篇小说中有三部已改编成电视节目。20. bench n. 长凳21. cut out (发动机)突然熄火;cut sth/sb out (of sth) 剪下、割掉;截短、删节 (syn) omit;戒除、改掉;住口、打住;停止做(或使用、食用)Eg. The engine cut out halfway across the lake. 刚开到湖中间发动机就坏了。The patient had his tumor cut out. 病人的肿瘤切除了。Ive been advised to cut sugar out of m

18、y diet. 有人劝我饮食要忌糖。 cut sth up 切碎、剁碎;cut sb up (严重地)割伤、打伤;使伤心/难受 be cut upEg. His mother has to cut up all his food for him. 他母亲不得不为他将所有的食物切碎。The man was badly cut up in the fight. 这男子在斗殴中被打得遍体鳞伤。She still seems very cut up about it. 她似乎仍然为那件事感到十分伤心。22. microscope n. 显微镜 telescope n. 望远镜23. out of br

19、eath 上气不接下气 take a (deep/big) breath 深吸一口气 hold ones breath 屏住呼吸;屏息以待 get ones breath back 喘过气来 take your breath away (因美丽或激动)使你目瞪口呆/大吃一惊eg. We were out of breath after only five minutes.Hold your breath and count to ten. 屏住呼吸,数到十。He held his breath while the results were read out. 宣读结果时,他屏住了呼吸。24.

20、absence n. 缺席、不在(某处) (from sth) ;不存在、缺乏 absent adj. 缺席、不在 (opp) present;不存在、缺少;心不在焉的、出神地 repeated absence from work/school 一再缺勤/缺课 in/during sbs absence 某人不在的时候 in the absence of 由于缺乏 Absence makes the heart fonder. 久别情更深。 Students who are regularly absent from school 经常缺课的学生 be absent from work/sch

21、ool/a meeting 缺勤/缺课/未出席会议 absent look/expression 心不在焉的样子/表情 Eg. The decision was made in my absence. 这个决定是在不在的时候作出的。The case was dismissed in the absence any definite proof. 此案因缺乏确凿证据而不予受理。Ms Smith will be in charge during my absence. 我不在时,由史密斯女士负责。In the absence of evidence, the police had to let h

22、im go. 由于缺乏任何证据,警方只好把他放了。Love was totally absent from his children. 他童年时根本没有收到疼爱。What was absent from the discussion was any kind of direction or purpose. 这场讨论没有任何方向或目的。 absent vt. 缺席、不参加、不在 absent yourself (from sth) Eg. He had absented himself from the office for the day. 这一天他没有去办公室上班。25. fellow a

23、dj. 同伴的、同事的、同类的 、同情况的 fellow members/citizens/workers 同一组织的成员/同胞/同事 my fellow passengers on the train 和我同火车的旅伴 n.男人、家伙、小伙子;同伴、同事、同类、配对物;(大学)懂事、(专业团体)会员、(接受奖学金的)研究生 a graduate/teaching fellow 接受奖学金的/兼任教学的研究生eg. She ignored her fellow passengers throughout the whole journey. 在整个旅程中,她都不理睬同行的乘客。She has

24、a very good reputation among her fellows. 她在同事中口碑甚佳。Many caged birds live longer than their fellows in the wild. 许多笼中鸟比野外同类鸟的寿命长。26. annoy vt.使不悦;惹恼 annoyance n. 烦恼 ;令人恼火 的事 to ones annoyanceannoyed adj. 颇为生气的 be/get annoyed (with sb)(for sth)/(about/by sth)/(that-从句) annoying adj. 令人感到心烦的 Its annoy

25、ing that-从句. 令人恼火的是。Eg. The way Tina orders us around really annoys me. 缇娜把我们差来遣去的做法真让我恼火。It annoyed him that the model didnt fit together properly. 使他懊恼的是这个样品安装不上。To his annoyance, he discovered they hadnt waited. 他发现他们没有等他,因而有些气恼。She was annoyed with Donna for forgetting to phone. 唐娜忘了打电话让她很生气。He

26、was annoyed by her apparent indifferent. 她看起来很冷淡,这让他很是恼火。Its annoying that we didnt know about this before. 令人恼火的是,我们事先并不知道。27. all in all 总之、一般来说、总的说来;合计、总共;完全地;一切的一切、最重要的Eg. All in all, its been a pretty bad year for him. 总的说来,对他来讲这是糟糕的一年。All in all, her condition is greatly improved. 总的说来,她的情况有了很

27、大好转。It is about a forty-minute walk all in all. 总共大约40分钟的路程。Trust me not at all or all in all. 要么一点也不相信我,要么完全相信我。They are all in all to each other. 他们相依为命。Painting has become his all in all. 绘画已成了他的一切。28. firm n. 公司 company/business/enterprise/corporation/agency adj.结实的;坚固的;坚定的29. software n. 软件30.

28、sit around 闲坐着 sit still sit doing sth sit at a table/deskEg. She just sits there complaining all day. 她就会整天坐在那儿发牢骚。31. as well as 和、也Eg. You cant expect her to do the housework as well as look after the children你不可能叫她既照管孩子又做家务。I as well as they am ready to help you. 不仅他们愿意帮助你,我也愿意帮助你。as well as还有“除之外”之意, 相当于in addition to。As well as knowing some Russian,she speaks English very well除了懂得一点俄语之外,她的英语讲得很好。as well是副词短语,其义为“也”,相当于too,它一般放在句末,有时和连词and或but搭配使用。Eg. He is a worker,and a poet as well 他是工人,但也是诗人。China possesses enormous quantities of coal and is ric

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