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1、“I want to be your friend” “Im new here”,有条理地在自我介绍时表达自己的愿望。 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程 Step 1. Greetings and warm-up activities Please describe yourself with “I am ”. 请用“I am”句型进行简短的自我介绍。I am Step 2. Look, listen and chant Sue: My name is Sue. I am new here. I am nine years old. I want to b

2、e your friend.(课文导入) Step 3. Lets role-play 方式:分角色朗读。Role A: Hello. My name is Sue. Im new here. Im nine years old. I want to be your friend! Role B: Hello. My name is Jack. Im eight years old. I want to be your friend, too. Step 4. Read and retell Fill the blank. Step 5. Practice Divide children to

3、 several groups. Have a conversation. Lead them to say “My name is” “I am years old” “I want to be your friend” Step 6. Game Games: WHO REMEMBERS?Show them a name of all students and then ask the kids try to remember all of them and try to say: His name is Her name is She is years old He is years ol

4、d Step 7. Homework Copy the words and text of Unit 1, lesson 1. Recite the text well and practice the words. Step 8. Learn to sing a song Unit 1 Myself =Lesson 2 通过Sue和Bill的对话以及Sue与Li Mei的对话引出本课内容,结合课文中的问句和答句,让孩子们整体把握初次见面问答时的用语。1、 掌握疑问词what, how old, which;2、 理解并掌握以下疑问句型Whats your name? How old are

5、you? Which class are you in?;3、 理解并掌握以下答句句型 I am , I am years old,I am in class ;4、 学会使用句型Whats your name? I am , I am years old,I am in class 会进行基础的对话。【能力目标】 “Whats your name?” “How old are you?”“ Which class are you in?”有条理地提问别人,同时可以以“I am ” “I am years old”“ I am in class ”回答别人的问题。通过对本课的学习,让学生懂得使

6、用本课重点句式与同学们进行交流,教会学生用英文来进行对话,询问对方姓名、年龄、班级并回答别人的问题。“I am ” “I am years old”“ I am in class ”的理解与使用,会正确回答别人的提问。“What s your name?”,正确提问别人的的班级、年龄和名字。 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程 Please imitate the card to write down your own card. 请模仿卡片内容写下属于自己的卡片。Step 2. Look, listen and repeat Bill: Whats you

7、r name? Sue: Im Sue. Bill: Im nine years old. Bill: Im in class two. (课文导入) What s your name?Role B: Im Li Mei. Role A: Im eight years old. Role A: Im in class one. Step 4. Read and retell ” “I am ” “I am years old”“ I am in class ” Step 6. Game He is years old He is in class She is years old She is

8、 in class Step 7. Homework Copy the words and text of Unit 1, lesson 2. Recite the text well and practice the words. Step 8. Learn to sing a song Unit 1 Myself Lesson 3 通过Harry写给学生的一封信引出本课内容,结合信件中的内容,让孩子们整体把握给笔友写信时自我介绍的用语以及对方想要与你成为好朋友的愿望。1掌握新单词age, grade;2理解并掌握书信的格式;3理解并掌握班级年级的表示方法;4学会使用书上的格式进行基础的书信

9、撰写回信。 【能力目标】 通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,能看懂学会Jarry的信并用书上的句型有条理地给Jarry回信介绍自己,同时可以表达出自己希望与对方做朋友的愿望。通过对本课的学习,让学生学会使用本课重点句式与书信格式与笔友进行书信交流,教会学生用英文来写信,介绍自己的姓名、性别、年级、班级等信息,并表达自己想要与对方你做朋友的愿望。培养学生与别人在书信方面的沟通能力,使学生养成善于思考,善于落笔行文的情感态度。对英文书信格式的理解与使用,能够条理地回一封信给自己的笔友,介绍自己的情况。通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,能理解并表达出自己希望与对方做朋友的愿望。P

10、lease write down your own card. 请写下属于自己的卡片。Step 2. Read and fill in the blanks. Hello, My name is Harry. I am a boy. Im in class one, grade three. Im nine years old. I want to be your friend. Yours, Harry (课文导入) Step 3. Lets write to Harry Dear Harry, My name is . Im a . Im years old. Im in class ,

11、grade . Lets be friends. Yours, Step 4. Read and retell Fill the blank. How to express the class and grade correctly?如何正确表示班级和年级呢?Im in class+数字,grade+数字. 我在班, 年级。 Step 5. Practice Divide children to several groups. Have a conversation. Lead them to read what theyve written to group members. Dear Ha

12、rry, My name is . Im a . Im years old. Im in class , grade . Lets be friends. Yours, Step 6. Homework Copy the words and text of Unit 1, lesson 3. Recite the text well and practice the words. Step 7. Learn to sing a song Unit 2 Body Lesson 1 通过对小丑各个部位的标注引出本课内容,结合I have .句型和but转折句型,让孩子们整体把握人身体各个部位的单词

13、。1、学会以下单词arm, body, foot, leg, hair, head, hand及其对应的复数形式;2、理解I have 的含义;3、学会使用句型I have 来介绍自己的身体特征,会向大家正确介绍自己的基本信息,学会表达but转折语句。【能力目标】 通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,能用句型:“I have ,but no ”有条理地介绍自己,同时听懂别人的介绍。通过对本课的学习,让学生懂得使用本课重点句式讲述自己的身体构造,教会学生用英文来介绍自己的身体部位。培养学生对身体各个部位的识记能力,使学生养成观察自己的情感态度。I have 句型和but转折语句的理解与使

14、用,会正确介绍自己的身体各个部位。“I have ” “but no ”,有条理地描述出自己的身体特征。单词的单复数形式。Tape recorder, Multimedia Please describe yourself with “I have ”. 请用“I have”句型进行简短的自我介绍。I have Please match the words and the translations. Step 3. Lets talk 方式: I have three heads and two legs, but no arms. Role B: I have a body, two leg

15、s and two feet. Role C: I have black hair. 单复数学习。Step 4. Read and retell Have a conversation in turn. Lead them to say. “I have a body” “I have black hair” “I have a head” “I have two legs” “I have two feet” “I have two arms” “I have two hands” Step 6. Game Show them a sentence of all students sayin

16、gs and then ask the kids try to remember all of them and try to recognize that the sentence was said by whom: Its said by Its said by Copy the words and text of Unit 2, lesson 1. Recite the text well and practice the words. Step 8. Learn to sing a song Unit 2 Body Lesson 2 通过Joy和Bill的对话以引出本课内容,结合课文中

17、的问句和答句,让孩子们整体把握各种部位受伤时的表达方法。1掌握单词matter, hurt, help,Thanks;2理解并掌握以下疑问句型Whats the matter?3理解并掌握以下答句句型 My hurts;4学会使用句型Whats the matter? My foot hurts. Let me help you.当别人受伤时会进行基础的对话。“Whats the matter?”询问别人遇到了什么问题与麻烦,同时可以以“My hurts” 来回答别人的提问,当别人遇到麻烦事时,学会用“Let me help you”来帮助别人。通过对本课的学习,让学生懂得使用本课重点句式与同

18、学们进行交流,教会学生用英文来进行更深层次的对话,当别人遇到麻烦时,学会向对方询问;当自己受到伤害时学会表达;学会表达自己帮助别人的愿望。培养学生对别人身体状况的观察力与对伤害的识别能力,使学生养成关爱他人,观察生活的情感态度。” “Whats the matter?”的理解与使用,会正确回答别人的提问。“Let me help you”在别人遇到麻烦事时表达自己想要帮助别人的愿望。Please recognize that what trouble do the people meet. 请说出这些人遇到了什么样的麻烦事。Step 2. Look, listen and repeat Joy

19、: Ouch! Whats the matter? Joy: My foot hurts. Bill: Let me help you. Joy: Thanks. (课文导入) 重点单词学习。课文翻译。 My ear hurts. Step 4. Read and retell Divide children to several groups. Have a conversation. Lead them to say “Whats the matter?“My hurts.” “Let me help you.” “Thanks” Step 6. Game Games:Show them

20、a word of all students sayings and then ask the kids try to remember all of them and try to recognize: Whats the matter with A? Her eye hurts. Whats the matter with B? His hurts. Copy the words and text of Unit 2, lesson 2. Recite the text well and practice the words. Step 8. Learn to sing a song Un

21、it 2 Body Lesson 3 通过主人公写的一篇名为“A Bad Day”的一封信来引出本课内容,结合课文内容,让孩子们整体把握写日记时的步骤与行文方式,从而能自己独立完成一篇日记。1掌握新单词bad, morning, bite, really, lunch, tongue, football, kick, very, with; 2理解并掌握日记的格式与书写方法;3学会对一篇文章进行总结;4学会“This is a day”“play with ”“at time”等搭配在文章中的使用。通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,能看懂学会文章中的日记并用书上的句型有条理地写一篇日

22、记,同时可以把书上的日记完整地概括出来。通过对本课的学习,让学生学会使用本课重点句式与日记格式完成日记的书写,教会学生用英文来写日记,介绍自己一天中发生的事情,并表达自己的心情与感受。培养学生在写作方面 的能力与翻译思考能力,使学生养成善于思考,善于落笔行文的情感态度。对英文日记格式的理解与使用,能够条理地写一篇日记,介绍自己当天的情况。通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,能正确地表达出自己的感受。Please give me a word to describe today. 请用一个单词来形容今天的经历。 Step 2. Read and number. A Bad Day Thi

23、s is a bad day!In the morning, I play with Lucky. He bites my hand! It really hurts. At lunch time, I bite my tongue. It really hurts. In the afternoon, I play football with Andy. He kicks my leg. It really hurts. This is a very bad day! (课文导入) 单词、句型学习。Let we try to translate it! 让我们一起翻译吧!Step 3. Lets match. Please match the picture a

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