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高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Understanding each other导学案 牛津译林版选修6Word格式文档下载.docx

1、与此同时,所有的印度IT行业都在中国树立了一个良好的形象。(2)Boys are very much _ at the dancing class.舞蹈班里男生占极少数。(3)He won the seat _ 71 votes.他以71票的优势赢得了该席位。(4)Among the members of the committee,those who favor the proposed changes are in the_,so the scheme was passed.Amajority Bminority Cmaximum Dminimum3account vt.认为是;说明;总计

2、有;n.说明;理由;账目;报道A person whose email account is full wont be able to send or receive any emails.(2009天津,5)如果一个人的电子邮件账户已满,他就不能发送或接收邮件。(1)_ should you tell him.你绝不可以告诉他。(2)His exam results were not good,but we must _ his long illness.他的考试成绩不好,但我们必须考虑到他曾长期生病。(3)His illness _ (说明原因) his absence.(4)Wang W

3、ei gave us a vivid _ of her trip down the river.Aexplanation Bidea Cimagination Daccount4sign v签名,签字;打手势;n.记号,符号;迹象;招牌(1)The teacher made a sign to us to be quiet.老师做了一个手势叫我们安静。(2)A red sky at sunset is a sign of good weather.日落时的晚霞是好天气的前兆。(1)用symbol,signal,sign,mark的适当形式填空The siren was a _ for ever

4、yone to leave the building.The children left dirty _ all over the kitchen floor.Red is a _ of danger.Dark clouds are usually a _ of rain.(2)Many scientists have believed that there may be a_ of life on the Mar.Asignal Bsign Cmark Dsigh5remark n谈论;言论;评述;v.谈论;评说;说起_ adj.非凡的;奇异的;显著的Dont make rude remar

5、ks about/on/upon her appearance.不要对她的容貌胡乱评论。(1)His _ left me wondering about his real purpose.他的评论使我怀疑他的真正目的。(2)The quality of his work has often been_ by his superiors.Aremarked Bcommented Cremarked upon Dagreed(3)How do you know about the meeting?The chairperson made the_ that it was a success.Are

6、mark Bmeaning Cdifference Dsignal6certain pron.某些(个);adj.确信的,有把握的(1)You can get cheaper fares on _ days of the year.每年的某些日子里,你可以买到便宜的车票。(2)Can you draw Harry a map just to _ hell find the hotel?你能给哈里画张地图以确保他能找到那家旅馆吗?(3)Wait till you are more_.Its better to be sure than sorry.(2011湘潭月考)Ainspired Bsat

7、isfied Ccalm Dcertain 7.expect vt.预料,预计(某事将会发生)_ n期待,期望(1)To our disappointment,the film did not _ (满足我们的期望)All the audience _(一直期盼观看到) good performances and wonderful stories.They also expected _(有) beautiful music and pictures in the films.But luckily a new young actress performed _(出乎意料)(2)We are

8、 _ a rise in food prices this month.我们预计这个月食物价格会上涨。8adjust vi.适应;vt.调整,调节She soon adjusted/adapted (herself) to his way of life.她很快使自己适应了他的生活方式。(1)And how has Sang Lan _ to her new life?桑兰是如何适应她的新生活的?(2)You can _ this desk _ the height of any child.你可以根据小孩的身高,随意调整这张桌子的高度。(3)I had the brakes of my bi

9、cycle _.我请人调整了我自行车的车闸。(4)You cant see through the telescope until it is _ to your eyes.你把望远镜调节到适合你的目光之后,你才能看得清。9come to总共;总计;达到某种状态;涉及;恢复知觉,苏醒come to a decision作出决定come to an end结束come to life活跃起来;苏醒过来come to oneself/ones senses苏醒过来;醒悟过来come to light为人所知;暴露;真相大白come at攻击,扑向come true实现(1)She _ with a

10、 knife.她拿着刀子向我扑过来。(2)The mystery has now _.秘密已公开。(3)Iran and America have_ an agreement that they will have talks for peace.Acome to Bcome out Ccome up Dcome on10get upset(getp.p.)不高兴;沮丧;失望(1)He _ when he was crossing the road.过马路时他被车撞死了。(2)Im heavily in debt at the moment,but hope to be out of debt

11、 when I _.我现在负债累累,但希望拿到工资后就把债务还清。(3)Only after the second tower of the World Trade Center_ hit did people know it was not an accident,but an attack of some kind.(2011南通模拟)Ahad Bgot by Cgot Dgot to be11.hold up举起,抬起;阻碍;使停顿;支撑(1)While Sara felt Betty didnt hold up her end of the conversation,Betty com

12、plained to Steve that Sara never gave her a chance to talk.(2010北京,阅读理解C)尽管萨拉觉得贝蒂没有延迟她的谈话结束时间,但贝蒂向史蒂夫抱怨说萨拉从来没有给她一个交谈的机会。(2)I think Ill hold on to the records,but you can have the tapes.我想我会把唱片留着,但你可以拿走磁带。(1)I got _ in the traffic jam on my way here.在来这里的路上我遇上了交通阻塞。(2)You should _(不卖掉) your oil share

13、s.(3)I think you need to_a bitwe will be late for the meeting_the manager.Aspeed up;calling by Bspeed up;held byCsweep up;holding by Dspeed up;called by(4)There was a big hole in the road which_ the traffic.(2010常州月考)Aset off Bstood back Cheld up Dkept down12While these different forms of greetings

14、and customs might seem strange to you,remember that what you consider normal probably seems equally strange to others.译文:_句式提取:while.(1)表示“在期间,当的时候”,指一段时间,不能用来表时间点;(2)表示“而,然而”,强调转折;(3)表示“只要”,强调条件;(4)while从句中的省略。当while从句中的主语与主句的主语一致,且谓语含有be的某种形式时,从句中的主语连同be动词可同时省略;(5)while可作名词,意为“一会儿,一段时间”,如after a w

15、hile过了一会儿;once in a while偶尔,间或等。(1)For example,you dont notice how your shoulder feels _ the street.比如,当你走在街上时,你不会注意你的肩膀感觉怎样。(2)Many people enjoy playing different sports _.许多人喜欢从事不同的运动,然而有些人只是喜欢观看它们。(3)We can surely overcome these difficulties _.我们只要紧密地团结在一起,就一定能克服这些困难。(4)_ modeling business is by

16、no means easy to get into,the good model will always be in demand.AWhile BSince CAs DIf(5)_ all of them are strong candidates,only one will be chosen for the post.(2011陕西,19)ASince BWhile CIf DAs13You will get the chance to eat food cooked in underground cooked.cooked.为过去分词作定语。过去分词作定语,和被修

17、饰词之间往往是被动关系,并且已经完成。单个的过去分词作定语放在被修饰词的前面,过去分词短语作定语放在被修饰词的后面。For breakfast he only drinks juice from fresh fruit grown on his own farm.(2009北京,24)早餐他只喝由自己农场上种植的新鲜水果榨出的果汁。(1)This is the house _ several years ago.这是几年前建的房子。(2)_ was very important.被讨论的问题非常重要。(3)It is one of the funniest things _ on the In

18、ternet so far this year.(2011苏州质检)Afinding Bbeing found Cto find Dfound(4)At the beginning of class,the noise of desks_could be heard outside the classroom.Aopened and closed Bto be opened and closedCbeing opened and closed Dto open and close答案1活学活用(1)are requested not to(2)to request you to help me

19、(3)consider my request(4)she (should) be dismissed(5)C句意为:不要回复任何要求你个人信息的电子邮件,不管他们看起来多正式。request需求,符合句意。2minor;major;majority(1)IT majors(2)in the minority(3)with/by a majority of(4)A由于下面一句话意思是“因此方案被通过了”。因此空处应是“占多数”,所以选A;而C则表示“最大量/值”。3活学活用(1)On no account(2)take account of/take into account(3)account

20、s for(4)D此处应为“对进行生动的描述”,account“说明,描述”,所以选D项。4活学活用(1)signalmarkssymbolsign(2)B句意为:很多科学家已相信火星上有生命的迹象。sign迹象,痕迹,符合句意。5remarkable(1)remarks(2)Cremark on/upon.对进行评论,此处为被动形式。(3)Amake the remark that.评论。后半句意为:主席评论说会议是一次成功。6活学活用(1)certain(2)make sure/certain(3)D由后一句“弄确切总比到将来后悔要好”可推知,前一句的含义应是“等到你更有把握的时候再做”。

21、7expectation(1)live up to our expectationshad been expecting to seethere to be beyond all expectations(2)expecting8活学活用(1)adapted/adjusted(2)adjust;to(3)adjusted(4)adjusted9活学活用(1)came at me(2)come to light(3)A指达成协议;come to达成,符合题意。10活学活用(1)got killed(2)get paid(3)Cget hit被袭击,表示被动。11活学活用(1)held up(2)

22、hold on to(3)Bspeed up加速;sweep up扫除。(4)C此处句意为“阻挡交通”;hold up阻挡。12尽管这些不同形式的问候和习俗在你看来可能显得奇怪,但记住你认为正常的很可能在别人看来同样显得奇怪。(1)while youre walking down(2)while others just enjoy watching them(3)while we are closely united(4)A句意为:尽管模特业绝非容易进入,但好模特总很需要。while尽管,引导让步状语从句。(5)B句意为:尽管他们都是很有实力的求职者,但是只有一个人会被选中担任这一职位。sin

23、ce因为,既然;while尽管;if如果;as因为。根据句意选B项。13你将有机会尝到用焢窑烤制的食物。(1)built(2)The question discussed(3)D由语境可知,things和find之间为动宾关系且已完成,故选D项;B项表示一种正在进行的动作。(4)C本题考查非谓语动词作定语。过去分词作定语表被动完成;不定式作定语表将来;现在分词作定语,表示正在进行。句意为:开始上课时,在教室外面就能听到开关课桌的声音。表示开关课桌的动作正在进行,因此用现在分词作定语。.语境填词1The _ (误解) made them feel _(尴尬)2He has the _(习惯) o

24、f _(分析) the causes of failure.3The whole _(国民) has an _(雄心) to make the country more _(强大的) and beautiful.4_(一般地) speaking,it is quite _(宁静) in the evening in the countryside.选词填空1Im sorry to have _ so much of your time.2Its illegal to _ the wildlife in our country.3Will you _ the celebration of the successful launch of Shenzhou this weekend?Sure

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