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1、中频词汇练习1中频词汇练习1:1.While all of these countries face their own challenges, there are a number of consistent themes. Yes, there has been a budding economic recovery since the 2008 global crash, but in key indicators in areas such as health and education, major economies have _ to decline. (2017, Readin

2、g Comprehension, Text 3)AcontinuousBcontinuedCcontinuingDcontinue解析正确答案:B你的答案:未答【答案】continued : v.(过去分词形式)继续。2.When our brains switch between being _ and unfocused on a task, they tend to be more efficient.(2018, Reading Comprehension, Text 4)AabstractedBforcedCfocusedDenforced解析正确答案:C你的答案:未答【答案】foc

3、used: adj. 注意力集中的。3.One reason for the persistence of this pyramid of production is that for the past half-century, much of the worlds media culture has been defined by a single _ - television - and television is defined by downloading.(2012, Reading Comprehension, Part B)AinstrumentBtoolCapproachDm

4、edium解析正确答案:D你的答案:未答【答案】medium : n. 媒体。4.Science and _ would cure all the ills of humanity, leading to lives of fulfillment and opportunity for all.(2013, Reading Comprehension, Text 3)AcultureBtechnologyCeconomyDpolicy解析正确答案:B你的答案:未答【答案】technology : n. 技术。5.To find their sites, archaeologists today

5、 rely heavily on systematic survey methods and a variety of high-technology tools and _.(2014, Reading Comprehension, Part B)AtechnologiesBpatternsCconceptsDtechniques解析正确答案:D你的答案:未答【答案】techniques : n.(复数形式)技术。6.Complex international, economic, _ and cultural changes could start to diminish the lead

6、ing position of English as the language of the world market, and UK interests which enjoy advantage from the breadth of English usage would consequently face new pressures.(2017, Reading Comprehension, Part C)AtechnologyBtechnicalCtechnologicalDtechnique解析正确答案:C你的答案:未答【答案】technological : adj. 科技的。7.

7、Humans are the only animals definitely known to shed emotional tears. Since evolution has given _ to few, if any, purposeless physiological response, it is logical to assume that crying has one or more functions that enhance survival.(2014, Reading Comprehension, Text 3)AawayBriseCupDover解析正确答案:B你的答

8、案:未答【答案】rise : n. 上升。短语搭配give rise to:引起。8.Without question, manufacturing has taken a significant hit during recent decades, and further trade deals_ questions about whether new shocks could hit manufacturing.(2017, Reading Comprehension, Part B)AforwardBproduceCraiseDlead解析正确答案:C你的答案:未答【答案】raise:

9、v. 提出。9.Lower-income jobs like gardening or day care dont appeal to robots. But many middle-class occupations-trucking, financial advice, software engineering have _ their interest, or soon will.(2018, Reading Comprehension, Text 1)AeasedBlessenedCrelievedDaroused解析正确答案:D你的答案:未答【答案】aroused : v.(过去分词

10、形式)引起,激发。10.It is speculated that gardens _ from a basic need in the individuals who made them: the need for creative expression.(2013, Reading Comprehension, Part C)AraiseBariseCrisenDraised解析正确答案:B你的答案:未答【答案】arise: v. 产生。短语搭配arise from:由引起。11.The Industrial Revolution didnt go so well for Luddites

11、 whose jobs were displaced by mechanized looms, but it eventually _ living standards and created more jobs than it destroyed.(2018, Reading Comprehension, Text 1)AincreasedBliftedCraisedDdecreased解析正确答案:C你的答案:未答【答案】raised : v. (一般过去时形式)提高。12.President Trump has underlined fossil fuelsespecially coal

12、as the path to economic growth. In a recent speech in Iowa, he dismissed wind power as an _ energy source.(2018, Reading Comprehension, Text 2)AunbelievableBunreliableCunacceptableDincredible解析正确答案:B你的答案:未答【答案】unreliable: adj. 不可靠的。13.A 2014 survey conducted in Australia, Britain, and the United Sta

13、tes by the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that young peoples _ on social media led to greater political engagement.(2018, Reading Comprehension, Text 2)ArelyBreliableCrelianceDseparate解析正确答案:C你的答案:未答【答案】reliance: n. 信赖。14.Mr. Roth has three community-college students enrolled in a work-placem

14、ent program, with a starting wage of $13 an hour that _ to $17 after two years.(2017, Reading Comprehension, Part B)AcrisisBrisesCrisenDarouses解析正确答案:B你的答案:未答【答案】rises : v. (第三人称单数形式)增加。15.Dickens was born in Portsmouth, on Englands southern coast. His father was a clerk in the British Navy Pay office - a respectable position, but with little social _.(2017, Reading Comprehension, Part B)AimageBskillCstatusDability解析正确答案:C你的答案:未答【答案】status: n. 地位。16.Across generational lines, Americans continue to priz

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