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1、(6) What may they buy this afternoon?A. Schoolbag, pens and exercise-books B. Cup, tooth brush and soapC. Apples, bananas and icecream听下面一段对话,回答第(7)(9)三个小题。(7) Why is Kathy not so happy today?A. Because she wont see May again.B. Because she wants to go to Hong Kong,too.C. Because her best friend ret

2、urned to Hong Kong.(8) What does Ben ask Kathy to do if she misses May?A. To write to MayB. To e-mail MayC. To go to Hong Kong together with May(9) What will they do this Sunday afternoon?A. SwimmingB. FishingC. Shopping听下面一段对话,回答第(10)(12)三个小题。(10) Why doesnt Mike like to wash his hands?A. Because h

3、e is a small boy.B. Because he doesnt like water.C. Because the water is hot.(11 ) Who is older, Mike or Ted?A. They are at the same age.B. Ted is older.C. Mike is older.(12) Whose hands are dirtier?A. Mikes hands B. A Teds handsC. Teds mothers 听下面一段独白,回答第(13)(15)三个小题。(13) How many people are there

4、in the family?A. 3B. 4C. 5(14) What is the mom doing at six oclock?A. She is watching TV.B. She is playing the piano.C. She is walking home.(15) What is Susan doing at 8:00 pm?A. Playing the pianoB. Watching TV.C. Doing her homework.第二节:听取信息(15)Name: Wang Xin Age: _A_Address: 64_B_ St. No.5 Middle S

5、choolFather: Policeman Mother: _C_Wants to have a (n) _D_E-mail: wangxin _E_二、语音题:选出下列选项中划线部分与其他选项读音不同的一个。(15分)(16)A. helpsB. getsC. runsD.makes(17)A. carriesB. watchesC. goesD. rides (18) A. climbedB. pressedC. agreedD. lived(19)A. liftedB. talkedC. stoppedD. jumped(20)A. ranB. happenC. practiseD.

6、take三、语言知识与应用(15分)单项选择 (110)(21) -_ do you go to see your grandpa?- Twice a month.A. How longB. How oftenC. How muchD. How many(22) Your pen is on the floor. Please _.A. pick out itB. pick it outC. pick up itD. pick it up(23) _ you _TV yesterday?A. Do; watchB. Did;C. Do; watchedD. Did;(24) Lily like

7、s playing _ piano while her brother, Tom, likes playing _ rugby.A. /, /B. the, theC. /, theD. the, /(25) -Where _ you _ ?-Guangzhou.A. are, come fromB. do, fromC. /, come fromD. are, from(26) My brother is one of the _ of the football team.A. best boyB. best boysC. better boyD. better boys(27) Its l

8、unch time. Lets continue _ it after lunch.A. doB. to doingC. doingD. does(28) The boy _ a school bag on his back is our monitor.A. inB. ofC. hasD. with(29) Three _ began _ about the money of the vegetables.A. woman, arguingB. woman, to argueC. women, arguingD. women, argued(30) - Dont you think Chin

9、ese is easier than English?- No. I think Chinese is as _ as English?aA. easierB. easiestC. easyD. easily语法选择 (0.510) Mary is an American schoolgirl. She is now in Beijing with her parents. She _31_know Chinese, but she is trying _32_ and speak it. Sometimes her friends dont understand her, because s

10、he cant speak Chinese_33_. Its Saturday morning. Mary _34_out. She is going to a park to see a flower show, _35_ she doesnt know how to get there. She asks _36_Chinese boy. The boy cant understand _37_.Then she _38_out a pen and some paper. She draws flowers on it, gives the picture to the boy and _

11、39_something about it. The boy smiles and then shows Mary the way _40_ the park.(31) A.isntB. am notC. doesnt D. dont (32) studyB. studyC. studyingD. to studying(33) A. goodB. topC. betterD. well(34) A. goB. goesC. goingD. to go(35) A. butB. and C. orD. so(36) A. /B. anC. aD. the (37) A. sheB.

12、hersC. shes D. her(38) A. takesB. takeC. takingD. took(39) A. sayB. saysC. sayingD.said(40) A. fromB. inC. toD. at四、完型填空(0.5John lived in a small town in England. He _41_ stayed in England for his holidays, but then last year he thought: “Ive never been to other _42_. All my friends went to Spain, a

13、nd _43_ liked it very much. so this year Ill go there, too.” First he went to the capital and stayed in a hotel _44_ a few days. On the first morning he _45_ for a walk. In England people drive on the left, _46_ in Spain they drive on the right. John _47_ about this, and when he crossed a busy stree

14、t, a bike knocked him down(撞倒). John _48_ on the ground for seconds and then he stood up and said, “_49_ am I?”Just then an old man selling _50_ past him. When he heard Johns words, he said to him at once, “Maps of the city, sir?(41) A. neverB. seldomC. alwaysD. sometimes(42) A. countriesB. citiesC.

15、 townsD. villages(43) A. heB. theyC. weD. she(44) A. inB. fromC. ofD. for(45) A. went afterB. went outC. went awayD. went off(46) A. andB. soC. butD. because(47) A. forgotB. rememberedC. knewD. asked(48) A. sleptB. stoodC. ranD. sat(49) A. WhoB. WhereC. WhatD. How(50) A. flowersB. drinksC. mapsD. ti

16、ckets五、阅读理解(2(A)Dear Students,My name is Bob. I live in Toronto, Canada, and I want a penfriend in China. I think China is a very interesting country. Many of my classmates have penfriends in China too. They tell me a lot about China. They say Chinese people are very nice. So I hope I can have a Chi

17、nese penfriend. Im 14 years old and my birthday is in November. I can speak English and a little French. I have a brother, Paul, and a sister, Sarah. They have penfriends in England and Australia. My father is a teacher and my mother works in an office. I like going to the movies with my friends and

18、 playing sports. Im good at playing basketball. My favourite subject at school is PE. Its fun. But I dont like maths. Its too difficult! I like Chinese food. My family and I often go the Chinese restaurant for dinner. The food there is very delicious. We all love it.Can you write to me soon?Bob (51)

19、 Where is Bob from?A. America.B. Canada.C. England.D. Australia.(52) Bob wants to have a penfriend in China because _.A. Chinese people are nice.B. he wants to go to China some dayC. many of his friends come from ChinaD. Chinese food is delicious(53) There are _ people in Bobs family.A. sevenB. sixC

20、. fiveD. four(54) Bobs birthday is in _.A. springB. summerC. autumnD. winter(55) What is Bob good at?A. Playing football.B. Listening to music.C. Playing basketball.D. Singing songs.(B)It was Sports Day at school. There were many races and many people were on the playground. Lots of parents were als

21、o watching the races with the children. Five girls were running. They were having a race. Mary was running at the first place. She was in front of Ann. Lily was behind Ann. Betty was at the fourth place and Sue was running after her. Some girls were talking about it. On the other side of the playgro

22、und, David was taking the long jump. His first jump was 7.59 metres. Now he was beginning his second run. It was a long run. Then he jumped, and he was flying. The second jump was 7.99 metres. It was very good. David was smiling at his parents and classmates. Not far from the long jump, John was tak

23、ing the high jump. It was 1.42 metres. Many children were doing well in the sports.(56) Where were the people?A. In the street.B. On the playground.C. In the shop.D. In the factory.(57) _ was running at the third place.A. MaryB. AnnC. LilyD. Betty(58) Davids second jump was _ metres.A. 7.59B. 7.99C.

24、 1.42D. 1.24(59) _ was taking the high jump.A. AnnB. SueC. DavidD. John(60) How many girls are there in the race?A. Five.B. Six.C. Seven.D. Eight.(C) Mick and Jack were in the same school in the town and often played together. Micks father died in an accident when he was nine. His family got into tr

25、ouble. Sometimes he had no money to buy bread for lunch. Jack always gave some to him. When Micks clothes were broken, Jack often asked his mother to help his friend. Mick thanked Jack very much. He promised(承诺) he would repay Jack when he grew up. After Mick finished middle school, he got a job in

26、a city. He worked hard and saved much money, but wanted more. Jack went back to the village and helps his parents work on the farm. One day Mick met Jack at a bus stop in the town. He had to ask his friend to have supper with him. When he heard Jack was in trouble, he said nothing. “Do you remember

27、what you say before?” asked Jack. “Yes, I do.” Answered Mick, “if I have two cars, Ill give one to you. And if I have three houses, Ill give you two.” “Can you lend five hundred dollars to me? “Im sorry I cant. I have only six hundred dollars!(61) Mick and Jack played together because _.A. they lived in the same villageB. they studied in the same schoolC. they were good friendsD. they helped each other

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