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1、surely, ye shall know of the battle with night.Long ages ago,The SUNS of the Morningdescending, found the world filled with night,there in that past, begun the struggle,the age old Battle Darkness & Light. 熟谙于被黑暗充满者,总是努力反对光;但是其他被光充满的人,已经永远战胜了夜晚的黑暗。在全部时代及层面里,的确,将听说与黑夜的战争。很久以前,早晨的太阳递减中,建立了黑暗的世界,在过去,开始

2、了挣扎,黑暗与光古老时代的战争。Many in the time were so filled with darknessthat only feebly flamed the light from the night. 多数人在这时间因而被充满了黑暗只能无力地自黑暗里发出微弱的光芒。Some they were, masters of darkness, who soughtto fill all with their darkness:Sought to draw others into their night.Fiercely withstood they, the masters of

3、 brightness:fiercely fought they from the darkness of nightSought ever to tighten the fetters, the chains that bind men to the darkness of night.Used they always the dark magic,brought into men by the power of darkness.magic that enshrouded mans soul with darkness. 一些人他们是寻求而成的黑暗主人将全部充满他们的黑暗:寻求吸引其他人进

4、入他们的黑暗里。猛烈地抵挡他们光明的主人:他们自夜晚的黑暗猛烈地战斗永远寻求绷紧束缚, 使人类约定夜晚黑暗的束缚。他们总是使用黑暗魔法,将黑暗力量带进人类里。用黑暗掩盖人类灵魂的魔法。Banded together as in order,BROTHERS OF DARKNESS,they through the ages,antagonist they to the children of men.Walked they always secret and hidden,found, yet not found by the children of man. 按照秩序结合起来,黑暗的兄弟,他

5、们经过的年代,他们是人类孩子的敌手。他们总是秘密和隐藏前行,发现,仍不被人类的孩子发现。Forever, they walked and worked in darkness,hiding from the light in the darkness of night.Silently, secretly use they their power,enslaving and binding the soul of men. 永远,他们在黑暗里行走和工作,隐匿了夜晚黑暗的光。默默地,秘密地使用他们的力量,奴役和捆绑人类的灵魂。Unseen they come, and unseen they g

6、o.Man, in his ignorance calls THEM from below. 看不见他们的开始,也看不见他们的去向。人类,用他们的无知从下面召唤他们。Dark is the way of the DARK BROTHERS travel,dark of the darkness not of the night,traveling oer Earththey walk through mans dreams.Power they have gainedfrom the darkness around themto call other dwellers from out of

7、their plane,in ways that are dark and unseen by man.Into mans mind-space reach the DARK BROTHERS. 黑暗就是黑暗兄弟旅行的道路,黑暗的黑暗而不是夜晚的黑暗,地球之上的旅行。他们行走通过人类的梦。他们已经获得力量从他们周围黑暗里从他们的行星的里面去召唤其他的居住者,在他们是黑暗的道路里而不被人类所看见。进入人类的头脑-空间达到黑暗兄弟。Around it, they close the veil of their night.There through its lifetimethat soul dw

8、ells in bondage,bound by the fetters of the VEIL of the night.Mighty are they in the forbidden knowledgeforbidden because it is one with the night. 它周围,他们关闭他们黑暗的遮蔽物。在那里通过它的一生灵魂居住在束缚里,被黑暗的遮蔽物束缚局限。他们在被禁止的知识里很强大禁止只因为它是与黑暗同在的一。Hark ye O old man and list to my warning:be ye free from the bondage of night

9、.Surrender not your soul to the BROTHERS OF DARKNESS.Keep thy face ever turned towards the Light.Know ye not, O man, that your sorrow,only has come through the Veil of the night.Aye man, heed ye my warning:strive ever upward,turn your soul toward the LIGHT.The BROTHERS OF DARKNESS seek for their bro

10、thersthose who traveled the pathway of LIGHT.For well know they that those who have traveledfar towards the Sun in their pathway of LIGHThave great and yet greater powerto bind with darkness the children of LIGHT. 听啊,哦年老的人类及记住我的警告:去解除黑暗的束缚。不是你的灵魂向黑暗的兄弟投降。永远保持你的脸转向光。还不知道,哦人类,你的悲伤,仅仅是经历黑暗的遮蔽物。是呀人类,注意我

11、的警告:永远努力向上,将你的灵魂转向光。黑暗的兄弟寻找他们的兄弟那些旅行在光道路上的人。因为很了解已旅行的那些人的他们在他们光的道路上远远向着太阳具有伟大及更大的力量受黑暗约束的光的孩子。List ye, O man, to he who comes to you.But weigh in the balance if his words be of LIGHT.For many there are who walk in DARK BRIGHTNESSand yet are not the children of LIGHT. 记下来呀,哦人类,直到他为你来临。而是平衡假如他的话语是光的存在

12、。因为存在行走在黑暗光亮里的多数人可是还不是光的孩子。Easy it is to follow their pathway,easy to follow the path that they lead.But yet O man, heed ye my warning:Light comes only to him who strives.Hard is the pathway that leads to the WISDOM,hard is the pathway that leads to the LIGHT.Many shall ye find, the stones in your p

13、athway:many the mountains to climb toward the LIGHT. 跟随他们的道路是容易的,容易跟随他们引导的道路。不过哦人类,注意呀我的警告:仅在他努力的时候光才来到。引导到智慧的道路真的是艰辛的,引导到光的道路真的是艰辛的。多数人将会发现,在你道路上的宝石:多数攀登的山朝向光。Yet know ye, O man, to him that oercometh,free will he be of the pathway of Light.For ye know, O man,in the END light must conquerand darkne

14、ss and night be banished from Light. 仍知道,哦人类,他的oercometh,他真的是自由地成为光的道路。为了啊了解,哦人类,最后光必须战胜而黑暗和夜晚必须从光里清除。Listen, O man, and heed ye this wisdom;even as darkness, so is the LIGHT. 请听,哦人类,也注意啊这个智慧;正如黑暗那样,光也是这样。When darkness is banished and all Veils are rended,out there shall flash from the darkness, the

15、 LIGHT. 当消除黑暗和撕碎全部遮蔽物时候,从黑暗的那里面会闪现,光。Even as exist among men the DARK BROTHERS,so there exists the BROTHERS OF LIGHT.Antagonists they of the BROTHERS OF DARKNESS,seeking to free men from the night.Powers have they, mighty and potent.Knowing the LAW, the planets obey.Work they ever in harmony and ord

16、er,freeing the man-soul from its bondage of night. 正如人类中存在的黑暗兄弟那样,那里同样也存在光的兄弟。他们是黑暗兄弟的敌手,寻求将人类从黑暗里解脱出来。他们拥有的力量,强大和有力。通晓行星遵从的法则。他们永远工作在和谐和秩序里,将人类-灵魂从黑暗的束缚里解放出来。Secret and hidden, walk they also.Known not are they to the children of men.Ever have THEY fought the DARK BROTHERS,conquered and conquering

17、time without end.Yet always LIGHT shall in the end be master,driving away the darkness of night. 秘密及隐藏的,他们同样如此行走。不知道他们真的就是人类的孩子。他们永远与黑暗兄弟战斗,战胜和被战胜的时间无有穷头。然而光总是在最后会成为主人,驱使开夜晚的黑暗。Aye, man, know ye this knowing:always beside thee walk the Children of Light. 是呀,人类,了解啊这通晓:永远行走于光的孩子旁边。Masters they of the

18、SUN power,ever unseen yet the guardians of men.Open to all is their pathway,open to he who will walk in the LIGHT.Free are THEY of DARK AMENTI,free of the HALLS, where LIFE reigns supreme. 他们真的是太阳力量的主人,永远不被人类守护者看见。向全部开放是他们的道路,向将行走在光里的他开放。他们自黑暗的AMENTI里解放出来,摆脱了大厅,生命支配至高之地。SUNS are they and LORDS of th

19、e morning,Children of Light to shine among men.Like man are they and yet are unlike,Never divided were they in the past. 他们真的就是太阳和早晨的上帝,光的孩子在人类之中闪耀。他们就与人类一样可是又不同于人类,他们真的在过去从未分开。ONE have they been in ONENESS eternal,throughout all space since the beginning of time.Up did they come in Oneness with the

20、 ALL ONE,up from the first-space, formed and unformed. 他们真的是拥有大一永恒的一,自从时间开始遍及全部的空间。与全部的一向上他们的确进入大一里,从最初-空间向上,成形了及未成形。Given to man have they secretsthat shall guard and protect him from all harm.He who would travel the path of the master,free must he be from the bondage of night.Conquer must he the f

21、ormless and shapeless,conquer must he the phantom of fear. 赋予人类他们具有的秘密将守卫和保护他免遭全部的伤害。愿意传播主人道路的他,他必须解除黑暗的束缚。他必须征服无形无影,他必须战胜恐惧的幻影。Knowing, must he gain of all of the secrets,travel the pathway that leads through the darkness,yet ever before him keep the light of his goal.Obstacles great shall he meet

22、in the pathway,yet press on to the LIGHT of the SUN. 通晓一切,他必须获得秘密的全部,旅行引导他通过黑暗的道路,仍像以前保持他目标之光。在道路上他会遇到巨大障碍,仍然强加到太阳的光。Hear ye, O Man, the SUN is the symbolof the LIGHT that shines at the end of thy road.Now to thee give I the secrets:now to meet the dark power,meet and conquer the fear from the night

23、.Only by knowing can ye conquer,Only be knowing can ye have LIGHT. 听见啊,哦人类,太阳就是象征符号在你道路尽头闪耀的光。现在向你赋予我的秘密:现在去接触黑暗的力量,相遇和战胜黑暗的恐惧。仅靠知晓也能战胜,仅是知晓也能拥有光。Now I give unto thee the knowledge,known to the MASTERS,the knowing that conquers all the dark fears.Use this, the wisdom I give thee.MASTER thou shalt be

24、 of THE BROTHERS OF NIGHT. 现在我向你赋予知识,对主人的了解,知晓战胜全部黑暗的恐惧。使用这个,我赋予你的智慧。你将会对黑暗的兄弟了如指掌。When unto thee comes a feeling,drawing thee nearer to the darker gate,examine thine heart and find if the feelingthou hast has come from within.If thou shalt find the darkness thine own thoughts,banish them forth from

25、 the place in thy mind. 直到你产生一个知觉时候,提取你更接近到黑暗之门,检查你的心和寻找是否有知觉你已经来自内部。是否你会发现黑暗就是你自己的思想,从你头脑的地方往外驱除它们。Send through thy body a wave of vibration,irregular first and regular second,repeating time after time until free.Start the WAVE FORCE in thy BRAIN CENTER.Direct it in waves from thine head to thy foo

26、t. 发送通过你身体的振动波,最初不规则和随后就规则了,反复多次直到自由。开始波的力量在你头脑中心。指引它从你的头到你的脚波动。But if thou findest thine heart is not darkened,be sure that a force is directed to thee.Only by knowing can thou overcome it.Only be wisdom can thou hope to be free.Knowledge brings wisdom and wisdom is power.Attain and ye shall have p

27、ower oer all. 但是假如你发现你的心不是黑的,坚信力量受引导到你。仅是靠知晓你能战胜它。仅拥有智慧你能希望去获得自由。知识带来智慧而智慧就是力量。获得和也将有超越全部的力量。Seek ye first a place bound by darkness.Place ye a circle around about thee.Stand erect in the midst of the circle.Use thou this formula, and you shalt be free.Raise thou thine hands to the dark space above thee. Close thou thine eyes and draw in the LIGHT. 也寻找受黑暗束缚的最初之地。在你周围仍安放一个循环。直立于循环的中间。你真的使用这规则,而你就会自由。提升你手到你上面的黑暗空间闭上你的眼睛和收光。Call to the SPIRIT OF LIGHT through the Space-Time,using these words and thou shalt be free:Fill thou my body, O SPIRIT OF LIfe,fill thou my body with SPIRIT OF LI

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