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Tutorial Doc week 2Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、attitudes and interests, needs and feelings, and the current situation all affect perception. All people do not see the same thing when looking at a visual image. Perception differs from individual to individual due to a variety of personal, socio-economical, and cultural differences. Age, gender, r

2、ace, and past experiences are examples of personal perception filters. Young children, teenagers, and adults things differently. As they grow and develop, children learn to see and comprehend relationships and themes from visuals instead of simply seeing individual objects and shapes. Socio-economic

3、 filters include occupation, level of education, environmental factors, and family upbringing. Cultural filters include language, For example, Eskimos have many unique words describing different kinds of snow. Not just adjectives that go in front of a standard word for snow, but totally different wo

4、rds.customs, belief systems, and historical perspective. Every characteristic of an individual influences what that individual chooses to see, hear, taste, touch, and smell. How information is interpreted to create meaning for an individual is also influenced by his/her unique make-up and background

5、. Perception is part of the process of understanding visual images Creating effective visual images depends on the appropriate use of design elements and design principles. Try this exercise. Look at each umbrella image. Is the message of each image different? If so, what makes the message different

6、?Here are three more umbrella images. How do these images compare to each other? How do these images compare with the three previous ones?What happens when the image of the umbrella includes a person? What changes about the visual message? Are there differences between these two images? If so, what

7、are they?Tutorial Week 2 PersonalityMachiavellianism: Using Others to Get AheadIn 1513, the Italian philosopher Niccol Machiavelli published a book entitled The Prince.In it, he outlined a ruthless strategy for seizing and holding political power. The essence ofhis approach was expediency: Do whatev

8、er is required to defeat others or gain an advantageover them. Among the guiding principles he recommended were the following:_ Never show humility; arrogance is far more effective when dealing with others._ Morality and ethics are for the weak; powerful people feel free to lie, cheat, anddeceive wh

9、enever it suits their purpose._ It is much better to be feared than loved.In short, Machiavelli urged those who desired power to adopt an approach basedtotally on expedience or usefulness. Let others be swayed by friendship, loyalty, or beliefsabout decency and fair play; a truly successful leader,

10、he suggested, should always beabove those factors. He or she should be willing to do whatever it takes to win.Clearly (and fortunately!), the vast majority of people with whom we interact dontadopt Machiavellis philosophy. But some do seem to embrace many of these principles.This fact has led some r

11、esearchers to propose that acceptance of this ruthless creedinvolves yet another dimension of personalityone known, appropriately, asMachiavellianism. Persons high on this dimension (high Machs) accept Machiavellissuggestions and seek to manipulate others in a ruthless manner.31 In contrast, persons

12、 lowon this dimension (low Machs) reject this approach and do care about fair play, loyalty, andother principles Machiavelli rejected. Machiavellianism is measured by means of a relativelybrief questionnaire known as the Mach Scale. Items similar to the ones in this scaleare shown in Table 4.2.The C

13、haracteristics of High Machs.What are persons who score high on theMachiavelliansm scale like? Research suggests that in general, they are smooth andcharming, lie easily, have no qualms about manipulating or conning others, have littleremorse or guilt over harming others, and are callous and show li

14、ttle empathy towardothers. In addition, they also tend to be impulsive, irresponsible, and prone to feelingbored. If this description sounds to you like the “con artists” we often read about in thenews, you are correct: People scoring high in Machiavellianism show precisely thesecharacteristics.32Me

15、asuring MachiavellianismThe items listed here are similar to those included in one of the most widely used measures ofMachiavellianism. Ones score on this scale reflects the willingness to manipulate others in orderto get aheadDirections: In the space next to each item, enter a number that character

16、izes your own feelingsabout that statement. If you disagree strongly, enter 1; if you disagree, enter 2; if you neitheragree nor disagree, enter 3; if you agree, enter 4; if you strongly agree, enter 5._1. The best way to handle people is telling them what they want to hear._2. When you ask someone

17、to do something for you, it is best to give the real reasons forwanting it rather than giving reasons that might carry more weight._3. Anyone who completely trusts anyone else is asking for trouble._4. It is hard to get ahead without cutting corners and bending the rules._5. It is safest to assume t

18、hat all people have a vicious streakand that it will come out whengiven a chance._6. It is never right to lie to someone else._7. Most people are basically good and kind._8. Most people work hard only when they are forced to do so.Scoring: Add your responses to items 1, 3, 4, 5, and 8. To this numbe

19、r add the sum of 2, 6, and 7after scoring them in reverse (so, if you responded with a 5, add 1 point; if you responded with a4, add 2 points; if you responded with a 3, add 3 points; if you responded with a 2, add 4 points;and if you responded with a 1, add 5 points). Then, add your scores. The hig

20、her your score, themore Machiavellian you tend to be.Tutorial Week 3 GROUPSReview lecture.Synergy exerciseStudents working individually are to write down as many uses as they can think of for a paper clip.Working in groups (size 5-7) how many uses can the group generate for a paper clip.Make the exe

21、rcise competitive between groups.Learning point.The benefit of the group work in the production of ideas.Students to read the accompanying article.Accelerating Group Development It is common practice in accelerating group development to appoint, and if necessary train, a group facilitator. The role

22、of this person is to continually draw the groups attention to the group process and to suggest structures and practices to support and enhance the group skills. This must be only a short-term training strategy, however, since the existence of a single facilitator may prevent the group from assuming

23、collective responsibility for the group process. The aim of any group should be that facilitation is performed by every member equally and constantly. If this responsibility is recognised and undertaken from the beginning by all, then the Storming phase may be avoided and the group development passe

24、d straight into Norming. The following is a set of suggestions which may help in group formation. They are offered as suggestions, no more; a group will work towards its own practices and norms. Focus The two basic foci should be the group and the task. If something is to be decided, it is the group

25、 that decides it. If there is a problem, the group solves it. If a member is performing badly, it is the group who asks for change. If individual conflicts arise, review them in terms of the task. If there is initially a lack of structure and purpose in the deliberations, impose both in terms of the

26、 task. If there are disputes between alternative courses of action, negotiate in terms of the task. Clarification In any project management, the clarity of the specification is of paramount importance - in group work it is exponentially so. Suppose that there is a 0.8 chance of an individual underst

27、anding the task correctly (which is very high). If there are 8 members in the group then the chance of the group all working towards that same task is 0.17.And the same reasoning hold for every decision and action taken throughout the life of the group.It is the first responsibility of the group to

28、clarify its own task, and to record this understanding so that it can be constantly seen. This mission statement may be revised or replaced, but it should always act as a focus for the groups deliberations and actions. The mouse In any group, there is always the quiet one in the corner who doesnt sa

29、y much. That individual is the most under utilized resource in the whole group, and so represents the best return for minimal effort by the group as a whole. It is the responsibility of that individual to speak out and to contribute. It is the responsibility of the group to encourage and develop tha

30、t person, to include him/her in the discussion and actions, and to provide positive reinforcement each time that happens. The loud-mouth In any group, there is always a dominant member whose opinions form a disproportionate share of the discussion. It is the responsibility of each individual to consider whether they are that person. It is the responsibility of the group to ask whether the loud-mouth

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