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1、6.一个积极的课堂将会比充满消极主义的课堂收获多得多的东西不要威吓你的学生。7.如果你在怒气之下管理学生,你的判断可能会出错。学会平静面对困难,这有益于你的健康,而且你的学生还可以从你那里学习解决问题的能力。不要对学生给予的评价耿耿于怀,因为这个年龄段的学生可能今天恨老师,哪天又爱老师了。这是他们这个年龄的特点,并不是他们对教师的总体看法。8.重要的不是你怎么处理学生,而是你对学生的所作所为怎么反应。给予学生选择的权利例如:1)你可以离开教室 (一个事先选好的地方如果你没有时间离开教室,可以请其他教师暂时为你提供一点时间)。2)你可以不离开教室,但要改变自己的个人选择。3)你可以待在教室,但是

2、要把自己的位置换到确信不会带来问题的地方。当你给予学生选择时,他们就有了权利,作出好的选择和继续接受教学的权利。9.如果一个学生的精神或者身体健康状况濒于危险的境地,那么,没有其他选择,只有请冒犯课堂的人离开教室。10.如果教师模仿其他教师执行纪律的方式,那对于他们自己或者他们的课堂并不合适。课堂管理像教学一样,要求个性化哪种方式对于你来说最好你就应该按哪种方式做。以上所列是对课堂管理的概述,建议使用它们无论你选择哪种,都要保持积极的课堂氛围。英文原文:IDEAS FOR NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL TEACHERSGRADES: 6-91. In order to teach, yo

3、u must have control over your classroom. This does not mean you should act like a dictator. If you try to teach without establishing control, then the quality of teaching will suffer. 2. In order to have true respect, you must give it. This does not mean that you accept undesirable comments in the c

4、lassroom nor does it mean that you can run a classroom without some consequences. 3. In order to have discipline there will be consequences for bad decisions. This does not mean that consequences must be harsh to accomplish its job. Harsh consequences do not accomplish much except for breeding hatre

5、d. Consequences should fit the offense. Often the natural consequence is the best. 4. In order to be the authority figure in a classroom, there is an imaginary line that you shouldnt cross. Does that mean you cannot be a friend to your students? No, it means that if the friendship gets in the way of

6、 education, then it has crossed the imaginary line. (For instance, others may see such conduct as playing favorites and it could undermind your relationships with them.) 5. A teacher cannot always be fair, but should strive to fairly apply the rules. 6. A positive classroom will accomplish much more

7、 than a classroom that is filled with negativism-dont threaten your students. 7. If you discipline in anger, your judgment can be in error. Learn to be calm in the face of problems. It will be a healthier approach for you, and your students will learn from your problem solving abilities. Dont take y

8、our students remarks personally-students at this age may hate a teacher one day and love him/her then next. It is a sign of their age, not their overall opinion of the teacher. 8. It is important to act, not react. Give students choices-for example: 1. You may leave the room and go to . . . . .(a pr

9、e-selected place-maybe another teacher can provide a time out corner if you dont have a time out room). 2. You may stay here and make changes in your personal choices. 3. You may stay in the room, but change your seat to an area where you agree there will be fewer problems.-When you give students ch

10、oices, they have power-power to make a good choice and continue receiving instruction. 9. If the emotional and/or physical well being of a student is at risk, then the offender should be removed from the room-no choices. 10. If teachers copy the discipline style of another, it may not fit them or th

11、eir classroom. Classroom control, like teaching, requires personalization-what works best for your is what you should do. The above list is generalities that work. Think about using them. Whatever you choose, keep a positive atmosphere in the classroom.中学课堂管理行动计划作为一位教师,最难掌握的技巧之一就是课堂管理。然而不幸的是,如果你不能掌握


13、就是在这个关头,许多教师开始恐慌,立即采取各种奖惩体系,或者就像Alfie Kohn对教师提到的“萝卜加大棒”体系。不幸的是,这些精心设置的体现本身就是一个错误。它们只能提供暂时的解决方法,而麻烦仍在继续。得到奖励的学生开始学习,并且只有在有奖励的情况下才这样做,而同时,许多事实上有着消极态度的学生开始受到惩罚。对于课堂管理,更好的方案应该是积极的方法。积极的方法是建立在“最好的课堂管理计划就是强大的教学计划”的前提之上,以“中学课堂管理的关键是让所有的学生保持参与你所有的课程”为基础的。不幸的是,有时教师仍不得不对此作出反应。教师使用了书上的每一种积极的技巧,但是仍有学生作出让教师采取反应的

14、事情。但是,因为教师对某些情况必须采取反应并不意味着教师就必须惩罚学生,若非不得已,教师必须慎用惩罚。那么,教师能做什么呢?有一个建议,就是创建“行动计划”,当然,让学生创建“行动计划”就更好了。改变学生的不当举止的关键是让学生对他的行为负责。首先,学生必须认识到他的不当举止,然后确定为什么那些举止不当,最后,他如何计划杜绝这些不当举止。所有的教师需要做的就是让学生完成一份“行动计划”,这份计划要求学生完成以下三个陈述:1. 我之所以写这份计划是因为我2. 这种举止是不当的,因为3. 为了防止这种行为再次发生,我计划然后,在计划的下面要求学生签上他或她的名字。签上他们的名字就说明学生承诺遵照他

15、们的计划做事。最后,这种课堂管理方法远比简单地对学生的不良行为进行惩罚有意义得多,而且这种方法会有长期的效果。Middle School Classroom Management - Behavior Action PlanOne of the most difficult skills to master as a teacher is classroom management. Unfortunately, if you can not master this skill you are not going to survive as a teacher, especially as a

16、middle school teacher.However, when the school year starts, many first-year middle school teachers are pleasantly surprised. All through their teacher training they were told how difficult classroom management at the middle school level can be and how important it is to have effective classroom mana

17、gement skills in order to be a successful teacher.Yet, during the first days of school there doesnt seem to be much of a problemstudents seem fairly attentive, no one is really talking or passing notes, there certainly hasnt been anyone talking back or any fights during the first few daysbut then th

18、ings start to change.You see, those first few days are the honeymoon periodstudents are nervous and many are a little scared so they sit back and wait. However, by the end of the first week of school, or certainly by the second week of school, middle school students start to feel more comfortable, t

19、hey start to test the teachers limits and classroom management becomes more and more difficult.It is at this point that many teachers start to panic and immediately resort to various reward/punishment systems, or as Alfie Kohn refers to themcarrot and stick systems.Unfortunately, these elaborate sys

20、tems are a mistake. They provide only temporary solutions to an ongoing problem. Students who respond to the rewards begin to do their work and behave ONLY if a reward is involved, while at the same time many students who thrive on negative attention actually begin to seek out the punishment.The bet

21、ter plan is the proactive approach to classroom management. The proactive approach is based on the premise that the best classroom management plan is a strong instructional planthat the key to middle school classroom management is to keep all of your students actively involved in all of your lessons

22、.Unfortunately, there are times when teachers are still forced to REact. There are times when the teacher has used every proactive trick in the book and still a student does something that requires the teacher to react.HOWEVER, just because a teacher must react to a situation doesnt mean the teacher

23、 must punish the student. The teacher must still save punishment as a last resort only!So, whats a teacher to do?Well heres an idea.create a behavior action plan. Better yet, have the student create the .The key to changing inappropriate student behavior is to have the *student* take responsibility

24、for his actions. First, the student must identify the inappropriate behavior, and then determine why it is inappropriate, and finally, how he plans to stop the inappropriate behavior.All the teacher needs to do is have the student complete a . The plan calls for the student to complete the following

25、 three statements:1. I am writing this plan because I.2. This behavior was not appropriate because.3. To prevent this from happening again, I plan to.Then, at the bottom of the handout make sure to have the student sign his or her name. By signing their name the student is making a promise to follow

26、 through with their plan.In the end, this classroom management approach is significantly better than simply punishing the student for the misbehavior. This classroom management approach has long-term results.美国教师课堂纪律和课堂管理的10个热门小提示最容易引起新教师担心和恐慌的往往是课堂纪律和课堂管理,但是,课堂管理不是一种学学就能掌握的技巧,它还要在日常的实践中才能掌握。这里是能够帮助

27、你达到成功的课堂管理和良好的纪律的10个小提示。这些小提示能够帮助你减少纪律问题,减少教学被打断或中断的情况。1. 要简单其实很容易许多教师一开学就犯了一个错误:制定乏味的纪律计划。学生会很快评估每个班的情况,从而确定他们怎么样才会逃避责罚。一旦你开了允许干扰的先例,要有一个好的课堂管理和课堂纪律就很难了。但是,纪律不能解决所有问题,时间会冲淡一切。你不得不相信这句谚语:笑到最后才是最好。2.公平是关键学生对于什么是公平、什么是不公平有着清晰的认识。想要赢得尊重,你必须平等对待所有的学生。如若不然,你将被贴上不公正的标签,受到不公正待遇的学生将不再心甘情愿地遵守纪律。需要说明的是,当你最欣赏的

28、学生犯了错误时也应受到相应惩罚。3. 处理干扰的时间尽量短当你的课堂受到干扰时,你必须利用尽可能短的课堂中断立即处理这些干扰。如果学生之间正在讨论他们的事,而你在计划进行课堂讨论,可以向一个学生提问,将他们拉入教学的轨道上来。如果你不得不停止课堂进度来处理干扰,那么你剥夺了那些想要学习的学生的宝贵的课堂时间。4.避免在学生面前发生对峙只要在班里有对峙发生,就会有胜者和败者。显然,作为一位教师,你需要维持班级秩序和纪律。但是,私下处理纪律问题要比让学生在他的朋友面前丢面子好得多。惩罚学生时杀一儆百并不是个好主意,虽然对其他学生起了作用,但是你也丧失了在课堂上教育那个学生的任何机会。5.用幽默化解


30、待专业和学科的先例。为了避免这种情况,就要作出充分的计划,避免出现空闲时间。当你有足够的课堂内容时,你就不会讲完课程时间仍有剩余,避免出现空闲时间。你还可以用微型课填补剩余时间。8.始终如一地执行规则作为一位教师,最坏的事情之一就是没有始终如一地执行规则。如果有一天你忽视了不当行为,而在另一天因为一个极小的违规而责备一个学生,你将很快失去学生对你的尊重。你的学生有期望你每天基本一致的权利,喜怒无常是无法被接受的。一旦失去学生的尊重,你也就丧失了他们对你的注意和取悦你的意愿。9.制定可被理解的规则你需要有选择性地制定规则(毕竟,没有人可以始终如一地遵守180条规则),你还需要将这些规则说明清楚。使学生明白什么可以被接受、什么不能被接受。另外,你需要保证让学生事先清楚地明白违反规则的后果。10.每天都重新开始如果学生屡教不改,这个提示并不意味着你可以不计前嫌。但是,这意味着你每天开始上课时都怀着学生将会表现良好的期望。不要因为朱莉一周中每天都打断你的课堂就认定她今天还要打断课堂。如果这样做,你就对朱莉的看法就不会有什么变化,从而认为她又要打断课堂(像一个自满的预言家)。Top 10 Tips for Classroom Discipline and ManagementMelissa KellyClassroom discipline and manage

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