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1、中考英语必考词组汇总全2021中考英语必考词组汇总1Youre welcome不用谢,别客气2on the left在左边,在左侧3on the right在右边,在右侧4in front of 在.前面5a lot of大量;许多6be good for又寸有帮助的7be bad for对有害的8go to school 上学9go to bed上床睡觉10go to sleep开始睡觉;入睡11all over the world 全世界12as well as 并且,还13be good at 擅长14many kinds of 许多种类15get ready for 为.做好准备16a

2、t the moment 止匕亥!),目前17first of all 首先;第一18lost and found box 失物招领箱19be careful with 小心(对待).20from now on从现在开始21lost and found office 失物招领处22in a hurry匆匆忙忙23thats all仅此而已24get on with sb.与某人相处融洽25ready to do sth.乐于做某事26take a walk 散步27in the future 将来28be able to 能够做.29not.any more.不再.30not only.but

3、 also.不仅而且 31 wait a minute 另U急32 once upon a time 从前33go for a walk 散步34at the age of 在.岁时35in the 1860s 在 19 世纪 60 年代36around the world 世界各地37arm in arm臂挽臂地38not at all 一点也不39make a mistake 犯错误40agree with sb.统一某人41be famous for 因*而闻名42all the time 一直,不断地43in the end最后,终于44in order to 为了45once or

4、twice 偶尔;一两次46side by side并排地;肩并肩地 47 from time to time 有时,间或48 a chess set 一副国际象棋49for the first time 首次;初次50fish and chips炸鱼加炸薯条51at the bottom of.在 的底部52Whafs wrong with.? 怎么了 ?53keep clear of不和接触54have a try尝一尝;试试看55be proud of为而感到骄傲56sb. cant wait某人等不及了57catch a cold 感冒;伤风58take sbs temperature

5、 量某人的体温59take part (in sth)参力口 ;参与(某事)60in excellent condition 健康状况很好61cant help doing sth 忍不住做某事62win the heart of sb赢得某人的心 63 have a look 看一看64as a result结果;因此65make a list 列清单66at the end of在的结尾,在.的末端67at the same time 同日寸68stay in touch(with sb.)(与某人)保持联系69at the top of.在.的顶端70wake sb. up唤醒某人71d

6、ay by day 一天天地;渐渐地72show sb. Around带某人参观,给某人做向导73in ones opinion按某人的意见;74on top of在 上面,盖住75all kinds of各种各样的76take a vacation 去度假77as soon as 一就.78lay the table 摆放餐桌 79 take care of照后页,护理80 at that time 那时候81on ones own 独自一人82a couple of 两个83be worried about 担心84all day long 整天85against the rules 违反

7、规定86of all ages所有年龄段的87get into the habit of.养成 的习惯88be angry with sb.生某人的气89by the way顺便提一下(用于在交谈中插入新话题、题外话或评论)90get into trouble 遇上麻烦91for a time 一小段时间;一度;一时92stop sb.(from) doing sth.阻止某人做某事93take pride in 感到自豪94at a time 每次;一次95in a way从某一角度;从某一点上看;在某种程度上96wait and see 等等看;等着瞧97keep a diary 写日记9

8、8at the time那时;在那段时间99be surprised at 对.感到惊奇100the thing is答案是;问题是101be in with a chance 有可能;有机会102as long as 只要103in one go 一口气;一下子104once in a while偶尔;有时;间或105try ones best尽某人最大的努力赠实用口语:吃早餐1.该吃早餐了。Its time for breakfast.2.来吃早餐吧。Come and eat your breakfast.3.坐在餐桌旁。Sit at the table.4.爸爸,来和我们一起吃早餐。Da

9、d, come and eat with us.5.你可以也叫一下你弟弟吗?Can you call your brother, too?6.谁可以帮妈妈摆餐桌?Who wants to help me set the table?解析:set the table摆餐具,摆饭桌7.你可以把汤匙摆在餐桌上吗?Can you put the spoons on the table?8.吃饭前,先来祷告吧。Lets say grace before we eat.解析:say grace饭前祷告9.吃早餐吧。Lets have breakfast.10.味道如何?好吃吗?How is it? Isn

10、t it good?11.你不喜欢吗?Dont you like it?12.没胃口吗?Dont you feel like eating?解析:feel like doing sth.想做某事13.你为什么不吃?Why arent you eating?14.我不怎么想吃。I dont feel like eating much.15.我在早上不吃东西。I cant eat in the morning.16.吃早餐,会让你更强壮。Eating breakfast makes you strong.17.再多吃一口。Just take one more bite.解析:bite 一口18.先

11、尝尝看好不好吃。Just try and see if its good.19.要迟到了。快吃。Youll be late. Hurry up and eat.20.喝点水。Lets drink some water.21.不要让牛奶洒出来。Dont spill the milk.解析:spill使流出22.我夹不到菜。I cant reach that dish.解析:reach碰23.米饭太多了。There is too much rice.24.我来喂你。Fil feed you.解析:feed喂25.太烫了。Its too hot.26.吹一下,让它凉一点。Blow on your f

12、ood to cool it off.解析:cool off使变凉27.你吃完了吗?Are you finished?28.不要再吃了。Stop eating now.29.我再也吃不下了。I cant eat anymore.30.我饱了。rm full.解析:full饱31.我可以剩一点吗?Cant I leave some?32.可以不全部吃完吗?Is it okay if I dont finish it all?33.我快吃完了。Im almost done eating.34.看起来好好吃。谢谢!Looks good. Thank you!35.感谢你这么好吃的一餐。Thank you for the nice meal.解析:meal饭,一餐36.食物非常好吃。谢谢。The food was fabulous. Thanks.解析:fabulous惊人的,难以置信

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