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1、艰难前进20. get close to接近,靠近21. move on继续移动22. lose sight of看不见23. beat with fear因害怕而心跳(的厉害)24. manage to do sth设法做某事25. in the distance在远处26. work out a plan制定出计划27. be grateful to 对感激28. in the near future在不久的将来29. compared to与相比30. be known as作为而出名31. in sight看得见的,在视线内32. reach out伸出33. be frozen wi

2、th因愣住了,僵住了34. be related to与有关系35. be linked to与有联系36. make sense有意义,讲得通37. make the most of充分利用38. cant help (doing)情不自禁,忍不住39. warm up热身,开始活跃起来40. be responsible for对负责41. all of a sudden突然42. ring out突然响起43. make progress取得进步44. bang into撞到45. feed on以为生46. stare (up) at 凝视47. watch out for当心,小心(

3、二)重点句型1. Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop.2. “Sorry, Miss,” replied the man, “the truth is that the fog is too thick for the bus to run that far.”3. She could feel her heart beating with fear.4. Polly found herself staring up at a man standing with his hand resti

4、ng on her arm. 5. If anyone knows this kind man, please contact me through the newspaper so I can thank him personally.二、自我诊断(一)单词拼写1.He g_ at the envelope and recognized his uncles handwriting.2.There was no one in sight at the entrance, to the building so it was d_.3.The rain was b_ against the wi

5、ndows.4.He r_his hand out for the book I offered him.5.It is easy to r_ your weight if you watch out for your diet.6.Some people learn by e_ and others learn by experience.7.There was a long way for us to go, Besides, the snowstorm a_ to our difficulties.8.Even the best of men _(忽视)that simple rule.

6、9.Even father was _(深深地)moved by the little childs good behavior.10.Theres always the c_ (可能性)that something will go wrong.11.The governments policies came under f_ (猛烈的)attack.12.The loan e_ Jan to buy the house.13.Children who live in the countrys rural areas are very _(可能的)to be poor.14.She was w

7、arned to keep her d from Charles if 15.There is no s in worrying about such a thingIt is often the case.(二)词形转换1. create vt. (adj.) 2. contribute v. (n.) 3. pronounce v. (n.) 4. different adj. (n.) 5. combine vt. (n.) 6. physics n. (adj.)7. origin n. (adj.)8. reflect adj. (n.)9. depend n. (adj.)10.

8、agree v. (n.)(三)完成句子1. 我把信读了两遍,但还是不解其意。Ive read the letter twice, .2. 警方注意到那名男子走进银行。The police the bank.3. 乍一看我还以为是一条狗呢,但是我看走眼了。_ I thought it was a dog, _.4. 我们在其他任何地方都找不到如此美丽的村庄。Nowhere else _.5. 使我们惊讶的是,他们在那场足球赛上打败了另外一个班。To our great surprise, _.6. 众所周知,纯净水的冰点比盐水高。As we all know, pure water _ tha

9、n salt water.7. 不论我们去了哪儿,我们都会保持联系的。Well wherever we go.8. 我们很可能会轻易取胜。_ we will win easily.9. 由于他们的过失,他们可能会被公司解雇。They because of their fault.10. 他补充说科学家们将会再测验60名志愿者。He _ volunteers.(四)单项选择1. The money we made last year150 million.A. added up B. added to C. added up to D. added2. So you didnt say “hel

10、lo” to him last night? Well, I stopped and smiled when I saw him but he me and walked on.A. ignored B. refused C. denied D. missed3. Whats the _ of having a public open space where you cant eat, drink or even simply hang out for a while? (2008福建)A. sense B. matter C. case D. opinion4. As the plane c

11、ame down through the clouds, green fields and white houses came into _.A. light B. sight C. eyes D. effect5. Hes not got another job yet and its not _ he will for some time. A. likely B. possibly C. nearly D. probably6. If you live in the country or have ever visited there, _ are that you have heard

12、 birds singing to welcome the new day. A. situations B. Facts C. chances D. possibilities7. Maybe you have been to many countries,but nowhere else _ such a beautiful place.A. can you find B. you could find C. you can find D. could you find8. He tried to keep _, but his trembling hands gave him away.

13、A. quiet B. still C. silent D. calm9. Dogs are clever animals and they can be trained to _ houses.A. look for B. watch C. watch out D. watch out for10. The doctors are trying to reduce the patients fear _ he would die of the disease.A. which B. when C. that D. if11. On a _ cold night,the little matc

14、h girl was _ to death in a street corner.A. frozen;frozen B. freezing;freezing C. frozen;freezing D. freezing;frozen12. The boy _ the apple,but failed to catch it at last.A. reached out B. reached out for C. reached D. reached to13. Ann never dreams of _ for her to be sent abroad very soon.A. there

15、being a chance B. there to be a chanceC. there be a chance D. being a chance14. In the spring sun, local residents _ the Chengdu Botanical Garden where the Spring-greeting Flower Show is on.A. are to attract to B. are to be attracted toC. are attracted to D. are attracting to15. Tigers _ meat-eating

16、 animals _ meat.A. belonged to; fed on B. belonging to; feed onC. were belonged to; feed on D. belonging to; feeding on16. He _ the plant he grew and takes down the information of its growth every day.Anotices Bwatches Cobserves Dglances17. He formed a habit of _ over the newspaper every morning.Agl

17、ancing Bstaring Clooking Dglaring18. The bird its wings rapidly as it flew on.A. beat B. struck C. hit D. knocked19. The doctor keeps _ touch _ telephone _ his patients.A. in; with; with B. in; by; with C. on; with D. on; by20. It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot _ easy reach.(

18、2009山东)A. near B. upon C. within D. around三、问题探究【问题探究1】senseWhats the _ of having a public open space where you cant eat, drink or even simply hang out for a while?sense n.感觉;感官;意义 vt.感觉到拓展延伸有意义;讲得通_ 常识 _ 责任感,幽默感 _ 理解,弄懂 在某种意义上来说 做某事没有意义 _即时操练1)Although she didnt say anything, I _ that she didnt lik

19、e this idea.A. stared B. feared C. sensed D. watched2)The expert says it _ to take care of our health by eating properly and taking regular exercise.A. is worth B. needs sense C. has sense D. makes sense【问题探究2】observeHe _ the plant he grew and takes down the information of its growth every day.obser

20、ve vt. 观察;注意到,观察到;遵守易混辨析look,see,watch,observe(1)look vi.着重看的动作,跟宾语时须加介词at。(2)see vt.“看见”,着重看的结果,不能用于进行时。其后接不带to的不定式或现在分词作宾语补足语,但被动结构的不定式要带to。(3)watch“观看,注视”。指全神贯注地观看、观察或注视某物的活动、变化和发展。(4)observe“观察,注意到”,后接名词或代词,其复合结构与see,notice,watch相同。We that it was getting colder and colder.We stood at the platfor

21、m, the train going out of sight.He and saw a beautiful small building by the river.If you shut your eyes, you cant 【问题探究3】glanceHe formed a habit of _ over the newspaper every morning.glance vi.&n. 瞥,扫视匆匆一瞥 _ 咋一看 _易混辨析glare at, stare at, glance at_ (不经意地)瞥一眼;匆匆一瞥_ 怒目而视;瞪眼_ 长时间目不转睛地直视或凝视The boy at th

22、e broken glass he dropped on the floor, and didnt know what to do.She shyly at him and then lowered her eyes.He didnt shout; he just at me silently.【问题探究4】beatThe bird its wings rapidly as it flew on.beat vt.& vi.打败;打;击;(心脏)跳动打死某人_ 击败某人_易混辨析,hit, beat, knock, strike(1) _ 着重“连续地拍击”。也可指在游戏、竞赛或战争中击败对方。

23、(2) _ 指“打中”或“对准目标来打”,敲打或打击对方的某一点。(3) _ 通常指“一下一下地打或敲击,留下印记”等;也可指“打动,使着迷,某种想法突然闪现在脑海里”;也可指“(钟)敲响”。(4) _ 指“敲打并伴有响声”;也有“打倒,打翻”的意思。The clock has just twelve.He always me at tennis.He was really unluckily, for the stone him on the head.Someone is at the door, let me go and have a look.I was about to give

24、up my effort to work on the puzzle when a good idea _ me.A. beat B. struck C. attacked D. caught 【问题探究5】add The money we made last year150 million.add vt. 添加;补充说_ 把累加起来_ 加起来总和是,总共有(不用于被动语态,后常跟表示数字的词作宾语)_ 增加;增添(to为介词,宾语位于to之后)_ 把加到(进)里_ 补充说(后面可以接直接引语或that引导的宾语从句)All these figures _ 5,000.Can you _ th

25、ese figures _?He some sugar the coffee.The bad weather our difficulty.He _ he was satisfied with the talk. 【问题探究6】touchThe doctor keeps _ touch _ telephone _ his patients.touch vt.触摸;接触;感动 n.触觉;联系和取得联系 和失去联系 与保持联系 同失去联系 令人感动的 (某人)感动的 Numerous people in the world were _ by the _ courage of the disabled Chinese athlete Jin Jing when she physically pr

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