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1、t get into the electoral college no matter how good his marks are. It isnt like Harvard. Who are these two candidates? Well, one has been Vice President for eight years. He worked very closely with our President. Yes, the same President but dont be unpleasant, Edwardo. No reason to bring that up. He

2、 made some mistakes when he was young. Yes. OK, OK. So he wasnt young, he was 52. She was young. Yeah, you heard right. The presidents wife is going to be the Senator from New York State. No, she isnt. Youre right again. Shes from Arkansas. Well the Governor of Texas says hes the winner, because the

3、 Secretary of State of Florida, which his brother is Governor of, declared that he got several hundred more votes out of 6 million. Yeah, youre right. The father of both governors was President of theUnited States. But please dont call it a dynasty, Edwardo. Edwardo, I want to watch the news now. Al

4、 Gore is coming on television to say that George W. Bush isnt the new President but he is. Now look, thats it, Edwardo. Im not taking any more of this from you. America is a great republic. I dont ever want to hear the word 2)banana again! 2 every detail counts Too close to call? Ladies and gentleme

5、n, lets be serious here. Its not rocket science. All you have to do is take a look at the candidates teeth or the candidates height. Come on the tallest candidate, with the exception of Jimmy Carter, has always won the White House. Advantage? Gore. As for teeth, the candidate with the straightest, w

6、ins the election. A poll of dentists in California gave Gore the advantage there. But wait, the Washington Redskins lost their last home game before tomorrows election. That means the party in power will lose the White House. Advantage? Bush. When the Los Angeles Lakers win an NBA championship, Repu

7、blicans win the White House. Advantage? At Winchell Donut Shops in California, Gore donuts are 3)outselling Bushes. Advantage? But Bush Halloween masks apparently outsold Gores. Advantage? Well, maybe there is a little more science involved in all this predicting stuff than originally thought. So, l

8、ets check the 4)BPM factory. Here we go, blinks per minute. Since 1960, the candidate who blinked the most during presidential debates lost. A Boston College psychology professor says he counted the blinks in all three Bush-Gore debates. Advantage? Gore. But how does that 5)jive with thefact Family

9、Circle Magazine chose Laura Bushs chocolate 6)chip cookies over Tipper Gores 7)ginger 8)snaps. Advantage? Bush. And a poll of kindergarten through 9)12th grade children in Weekly Reader Magazine chose Bush in a 10)landslide over the Vice President. But the stock market is doing well. Advantage? 11)H

10、emlines are down. Advantage? A 12)straw vote, literally a straw vote, at general cinema theaters across the country shows Gore with the advantage. OK, listen, theres only one way to settle this issue once and for all. Thats right. A 13)psychic will certainly know the 14)outcome. Now, the answer weve

11、 been searching for -Psychic: This is the kind of victory having, well there he is, having the 15)laurel leaf and hes on his horse and hes victorious. So, if I had to just put it in a 16)nutshell, its looking like. Wait, on second thought, I dont want to be the one to ruin it for you.3 dividend we s

12、tand(Nov. 15, 2000)Gore: There is a simple reason that Florida law and the law in many other states calls for a careful check by real people of the machine results in elections like this one. The reason? Machines can sometimes 17)misread or fail to detect the way 18)ballots are cast. And when there

13、are serious doubts, checking the machine count with a careful hand count is accepted 19)far and wide as the best way to know the true intentions of the voters.Bush: Each time these voting cards are handled, the potential for errors 20)multiplies. Additional 21)manual counts of votes that have been c

14、ounted and recounted will make the process less accurate, not more so.(Nov. 26, 2000)22)Katherine Harris: On behalf of the state elections canvassing commission, and 23)in accordance with the laws of the state of Florida, I hereby declare Governor George W. Bush the winner of Floridas 25 electoral v

15、otes for the President of the United States. (Nov. 26, 2000)Joe Lieberman: This evening, the Secretary of State of Florida has decided to certify what by any reasonable standard is an incomplete and inaccurate count of the votes cast in the state of Florida.(Dec. 13, 2000) The election was close, bu

16、t tonight after a count, a recount and yet another manual recount, Secretary Chency and I are honored and humbled to have won the state of Florida, which gives us the needed electoral votes to win the election. We will therefore undertake the responsibility of preparing to serve as Americas next Pre

17、sident and Vice President. Now the US Supreme Court has spoken. Let there be no doubt, while I strongly disagree with the courts decision, I accept it. I accept the 24)finality of this outcome, which will be 25)ratified next Monday in the electoral college. And tonight for the sake of our unity as a

18、 people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my 26)concession.4 a lost soul On January 20th, if the person standing up before the Capitol taking the 27)oath of office is George Bush and not me, he will be sworn in as my President too. And I will spare no efforts in saying to people who support

19、ed me, lets not have any talk about stealing the election. Lets not question the 28)legitimacy of the election.Interviewer: No matter how that comes about? That is correct. No but you didnt get your count? That is correct. And for one simple reason - the nations interest has to come first. And I hop

20、e that Governor Bush will make the same pledge. Youre sitting here. They call this house where we are the 29)bunker. Who, who, who does? Oh, everybody. Oh, come on. Come on, everybody. Youre 30)wrapped up in this. That you want to present this picture to the public that everything is OK and its a gr

21、eat 31)civics lesson. I mean, youre, you have to be angry. You have to be angry at whats happening. I mean you do think youve won the election, dont you? Uh, I think I do. I think that a majority of the people in Florida who went to the polls intended to support Joe Lieberman and me. And I think the

22、re. Well, what, is there no emotion here? Well you see, anger is not. What point would there be to feelingthat? Im concentrating. Thats one of those emotions. Come on, what about Katherine Harris? Werent you angry at her? Look, I dont think that it, that it serves any purpose. Have you given any tho

23、ught, any thought to what would happen if it doesnt work out for you? Very little because, you know, coming up to the election, I was pretty well prepared to win, little somewhat prepared if it didnt work out. What I was not prepared for was neither outcome. Yes, Yes. I want to read you something in

24、 todays New York Times. It says, Whichever man ends up having to concede, is going to feel - ready? - 32)tormented, 33)rejected, 34)humiliated, victimized, angry, cheated, ashamed, lonely, and bone tired. Oh, my! Oh, if it. Ive been getting. Now I know why youre fighting so hard. ve been getting 7,

25、8 hours of sleep at night. And I dont feel bone tired. Yeah, but you dontthink youre going to concede at this point, but theyre saying if you end up having to. If you want me to anticipate a situation that I dont think is going to happen and then project my feelings into it, Ill do my best by tellin

26、g you that of course I would be 35)vulnerable to such feelings. But I do believe that with my family and with my faith, I would find a way to come out on top of that and not to surrender to those feelings. We can been described by people who see you as a lost soul in deep denial racked by

27、what ifs. Now. Is that the person you see before you? Well, thats not the person Im seeing, but I dont see you behind the scenes. And, are you in deep denial? No. No. I deny that. OK.5 george w.s victory speech Thank you. Thank you very much! Good evening, my fellow Americans! I appreciate so very m

28、uch the opportunity to speak with you tonight. Mr. Speaker, Lieutenant Governor, friends, distinguished guests, our country has been through a long and 36)trying period with the outcome of the Presidential election not 37)finalized for longer than any of us could ever imagine. Vice President Gore and I put our hearts and hopes into our campaigns. We both gave it our all. We shared similar emotions. So I understand how difficult this momen

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