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1、I_ it a good idea .13. 他什么话也没说就出去了。 He went out _anything .14. 她看见一个陌生人从车里走出来。She saw a stranger _the car .15. 一个月后,玲玲用尽了零花钱。LinLin _her pocket money after a month .16. 他怎么了?Whats _ him ?17. 我胃痛。I _ .18. 你应该躺下休息。You _ and rest .19. 也许你发烧了。 Maybe you _.20. 如果明天你头和脖子还痛,就立刻去看医生。If your _still hurt tomo

2、rrow , then you should _.21. 把你的伤口用水冲一下,然后包扎起来。_ under water , and then put a _ on it .22. 你最好在这儿下车,上那辆车。Youd better _here. And _that bus.23. 他上体育课的时候受伤了,去医院照个X 光。He _in P.E Class and went to hospital _.24. 杰克打排球的时候伤到了背部。Jack _while he _volleyball .25. 我叫她仰着头。 I told her to _.Unit Two26. 我希望去外面工作。 I

3、 hope _outside .27. 这个女孩可以在一个课后学习项目中自愿地去教孩子们。The girl could _ in an after-school study program.28. 我过去常帮助老师发试卷和作业本。I _help teachers (to)_ test papers and homework.29. 我们习惯于在清洁日打扫我们的校园。We _ sweeping our school on Clean- Up Day.30. 听起来很有趣。That _31. 我们都互相关心、互相爱护、互相帮助。We all _each other , love and help

4、each other .32. 我的问题与你的类似。 My problems _ yours .33. 读书对他的生活产生了很大的影响。Reading _his life .34. 他在那次事故中成残疾。He _ in the accident .35. 我对我已经成功这个消息感到兴奋。I_ the news that I have succeed .36. 对许多人来说,一个名字的意义很重要。The _ to many people .37. 由于生病了,这个小男孩没有去上学。The little boy didnt go to school_ his illness .38. 过去,我习惯

5、于骑自行车上学。I _to school by bike in the past .39. 他们处在危险情况时表现很冷静。They behaved(表现)very calmly when they are _.40. 我们的水快用完了。 We almost_ the water .41. 这些学生们一直在说话。The students are _talking .42. 请你借给我你的绿色的水彩笔好吗?Would you please _?43. 詹尼,请把她的贺卡递给他。Jenny,_,please.44. 正当我看电视时,我父亲回来了。While I _, my father came b

6、ack .45. 他和我都没有去参加会议。_ to attend the meeting .46. 天可能下雨,但是我们无论如何都得去。It will probably rain , but _we will have to go .47. 我可以给你提供一本词典。I can _48. 你种的树越多,城市就越漂亮。_ trees you plant , the city will be _.49. 他参加英语俱乐部是为了提高他的口语。He joined an English club _improve his oral English .50. 我从不讨厌干家务,因为它可使我跟好的理解我的父母

7、。 I never hate_ because it can help me _.51. 他跟他父亲很像。He_ his father .52. 吉米,你做什么工作?What _ , Jimmy ?53. 你的帮助使我拥有了“幸运”成为可能。You helped to make _ me to have Lucky .54. 再次谢谢你改变了我的生活。Thank you again _ _.55. 明天天气晴朗。There _ sunshine tomorrow .56. 保龄球场所离我家不远,并且玩一晚上花费也不大。The bowling alley isnt _and a night ou

8、t doesnt cost much .57. 做家务可以发展孩子的独立性,因为将来我们要完全靠自己生活。_ can _the childrens independence. Because we will have to live _58.现在的孩子太多的依赖他们的父母。At present kids _their parents too much.59. 今年你会怎样度过这个暑假?How will you spend your_ this year ?60. 我们的油用完了,需要去买一些。Were_ oil , so we_ some .61. 请你扫一下地好吗?_ you please

9、_ the floor ?62. 我打算打扫一下起居室。I_ the living room .63. 首先你必须打扫你的房间。First you _ your room .64. 请你把垃圾带出去好吗? _the rubbish ?65. 如果她看到这么乱,是不会开心的。She _ happy , if she _this mess .66. 我能邀请我的朋友来参加派对吗? my friends to a party ?67. 你能买点饮料和零食吗? you please drinks and snacks ?68. 因为学业他们没有时间做家务。They _ to do chores_ sc

10、hool work.69. 为了取得好成绩,他们应该把时间用在学业上。They should_ on school work _ get good grades .70. 我认为对孩子来说学习如何做家务很重要。I think its important _.71. 你能帮我打扫起居室吗?_ you help me the living room ?72. 我学会了做家务,且不介意做家务。I _ and I dont mind _ the chores .73. 我和我父母打算明天去度假。 My parents and I are going tomorrow .74. 妈妈,不要忘了喂金鱼。M

11、om , dont _the goldfish .75. 我喜欢洗车,但不喜欢散步。I like_ ,but I dont like to _ for a walk .76. 谢谢你照看我的孩子们。 Thanks for_ my kids .Unit Three77. 我有太多作业,因此没有太多的空闲时间做我喜欢做的事。I have _homework , I dont have any free time_ things I like .78. 我父母不允许我跟朋友们在外面闲逛。My parents dont_ with my friends.79. 我今天真的很累因为我昨晚学习到半夜。To

12、day Im really _because _until midnight last night .80.我不想在电话里谈这件事。 I dont talk about it _.81.你应该跟他打电话以表示道歉。 You should call him _you can say youre _.82.在学业方面父母给了我很多压力。My parents give me _about school .83. 我在学校必须跟同学竞争。I have to_ my classmates at school .84. 虽然你可能生父母的气,但你还是应该跟他们谈一谈。Although you may _w

13、ith your parents, you should _them .85. 人们不应该对孩子要求如此高。People shouldnt _ .86. 虽然想要孩子成功很正常,但更重要的是拥有快乐的孩子。Although its normal _, its more important to have happy children .87. 孩子们应该学会省钱。Children_ save money .88. 我们不应该花太多时间玩电脑游戏。We _too much time computer games .89. 按我的观点,孩子不应该太依赖父母。_, children _their p

14、arents too much .90. 我相信如果我们学会如何沟通,情况会更好。I believe if we learn_. Things will be better.91. 你为什么不让孩子学会照顾自己呢?_let the child learn how to himself ?92. 我经学帮助妈妈收拾房间。I often help my mom to_ the room .Unit Four93. 2010年以来,这个地区发生很大的变化。Great changes have _ in this area since 2010.94. 他们正在建一条隧道,它将穿过这座山。They a

15、re building a tunnel, and it will _the mountain .95. 父母应该允许孩子做出合理的决定.Parents should _their child _.96. 我想下个星期天顺便看望一下吉尔。I think Ill _ Jill next week .97. 你不该允许学生在教室玩游戏,因为太吵了。You shouldnt _ games in the classroom, for its too noisy .98. 我爸爸总是担心我的英语成绩。My father_ my English grades .99. 他昨天这个时候正为数学考试而学习。

16、He _a math test at this time of yesterday.100. 汤姆主动提议帮助我,但我拒绝了。Tom _help me , but I refused .101. 我们可以通过电子邮件互交流。We can _each other by E-mail . 102. 老师建议我们应该和别人交流。The teacher suggested that we should _ others.103. 我们来把不重要的细节删掉。Lets _ the unimportant details .104. 她将在这次舞蹈竞赛中与玛丽竞争。She will _Marry in th

17、e dancing competition .105. 周末我还得像平常那样去上班。 Its weekend, but I need to go to work _. 106. 在我看来,你应该乘地铁去上班。_, you should take the subway to work .107. 我的妹妹凡事都要和我争论一番。 My sister _me on everything . 108. 无论我们遇到什么困难,我们都不要放弃我们梦想。_difficulties we meet with , we will not _our dreams .109. 彼得总是主动提出教他们滑冰。Peter

18、 always_ them water-skating .110. 他向我们解释说他迟到是由于交通堵塞。He _that he was late because of_ .111. 与那些穷孩子相比你很幸运。_the poor children , you are so lucky . 112. 我总是和他在英语竞争。 I always _him in English .113. 剪两块硬纸板,再把它们粘在一起。_two pieces of cardboards and glue them together .114 .我们通常把祖国比作母亲. We usually _ our country

19、 _ our mothers115. 喝完咖啡之后,我继续做我的作业。After drinking a cup of coffee, I_ my homework .116. 你应该主动和她谈一谈,直到她和你谈为止。You should _to talk to her until she will talk to you117. 你为什么不去晚会呢?_ just go to the party ?118. 你应该告诉他让他把电视的音量关小点。You should _turn down the TV.119. 你可以省点钱,那样的话你就可以为你的朋友买生日礼物。You could save mo

20、re money._ you can buy a gift for your friends birthday . 120. 尽管你有时和同学争吵,但是你应该尽力和他们处好。Sometimes you _ your classmates, but you should _them . Unit Five121. 当他们听到这件事时,他们在做什么?What _ when they _ the event ?122.起初,我睡随着了。,突然,我受到惊吓一看发现那栋高楼完全倒下了. At first, I _. Suddenly I _ and found that building _completely.123. 那时,男孩们没大声说话。他们在一起静静地看书。_, the boys were not talking aloud. They were reading together . 124. 他们玩电脑游戏玩得很高兴。They _computer games .125. 9月10号对教师们来说有意义。September 10th _ to teachers .126. 同学们不能相互打架。 The students shouldnt _

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