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1、仁爱版英语七年级下册期中考试试题优选最新文件 便更改仅供参考 已改成 WOrd文本福州文博中学2015-2016学年第二学期七年级半期考英语科考试(题目卷)(完卷时间:90分钟,总分:100分)第一部分 听力(20分)I 听句子,选择与你听到的句子意思相同或相近的选项。每个句子读一遍。(5 分)( )1.A. There are IOtS Of trees in OUr SChOOLB.There is a SChOOl near hereC.There are 800 StUdentS in OUr SChOOL( )2.A. Kangkang USUalIy WriteS a Ietter

2、 to his sister.B.Kangkang never WriteS to his friends.C.Kangkang WriteS a Ietter to his friends OnCe a month.( )3.A. EXCUSe me, how Can I get to the hospital?B.EXCUSe me, COUld you tell me the Way to the POSt office?C.EXCUSe me, do you WOrk in the POSt office?( )4.A. The Parking IOt is near hereB.Th

3、ere is a Parking Iot hereC.There isn,t a Parking IOt near here( )5.A. Why not go to the park?B. DorVt go upstairs, please.C. Let,s go UPStairS and have a look.II听对话,选择正确图片。每段对话读一遍。(5分)C. NeXt to the WaShingC. A PiCtUreC. YeSz there are.C. SiX kilometers.C. BUS No. 108.C. SmaIlC. A and B.6. 7. 8. 9.

4、10. 皿听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。(5分)( )11. A. On the first floor. B. On the SeCOnd floor,room.( )12. A. A SOCCer ball. B. A basketball.( )13. A. Yes, there is. B. No, there isn,t.( )14. A. FOUr kilometers. B. FiVe kilometers.( )15. A. By bus. B. BUS No. 18.IV.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)( )16. Kate,s bedroom

5、 is A. big B. new( )17. What,s On the table?A. A lamp. B. SOme books( )18 Is there a guitar On the wall?A. YeSZ there is.B. No7 there isn,t. C. We don,t know.)19. What is Kate doing?A. She is reading. B. She is doing her homework C. She is IOOking at thePhOt o( )20. There are PeOPIe in Kate,s family

6、.A.three B. four C. five第二部分 英语知识运用(80分)二.单项选择题。(io分)2:Ll Iike PIaying football, but he IikeS Playing PianO)22.What is the girl doing?一She a bike riding B.can ride C.rides)23. ThiS is USefUl book.C.anA.a B. the)25.-Where he live?一一 He IiVeS the SeCOnd floor.A. is;on B. does;On C.does;in)26.What

7、,s On the floor ?C. There,s a key.A. It,s OVer there. B. ItZS red )27. Why notUPStairS and have a rest.A. to go B. go C. going)28. 一 do you Often go to the library? 一Sometimes.A. HOW Often B. HOW Iong C. HOW much)29 I am Very glad B.meets meet)30 Of my ParentS are doctorsA. BOth B. EV

8、ery C. AIl)31.We have a cat. COIOr is yellow and black nice.A. Its, lt,s B. ItSZ ItS Ct,szlt,s)32. Mr. and Mrs.Smith Often a bus to the factory.A.on B.take C. by)33. What do you think the hotel?A.for B.about C.of)34.找出一个划线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词。A.father B.teacher C. her )35.Lily is her pen, but She cant it.

9、A. finding; IOOk for B. IOOking for; find C. IOOking for; finding.)36. -There is With my kitchen fan. Can you help me?OK, I WiIl CheCk it right now.A. SOmething WrOng B. WrOng SOmething C. anything WrOng)37.Is there a restaura nt near here?Yes, go along this road and turn Ieft at the first CrOSSing.

10、 YOU Can See it On yourleft. YOU cant it A.See B. miss C. find( )38.lf a driver drives too fast, he WiIl get a ticket for A. drink-driving B. SPeeding C. making a WrOng turn( )39. 一IS there a ShOP around here? -一 A. Yes, there isnt B. YeSz that is C. Yes, there is.( )40Often hear him .Today When I p

11、ass(经过)the classroom, I hearhim again A. sing; Singing B. Singing; Sing C. singing; Singing三.完型填空。(10分)Mr. BlaCk WOrkS in a hospital He is a good 41 z and PeOPIe Iike him Very much He is Very 42 to his Patients(病人) 43 many PeOPIe Iike to ask him for help.One day, Mr. BIaCk gets to the hospital and 4

12、4 a fat(胖)WOman in the Waiting room. He CallS her to his OffiCe and asksz What,s 45 With you? I madam7z,zzlt,s my birthday today, sir,says the WOmanzMy husband(丈夫)46 me a PreSent(礼物) BUt I can,t go in it. It doesnt matter, madam/ SayS Mr. Black. You 47 IOSe SOme Weight(减月巴).Then, you Can go in 48 yo

13、ur coat. You are 49 ,doctor, SayS the WOman. He buys me not a coat, but a 50 !()41.A.doctorB. nurseC. OffiCe WOrkerD teacher()42.A.friendB. badC. SOrryD. kind()43.A.becauseB. beforeC. afterD. SO()44AfindB. IOOkS atC. IiSten toD.SeeS()45.A.matterB. your nameC. wrongD. doing()46.A.takesB. givesC goesD

14、. COmeS5/14)47.A. IikeB. wantC. ShOUldD. WOUld Iike)48.AB. aC. anD. the)49 A rightB. WrOngC. easyD. difficult)50.A.bikeB. CarC. IamPD COmPUter四阅读理解。(20分)(A)When you are in English Z you must be Very CarefUl because the traffic drivesOn the left. BefOre you CrOSS a street, you must IOOk to the right

15、and the left. In the morning and in the evening, When PeOPle go to Or COme from work, the StreetS are Very busy. TraffiC is the most dangerous then When you are in SOme EngIiSh CitieSz there are big buses With two floors, youCan Sit On the SeCOnd floor.From there you can See the City well, Its Very interesting ( )51. In England the traffic moves A.On the right B. on the

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