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1、18 His baseball is under the table (变一般疑问句)19 I g t shl b bie20 I ften g hiing n the eeend (变一般疑问句)21 She is draing a piture n22 Is the at eating fish?23 I ent t guangzhu last ee24 i planted trees eeterda2 It as sunn esterda(变否定句)26 The apples are five uan27 There is a T-shirt in the bx(变复数句)28 e le

2、ans the r ever da(变否定句)29 Peter is ging t fl a ite next Sunda30 bag is red31 This shirt is ver nie(变为否定句)32 hats the atter?(变同义句)33 T is tall,but denn is shrt(改为比较句)34 He ges t r b bie3 e are ging t g hiing this Frida36 I lie hite best37 e are ging t shanghai38 She is ashing the lthes39 The pens are

3、 in the penil-ase40 Hes ging t the Great all(变否定句)41 It is an elephant42 iss Xu is a gd teaher (变一般疑问句,肯定回答)43 Its ur flag44 The ung girl is sister4 nae is Alie46 She didnt d her esterda(变为肯定句)47 I fr hina48 T is leaning the lassr (变一般疑问句)49 She ften ashes the lthes (变一般疑问句)0 These are aps(变为单数)1 Th

4、is is a beautiful bee2 Is there a b in the dea?(变成复数句)3 There are fur hairs in the dinning r4 an u pla ftball?(否定回答) Xia ing lies draing (变一般疑问句,否定回答)6 ther rs in a hspital7 a Nas unle live in beiing8 The al in the street ever evening9 I ften g siing n Sundas60 ar desnt lie plaing the pian61 Is ur f

5、ather ging t see ur unle?(变肯定句)62 The hildren are ging t the z next eeend63 I did her esterda evening64 iss Li sa the b this rning(变一般疑问句)6 Lil ang Lu ent ie_sating esterda66 Its seven l67 I an see three penils in the penil-ase小学英语系统总复习(代词)一、 写出下列单词的正确形式: 宾格 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词I u he she it e the 二、 根据

6、汉语提示,用人称代词的适当形式填空:1(我) a a teaher 2 (她) is eleven ears ld 3 (他) studies in N1 priar Shl4 (我们) have English ,ah, hinese tda_ (它) is a ap f hina6r Brn help _(我)ash the ar7 I sa _ (你) in the bstre esterda8 Please give_ (他) an English b9The blue bie is _(我的)。10_(她) is an Aerian girl三选择适当的形式填空1Is this ae

7、t _-_?(urs ,ur, u)2_(Its, Its, Is) nda tda3Let_(us, e ,ur) have dinner tgether4_(, ine, I ) nae is Peterhats atter ith _?(he, hi)6Its a bird _(Its, It, Its) nae is Pll7The pen n the des is _(he, hi, his)8_(I, e) a in the pst ffie9_(She, Her) ruler is lng10This is _(u, ur) teaher11Thats nt a pen _(It

8、, The) is a du12T, let _(e, us) g t shl13D _(u, ur, urs) ant t g shpping ith us?14As fish is saller than _(e, , ine)1Is this hair _?(she, her, hers)16_(Thiss ,This is ,That) a b17His shl is bigger than _(e, us ,ur, urs)18L at the ar _(Its, Its) lur is bla19_(hat, h, hse) is n dut? I a20That is _ne b

9、( e, I, ine, )21iss hen teahes _-English (ur, us, his )22This is r Li _(His, She , He, It) is teaher23Are thse apple? N,_( the, these, their) arent24_( I, , ine) bedr is lean2 father and _(e, I, ine, )g t the par26Exuse _(I, e), are u r Green?27Is ie running ?es,_is(ie, she, he)28L at _(e, I, ), ple

10、ase29Please listen t _(she, her,hers)30Please pass _(I, e , ine) the nife四、就划线部分提问:1The are red apples _2Its nine l3The dress is 0 uan_4The b is in the par_The an in the ar is Ts father_6iss Li is her teaher_7He is telve ears ld_8I a fr Shanghai_9The at is red10 nae is Sa_11 I g t shl b bus12Alie is

11、 draing pitures13I an lean the lassr_14 father rs in a shl 1She ges t anada b plane16The pst ffie is next t the hspital17I get up at 7:0018He lies siing19ur lassates d ur he r ever evening20It is an elephant_-21Li an is 16422Peter is ging t lib a untain next Sunda_23She ent ie_sating last trip 24The

12、 pens are in the penil_ase_2It is ur lassr26 unle ent t Shanghai b train27hen Xiadng ent t Xiniang28I a ging t bu a i b29She is ging t the bstre_30I usuall get up at :00 ever rning五、请将下列各题做出肯定,否定回答:1Is this a bx? es, _ _N,_ _2Is ie ur brther? es,_ _N, _ _3Is Peter at he?4Did ur unle read bs?es,_ _N,

13、 _ Are the dus?6Is this ur T_shirt?7Is that a teaher s des?es,_is N,_ist8Des ur brther lie pla ftball?es,_ _N, _ _10an u use a puter?11Is there a frest in the par?12Are there an fish in the rivers?13Is the trash bin behind the dr?es,_ _N, _ _小学英语系统总复习有错就改1 Hell!I is A2 nae ara3 -hats this-Thiss lett

14、er B4 This is an l hats u nae?6 hs b is this?7 Srr,I late-That all right8 sisters nae Alie9 hat this in English?10 ,thiss frieng11 Thans u ver uh12 Thats brtherShe is ver happ13 H are ur friend?14 -hat are u-Fine,thans1 This is penil-ase16 H are u spell that?17 Thats a b A b is n the des18 Li lei is

15、 a b her pen is here 19 He is in lass6,grade six20 Are ur bie bla?21 Is the b in red T?-es,the b is22 Is these ur phts?23 hats thse in hinese?24 Nie t eet ur2 These arent her aths26 D u his friend?27 here is ur sputer gaes?28 There are a b and t pens n the des29 I a need ID ard and nteb30 These are

16、her penils-ases31 This is a piture n fail32 Is he have a baseball bat ?es,he des33 She nl athes the n TV34 parents pla sprt at 6 ever da 3 D u have an friends ? N,I a nt36 an peple lieeggs f breafast37 Des she lies t eat arrts?-es,she dses38 I eat lt f fd fr lunh39 hildren lie Frenh fr ver uh40 The d

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