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高考英语 语法复习高分巧突破 第2部分 特殊句式及其他Word格式.docx

1、Ahow it is that Bhow is it thatCit is how that Dthat how it is选A考查强调句型。分析句子结构可知,wondering后为宾语从句,宾语从句中含有一个强调句的特殊疑问句。由于宾语从句要用陈述语序,故选A。5(2013安徽合肥三校一模)Was it at 11 oclock _ your father came back last night?Yes, he is always coming back so late.Athat BwhileCwhen Duntil“你爸爸昨晚是11点才回来的吧?”“是的,他总是这么晚回来。”此句是一个

2、强调句结构,that是强调句的结构词,被强调的部分是at 11 oclock。6(2013山东济宁一模)How close parents are to their children _ a strong influence on the development of the childrens characters.Ahaving BhadChas Dhave选C考查主谓一致。父母对他们的孩子们的亲近程度对孩子们的性格培养有很大影响。题干中缺少谓语,故排除A项;“How close parents are to their children”作主语,谓语动词用单数形式,故排除D项;本句在介绍

3、一种理论,用一般现在时,故答案为C项。7(2013安徽省芜湖三校一模)A recent study has found that the number of smokers _ sharply over the past five years.Ais increasingBare increasingChas been increasingDhave been increasing选C考查时态和主谓一致。最近一项研究表明,在过去五年里,吸烟者人数急剧上升。the number of后接复数名词作主语,谓语动词则用第三人称单数;时间状语over the past five years表明用现在完

4、成进行时。8(2013皖南八校第一次联考)He is only too ready to help others, seldom, _, refusing them when they turn to him.Aif never Bif everCif not Dif anything选B考查省略。他非常乐意帮助别人,当别人求助于他的时候,他很少,如果曾经有过的话,拒绝他们。if ever“如果曾经有过的话”,符合句意。9(2013郑州一模)Did you tell her the bad news?Yes, but Id rather _.Adidnt BnotCnot have Dhadn

5、t选C考查省略。“你告诉她这个坏消息了吗?”“是的,但我宁愿没有告诉过她。”答句补充完整是Yes, but Id rather not have told her the bad news。 would rather (not) have done表示“宁愿过去(没)做过”。在省略句中,have不可省略。10(2013甘肃河西五市一模)Look! The ground is wet. It must have rained last night, _?Ahasnt it Bhadnt itCmustnt it Ddidn选D考查反意疑问句。看!地是湿的。昨晚一定下过雨,是不是?It must

6、have rained last night是推测语气,可改写为I think it rained last night,可见其反意疑问部分应为didnt it,故选D。11(2013宝鸡一模)There is so much rain on the island that its annual rainfall reaches _.Asixty inches as much asBas sixty inches much asCas much as sixty inchesDas much sixty inches as选C句意:这个岛上的雨水如此之多以至于它的年降雨量多达60英寸。as m

7、uch as意为“多达,之多”,其后直接跟具体的数量。故选C。12(2013石家庄高三一模)Have you seen the film Lost on Journey?Yeah, amazing! Its _ than the films I have ever seen.Aany less interesting Bmuch less interestingCno more interesting Dfar more interesting选D由答语中的“amazing”可知,答话人对电影持肯定的态度,故D项符合句意“它比我曾看过的电影有意思得多”。far修饰形容词的比较级,意为“非常,远

8、远,大大”。13(2013皖南八校第一次联考)A recent survey shows the number of people who shop in stores _, while far more are shopping online.Adecrease BdecreasesCis decreasing Dare decreasingthe number of后接名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数;由后一分句中的“are shopping online”可知,前一分句也用现在进行时。14(2013咸阳一模)When we entered, we found lying on the gro

9、und _ along with her parents.Awas a girl Bwere a girlCa girl was Da girl were选A考查倒装和主谓一致。把found后面的成分变为陈述句语序应该是a girl along with her parents was lying on the ground,主语是a girl,所以谓语动词用单数;lying与地点状语on the ground提前,后面应该用全部倒装。15(2013安徽重点中学一模)Not only _ to turn off the lights in the kitchen, but we also fa

10、iled to lock the front door.Awe forgot Bforgot weCdid we forget Dwe did forget选C考查倒装。我们不仅忘记关厨房的灯,而且忘了锁前门。not only位于句首时,其后的成分要部分倒装,故选C。B项为全部倒装,故可排除。陕西重点中学高三二模)We pursue happiness, thinking one day we will find it. But _ it by seeking it.Ararely will we find Brarely we will findCrarely will find we Dr

11、arely find we will选A考查倒装。我们追求幸福,想着总有一天会找到幸福。但是,我们几乎不能通过一味追求幸福而找到幸福。否定副词放在句首时,句子要部分倒装。A项正确。天津12区二模)No sooner _ down on bed _ the telephone rang.Ahad he lain; than Bhad he lied; whenCdid he lie; than Dhad he laid; before他一躺在床上,电话就响了。固定句式no sooner . than .“一就”,要求no sooner后面的主句部分用过去完成时的部分倒装形式,即no sooner

12、 had主语done,故选A。安徽蚌埠二检)Could it be in the restaurant _ you had dinner with me yesterday _ you lost your handbag?Awhere; when Bwhich; whereCthat; which Dwhere; that选D考查强调句型。有没有可能你在我们昨天一起吃饭的那家饭店,把手提包给丢了?被强调部分为in the restaurant,故第二空用that; in the restaurant后面的you had dinner with me yesterday为定语从句,修饰the r

13、estaurant,关系词在定语从句中作状语,故第一空用where。河北石家庄二模)_ has brought worldwide attention to China?Rapid and steady economic growth, of course.AWhat do you think it isBWhat do you think is itCWhat do you think it is thatDWhat do you think is it that选C考查含插入语的特殊疑问句的强调句型。“你认为是什么使得全世界关注中国?”“当然是快速、稳定的经济增长。”本题的解题思路是I t

14、hink rapid and steady economic growth has brought worldwide attention to China。然后就rapid and steady economic growth提问变为特殊疑问句,即What do you think has brought worldwide attention to China?然后考虑What has brought worldwide attention to China?的强调句型是What is it that has brought worldwide attention to China?最后考

15、虑本句中特殊疑问句的强调句作you think的宾语,故需用陈述句语序,即What do you think it is that has brought worldwide attention to China?湖南长沙二模)Either the judge or the lawyers _ wrong on the case at that moment.Ais BareCwere Dwas那时,在这件案子上,不是法官错就是律师们错了。并列主语由either . or .连接时,谓语应与最邻近的主语的数保持一致,根据题干中or后的the lawyers和at that moment可知本题

16、选C。大连二模)We each _ strong points, but each of us on the other hand _ weak points.Ahave; have Bhas; haveChave; has Dhas; has我们每个人都有优点,但是另外一方面我们每个人也有缺点。第一空前的each作we的同位语,所以谓语动词应和we保持一致,用复数形式;第二空谓语动词的形式应和each of us保持一致,用单数形式。咸阳二模)The murderer, together with his two brothers, _ sentenced to death just now

17、.Awas BwereCis Dare选A考查主谓一致和时态。那个杀人犯,连同他的两个兄弟刚才均被判处死刑。together with连接两个成分作主语时,谓语动词的单复数要与together with前面的成分保持一致,即与the murderer保持一致;由just now可知此处用一般过去时。银川一中二模)Are you pleased with what he has done?Not a bit. It couldnt be_.Aso bad Bmuch betterCany worse Dbest解析:选C考查形容词的比较级和最高级。答语中的Not a bit表示“一点儿也不”,由

18、此可知,第二个说话人认为他做的事情糟糕透顶,此处是否定词与比较级连用表示最高级含义。济南二模)It was during the Ming Dynasty _ the Great Wall was repaired and extended to take on the appearance it has today.Awhen BwhichCwhat Dthat在明朝期间,长城得以修缮并扩建,成为现在的样子。此题考查“It is (was)被强调部分that .”的强调句型,本题强调时间状语during the Ming Dynasty,故选D。陕西宝鸡二检)Not until he wen

19、t abroad for further study _ how attached he was to his parents.Athat the realized Bhad he realizedCdid he realize Dthat he had realized选C考查倒装和时态。直到去国外深造他才意识到他有多么依恋父母。当not until位于句首时,句子要倒装,另外,根据句中的“went”和“was”可知,此处应用一般过去时。11(2013江西抚州五校二模)So absorbed _ in our talk that my brother took a wrong turn on

20、 the way to the airport.Ahe was Bwas heCis he Dhe is选B考查倒装和时态。我兄弟如此专注于我们的谈话以至于在去机场的路上他转错了弯。在“so . that .”句型中,如果“so形容词”提到句首,主句就要用部分倒装的形式。根据that从句的时态可知应选B。甘肃河西五市二模)In the middle of the forest _, in which we often went fishing when I was a little child.Alies a deep lake Ba deep lake does lieCa deep lak

21、e lies Ddoes a deep lake lie在森林的中间有一个深湖,当我小的时候,我们经常在那里钓鱼。当表示地点的介词词组置于句首,且句子的主语是名词而不是代词时,句子要用完全倒装形式,故选A。芜湖三校二模)I really cant think of _ told me you were not coming back till tomorrow.Ait was who that Bwho was it thatCthat who was it Dwho it was thatof后的部分为宾语从句,且为强调句式,强调的是who。因为宾语从句中需要用陈述句语序,故选D。石家庄第二

22、次质量检测)I dont believe you can do todays job with yesterdays methods and be in tomorrows business, _?Ado I Bdont ICcan you Dcant you选C考查反意疑问句。在反意疑问句中,当陈述部分是“I dont think/suppose/expect/believe等宾语从句”结构时,附加问句应与从句一致,同时要注意陈述部分的否定转移现象。分析本题的句子结构可知应选C。洛阳二模)This computer is worse than that one you bought last

23、 year, but it costs twice _.Aas many Bas muchCso much Dso many选B考查倍数表达法和省略。这台计算机没你去年买的那台好,但花费却是那台的两倍。本题考查“倍数词asadj./adv.as比较对象”的比较句型,此句为省略,由于是钱的比较,为不可数名词,故选B。1Amazingly, Zhuo Jun got first place for the “Chinas Got Talent”(中国达人秀) last night.So wonderfully _ in the show that he deserved it.Adid he pe

24、rform Bhad he performedChe performed Dhe had performedso位于句首时句子要部分倒装,由于对话双方都是在谈论过去发生的事情,故用一般过去时,将助动词did提前。2She realized that it was not the words but the way she spoke to Bruce _ hurt him.Awho BwhomCwhich Dthat她意识到不是她说的话,而是她对Bruce说话的方式伤害了他。分析句子成分可知,谓语动词realized后为that引导的宾语从句,而宾语从句为强调句结构:it was . that

25、 .被强调的部分由not . but .连接,故选D。3The number of historic buildings which _ has reached a surprising figure that we must be aware of.Ahas been pulled down Bhad been pulled downCis being pulled down Dhave been pulled down选D考查时态和主谓一致。我们必须意识到,已被拆毁的历史建筑的数量惊人。主语部分含有一个which引导的定语从句,先行词是buildings,因此从句中的谓语应该用复数形式。再根据句意可知,此处用现在完成时,表示“已经被拆毁的”。4Jeremy rather than his friends _ for the accident.Absolutely. He shouldnt have driven after being drunk.Aare to be blamed Bare to blameCis to blame Dis to be blamed“是杰里米而

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