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1、地的根须。all these things shall love do unto you that you may know thesecrets of your heart and in that knowledge become a fragment of life s heart.but if,in your fear,you would seek onlylove s peace and love s pleasure,then it is better for you thatyou cover your nakeness and pass out of love s threshi

2、ng-floor. into the season less world where you shall laugh, but notall of your laughter, and weep. but not all of your tears. lovegives naught but itself and takes naught but from pssesse, notnor would it be possessed. for love is sufficient into love. 这一切都是爱为你们所做的,使你们或许能从中领悟自己心中的秘密,从而成为生命之心的一小部分。但是

3、如果你们出于畏惧只去寻求爱的和美与爱的欢乐,那你们最好掩起自己的赤裸,离开爱的打谷场,踏人那没有季节的世界,在那里,你会开怀,但不是尽情欢笑;你会哭泣,但不是尽为泪水。爱除了自身别无所求,除了自身别无所取二爱不占有,也不被占有,因为爱有了自己就足够了 .love has no other desire but to fulfill itself. but if you love andhave desires, don t let these be your desires: 爱别无他求,只求成全自己。但如果你爱了,又有所渴求,就别让这些成你的所求吧 :to melt and be like

4、a running brook that sings its melody to thenight 融化为一道奔流的溪水,在夜晚吟唱自己的清曲。to know the pain of too much tenderness.体会太多温柔带来的痛苦。to be wounded by your own understanding of love被自己对爱的体会所伤害。and to bleed willingly andjoyfully.心甘情愿地淌血to wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks foranother day of lovin

5、g;清晨,带着一颗生翼的心醒来,感谢又一个充满爱的日子 ;to rest at the noon hour and meditate love s ecstasy;午休,沉思爱的心醉神怡 ;to return home at eventide with gratitude; and then to sleepwith a prayer for the beloved in your heart. 黄昏,带着感激归家 ;睡前,为你心中的挚爱祈祷。关于爱情的英语散文:你很像我的第五任丈夫 even at the ageof 75. thelma was very vivacious and ful

6、l of life. whcn herhusband passed away, her children suggested that she moveto a senior living community. a gregarious and life-lovingperson. thelma decided to do so.已经 75 岁的西尔玛依旧十分活跃,富有朝气在她丈夫过世之后,她的儿女们建议她搬去老人社区生活西尔玛是一个喜欢辛卜交、热爱生活的人,欣然接受儿女们的建议 .shortly after moving in,thelma became a self-appointedac

7、tivities director, coordinating all sorts of things for thepeople in the community to do and quickly became verypopular and made many friends.搬进老人社区后不久,西尔玛自动请缨,成为各项活动的组织者,负责为社区居民协调各类事务,很快便赢得了社区居民的喜欢,也结交了很多新朋友 .when thclma turned 80, her newfound friends showed theirappreciation by throwing a surpris

8、e birthday party fur her.when thelma entered the dining room for dinner that night, shewas greeted by a standing ovation and one of the coordinatorsled her to the head table. the night was filled with laughter andentcrtainmnt. but throughout the evening ,thelma could nottake her eyes off a gentleman

9、 sitting at the other end of thetable.西尔玛 80 岁生 11 那天,她那些新交的朋友为表示对她的感谢,给 她办一个惊喜生日派对。当西尔玛像平常一样去餐厅吃晚餐时,餐厅内所有的人都站起来欢迎她,一位组织者将她引到上座入座。整 个晚宴充满欢声笑语,大家都很尽兴,但整个晚上,西尔玛的眼睛都不曾离开过坐在桌子另一端的那位老先生。when the festivities ended, thelma quickly rose from her seatand rushed over to the man pardon me, thelma said, pleasef

10、orgive me if i made you feel uncomfortable by staring at youall night. i just couldn t help myself from looking your way. yousee, you look just like my fifth husband. 宴会结束后,西尔玛马上起身,走到那位老先生面前。对不起 ,西尔玛说到, 今晚我一直盯着你看,如果这让你很不舒服的话,希望你能原谅我,但我实在没法忍住,总想要朝你所在的方向看。你知道为什么吗,因为你和我的第五任丈夫太相像了 !your fifth husband! r

11、eplied the gentleman. forgive me forasking, but how many times have you been married?第五任丈夫 ! 那位老先生说道, 那么请原谅我这一问,你结过几次婚呢?with that, a smile came across thelma s face as she responded,four.这时,西尔玛笑容满面地回答 : 4 次。 they were married shortly after. 不久后他们就结婚了。礼轻情深 a story is told about ,ayoung married couple

12、 whose names are jim and dclla. they arepoor but very much in love with each other. 有一对夫妻,丈夫叫吉姆,妻子叫黛拉他们生活窘迫,但是彼此深深相爱.as christmas approaches, della wonder what to get jim for christmas. she would like to give him a watch chain fur his goldwatch. but ;he doean t have a enough money. then she gets ani

13、dea.she has beautiful long hair. so della decide, to cut off herhair and sell it buy the fancy chain for jim s watch. 前,黛拉考虑着该给吉姆买什么样的圣诞礼物她想给他的金表配一根表链,可钱不够。后来她想到了一个主意。她长有一头漂亮的长发,因此她决定将长发剪短换钱,这样就可以给吉姆买一根漂亮的表链了。on christmas eve she return s home, and in her hand isbeautiful bos containing a gold watch

14、 chain which shepurchased bys elling her hair. suddenly della begins to worry.she knows jim admired her long hair, and she wonders if hewill be disappointed that she cut it ott and sold it.,拿着一个装有金表表链的礼盒,黛拉向家中走去没错,表链正是她用卖掉自己的头发的钱买来的。黛拉有些担心,她知道古姆非常喜欢她长长的秀发,而待会看到她的头发被剪短,他会很失望吗 ?della climbs the final

15、flight of stairs leading to their tinyapartment. she unlocks the door and is surprised to find jimhome and waiting for her. in his hand is a neatly wrapped boxcontaining the gift he purchased for her.黛拉在不安中走完了通向他们那面积不大的公寓的最后一级楼梯。打开门,她惊讶的发现吉姆正在家中等她回家。他手里拿着一个包装精美的盒子,里面装着的当然是给她的礼物。when della removes he

16、r scarf, jim sees della s short hair, andtears well up in his eyes. but she says nothing. he chokes backthe tears and gives della the gift box.到家后黛拉解开头巾,看到黛拉剪短的头发,吉姆眼中泛泪,而她什么也没说。控制住眼泪 .吉姆将手中的礼盒递给黛拉。when della opens it, she can t believe her eyes. there in thebox is a set of beautiful silver combs fo

17、r her long hair.打开礼盒,黛拉不敢相信自己的眼睛,礼盒里装有一套漂亮的银质梳具,一套为她曾经的秀发准备的梳具。and when jim opens his gift, he, too, is astonished. there insidethe box is a beautiful gold chain for his gold pocket watch.only then does della realize that jim pawned his gold watch tobuy her the silver hair combs. 打开礼盒后,吉姆同样惊呆了,礼盒里正是

18、黛拉给他买的漂亮的金表表链。黛拉那时才知道,为了给她买这套银质梳具,吉姆已经将金表抵押给了当铺。far more beautiful than the gifts is the love they symbolize.比礼物更美的,是礼物所表现出的对彼此的爱。【篇二:爱是一个永恒不变的主题,不论古今中外,爱都是人们探讨的话题和写作的内容,因为爱能够感动所有的人。也正是因为生命中有了爱,才把人们紧紧相连在一起,并且懂得珍惜和认真对待每一个人。就让关于爱的英语作文陪伴大家找寻更多的爱吧!1、love love makes the world go to us human i

19、s whatwater to shines the most beautiful light of humanity,we born in it,we live by it.too often we take it asgranted,but we should know love is a priceless gift we shouldcherish.i have heard a saying :the quickest way to receive loveis to give it; the fastest way to lose love is to hold i

20、t too tightlythe best way to keep love is to give it is important forus to learn to love as the first class in our life. 2、love makes the world go around love to us human is what water to shines the mostbeautiful light of humanity,we born in it,we live by it.too oftenwe take it as

21、 granted,but we should know love is a pricelessgift we should cherish.but how to cherish the love?i haveheard a saying :the quickest way to receive love is to give it;the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly the best wayto keep love is to give it is important for us to learn t

22、o love as the first class in ourlife.only when you know how to love than you will be a realman in this brings us warmth in the fearfulcoldness,love brings us bright when life gets hard brings us confidence toward life when we are tiredout and want to give deserves all

23、 the admiring words,and love is even beyondthe life and death.that is what love is all about in my eyes.3、love love is an art which involves deep emotion. it is a pure andlofty desire in ones innermost heart. real love means not only apleasure, but also loyalty and obligation. to love is to give and

24、sacrifice. one who can not create happiness, even makesacrifice for his beloved, cannot be counted as a true be loved you have to love. true lovers are willing to sacrificethemselves for each others sake. true love needs noexpression in words. one glance is enough to make each otherundersta

25、nd. a handshake, a gentle touch inspired by respectand admiration, will leave you intoxicated and remain in yourmemory. even when you are old you will recall and cherish itwith deep emotion.real love is unforgettable. with the development of science andtechnology, love becomes more noble, rich, fine

26、 and subtle. asis known to all, everyone is born with the right to love and alsothe right to refuse to return love. human love exists withhuman beings. wherever there are people, there is love.let us draw courage, confidence and happiness from love.4、 love love is a ray of sunshine in the winter, th

27、e cold and hungerperson feels particularly of warmth; love is the desert a spring,make thirsty man have renewed the fire of hope; love is thelong drought earth a downpour, is in accordance with thenurses who get warm consolation. love is everywhere, lovecan not only warm others, still can warm onese

28、lf. send personrose saved said wasnt it the reason?everyone needs love, the world need more love. let the worldfill with love, is our each person responsibility. because onlywe are living in a world filled with love, our hearts will havelove. you remember on may 12, 2008 the wen chuanearthquake? and

29、 you have to listen to the sound of wrenchingeclogue tearing cry for help? you still have see that yijujubloodied corpses? and you had smelt a drop of tears drop? itis the tears of the lost relatives! the tears expressed relatives,but for all the emotion of a lost relatives with emotions, is thatwho forced them to leave tears? is heaven? is the upbringing

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