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1、Beijing is the capital of China. The pen on the desk is mine. 3、用在序数词和形容词最高级前。(副词最高级前的定冠词可省略)如:He is always the first to come to school. Bob is the tallest in his class. 4、用在世界上独一无二的事物前。the earth, the moon, the sun. 5、指上文提过的人或事物(第二次出现)。 There was a chair by the window. On the chair sat a young woman

2、 with a baby in her arms. The baby was thin. 6、用在一些习惯用语中。on the day, in the morning (afternoon, evening), the day after7、用在某些专有名词前(由普通名词构成的专用名词)。the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Science Museum, the Childrens Palace, the Party等。tomorrow, the day before yesterday, the next year, by the way等。8、用在

3、报刊、杂志前。the Peoples Daily, the Evening Paper, the Times 泰晤士报。 9、用在江河湖海、山脉前。the Yellow River, the Pacific Ocean, the Alps, the Himalayas 10、用在形容词前,表某一类人。the poor, the wounded, the living, the dead, the rich, the sick等。11表示某一家人要加定冠词。 The Browns are at home to receive visitors today. 布朗一家今天要接待客人。12、定冠词可

4、以表示一事物内部的某处。 The driver always sits in the front of the bus(car). (三)、零冠词(即不用冠词): 1、名词前已有作定语用的this, that, my, your, some, any等代词。 Go down this street. 2、专用名词和不可数名词前。China, America, Grade One, Class Two, milk, oil, water, paper, science等。3、节日、日期、月份、季节前。Teachers Day, Childrens Day, National Day, in su

5、mmer, in July等。4、复数名词表示一类人或事物时。 We are students. I like reading stories. Today is New Years Day. It is Sunday. March 8 is Womens Day.5、在某些习惯用语中的名词前。at noon, at night, at first, at last, at most, at least, by bus(train, air, sea), in bed, in time, in front of, go to school, go to bed, go to college,

6、on foot, at table, in ink, in pencil等。6、在称呼语或表示头衔的名词前,尤其作表语、宾补时。Whats the matter, Granny? We elected him monitor. 7、在三餐饭和球类运动前。 She goes to school after breakfast every morning. We are going to play football. We usually have lunch at school. 8、科目前不加。 We learn Chinese, maths, English and some other s

7、ubjects. 【专项训练】:3、Ive been waiting for him for hour and half. A; Bthe; a Ca; the Dan; a 4、What fine weather we have today! Aa B Csome Dan 1、 We cant live without air. Aan Cthe Dsome 2、Have you seen pen? I left it here this morning. Is it black one? I think I saw it somewhere. Aa; Cthe; Da;7、 Himalay

8、as is highest mountain in world. the; BThe; CA; a; D8、They each have _book. Li Huas is about writer. Wang Lins is on science. Bthe; the C5、Have you ever seen as tall as this one? Aa tree Bsuch tree Can tree Dtree 6、Children usually go to school at age of six. Ba; an Dthe; the 11、Many people agree th

9、at_knowledge of English is a must in international trade today. Aa;9、 Physics is science of matter and energy. AThe; C DA;10、 sun rises in east and sets in west. AA; an; CThe;14、what kind of car do you want to buy? Bthe Ca15、Alice is fond of playing piano while Henry is interested in listening to mu

10、sic. 12、 _Mr. Jones called while you were out (neither of us knows this man). He was in bad temper.Aa BA;13、They were at dinner then. It was delicious one. 17(安徽) We can never expect bluer sky unless we create less polluted world. 2 A. a;B. a; the C. the;D. the;18.(北京) The biggest whale is _ blue wh

11、ale, which grows to be about 29 meters longthe height of _ 9-story building. A. the; B. a;C. a; D. the;16、Beyond stars, the astronaut saw nothing but space. Athe;BDthe;21.(陕西) What pity that you couldnt be there to receive prize! B. the; C. a;22.(四川) In order to find _ better job, he decided to stud

12、y _ second foreign language. A. the; C. the; D. a;19.(江西) Some people fear that _ air pollution may bring about changes in _ weather around the world. A. /; / C. an;.(海南) Lets go to cinema-thatll take your mind off the problem for while A. the;B. the; a C. a; D. a ;25.(全国2 ) What I need is book that

13、 contains ABC of oil painting. A. a; 不填24.(重庆) Washing machines made by China have won worldwide attention and Haier has become popular name. B. /; a C. /;23.(浙江)I dont understand what the engineer means, but Ive got _ rough idea of _ project plan. A. the; a B. 不填; theC. the;D. a;【总结提高】: 请从课本或报刊中抄写五

14、个含有冠词典型用法的句子,并标明用法。第二节 名词 知识要点:(一)、名词的种类: 1、普通名词1)可数名词:?可数名词除用复数形式表一类之外,一般都要加冠词:A bird The frog is a kind of hibernating animal. Vegetables sold at this shop are usually fresh. 有复数形式: a)规则变化加“s”或“es”(与初中同,略)b)不规则变化child (children), foot (feet), tooth (teeth), man (men), woman (women), mouse (mice),

15、goose (geese), Englishman (Englishmen), phenomenon(phenomena) 注意: c)单、复数同形:sheep, deer, Chinese, Japanese, fish(同一种鱼)。如,a sheep, two sheep d)只用复数形式:thanks, trousers, goods, clothes, socks, shoes,e)形复实单:physics, politics, maths, news, plastics(塑料),means. f)形单实复:people (人民,人们),the police, cattle等 g)集合

16、名词如:family, public, group, class等。当作为整体时,为单数;当作为整体中的各个成员时,为复数。 My family is a big one. My family are music lovers. h)复合名词变复数时,(a)只把复合名词中的主体各词变为复数形式。sister(s)-in-law嫂子,弟妹;step-son (s)继子;editor (s) -in-chief总编辑。 (b)如没有主体名词则在最后一个词的后面加“s”。grown-up(s)成年人,go-between(s)中间人 (c)woman, man作定语时,要与被修饰的名词的数一致。a

17、man servantmen servants, a woman doctorwomen doctors 2)不可数名词 注意:不可数名词前一般不加冠词,尤不加不定冠词:若加a(an)则使之具体化了。 如:have a wonderful time. 不可数名词作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。不可数名词一般无复数形式。部分物质名词在表不同类别时,可用复数形式。fishes, newspapers, waters, snows | | | 各种各样的鱼 各种报纸 河湖、海水 积雪 有些抽象名词也常用复数,变为可数的具体的事物。times时代,works著作,difficulties困难 在表

18、数量时,常用“of”词组来表示。a glass of milk, a cup of tea, two pieces of paper. 2、专有名词: 1)China, Japan, Beijing, London, Tom, Jack(不加冠词) 2)the Great Wall, the Yellow River, the Peoples Republic of China, the United States等。(由普通名词构成的专有名词,要加定冠词。) (二)、名词的所有格:1、表有生命的东西(人或动物)的名词所有格,一般在名词后加“s”。Mikes bag, Childrens Da

19、y, my brothers room, womens rights 1)复合名词的所有格,在后面的词后加“s”。her son-in-laws photo(她女婿的照片);anybody elses book(其他任何人的书)2)有些表时间、距离、国家、城镇的无生命的名词,也可加“s”表所有格。half an hours walk (半小时的路程) Chinas agriculture (中国的农业) 3)表地点(店铺,某人的家等)的名词所有格后面,一般省去它所修饰的名词。the tailors (裁缝铺) the doctors (诊所) Mr Browns (布朗先生的家)4)如果一样东

20、西为两人或两人以上共有,则在最后的一个名词后面加“s”; 如果不是共有,则每个词后都要加“s”。Jane and Helens room. 珍妮和海伦的房间(共有). Bills and Toms radios. 比尔的收音机和汤姆的收音机(不共有) 5)名词复数的词尾是-s或-es,它的所有格只在词后加“”。Teachers Day, the workers rest-home(工人疗养院),the students reading-room 2、表示无生命的东西的名词一般与of构成词组,表示所有格。the cover of the book3、“of词组+所有格”的用法: 在表示所属物的名

21、词前有冠词、数词、不定代词或指示代词(如:a, two, some, a few, this, that, these, those等)时,常用“of词组+所有格”的形式来表示所有关系。 a friend of my fathers 我父亲的一位朋友。some inventions of Edisons 爱迪生的一些发明 those exercise-books of the students 学生们的那些练习本。4、表示有生命的东西的名词也可以用of,特别是名词较长,有较多的定语时。the story of Dr Norman Bethune Do you know the name of

22、the boy standing at the gate?3、How many does a cow have? Four. Astomaches Bstomach Cstomachs Dstomachies 4、Some visited our school last Wednesday. AGerman BGermen CGermans DGermens 1、There are only twelve in the hospital. Awoman doctors Bwomen doctors Cwomen doctor Dwoman doctor 2、Mr Smith has two , both of whom are teachers in a school. Abrothers-in-law Bbrother-in-lawsCbrothers-in-lawsDbrothers-in law 7、That was a fifty engine.

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