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1、一、自主预习预习书本P2526(1a-2c)页的相关内容,完成下列任务。1.译短语。过去时常 一次又一次 对有兴趣 取得好成绩 害怕 describe people blonde hair look like in four years brave enough wear glasses ask questions a couple of days be afraid of(doing) sth. used to do sth. be used to doing sth. 2. 归纳已学过的谈论人的外貌和性格的词句。二、合作探究 I. la.用描述人的词语填表。(课本P25)例:Appeara

2、nce(外貌):short, long hair,too fat,not thin, short hair. Personality(性格):serious, outgoing, friend1y, active, humorous, quiet , shy.II. 1b. 听材料,填人描述外貌和性格的词。III. lc. 谈论班上同学,组建对话。A: Did Mike used to have curly hair?B: Yes, he did. He used to be heavy. Whats he like now? He has straight hair and he is th

3、in now.IV. 完成教材上2a-2b的任务1.2a. 先大声朗读2a中的9个选项单词,再听录音,勾选出所听到的单词。.2. 2b. 先浏览2b中的句子,扫清词汇障碍,作好听前的预习。然后再听录音,补全句子。V. 2c. 利用2b中有关Paula 的信息,谈论Paula. 也可以谈论自己,或身边的人的变化。Paula used to be really quiet. But now she is outgoing.I used to be really short. But now I am tall.三、抽测达标I、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1. He doesnt work har

4、d and is late for school f time to time.2. It is h for me to make some friends at the new school.3. Dont be s in class. You must be active.4. Mark Twain was a h American writer.5. He studied hard and got good g on his exams.II、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1 .I used to (get) up late. But now. Im used to (get)up ea

5、rly.2. We (know) each other since two years ago.3. Mike is (outgoing) than Jim.4. Hes (interest) in_ (play) computer games.5. Are you afraid of (speak) in public?III、单项选择。( )1. Her son coke,but now he milk. A: used to drink;is used to drinking B. used to drinking;drinks C. is used to drinking;used t

6、o drink D. is used to drink;is drinking( )2 .Sally used to be_,but now she enjoys meeting and talking to new friends. A. active B. silent C. honest D. outgoing( )3. 一Not only the young but also the old are getting interested WeiChat (微信).一They can communicate more freely. A. by B. in C. about D. for

7、( )4. He_ to play soccer_ the school team when he was three. A. uses;in B. used;in C. uses;on D. used;on( )5. 一 _Mary use to play the piano? 一No,_. A. Did;she didnt B. Was;she wasnt C. Did;she wasnt D. Was;she didntIV、根据汉语意思完成句子。1.我过去常打篮球。 I _ _ _ basketball.2.我过去是游泳队的一员。 I used to _ _ the swimming

8、team.板书设计Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Period 1 课后反思邱婷2Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Period 2 Section A(2d-3c)2. 能用英语谈论自己的过去与现在的情况。3. 学会用发展的眼光看问题,良好的心态看待变化了的事物。score, background, interview, Asian, dare, ton, private, guard, require; deal, shyness, crowd, look at, deal with, in pu

9、blic, turn red, take up, dare to do sth., not anymore, hang out, all the time, give up, a number of, get tons of attentionHe used to be shy and quiet.I used to see him reading in the library every day.I didnt use to be popular in school, but now I get tons of attention everywhere I go.预习书本P2627(2d-3

10、c)页的相关内容,完成下列任务。译短语。亲自,亲身 为感到骄傲 缺席 做决定 寄宿学校 即使 照顾 a normal boy from the countryside work very hard do well in (school) cause any problems a few years ago spend a lot of time together move to the city look for miss you so much feel lonely influence his schoolwork become/ be (less) interested in fail

11、his examinations make friends send .to find life difficult leave the school talk with advise sb. to do sth. take a 24-hour train take a 5-hour bus ride have communication with have a long talk be worried about I. 2d. 分角色表演:一个学生扮演Alfred,一个学生扮演Gina. 多分成几个小组,在小组之间进行评比,选出最佳表演小组。II. 完成教材上3a-3b的任务 1 .3a.读

12、文章并确认如下信息在哪段出现,给信息标上1、2或3. 2. 3b.快速阅读3a,并完成有关Candy的句子。 3. 学生跟读课文,加深对文章的印象。III. 3c. 对话训练。一人扮演记者,一人扮演Candy,编写采访活动的对话。 A:Candy, did you use to be shy? B:Yes. I used to be really shy.Then, how did you deal with this problem?Well, I used to take up singing to deal with my shyness.1. He studied hard and g

13、ot good s_ on his exams.2. If you want to visit a foreign country, you need to know the b of its culture.3. China is an A country.4. There are many g standing at the Tiananmen Squre.5. Its a p question. Sorry,I cant answer you.II、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1. You must be (prepare) to get good scores.2. He will (

14、require) a lot of money to run his business.3. Dont be so (shy). You must find a good way to deal with your (shy).( )1 .You can never imagine_ difficult the road to success is. A. how B. what C. when D. why( )2. Dont always worry_ your problems. A. with B. about C. to D. at( )3. Candy used to be _,

15、but now she dares to sing in front of her class. A. active B. shy C. honest D. outgoing( )4. He used to_ short and _short hair when he was young. A. have;be B. be;be C. be;have D. have;have( )5. If you try,Im sure you will_. A. made it B. making it C. to make it D. make it I used to _ _the swimming

16、team.3.自从我大学毕业已经十八年了。 It _ _ eighteen years _ I left college.4.他过去和女生谈话时,脸常会变红吗? _his face _ to _ red when he _ to girls?5.为了考试取得高分,他总是很刻苦。 _ _ good scores,he is always _.6.我成名之后不再拥有太多的私人时间。 I dont _much _ time _ after _ popular.7.现在我去每一个地方都会倍受关注。 Now I get _ _ _ everywhere I go.8.我不得不小心我所说的或做的。 I _

17、to _careful about _I say or _.9.他敢在群众面前唱歌。 He _ _ _ in public.10.我不得不准备放弃我的正常生活。 I have to _ _ to give _ my _ life.Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Period 2 a number of, a small number of, a large number of; too much/too many3Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Period 3 Section A(Grammar

18、focuse-4c)2. 能用used to谈论自己或他人的过去, 并与现在作出对比。3. 认可处于成长变化中的自己。European, African, British, speech, public, at least, in public, I used to be afraid of . Im still afraid of .Five years ago, Emily didnt use to eat a lot of vegetables, but now she loves carrots.预习书本P28(Grammar focuse-4c)页的相关内容,完成下列任务。至少 公开

19、的,在别人面前 be popular in school books on history watch a lot of TV/ movies which ones listen to pop music enjoy country music watch scary movies six books a year give a speech be alone I. Grammar Focus:1. 大声朗读其中的句子。2. 归纳used to的用法。把例句中出现的语法现象画上线,并说明其用法(肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句及其回答)。小试身手:I used to wear glasses.改为一

20、般疑问句:并作出回答:改为否定句:就划线部分提问:II. 4a. 用used to仿写句子。III. 4b. 用表格中的有关信息,用下列句式来描述Emily. 例如:1. 2. 3. III. 4c. 看表格中列出的事物,哪些是你过去害怕的?哪些是你现在仍然害怕的?你能把你的秘密说出来吗?例如:I used to be afraid of the dark. Im still afraid of high places.4. 1. I have read many books on E history, like France, England and so on.2. People in A

21、frica are A .4. People in the UK speak B English. People in America speak A English.II、根据汉语意思完成句子。1.他敢在群众面前唱歌。 He dare to sing _ _.2.我过去至少每年要读六本书 I uese to read _ _ six books a year. 3.我每周回家一次。I go home .4.你过去是很矮,是吗? You used to be short, .Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Period 3 at least, i

22、n public 4Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Period 4 Section B(1a-1e)2. 能用used to谈论自己小时候的的喜好,并同现在作出对比。3. 懂得热爱学校生活,积极参加各项活动,通过不断努力使自己朝好的方向改变和发展。ant, insect painting pictures, walk to school, on the soccer team, be nervous about I didnt use to like tests. We used to play every day after school.

23、I used to be nervous about tests all the time.预习书本P29(1a-1e)页的相关内容,完成下列任务。步行去上学 担心 画画 在足球队 worry about= be worried about Comparewith I. 谈论小时候的事。1. la. 你还记得小时候喜欢做的事情吗,请运用used to把它们表达出来。并把它们记录下来。 I used to like P.E. class.2. 谈论自己的喜好,比一比,看谁讲得最好?I used to like ants and other insects.I didnt use to like

24、writing compositions.C:I used to walk to school,but now I like riding my bike to school.II. 听力训练。1. lc. 听录音,勾选出你听到的句子。2.1d. 再听一遍,边听边独立完成ld。III. 1e. 小组活动。What did you use to like(doing)when you were a child?I used to like P. E. class.I used to like playing soccer with my classmates.Did you use to like music class when you were a child?Yes. I did.No,I didnt. I used to like science class.You used to like

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