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1、 I will show you some pictures of places theyve been. Please take notes when you are watching.T gives the following instructions:1. I will show you some pictures of places theyve been.2. Please take notes when you are watching.3. After that, please tell me how many places are there altogether and wh

2、at they are.T shows four pictures of some places.S answers according to the picture.T corrects the mistakes and may show the pictures again if necessary.(Pudong International Airport, the bund, Yu garden, Shanghai zoo, Xintiandi, Shanghai Science and Technology Museum and Shanghai Museum)活动2【活动】Inpu

3、tlisteningT: Among these pictures, do you know their favourite place?Students may give some answers or no answer. Ive invited 4 French students to talk about their favourite places. Lets listen to them. Please take notes while listening.T plays the recording one by one.T invites students to give ans

4、wers and give reasons.T gives feedback if the students answers are wrong.活动3【活动】Inputreading French students told me that they wanted to know more about Shanghai, about those they have been to, and also about those they havent. Would you please give them some introductions about more places? First,

5、you need to read some instructions.T gives the instructions.1. Work in a group of 6.2. Each group needs to read 8 passages and find useful information as much as possible.3. Take notes and finish the table.4. Group A is responsible for sightseeing, Group B shopping and Group C eating.T provides indi

6、vidual drilling.活动4【活动】OutputanintroductionaboutascenicspotT invites some students to introduce some scenic spots according to the information they have taken down.T gives feedbacks about their presentations.活动5【活动】Outputatourplan I think they will enjoy those places. So why not make a tour plan for

7、 them? Please discuss with your group members and make a one-day tour plan for them. Each group needs to focus on your task. (Group A sightseeing Group B eating Group C shopping.)T invites some students to give presentations about their tour plans.活动6【作业】Assignment Write down your 3-day tour plan fo

8、r French students. The school may use your plan next year.e.g.: On the first day, they are going to Unit 2 Going to see a film认知目标:课标词汇hardly, type, operate, railway, fly, judge, raise, instruction, program, mistake, hold, video, more importantly, have great understanding of, make mistakes, for the

9、time being拓展词汇unaware, be unaware of, dependent, be dependent on,diagram,essential, drive, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM2. 能力发展目标:1)通过多种形式的阅读活动与任务, 培养一些阅读微技能,如:整体把握文章大意,快速搜索信息的能力2)设计小组合作,学会交流与合作3)情感目标:拓展学生视野,培养学生正确表达自己观点,学会对电影做出评价1这是一篇影评,比较枯燥,学生容易失去兴趣。2学生的英语基础都比较好。在掌握好单词句型训练阅读技巧之外,应有所拓展。本课新点为了增加课堂的趣味性,整堂课设计为第一百届奥

10、斯卡电影颁奖典礼,在这节课上我们谈电影类型(warming-up),赏析电影WALL-E ( the first and second reading), 并让同学们以评委的身份在三部候选电影中选出最佳影片并说出原因(post-reading)1.本课由于内容较简单,能让同学们轻松进入话题,因此作为单元的第一次课。2.文章介绍了电影WALL-E的内容以及作者喜欢这部电影的原因。文章读起来比较枯燥。3文章有着清晰的结构,因此学生在阅读时要学会整体把握。文章又详细介绍电影内容,因此学生在阅读时要学会快速阅读提取信息。活动1【活动】教学流程步骤目的教师活动学生活动条件/手段1.Warming up用

11、奥斯卡颁奖典礼各明星的照片引起同学们的兴趣。欢迎学生参加第一百届奥斯卡典礼,让学生对本堂课充满期待。1.Show some pictures of Oscar.2.Welcome Ss to attend the 100th Oscar3.Show the outline of this class: free talk on films revision of a hit film in 2008 chose the best film for this yearDiscuss the pictures:Do you know these stars?Can you guess what t

12、hey are doing?Have you ever think of attending the Oscar?2. Pre-reading头脑风暴让学生学习各种电影类型Get the students to do brainstorming.Brainstorming: How many kinds of films do you know?Possible answers:comedy,tragedy, musical films, cartoon, fantasy films, action films, horror films, detective films, romantic

13、filmsBlackboard(学生说到新单词写在黑板上)3.While- reading欣赏2008年的电影Wall-E培养学生快速阅读,把握文章整体的能力Ask students to read to read the passage quickly for 3 minutes to get the general ideas.Ask students to answer the questions3.Teach how to use: be set inStudents read the passage quickly and answer the three questions:Whe

14、n is the film set? (setting背景)The film is set far in the futureWho are in the movies? (characters人物)Wall- E and EveHow many reasons make the movie succeed?培养学生搜寻细节信息的能力1.Ask students to read through Passage and find out answers to the questions 2. Ask students to answer the question in pairs. One re

15、ad the question and the other answer.3.Teach the phrases:turn it off/ up / downmake you think, make sb do1.Read the passage and answer:Why do human build Wall-EWhy does WALL-E have to work every day even after all the humans leave Earth?Why does WALL-E follow EVE onto the spaceship?What makes the fi

16、lm enjoyable and moving?What else makes WALL-E a hit family film of 2008?引导学生进一步理解文章。 对所给的句子判断对错1.Ask the students to to do the exercise of T or F2.Teach students the phrases:Make friends with sbStudents do the exercise:Wall-E is a new cartoon 2.Humans leave WALL-E to clean up the rubbish on Earth 3

17、.Eve is a slow and stupid robot 4.WALL-E is lonely, so EVE stays to make friends with him5.WALL-E and EVE speak the same language4. Post-reading读最后一段,引导学生从不同方面评价一部电影。给学生三部既熟悉又可爱的电影选出最佳影片,引起他们的兴趣。1.Guide the students to Read the last paragraph2. Guide the students to appreciate a film.3.Presnt three

18、nominated film and ask students to find the best picture1. Students read the passage together2.Students discuss the the questions:In writers opinion, what aspect make the film famous?Students work in groups and find out the best picture and explain the reason.The three films: Kunfu Panda , Tom and J

19、erry, UP5. Homework巩固课堂所学,并延伸到课外。(1) Complete the exercise in the exercise book(2) Write an article about : What make me choose the film as the best picture?(3) Read the passage aloud and memorize the new vocabulary.Unit 3 A visit to Garden City1.To learn the words about different jobs2.To scan for

20、the specific information in a text3.To be able to interview and write a report about different jobs.作为中学英语学习的第一阶段,学生虽然有小学15年级的英语基础,但英语学习仍处于入门阶段。在小学阶段,学生主要以听说为主,学习了一些简单的日常用语,也学习了一些简单的单词和语法。但还需要在以后的学习中从各方面落实,注意小学词汇和句型的复现。强调模仿,力求纯正地道的语音语调。因此,在教学中要继续注意听说领先,注意学生语音、语调和单词、课文的教学。get familiar with the usage

21、of”since “and “for” in present perfect tense活动1【讲授】relativesandtheirjobsTeaching procedure:StepscontentsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiespurposesWarming-up and lead inPlay a movieSee the movie and answer the questionsTo focus students attention on the topicI.pre-task preparation1.learn the new

22、words about jobsShow the words and picturesLearn the wordsTo learn some new words about jobs2.match the jobs with its definitionShow the exerciseFinish the matching exerciseTo get familiar with the words about jobs3.pair workShow the pictures and key wordsDo the pair work with the given informationII While task proceduresLearn the textPlay the tape of the textListen to the tape and read

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