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1、A. an B. a C. it ( ) 9. I like morning exercises. A . do B. dont C . isnt( )10. I like cats and they like .A. I B. my C. me 六.情景反应.(4分)( ) 1.你在动物园看见一只像猫但比猫大的动物,你想知道这是什么动物,该怎样问A. Whats this B. Is this a cat C. Whos this( ) 2.妈妈问你 Whats your favourite colour 你该怎样回答:A. Its big . B. Its red . C. Its fat

2、. ( ) 3. 当你站在一头大象前观看它时,你会用英语说:A. Its thin . B. This elephant is big. C. This elephant is small.( ) 4. 当李老师对你说 Hello, boys and girls .你们应该怎样说:A. Thank you . B. Hello, Miss Li. C. Hello.七. 连词成句.(10分)1. the, look, trees, at 2. fat, monkey, is, that3. zoo, has, old, a, MacDonald4. its, look, a, panda5.

3、riding, bikes, dont, like 八.读一读,判一判.(8分)A: What are your favourite sports, MaryB: My favourite sports are table tennis, swimming and riding bikes. I dont like football. What about you, Jim I like basketball, football and skating(滑冰). I dont like skipping or boating(划船).1. Jim likes football and skat

4、ing. ( )2. Jim doesnt like boating or skipping. ( )3. Mary doesnt like swimming. ( )4. Mary likes table tennis and riding bikes. ( )九.小作文.(8分)要求:请试着用 “I like ” 、 “ I dont like” 介绍你自己,不少于四句话.小学英语第二册期中测试题、笔试部分五、从中找出不同类的单词,将序号填在提前括号内。( ) 1. A. rice ( ) ( ) C. window ( ) D. He ( ) 6, A elephant B monkey

5、 C noodles D bird ( )7, A Chinese B Maths C science D Christmas ( ) 8 A play B about C sleep D pass 6、单项选择,将编号填入括号中。( )1. I go to school_ the morning . A. in B. at C. On( ) 2. _ are they Theyre oranges. B. What C. Do ( )3. Tom likes _ bikes. A. ride B. riding C. rides ( ) 4. Look_the trees . A. at B

6、. of C. In( )5. What are they They are _. A. lion B. a lion C. Lions ( )6. We have Spring Festival _ China A. at B. on ( ) 7 Does Tom _ football A likes B like C liking ( ) 8-Pass me the rice ,please . -_. A Thank you ,mom ! B Happy Christmas ! C Here you are !( )9 I like _ A a meat B a dog C a milk

7、 ( ) 10 This is _ bag ,_ bag is on the desk A my,he B his ,she C her ,my 7、根据上句找下句,将下句序号填在题前括号中。( ) do you have at school A. Yes, he does.( ) he like basketball B. No, I dont.( ) you like apples C. I have Chinese and Maths .( )s your favourite song D. They are lions.( ) it fat E. Its the ABC song.(

8、) are they F. No, it isnt.九,下列句子的顺序都打乱了,你能正确地排序吗1 、computer toy favourite a game is my _.2、 monkey and tall that is fat _. 3 、I like dont bikes ridding 4、 does like bananas Daming _ 5、 goes to he school on Mondays 6 、in do what do you the morning7、do play you football afternoon the in _ 8 、Lingling

9、what does have at today school _ 三年级英语期末试题一、按照要求完成下列各题(10分) (复数形式)_ (反义词)_(反义词)_ (反义词)_ (复数形式)_二、选出不同类的单词(10分)三、单行选择(20分)( )1. -Whats this - _ a tiger .s re re ( )s _elephant A. a B. an ( ) are they -_elephantss re s( ) favorite colour is _ cat ( ) _are ( ) Amy like rice -No,_.A.she does doest d

10、oest( ) you like noodles -_ ,I does B. No,I do C. Yes,I do ( )s put on funny clothes_the party ( )s cool and _in autumn B. hot C. windy( ) father goes to work _car A.on 四、情景交际(10分)( )1.你在动物园看见一只像猫但是比猫大的动物,你想知道这是什么动物,该怎样问s this this a cat C. Whos this ( )2.妈妈问你 Whats your favorite colour 你该怎样回答:A.Its

11、 big s red C. Its fat( )3.当你站在一头大象前面观看它时,你会用英语说:s thin B. This elephant is big. elephant is small。( )4.当老师对你们说:Hello,boys and girls .你们应该怎么说: you .Miss Li B. Hello,Miss Li. .( )5.在我国被称为“国宝”的动物是:五、左右栏对话连线(10分) does she have today go swimming s the time ,please has Art and PE does Sam do at the weeken

12、d ,I do you like apples plays football do you do at the weekend s half past two六、改错(10分) have Music ,Art and PE. ( ) A B C does Lingling does on Monday ( ) Tuesdays , I play football. ( ) watch TV in the afternoon. ( ) go swimming in the morning. ( ) 七、英汉互译(10分)1.Whats you favorite song _2.My favori

13、te toy is a kite. _3.I fly a kite in a park. _ 4.熊猫在帽子里.5.我步行去上学.八、连词成句(10分)1. fishing he the goes tree under _2. Amy does fly where kites3. are ten there on tree bananas the _4. to train he by goes Shanghai 5. small this is cat _九、阅读理解(10分) Sam in an English boy . He is a pupil . Hes ten . He is in

14、 Class Three ,Grade Three. He gets up at 6:30. He has breakfast at 7:00 and goes to school at 7:30. He goes to school on foot. ( ) is from_A.Chinese ( ) does he go to school -_ bike bus foot( ) time does he get upA.At 6:30 7:00 7:30( ) old is he( ) time does he have breakfastB.At 6:新标准英语三年级下册期末试卷班级:

15、 姓名:一、 写出相邻的英语字母。(20分)1. Aa _ Cc 2. Dd _Ff Hh _ Ll5. Mm Nn_ Xx 二、选择正确的答案填在前面的括号里。( )1. Whats_ favourite song A. your B. you C. I ) go to school _seven oclock.A. in on )3.Whats the time, please Its_.A.half of ten B. half at ten C. half past ten )4.How doyou go toworkI go to work_bus. at in C. by

16、 )5.Have you got a computerYes_. have B. I do C. I has )6. What_Lingling _at school She has English , Maths and Science.A. does , has B. does , have C. do , have ) 7. Its warm in _.A. spring B. summer C. winter ) do you _in winterA. does B. doing C. do( ) 9._ is the penIts on the desk.A. Where B. Wh

17、at C. How( )10、What _they A. am B. are C. is三、我会根据情景选择正确的答案。(10分)1. 你要告诉外国小朋友,今天不是春节,该怎么说: ) A. Its Spring Festival now.B. Its not Spring Festival today.2.妈妈要告诉你,你的钢笔在桌子上,她会说:A. Your pen is on the desk. B. Your pencil is on the desk.3.你想问大明你喜欢老虎吗,你会说:A. Do you like tiger B. Does you like tiger4.在新年时

18、见到你的亲朋好友,你会对他们说:A. Happy birthday! B. Happy New Year!5. 你要告诉妈妈你喜欢吃花生,该怎么说: A. I like sweets. B. I like peanuts.四、连词成句。1、Smart got dress has a red ( . )_2、What weekend at do the do you ()_3、I skipping dont like ( . )4、you Do football in play the morning ( )5、is What the time ( )五、找对应答语,把序号填入括号中(10分)。

19、 ) 1. Does he eat peanuts A. Thank you . ) 2. Happy Christmas! No , he doesnt . ) 3. What does Amy do at weekend C. Its six oclock. ) 4. Whats the time D. Theyre dogs. ) 5. Whatre they E. She watches TV六、看图,读句子,选择恰当的句子将序号写在图下面的括号里。A、Its warm today , but its raining. B、Its hot and sunny today. C、Its

20、snowing today .Its very cold . D、Its cool and windy today. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )七、看图,读句子,选择恰当的单词或词组填空。将序号写在提前括号里。(15分)A、have lunch B、goes fishing C、riding a bike D、book E、car1、Its 12 oclock . I _at 12 oclock . 2、He likes _ . 3、Have you got a_ 4、She goes to work by _ . 5、He _ in the park. 八、阅读理解(15分)My nam

21、e is Xiaoyong . Im nine . Im a pupil. I get up at six oclock . I go to school at eight . I go home at four .I watch TV at six . I go to bed at nine oclock.根据短文内容,判断对()错()。( ) 1、My name is Xiaoliang .( ) 2、I get up at seven oclock .( ) 3、I go home at four oclock .( ) 4、I go to bed at half past nine ( ) 5、Im not a pupil.第二册英语期末练习题一、我的发音最特别。 )1、A、fat B、pass C、hatD、have )2、A、thin B、rice C、shipD、fish )3、A、song B、doll C、oclockD、short )4、A、tree B、meat C、breakfast D、she )5、A、look B、football C、book D、noodles二、选择。

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