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1、冀教版初三英语课本知识总结Revised on November 25, 2020冀教版初三英语课本知识总结Unit1:stay healthy一、Key words(重点单词):. n.胃,腹部. . v. 后悔. . n. 发烧. n. 检查 ,考试. n. 疼痛. vn.原谅. n.牙医. n. X光,x射线. v.拒绝. n. 牙痛. adj. 德国的;n.德国人,德语. n.玉米. n.豆子.14. Asia. n. 亚洲. Asian. adj. 亚洲的. Africa. n. 非洲. African. adj. 非洲的. America. n. 美洲. American. adj

2、. 美洲的. Europe. n. 欧洲. European. adj. 欧洲的. v.包括,包含. nv.烟,吸烟. adj. 有害的.18. public. adj . 公共的,大众的. n. 法律. conj. 无论何时. n. 危险,风险. pron. 有人,某人. v. 控制,管理,支配. n. 电话. pron. 她的(物品).欢呼,喝彩. v. 踢. n.遗憾. adj.困倦的,瞌睡的. v.提及,写到.二、key phrases(重点短语): doing sth:后会做了某事.have a fever.发烧. an x-ray.照x光片. to the dentist.看牙医.

3、 no choice but to do sth.别无选择只能去做某事. rich in. 富含. of.数以百万的. a result of. 由于,作为.的结果. a risk to do sth.冒险去做某事. into the habit of.养成.的习惯. away from. 远离. unable to do sth. 不能去做某事. on.集中于,致力于. out.取出,拿出. that.为了,以便.三、Grammar(语法).情态动词的用法情态动词:can/could;may/might;should;must;need.1.情动+V原形.eg: He can play fo

4、otball.2.注意情态动词 must 的一般疑问句:eg: -Must I finish my homework now -Yes,you must. -No,you neednt./No,you dontt have to.备注:must not=mustnt 禁止.四、Writing(写作).How to stay healthy As we all know, health is very important to do you know how to stay healthy Here are some useful tips. First, we should do exerci

5、se in our free example, we can go to swim in the summer holiday. Doing exercise makes us healthy and strong. Second, we should eat more vegetables and fruits. Stop eating junk food and drinking cola. Third, we should go to bed early and get up early. We should have enough sleep, or we will get sleep

6、y in the day time. If we pay attention to these tips , we will have healthier body. I wish everybody has a strong and healthy body.Unit2:great people一、Key words(重点单词):. n. 意思,意义. n.对话,对白. n.成功. successful. adj. 成功的,有成就的. successfully. adv. 成功地. succeed. v. 取得成功.4.missing. adj.缺少的,丢失的.5.survey. nv.调查

7、.6.neighbour. n.邻居.7.solve. v.解决 n.先锋,先驱.9.introduction. n.介绍,引进.10.leader. n. 领导人,领袖.11.生产,出产.12.super. adj. 超级的.13.writer. n. 作者,作家.14.blind. adj .失明的,瞎的.15.deaf. adj.失聪的,聋的.16.illness. n. 疾病.17.ability. n. 能力.18.progress. n.进步,进展.19. 仍然是,保持不变.20.decision. n.决定.21.bad-worse-worst . adj.

8、坏的,糟糕的.22.government. adj.医疗的,医学的.24.anybody. Pron. 任何人.25.chemistry. n.化学.二、key phrases(重点短语): in doing sth.在.取得成功;顺利完成. on doing sth.继续做某事. the field of.在.领域. away.去世,逝世. then.自那以后. (a lot of )progress.取得(巨大)进步. well known for=be famous for.因.而闻名,众所周知. a decision.做一个决定./make decis

9、ions.做决定. aid.急救。 up.建立. on.以.为基础,基于.三、Grammar(语法).状语从句after/before引导的 时间状语从句. 引导的条件状语从句(主将从现). 引导的地点状语从句. 引导的原因张语从句.although/even if 引导的让步状语从句.四、Writing(写作).Famous peopleLong ,long ago in China,there was a young man called Yang Shi. One day, he went to visit his teacher Cheng Yi. It was snowing Yi

10、was sleeping, so Yang Shi waited in the snow kept waiting in the snow until his teacher woke they found that the ground was already covered with thick snow!We should learn from Yang Shi and respect our good education makes a country strong!Unit3:safety一、Key words(重点单词) n. 安全 nv.关心,

11、照顾. careful. adj.仔细的,认真的. carefully. adv.仔细地,认真地. careless. adj.粗心的,马虎的,大意的.3.lie. v.躺下,说谎.4.serious. adj.严重的(问题/疾病);严肃的(人的性格).5.necessary. adj.必需的,必要的 n. 城镇.7.ugly. adj.丑陋的,难看的.8.shoulder. n.肩膀.9.wound. n.伤口.10.expect. v.期望,盼望.11.suddenly. adv.突然地.12.blood. n.血液.13.knee. n.膝盖.14.rock. n.岩石.

12、15.stranger. n.陌生人.16.certainly. adv.当然,肯定.17.they-them-their-theirs-themselves.18.salt. n.食盐.19.scissors. n.剪刀.20.knife. n.小刀.21.heat. n.高温,热量. v.加热.22.burn. v.燃烧.(burned/burnt)23.earthquake. n.地震.24.calm. adj.镇静的,平静的.25.object. n.物体,目标.26.rule. n.规则,规章 n.训练,培养.二、key phrases(重点短语): tim

13、e.及时. after.追逐,追赶. of a sudden.突然,猛地.that.如此.以至于. off.脱下,起飞. out.扑灭. calm.保持镇静.from(doing).保护/防止.受伤害. an eye out for.密切注意,关注. down.摧毁,使瘫痪.三、Grammar(语法).祈使句:1.以动词原形开头的句子叫祈使句. 2.表示建议或请求.eg:Work hard,you will improve(提高) your English.(肯定句)Dont smoke in public.(否定句)四、Writing(写作).How to stay safe As stud

14、ents,we should keep safety in how can we keep safehere are some my advice. First,we should be careful when we make friends on ,if we are in danger,we should call the ,we should have a good eating habit,unhealthy food is bad for ,we should not talk to strangers and accept things from the others. In a word,safety is very important for everyone.Unit4:stories and poems一、Key words(重点单词):. v.比较. n.文章.(though). conj.即使. n.肥肉,脂肪. adj.胖的,肥胖的.=loudly. adv.大声地. n.线,行. n.文字材料. adj.单一的,单独的. n.屏幕,荧光屏. v.陈述,说明. v.表达. adjn.银的/银子. adj.大声的. n.板,木板. adj.醒着的. n.音乐家. adv.也许,可能.

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