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1、45, 49LO4: Explain the major reas ons for allocati ng costs.B233, 414654LO5: Ide ntify the main types of manu factur ing costs: direct materials, direct labor, and in direct producti on costs.39LO6: Explai n how the finan cial stateme nts of mercha ndisers and manu facturers differ because of the ty

2、pes of goods they sell.A257, 60, 61LO7: Understand the mainA3, A4,33, 40, 41,48, 49, 5055, 56,differe nces betwee n traditi onal and activitybased cost ing systems and why ABC systems provide value to man agers.B3, B44257, 58,59, 60, 61LO8: Use activity-based cost in formatio n to make strategic and

3、 operati onal con trol decisi ons.A4, B432, 37, 4355, 56, 60Cost Man ageme nt Systems and Activity-Based Cost ing4-A1 (20-30 min.)See Table 4-A1 on the follow ing page.4-A2 (25-30 min.)1.Mercha ndise In ve ntories, 1,000 devices $97$97,0002.Direct materials inven tory$ 40,000Work-i n-process inven t

4、oryFini shed goods inven tory97,0003.Total inven tories$137,000NILE ELECTRONICS PRODUCTSStateme nt of Operati ng In comeFor the Year Ended December 31,20X9Sales (9,000 units at $170)$1,530,000Cost of goods sold:Beg inning inven tory$ 0Purchases970,000Cost of goods available for sale$ 970,000Less end

5、ing inven toryCost of goods sold (an expe nse)Gross margin or gross profitLess other expe nses: sell ing & adm ini strative costsOperat ing in come (also in come before taxes873,000$ 657,000185,000$ 472,000in this example)TABLE 4-A1STATEMENT OF OPERATING INCOMEOPERATING INCOME BY PRODUCT LINEEXTERNA

6、L REPORTING PURPOSEINTERNAL STRATEGIC DECISION MAKING PURPOSECustom Large SmallDetailed Std. Std. Cost Type, Assig nment MethodSales$155,000$30,000 $45,000 $80,000Direct material40,0005,000 15,000 20,000 Direct, Direct TraceIn direct manu facturi ng41,000128,000 5,000 8,000 In direct, Alloc. - Mach.

7、Hours81,00033,000 20,000 28,000Gross profit74,000(3,000) 25,000 52,000Selli ng and adm ini strative expe nses:Commissi ons15,0001,500 3,500 10,000 Direct, Direct TraceDistributio n to warehouses10,40021,000 3,000 6,400 In direct, Allocati on - WeightTotal selli ng and adm in. expe nses25,4002,500 6,

8、500 16,400Con tributi on to corporate expe nsesand profit48,600$(5,500) $18,500 $35,600Un allocated expe nses:Admi nistrative salaries8,000Other admi nistrative expe nses4,000Total un allocated expe nses12,000Operat ing in come before tax$ 36,600Total machi ne hours is 1,400 + 250 + 400 = 2,050.In d

9、irect manu facturi ng cost per machi ne hour is the n $41,000 宁 2,050 = $20. The al location to custom detailed is $20 x 1,400 machine hours = $28,000.Total weight shipped is 25,000 kg + 75,000 kg + 160,000 kg = 260,000 kg. I ndirect distribution costs perkilogram is then $10,400 宁 260,000 kg = $0.0

10、4. The allocation to custom detailed is $0.04 x 25,000 kg =$1,000.技术资料专业整理4. ORINOCO, INC.Cost of goods manu factured and sold:Beg inning fini shed goods inven tory5.The balance sheet for the merchandiser (Nile) has just one line for inven tories, the ending inven tory of the items purchased for res

11、ale. The bala nce sheet for the manu facturer (Ori no co) has three items: direct materials inventory, work-in-process inventory, and finished goods inven tory.The in come stateme nts are similar except for the computati on of cost of goods available for sale. The mercha ndiser (Nile) simply shows p

12、urchases for the year plus beg inning inven tory. In con trast, the manu facturer (Ori no co) shows beg inning work-i n-process inven tory plus the three categories of cost that comprise manu facturi ng cost (direct materials used, direct labor, and factory (or manu facturi ng) overhead) and the n d

13、educts the ending work-i n-process inven tory. The manu facturer then adds the beg inning fini shed goods inven tory to this cost of goods manu factured to get the cost of goods available for sale.6. The purpose is providing aggregate measures of inventory value and cost of goods manufactured for ex

14、ternal reporting to investors, creditors, and other external stakeholders.4-A3 (10-15 mi n.)Bank sThere can be many justifiable an swers for each item other tha n the listed cost driver and behavior. The purpose of this exercise is to gen erate an active discussi on regard ing those chose n by First

15、 man agers. One point that should be emphasized is that many times man agers choose cost drivers that are n ot the most plausible or reliable because of lack of data availability. Cost drivers are also used as a basis to allocate activity and resource costs and so the availability of data is ofte n

16、an importa nt con siderati on.Activity OrResourceCost Drivera.*RNumber of square feetb.Number of pers on hoursc.Number of computer tran sacti onsd.ANumber of schedulese.f.Number of loa n inq uiriesc yNumber of inv estme ntsh.Number of applicatio nsi.j.Number of minu tesk.l.Number of loa nsCostBehavi

17、orFV* An argume nt can be made that maintenance of the buildi ng is an activity. If this was the case, resources such as supplies and labor would be resources con sumed, and several resource cost drivers would be n eeded. In additi on, a separate resource and associated cost driver would be n eeded

18、for in sura nee costs. However, the compa ny had a con tract for maintenance (fixed price), so this was a fixed-cost resource that was added to other occupa ncy costs such as in sura nee. The cost driver chose n for all these occupa ncy costs was square feet occupied by the various departme nts.back

19、 on labor). This is an example of a step cost that is fixed over wide ran ges of cost-driver level.* Stude nts may try to determ ine the cost behavior of activities eve n though the problem requirements do not ask for it. Point out that activities almost always have mixed cost behavior because they

20、con sume various resources. Some of these are fixed-cost and others variable-cost resources. For example, the activity “research to evaluate a loan application ” consumes such fixed -costresources as man ager labor time and computers (assumed owned by the ban k).This activity also con sumes variable

21、-cost resources such as telecom muni cati ons time and exter nal comput ing services.4-A4 (20-30 min.)1.The first step is to determ ine the cost per cost-driver unit for each activity:Activity Cost driverMon thlyManu facturi ngOverheadDriverActivityCost per Driver UnitMaterial Han dli ng Direct mate

22、rials cost$12,000$200,000$ 0.06Engin eeri ng Engin eeri ng cha nge no tices20,000201,000.00Power Kilowatt hours16,000400,0000.04Total Manu facturi ng Overhead$48,000Next, the costs of each activity can be allocated to each of the three products:PHYSICAL FLOW / ALLOCATED COSTCost Senior Basic DeluxeM

23、aterial Han dli ng$.06 x 25,000 = $1,500$.06 x 50,000 = $ 3,000$.06 x 125,000 = $ 7,5Engineering $1,000 x 13 = 13,000$1,000 x 5 = 5,000$1,000 x 2 = 2,000Power $.04 x 50,000 = 2,000$.04 x 200,000 = 8,000$.04 x 150,000 = 6,000Total $16,500 $16,000 $15,5002.Overhead rate based on direct labor costs:Rat

24、e = Total manu facturi ng overhead 宁 Total direct labor cost$48,000 - $8,000 = $6.00/DL$Overhead allocated to each product is:$24,0006,000Senior: $6.00 x 4,000 =Basic: $6.00 x 1,000 =Deluxe:Total$6.00 x 3,00018,000$48000Notice that much less manu facturi ng overhead cost is allocated to Basic using

25、direct labor as a cost driver. Why? Because Basic uses only a small amount of labor but large amounts of other resources, especially power.3.The product costs in requireme nt 1 are more accurate if the cost drivers are good in dicators of the causes of the costs - they are both plausible and reliabl

26、e. For example, kilowatt hours is certainly a better measure of the cost of power costs tha n is direct labor hours. Therefore, the allocation of power costs in requirement 1 is certainly better tha n in requireme nt 2. Materials han dli ng and engin eeri ng are likewise more plausible. A man ager w

27、ould be much more con fide nt in the manu facturi ng overhead allocated to products in requireme nt 1. Remember, however, that there are in creme ntal costs of data collecti on associated with the more accurate ABC system. The ben efit/cost criteria must be applied in decidi ng which costi ng system

28、 is “ best.4-B1 (20-30 mi n.)See Table 4-B1 on the follow ing page.4-B2 (25-30 mi n.)1.$1,080,000 宁 45,000 hours = $24 per direct -labor hour2.(a) $585,000 宁 15,000 hours = $39 per direct -labor hour(b) $495,000 宁 30,000 hours = $16.50 per direct -labor hour3.(a) $585,000 宁 97,500 hours = $6 per machine hour4.(a) $24 x (1 .0 + 14.0) = $360.00$24 x (1.5 + 3.0) = $108.00$24 x (1.3 + 8.0) = $223.20(b) ($39 x 1.0) + ($16.50 x 14.0) = $39.00 + $23

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