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1、Your smile is like the sea, so beautiful but not in the end.9、生活的真正意义是:生下来,活下去。The true meaning of life is to live, to live.10、你永远不懂我的心,我们注定没结局。You will never understand my heart, we are doomed to have no end.11、原来心疼,是这样的;催眠自己,告诉自己,有幸福。The original love, is such; hypnosis themselves, tell yourself,

2、there is happiness.12、未想过有一天,会再卑微的像对待你那样的对待谁。Never thought that one day, will be humble as to treat you that way.13、往事是冰封在记忆中的梦,而你是我唯一的记忆。The past is frozen in the memory of the dream, and you are my only memory.14、我明知道挽留不是办法,却忍不住向你低头。I know to stay is not a way, but can not help but to bow to you.1

3、5、我总是一个人难过,一个人无言以对。I was always a sad person, a person speechless.16、分开也不一定分手,伤心也不一定泪流。Separate does not necessarily break up, sad not necessarily tears flow.17、沉浸在时间里,记忆也被割摔旳一片一片。Immersed in time, memory was also cut a piece of the fall.18、呵,那所谓的一见钟情,钟的不是情,是脸。Oh, that so-called love at first sight,

4、 the clock is not feeling, is the face.19、思念,成为每天的必修课。Miss, become a required course every day.20、要有多坚强,才敢念念不忘。To have a strong, dare not forget.21、退一步安然,进一步黯然。Step back safely, without further.22、你五毛我五毛咱们就能一块了。You 50 Fen we can piece I five hair.23、走在你身后,看着你高大背影,那也是一种安心。Walk behind you, looking at

5、you tall figure, that is also a kind of peace of mind.24、阳光落在陌生的城市,未来的爱情在谁的怀抱。Sunshine on a strange city, the future of love in whose arms.25、我们的回忆被时间偷走,搁浅在无法触及的昨天。Our memories are stolen by time, stranded on the yesterday.26、爱情是麻烦的意外,我就是爱上她的怪。Love is the trouble of accident, I was in love with her

6、strange.27、青春是一道明媚的忧伤,我没哭,可是眼泪流下来了。Youth is a beautiful sadness, I did not cry, but the tears streaming down.28、你说如果早遇到多好,多几分几秒你都要。You said that if the early experience is good, a bit more than a few seconds you have to.29、世界如此黑暗,我该把心交给谁来保管。The world is so dark, I should give my heart to who will ke

7、ep.30、我承认我犯错,错在爱你,更错在相信了爱。I admit that I make mistakes, I love you, but I believe in love.31、我一直在努力的适应这个世界,无论是温度还是人心。I have been trying to adapt to the world, whether it is the temperature or the people.32、我又不是咸蛋超人,干吗为了你和全世界作战?Im not Ultraman, why to you and to the world?33、孤独是一种情调,比承诺更可靠。Loneliness

8、 is a kind of emotional appeal, more reliable than commitment.34、从长远来说,我们都死了。In the long run, we are all dead.35、因为我装无所谓忍着泪、笑得好狼狈。No, because I endure tears, smile very embarrassed.36、告诉自己没有什么过不去的,坚持坚持就过去了。Tell yourself what you cant get through, stick to it.37、不要与过去过不去,没有过不去的过去。Dont go with the pas

9、t, not the past.38、雨停之後,我不会再哭。After the rain stops, I wont cry any more.39、分手并非跟难,只是心碎由谁买单?Breaking up is not difficult, but the heart is broken by who pay?40、人道海水深,不抵相思半。海水尚有涯,相思渺无畔。Human sea water is deep, does not arrive at the half. The sea has long, Acacia boundless river.41、当风筝厌倦了天空,是否就会义无返顾的坠

10、入大海?When the kite is tired of the sky, you threw into the sea?42、我在等一个人,一个可以陪我很久很久的人。I am waiting for a person, a person who can accompany me for a long time.43、爱你,可不可以不放弃?Love you, can not give up?44、恨也无法去恨,毕竟你是我爱过的人。Hate can not hate, after all, you are my love of the people.45、感谢你在我生命里驻足却不愿放手的珍视。

11、Thank you for standing in my life but do not want to let go of the treasure.46、都想抓住青春的尾巴,可惜青春是只壁虎。Want to seize the youth of the tail, but it is only house lizard.47、我和超人的唯一区别是:我把内裤穿在里面了。The only difference between me and Superman is that Im wearing my underwear.48、现实,其实看开了也就那回事。The reality is that

12、thing actually opened.49、有的人,总是忘不了,就像有的人,总是记不住。Some people, always forget, like some people, always remember.50、玩笑中透露着真心话,爱你都无法用言语表达。The joke is revealing the truth, love you can not use words to express.51、生命中有许多事,沉重哀婉至不可说。There are many things in life, heavy pathos to say not.52、我是你的过眼云烟,而你却是我的末世依

13、存。I am you and you are me as trassient as a fleeting cloud, eschatological dependence.53、我允许你走进我的世界,但前提是不允许你再离开了。I allow you to enter my world, but the premise is not allowed to leave you.54、美女如此多娇,引无数英雄竟折腰。Beauty so rich, countless heroes bow unexpectedly.55、如果爱你只有一次,我会用每一个夜晚来想你。If love you only on

14、ce, I will use every night to think of you.56、别让过去的悲催,或者未来的忧虑,毁掉当下的快乐。t let the sadness of the past, or the fear of the future, ruin the happiness of the present.57、把别人看得太重,结果在别人眼里自己什么都不是。Put others too seriously, the results in the eyes of others themselves what is not.58、什么都没变,变的只是那颗年少轻狂的心。What di

15、d not change, change is the heart of the young heart.59、有一种爱,明知无前路,心却早已收不回来。There is a love, knowing no way, heart but had not received.60、展望着未来等着与你相遇。Looking forward to the future, waiting for you to meet.61、即使后来的他们有千万般好,都不及你来得早。Even then they have 10 million, as good as you come early.62、谁最牛逼谁最火,除

16、了雷锋就是我。Who is the most powerful force who the most fire, in addition to Lei Feng is my.63、最后的最后,我们还是没有十指紧扣。At last, we still do not love.64、我的精神分裂治好了,现在我和我过得都很好。My schizophrenia cure, and now I have a very good and I have.65、为什么有的人能够做到不喜欢你,而我不行。Why some people can do not like you, but I can not.66、这

17、一鬓斑白是为你洗脱了他人的目光。This is another gray temples eluting eyes for you.67、对自己说声对不起,曾为了一个男人折磨自己。To say sorry to myself, had tortured himself for a man.68、字于字之间.都保存了一份:我对你的思恋。The word in the word. Preserved a: my love to you.69、心若痛了,说明爱并未走开,仅仅是隐藏了起来。If the heart hurts, that love does not go away, just to h

18、ide.70、我始终觉得,我挤在被你忽略的那些人之中。ve always felt that Im in the crowd youre ignoring.71、隐约读懂了离别的颜色,轻描淡写却无法省略。Vaguely understand the separation of color, lightly but can not be omitted.72、多少时候,因为得不到,所以假装不想要。How many times, because of not, so pretend not to want to.73、也许爱情只是一片天,没有飞鸟经过,就会平静如一。Maybe love is ju

19、st a day, without flying birds, it will be like a calm.74、人走茶凉,凉不过青丝成霜,只是在等旧人而已。Renzouchaliang, cool but the hair into cream, just waiting for the old people.75、有些记忆就算是忘不掉,也要假装记不起。Some memory even forget not to drop, also want to pretend not to remember.76、握紧就会黑暗的月光和一认真就离开的你。Clenched will be dark mo

20、onlight and a serious leave you.77、我们也有过美好的回忆,只是让泪水染得模糊了。We also have good memories, just let the tears blurred.78、姐从来不说人话,姐一直说的是神话。Elder sister never said people, elder sister has been saying that the myth.79、我曾路过你旳心,不是我不想停留,而是你不收。I have passed your heart, not I dont want to stay, but you do not accept.

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