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1、 The function of adverbial modifier in different sentences; Patterns: the first/second, ect./the next/last+to-infinitive; the first, ect. + who/that clause七教学基本内容和纲要Part One Warm upWarm-up QuestionsDefine the following words and phrasesPart Two Background InformationDifferences and similarities betw

2、een Diogenes and AlexanderPart Three Text AppreciationText Analysis3.1.1 Theme of the text3.1.2 Structure of the textWriting Devices3.2.1 Contrast3.2.2 Developing paragraphs by examples3.2.3 Other ways of developing paragraphsSentence ParaphrasePart Four Language StudyPhrases and Expressions4.1.1 Wo

3、rd list:4.1.2 Phrases and expressions list:4.1.3 Word BuildingGrammar4.2.1 ObjectPart Five ExtensionGroup discussion八、教学方法和措施本单元将运用黑板、粉笔、多媒体网络辅助教学设备等教学手段,主要采用以学生为主体、教师为主导的任务型、合作型等教学模式,具体运用教师讲授法、师生讨论、生生讨论等方法进行教学。九作业,讨论题,思考题完成课后练习;多看英语报刊杂志及英语经典小说,扩大阅读量;精听与泛听相结合,逐步提高自己的听力水平;积极参加英语角等有助于提高英语口语的活动;坚持用英语写日

4、记;做一些专四相关练习;十参考资料:1)杨立民主编 ,现代大学英语精读 ( 3)第二版,学生用书。北京:外语教学与研究出版社 ,2012。2)杨立民主编 ,现代大学英语精读 ( 3)第二版,教师用书。3)李观仪主编,新编英语教程 (第三、四册) 。上海 :上海外语教学研究出版, 1999。4)黄源深,虞苏美等主编, 综合英语教程 ( 1-4 册)。高等教育出版社,1998 。5)高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲 ,北京:外语教学研究出版社, 2000。6) Judy Pearsall主编,新牛津英语词典 。上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1998。7)丁往道、吴冰等编着, 英语写作手册 。外语教学与研

5、究出版社。8)张道真,现代英语用法词典 (重排本)。外语教学与研究出版社,1994 。9) 张道真,温志达 , 英语语法大全上、下卷。外语教学与研究出版社, 1998 。十一、 课后小结Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander1. What does the author tell us about Diogenes Who was he What was his philosophy What did hethink was the problem with people How did he intend to help them What were the key va

6、lues he promoted How, in his opinion, could we find true happiness2. What does the author tell us about Alexander What did this king have in common with Diogenes,the beggar Why was Alexander considered a man of destiny3.How would you contrast the two characters Why did Alexander decide to visit Diog

7、enes What did Diogenes really mean when he said that Alexander was blocking the sunlight1.a mischievous design4.restrained5.chivalrous1.Who was Diogenes A beggarA philosopher A missionary2.Doctrine: Cynicismthe doctrine that scorned worldly needs and pleasures and held that vir

8、tue was the key to the only good3. Cynicism in modern sense:the belief of a cynic, who maintains that people are all motivated by selfishness, that no one will help others for good and sincere reasons4.What are the major tenets (principles) of Cynicism Do you find any expressions of these principles

9、 in the textself-sufficiency shamelessness outspokennessperfection of virtue5. AlexanderMacedonian King: son of PhilipThe Thinker: student of AristotleThe Conqueror: Greece, Asia, EgyptWhy do you think he wanted to bring so many regions under his rule the Great Empire3.1.1 Character AnalysisDiogenes

10、: the beggar (paras. 1-3) a free manOther people: half-menSheltercask, a storage earthenwarejarmadeof a house (big, with many rooms)Furniturenonebeds, chairs, etc. (elaborate)Dressblanket (half-naked)clothes (expensive)Foodbits of food begged fromothers, elaboratedrinking from his hollowed handsPoss

11、essionshorses, servants, bank accounts(anxious)Nature of the a life by choice, out of principlelife natural, healthy, independent a life as slaves of their possessions artificial, anxious, loss of virtueThere are contrasts within the broad contrast.How did Diogenes contrast with ordinary homeless pe

12、ople the philosopher (para. 4)“ A Socrates gone mad ” :repositioning of convention below nature and reasonThree key principles:living in accord with naturetotal disregard of conventionindependence (freedom) being the only true, lasting good the missionary (para. 5)Comparison with ordinary hermitsSim

13、ilarities:Both grew tired of human society with its complications and wanted to live simply.Differences:hermitswent away to live simply on a small farm, in a quiet village or a cave Diogeneshad a sense of mission, deliberately chose to live in the busy streets in Athens or Corinth, in order to conve

14、rt peopleWhat was his mission“ to restamp the currency”call people back to the natural way of life true life ways of teaching (para. 6)How did Diogenes differ from other philosophers of his timePlato:taught his private pupils in his Academy, which he founded as one of the earliest centers of advance

15、d learning in the world.Aristotle:taught his own private pupils by the use of laboratory, instruments, and specimens.taught all those who would care to listen by his own example or by taking people around him for examples.He carried a lighted lamp in broad daylight and inspected the face of everyone

16、 he met.“ When you are all so busy, I feel I ought to do something! ” Alexander: citizen of the world (paras. 11-13)1.King: different from other Macedonians drinkingwomen fighting2. Thinker: Aristotle s pupil, he learnedculturephilosophyprinciples of scientific research3. Conquerortook command of th

17、e League of Greek States commander-in-chief of a new expedition against old, rich, corrupt Asia The Dramatic Encounter (paras. 14-17)The differences and similarities between the two historical characters.DifferencesDiogenesAlexanderPhysicallyingon thebareearth, shoeless, handsome face, fiery glance,

18、appearancebearded, half-naked, like a beggar, a strong body, purple and golddogcloak, air of destinyIdentificationphilosopher, missionarygreat monarch, conquerorStatuslow,treatedwithcontemptand high, treated with respect, greeteddisapproval with a bow and acclamation& none, rejecting possession or p

19、ower land and absolute powerPowerMission“ restamp the currency ”to: people back to the simple natural life true valuecall bring people of the whole world to and the light of civilizationSimilarities1.Both were great thinkers.2.Both had a sense of mission.3.Both were “ citizensof the world, ”admiring

20、 the heroic figure of Hercules, who labored for mankind.4.Both were free.Paras. 1-10their dramatic encounterRelevant questions:1.Question: What do you know about the historical background of the people discussed in the essay2.Question: What does the essay tell us about Diogenes and Alexander3.Questi

21、on: What is a possible reason for an author to take the time to write an essay like this describing people who are long dead and gone: How is the essay structured5.Question: Try to find more information about these two historical figures to share with your classmates.6.Question: Underline the parts

22、of the text that you find particularly well-put and interesting.7.Question: Be ready to give comments on the essay.1 Comparison & Contrast examplesuse transitional words or expressions to make comparison and achieve unity: not so (para. 5), theother but for (para. 6)He was one, but not the other.Not

23、 so Diogenes. (para. 5)But for Diogenes, Alexander wasfar older and wiser than his years. (para. 12)he was a magnificent commander, but he was not merely a military automaton. Only Diogenes, although he lived in Corinth, did not visit the new monarch. Diogenes merely sat up Diogenes saidnothing . (p

24、ara. 14)He understood Cynicism as the others could not . (para. 17)Like Diogenes, he admired (para. 17) who labored to help mankind while all others toiled use transitional paragraph to achieve coherence2. Parallelismachieve increased strength, sounding more powerful, more effective, . para. 14 3. E

25、uphemism. done his business, natural acts4. Transferred Epitheta figure of speech that carries the modifier across and puts it on to another word which is not normally modified by it, so as to stress the emotions or feelings. a mischievous pebble (para. 1) (It is Diogenes, not the pebble, that is mi

26、schievous.); amazed silence (para. 17) (It is the crowd, not the silence, that is amazed.)5. Analogy. drawing a parallel between “ change the values ” and “ restamp the currency(para. 5)1.Sometimes they threw bits of food, and got scant thanks; sometimes a mischievous pebble, and got a shower of sto

27、nes and abuse. (para. 1)Sometimes people would throw bits of food to him, but he hardly thanked them at all. Sometimes they would throw a pebble at him for fun, but get a shower of stones and a stream of abuse in return.2. His life s aim was clear to him: it was restamp the currency“to ” : to take t

28、he clean metal of humanlife, to erase the old false conventional markings, and to imprint it with its true values. (para. 5)His purpose in life was clear to him: it was “ to reprint the coins. ” Humanhecleanlife can be takencoins which are imprinted with false markings. He was to remove the false markings and print the truevalues on it. In other words, his aim in life was to call on people to reject the false, conventional way of life and return to the simple and natural life.3. He had done his business like a dog a

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