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1、friends. A.a C.the D./29.Theygotimportant fortheirservicefromthosenewbooks. A.ideas C.information D.stories30.IsawseveralmobilephonesschoolsLostFoundOffice,but ofthembelongme .A.neither B.both C.none D.all31.Wewerecheckanswers discussingeachother. C.of D.with32. isdifficultus

2、workoutmathsproblemfive minutes. A.There B.It C.This D.That33.Over studentsschoollikesurfinginternet. A.three hundred B.three hundreds C.hundred of D.three hundred of34.Hisjokesounded ,itmadeallpeopletherelaughalot. A.amazing B.clearly C.amusing D.well35.Ericcompletedsciencetest inA.more quickly B.m

3、ost quickly C.the quickest D.quicker36.Thelibraryneighborhood tenhoursa day.A.opens open C.has opened opened37.Trafficjamscity lotsquestionsabouttransportpolicy.A.has risen B.have risen C.have raised D.has raised 38.Ithinkhomelesscatquiteweak,soshe welllaterus. A.will be looked after B.has

4、 been looked after looked after D.was looked after39.How glad they were each other again in see B.see C.seeing D.seen40.Lindan succeeded in a gold medal in 2012 London Olympic B.won win D.winning41.Im sorry I didnt hear what you .Could you repeat it?A.talked B.told

5、 C.said D.spoke42. you put your heart into the book, you wont understand it.A.Unless B.Until C.Because D.Though43.Mrs.White,our class teacher, asked the monitor .A.why was Tom late for school B.why Tom was late for schoolC.why is Tom late for school D.why Tom is late for school44.The police dragged

6、the dear car which broke down away.The underlined word means “ ” B.expensive C.old D.damaged45.A:May I ask you a question,Mr.Smith? B: .A.No,thanks. B.Id love to. C.Yes,please go ahead D.No, you cant.III.Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box.Each one can only be

7、 used once.(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次。)came back to life B. missing C. high E. followingEasteroneoldestmostChristianholidays.ChristianscelebrateSunday_46_firstfullmoonafterMarch21.TheySundayasdayJesus_47_.Eastersundayalwaysbetween22April25.BeforeEaster,familiesdecorateeggsdifferentcolors

8、patterns.Oneasterchildrenwakeupfindeggs_48_,theywilllookaroundhouse.SomeorganizationsalsoholdEaster-egghunts,childwhofindswinsprize.InEngland,Germany,someothercountries,roll eggsdownhillsmorning.Theygothe_49_largehilldecoratedegg,rollhill,lasteggbreakwinner.A.condition B. created C. after D.second E

9、. twiceIneverylittlegirlstoybox,mightbeBarbieDoll(芭比娃娃).Barbie57yearsoldthisyear.Itwasdesigned1959anAmericanbusinesswomannamedRuthHandler.SheherhusbandElliottstartedcompanyMattel.Shedoll_50_theirdaughterBarbara.TheDollappearedatfairNewYork9th,1959.ThisdateusedBarbiebirthday. MattelSoldthreehundredth

10、ousandDollsyearpricedollars.Today,57-year-oldgood_51_mightcostmorethantwenty-sevendollars.Mattelsays90%girlsUnitedStates agedtenownleastDoll. When_52_Barbiehalfcenturyago,theyneverthoughtstorewouldbecomelegend.Nowarefamousoverworld.Theysoldfiftycountries,and_53_threeworld. IV. Complete the sentences

11、 with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词 的适当形式完成下列句子) 54.Helen lives on the floor of this tall building.(twelve)55.As a teacher, Mrs.Green always speaks to the children.(slow)56.I dont think Tom can swim the river at this point.Its too wide.(cross)57.My grandparents say that regular exer

12、cise and a good diet can years to life.(addition)58.Many students in Shanghai go to America for study every year.(far)59.George is measuring the of his computer desk to see if it will fit the new study.(long)60.If you dont go on a diet, it is for you to lose weight.(possible)61.The served us so wond

13、erfully that we thanked her again and again.(wait)V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词) 62.My friend knew something about the car accident.(改否定句)My friend know about the car accident.63.The Browns used to live in a small town near the beautiful beach.(对划线部分提问) the Bro

14、wns use to live?64.The truck brings vegetables here every morning.(改为被动语态)Vegetables here every morning.65.Few of them can understand what the maths teacher said.(改为反意疑问句)Few of them can understand what the maths teacher said, ?66.Tim doesnt like the film.Dick doesnt like the film ,either.(合并为一句) Ti

15、m Dick likes the film.67.There is little rain in our city in winter.(保持原句意思)It in our city in week, Harry Potter,the book,reading,Laura,spent.(连词成句) 。Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分 读写)IX. Reading Comprehension (阅读理解):(共50分)A. Choose the best answer (根据文章内容,选择最恰当的答案):Peoplesafekeeptrea

16、suremoneysecretorunknownplaces.Theytriedvariouswayscouldout.Theyburiedstoptakingit.Thenmapwherewrotecluessomeoneelseagain. Britainfewago,writerhehadburied.Heputstoryreadersit.Thousandshuntedtreasure.TheydugholesBritain,hopingit. OnepopularadventurestorieseverwrittenRobertLouisStephensonTreasureIslan

17、d,anexcitingyoungboy,JimHawkins,whocapturedpirates,treasure. Thentruemantraveloverseasyear.Hedidnottrustbanks,lifesavingspark.Thenwentaway.Onreturn,straightpark.Butparknolongerthere.Initsplace,hugebuilding. Andthensavings,banknotes,waterproofbag.Whenlater,nothingleft.Wormsinsectseatenbageverythingco

18、urse,theseburythingseitherforgethavelosemap. Althoughsometimesbecausefails,banksstillsafesttreasures. 69.People who bury treasure usually .A.try to prevent others from taking it B.have a little moneyC.want to live in a quiet place D.expect to leave it to others70. could help them or someone else to

19、find it again.A.Making a map of the place and writing down some cluesB.Digging another hole and writing some cluesC.Colouring the place and making the mapD.Asking someone else and numbering the pace71.A writer in Britain .A.really had buried some small coins B.started a nationwide treasure huntC.had

20、 lost his treasure and wanted people to help him find itD.caused trouble because people dug holes everywhere72.“Treasure Island” a story about pirates B .is about the adventures of Tim the most popular detective story ever a well-known fairy tale73.The man who buried hi

21、s money in a park .A.thought his money was safer there than in a bankB.stayed away longer than he his life savings back againD.travelled on the sea for a year74.From these stories we understand that .A.we cannot trust banks B.we should not trust anyoneC.burying may not be the safe way

22、to keep something valuableD.insects can keep anything valuableB. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)Itveryfineday,Janetheatrebirthdaysisterbrother-in-law,Bill.Ithistoricalplay,set_75_theeighteenthcentury,soactorswearingcostumesperiod.Theactexciting.Itwasgypsyhypnoticpowers.Atpowersill.Butnowsakemoney.Hehypnotizednoblemanhimunderhis_76_aspartplan.Whencurtainfellintermission,theaudienceclappedloudly.Jane_77_beentheaterbefore,soactingexcited. Duringintermission,shelookedrestbalcony.Shestoresalongboxes.Suddenly,gazestopped.Am

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