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1、3. 我们都同意李同志已作出的决定。3. We all agree to the decision comrade Li has made (made).4. 这个结果比我们预期的要好得多。4. The result is much (far) better than we expected.5. 在过去的三年中,在恢复我国国民经济方面做了大量的工作。5. During the past three years a lot (of work) has been done in the recovery (restoration) of our national economy (in reco

2、vering our national economy; in restoring our national economy).6. 我们把英语作为学习西方先进科学技术的一种工具。6. We use English as a tool in learning Western advanced science and technology.7. 没有党的领导,我国的社会主义现代化是不可能实现的。7. It is impossible to accomplish (carry out, fulfill, materialize) the socialist modernization of our

3、 country (our socialist modernization) without the leadership of the Party.Section VII English-Chinese Translation将下列短文译成汉语:(本大题30分)(文科各类专业译第1段,理、工、医、农、体各类专业译第2段)Section VII: English-Chinese Translation (30 points)(1)The life of Albert Einstein is a model in many ways for both natural and political

4、scientists.阿伯特爱因斯坦的一生在许多方面,无论是对自然科学家,还是政治科学家,都是一个范例。First of all, he always employed the scientific method of seeking truth from facts. He firmly believed as he put it, that “there is nothing incomprehensible about the universe,”and through painstaking work, explained many of the phenomena thought t

5、o be “incomprehensible” in his day. Einstein was also never afraid to admit mistakes when facts proved his theories wrong.首先,他总是运用从事实中寻求真理的地。正如他所说的,他坚信“关于宇宙没有东西是不可知的,”并经过艰苦的劳动,了许多在他那个时代被认为是“不可知”的种种现象。而且,当事实证明他的理论是错误的时候,爱因斯坦也从不害怕承认错误。Second, Einsteins contributions showed the great importance of theo

6、retical work to scientific effort. Although he himself rarely worked in laboratories, the concepts he developed led to many of the scientific advances which have shaped modern technology.其次,爱因斯坦的贡献说明理论工作对科学成就的巨大的重要性。虽然他自己很少在实验室工作,他所发展的各种概念使科学取得了许多进展,从而形成了现代技术。Third, Einstein believed very deeply tha

7、t scientists must have a moral and social consciousness. In this way, he provided inspiration for a whole generation of scientists who became active in the Communist movement.第三,爱因斯坦深信科学家必须具有道德和社会意识。这样,他鼓舞了整个一代的科学家,使他们积极参加共产主义运动。Einstein is often portrayed in bourgeois writings as a “genius”whose th

8、eories are so complicated that no one but a few best scientists can understand them. But he himself rejected the efforts to put him in a position far above other people. He was well known for his humble manner and often stressed to interviewers that his accomplishments would certainly have been achi

9、eved by others had he never lived.爱因斯坦在资产阶级的笔下被描绘为一个“天才”,他的理论是如此地难于理解,以致只有少数最杰出的科学家才能懂得。但是,他本人不同意别人把他高置于他人之上的那些做法。他的谦逊态度是众所周知的,他常常对来访者强调说,如果没有他的话,别人也肯定能够取得他那样的成就。Actually, Einsteins theory of relativity and his other scientific works are not that hard to understand with a little study. But beyond le

10、arning Einsteins theories, his overall attitude towards science as a tool to liberate humanity is something from which everyone can and should learn.事实上,爱因斯坦的相对论以及他的其他科学论著稍加研究是不难懂得的。但是除了学习爱因斯坦的理论外,他对于利用科学作为一种工具来解放人类的总的态度是每个人能够学习的,而且也是应该学习的。(2)Between now and the end of the century, there will be man

11、y exciting developments and also many difficult problems to deal with. Perhaps the most urgent problem is to provide enough food. The worlds population is expected to reach 7,000 million by the year 2000, but already scientists have produced new and better varieties of wheat and rice and animal. The

12、y have also been experimenting with techniques of cultivating plants by using mixtures of chemical compounds and water only, and then there will be no need for ordinary soil. Another problem which the world will face is to get rid of refuse (废料). One solution is to burn refuse at very high temperatu

13、res in incinerators (焚化炉). A development of this, which may prove very useful in the future, is to use these incinerators to generate steam power. In fact, any new source of energy will be very welcome, as there is already a shortage of petroleum. To solve the energy problem, scientists will probabl

14、y also try to make more use of solar energy.从现在到本世纪末,将有许多令人兴奋的发展,同样也有许多困难的问题,需要加以处理。也许最为迫切的问题是提供足够的粮食。到2000年世界人口预期将达到70亿,但是科学家们已经培育出各种小麦、稻谷和牲畜的优良品种。他们还在实验只用化合物和水的混合剂来培植作物的技术,到那里就可不需一般的土壤了。世界将面对着的另一问题是处理废物。有一个解决办法就是在焚化炉中用高温的废物烧掉。这种方法的一个新发展,可能在将来证明极为有用,即是以这些焚火炉来产生蒸汽动力。事实是,任何新的能源都将是非常受欢迎的,因为石油已感不足。要解决能

15、源问题,科学家们也许会高潮更多地利用太阳能。The possible effects of some scientific fields, such as lasers and cryogenics (低温学), are difficult to imagine and both already have a number of uses. The supercooling effects of the cryogenics which convert liquid helium (液态氦) and other gases into “superfluids” and metals into

16、“superconductors”, making them non-resistant to electricity, could change the world in a number of ways. The laser, with its beam of strong light, can drill a hole in a diamond, and yet can be so well controlled that it can be used in delicate eye operations. The question is whether it will be most

17、used for peaceful purposes or as a deadly weapon.诸如激光学和低温学,某些科学领域的可能作用是难以想象的,它们两者已经有若干用途。低温学的过冷作用将液态氦及某些气体变成“超流体”,将某些金属变成“超导体”,使它们没有电阻,从而可以在好些方面改变世界面貌。激光,以它强烈的光束,可在金刚石上钻孔,也可以很好地加以控制来进行难做的眼科手术。问题是它将被大量用于和平的目的呢,还是用途致使的武器。But perhaps the most remarkable developments will occur in space flight. One of t

18、he difficulties in the past has been the high cost, but now the space shuttle is being developed, and can be used a large number of times instead of only once. Already man has been to the moon. Perhaps by the end of the century he will have had a close-up view of Venus (金星) or Mars (火星).但最惊人的发展也许将出现

19、在宇宙飞行方面。过去的困难之一在于代价太高。但现在航天飞机正在发展,这种航天飞机可以使用多次而不是仅仅一次而已。人类已经到过月球。也许到本世纪末人类对金星或火星等将有一个精细的观察。二.1981考研英语翻译真题及答案解析 Chinese-English Translation (10 points)1. 这门课我们越学越喜欢。1. The more I study the subject, the more I like it.2. 这家工厂只能供应我们所需要的百分之三十。2. The factory can only supply thirty percent of what we need

20、.3. 他们一直谈到入睡。3. They did not stop talking until they fell asleep.4. 许多人以为电是燃料,但事实上并非如此。4. Many people think that electricity is a fuel; but, as a matter of fact, it is not.5. 我国的社会主义现代化是一项我们必须努力完成的任务。5. The socialist modernization of our country is an important task that we must strive to fulfill.Se

21、ction VII English-Chinese TranslationChoose one of the following three passages and translate it into Chinese. (40 points)The United Kingdom is a monarchical (君主政体的) State. It is one of the independent members of the Commonwealth (the Queen is recognized as head of the Commonwealth), and a member of

22、 the European Community.联合王国是一个君主政体的国家。它是英联邦内独立的国家之一(女王被承认是英联邦的首脑),也是欧洲共同体的成员国。The origins and traditions of the United Kingdom are to be found in each of the four parts that make up the country: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. England was united as a kingdom a thousand years ago, and

23、 Wales became part of the kingdom during the middle ages. The thrones (王位) of England and Scotland were united in 1603, and in 1707 legislation passed in the two countries provided for the establishment of a single Parliament of Great Britain with supreme authority both in England and Wales and in S

24、cotland. Ireland had had links with the kingdom of England since the thirteenth century, and in 1800 the creation of the United Kingdom was completed by a union joining the Irish Parliament to that of Great Britain. In 1922 Southern Ireland (now the Irish Republic) became a self-governing country. T

25、he six counties of Northern Ireland had in 1920 been given their own subordinate Parliament, and voted to remain within the United Kingdom.联合王国的起源和传统可从组成它的四个部分英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰的各个部分找到。英格兰在一千年前统一为一个王国,威尔士则于中世纪时成为这王国的一个组成部分。一六三年,英格兰与苏格兰的王位合而为一;一七七年两国通过立法,规定设立一个单一的、在英格兰和威尔士以及在苏格兰均享有最高权力的大不列颠国会。爱尔兰与英格兰王国

26、自十三世纪起已有联系;一八年由于爱尔兰国会并入大不列颠国会,联合王国的创建便告完成。一九二二年,南爱尔兰(现在的爱尔兰共和国)成为一个自主的国家。北爱尔兰的六个郡已于一九二年被授权成立自己的、在联合王国国会之下的议会,并投票表决留在联合王国内。The United Kingdom Parliament at Westminster in London with an elected chamber comprising members from English, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland constituencies (选举区) therefor

27、e represents people sharing very varied backgrounds and traditions. It has ultimate authority for government and law-making, but administrative arrangements have developed in such a way as to take account of the particular needs of different areas.在伦敦威斯敏斯特的联合王国国会它有一个选举出来的、由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰各地选区所产生的议员

28、组成的议院因此代表具有十分不同的背景和传统的人民。它具有最高的政府权力和立法权,但在行政管理方面已作出了安排以照顾不同地区的特殊需要。England and Wales on the one hand and Scotland on the other have different systems of law, different court systems, different education systems, different systems of local government and, for most domestic matters, different governme

29、nt departments.英格兰和威尔士以及苏格兰两者各有不同的法律制度,不同的法院系统,不同的教育制度,不同的地方政府制度,并且设有不同的政府部门来处理大部分的内部事务。As more people live closer together, and as they use machines to produce leisure, they find that their leisure, and even their working hours, become spoilt by a by-product of their machines namely, noise. Noise i

30、s nowadays in the news; it has acquired political status, and public opinion is demanding, more and more insistently, that something must be done about it.随着更多的人住得更近,随着他们使用各种机器而获得闲暇,他们发现他们的空暇,甚至他们的工作时间都受到他们机器的一个副产品即噪音的严重影响。现在新闻报导中经常谈论噪音;它已取得了政治地位,公众舆论也越来越坚持要求采取一定措施来对付噪音。To control noise is to demand

31、 much self-discipline (annoyance arises often from lack of common courtesy), a sense of proportion (there is usually a conflict of interest if a noise is to be stopped), the expenditure of money (and it is far more economical to do this early rather that late), and finally, technical knowledge.要控制噪音就得要求很大程度的自我约束(使人烦恼的事常常是由于缺乏普通的礼貌引起的),一种均衡感(如果要制止噪音,通常会引起利害冲突),化钱(早化钱比晚化钱经济得多),最后还有技术知识。Technical difficulties often arise from the subjective-object

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