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1、素质教育心灵哲学“心灵哲学”导论使用教材:John Searle. Mind: a brief introduction 2004, Oxford University.约翰塞尔著,心灵简论。概述:一、 心灵哲学概述:p.21-231、 心灵哲学的定义:Philosophy of mind, and philosophy of psychology are two terms for the same general area of philosophical inquiry: the nature of mental phenomena and their connection with b

2、ehaviour and, in more recent discussions, the brain. in Routledge encyclopedia of philosophy.Vol. Philosophy of Mind. p317.研究心智现象的本质,及其与行为、特别是脑的关系。2、 心灵哲学的产生思想背景:p.317(1)笛卡尔以来“心灵与身体的关系”问题完全没有解决,近代科学和哲学关于第一性质(空间形状、重量、硬性)和第二性质(颜色、声音、滋味等等)的划分所导致的事实与价值的二元对立。西方文化的宗教背景。(2)现代心灵哲学的产生:A. 行为主义及其在1950s的衰落B. 认知

3、科学等的产生:认知科学的主要假设是,思维可以根据心灵中的表征结构以及这些结构运算的程序得以理解。乔姆斯基的影响:可以用逻辑的方法来研究人类语言。C. 神经科学、物理学、生物学以及人类学、社会学的影响。However, in the late 1950s, several developments began to change psychology should confine itself to studying publicly observable relations between stimuli and responses: (i)(iv)二、心灵哲学的特征与其它哲学学科相比的特征:

4、 1、心灵哲学内部和一般大众的信念的明显区分:folk psychology的地位问题。没有所谓心灵、mind、soul, 世界会怎么样?人们会变得怎么样。信念、欲望、害怕、高兴、失望等存在吗?这些特征能否被还原为物理的东西和性质?2、意志自由问题 The Problem of Free Will。康德的问题,中国人的问题。3、是什么的问题(事实)和应该(当)什么的问题:休谟的区分。世界本身有没有意义?三、心灵哲学的主要理论有:p.13 The result is that the philosophy of mind is unique among contemporary philosop

5、hical subjects, in that all of the most famous and influential theories are false. By such theories I mean just about anything that has “ism” in its name. I am thinking of dualism, both property dualism(性质二元论) and substance dualism(实体二元论), materialism(唯物主义), physicalism(物理主义), computationalism(计算主义)

6、, functionalism(功能主义), behaviorism(行为主义),epiphenomenalism(副现象论), cognitivism(认知主义), eliminativism(消除主义), pan psychism(泛心论), dual-aspect theory, and emergentism(突现论), as it is standardly conceived.四、心灵哲学的主要问题:1心物问题(现代意义的):p.15How can conscious experiences like your pain exist in a world that is entir

7、ely composed of physical particles and how can some physical particles, presumably in your brain cause the mental experiences? (This is called the “mind-body problem.”)你的意识经验(如痛)如何能够完全由物理微粒组成,并且存在于世界,因为心灵事件是没有空间定域性(位)的,尽管微观物理微粒没有空间定域性的,而宏观上的物理事件(包括脑中的事件)都是空间定域的。心灵状态的私有性和不可观察性:一种心灵状态只属于拥有这一状态的某一个特殊心灵

8、,只有本人才能凭借“心灵之眼”直接体验到,而第三人是不能直接观察到的。下次课从此开始。2、心灵因果性问题:p15How can the subjective, insubstantial, nonphysical mental states of consciousness ever cause anything in the physical world? How can your inte,ntion, not a part of the physical world, ever cause the movement of your arm? (This is called the “pr

9、oblem of mental causation.”) 意识的主观的、非实体的、非物理的心灵状态,如何能够引起物理世界中的任何东西?你的意图不是物理世界的一部,如何能够引起你的手的运动?3、意向性问题:p.15How can your thoughts, presumably in your head, refer to or be about distant objects and states of affairs, political events occurring in Washington, London or Paris, for example? (This is calle

10、d the“problem of intentionality, ” where “intentionality” means the directedness or aboutness of the mind.) 你的思想(如果说在你的头脑中),怎么可以指向、或者关涉到物理世界中的不同物体和事物的状态。4、动物具有心灵吗Do Animals Have Minds? If every mind is a spiritual or mental substance, and if minds are indestructible, then it seems that if animals ha

11、ve minds, every animal has an immortal soul. Descartes thought that human beings have minds and animals do not, is that human beings have a language in which they express their thoughts and feelings, and animals have no language.如果每一心灵是精神的或者心智的实体,并且如果心灵是不可毁灭的,那么,每一个动物都具有一种不朽的心灵。笛卡尔认为,人类具有心灵,而动物没有心灵,

12、原因在于,人类具有表达思想和感觉的语言,而动物没有。5、 睡眠问题The Problem of Sleep p.38-If every mind is essentially conscious, if consciousness is the essence of mind such that you could not have a mind without being conscious, then it looks like unconsciousness would imply nonexistence. And indeed Descartestheory implies: if

13、I cease to be conscious, then I cease to exist. But then how do we account for the fact that people, while still alive, nonetheless are often unconscious.如果每一心灵本质上是意识的,如果意识是心灵的本质,那么,无意识隐含着人的非存在。如何说明人们经常是无意识的、然而却是活的。6、自由意志问题 The Problem of Free Will。I have experiences of making up my own mind, of dec

14、iding between genuine alternatives, and of doing one thing, when I could easily have done something else. These are manifestations of what I take to be my own freedom of the will. Because if my free will is a feature of my mind, how can it have any effect on the physical world, if the physical world

15、 is entirely determined?我能感觉到自由,这种自由能够使我完全根据自己的意志来行为?如果意志自由是心灵的一个特征,那么,意志如何对物理世界有影响,因为物理世界是完全被决定的。 因果性: 自发的因果性:自由(自发地开始一种行为的能力) 自然的因果性:物理的、决定论7、潜意识 The Unconscious p.42-3我们的许多心灵状态都是无意识的。这意味着什么?无意识的心灵状态是什么,它如何与我们的意识到其它心灵状态、以及物理世界相一致。进一步说,这种状态与大脑的关系是什么。是脑中的事件,而同时却是无意识的,是不可以观察的?Many of our mental state

16、s are unconscious. What can this mean? What is an unconscious mental state and how does it fit in with the rest of our mental life and with the world in general? More pervasive, use of the notion of the unconscious according to which we think of all sorts of mental processes as going on inside our brains but without any conscious manifestations. What facts about brain events could make them both

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