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1、I hope to meet with you to discuss the possibility of working at your restaurant. I can be reached at 4639234 during the days and 924,6868 after 6 .Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to meeting you in the near future.Yours sincerelyLi Ming解析:第一段要表明写信的用意,说明对招聘的那个职位很感兴趣,同时还要记住一点,

2、在日常生活中求职信后都会附上简历和相关证书的复印件。第一段的前两句话略加改动即可用于任何一封求职信。范文在主体段落中说明自己的相关工作经验和个性,最终目的都是要说明写信人适合这份工作。需要注意的是在写自己的工作经验时,必然要与应聘的职位相关,不相关的工作经验没有必要提及。第三段提供给收信人自己的联系方式。另外还要写一些客套话,因为这是在求职,若是写信人真的想取得这份工作,就应当像询问信息时一样,对可能取得的那个工作表示一种期待,同时表示对收信人的谢意。常见求职及申请信的导语句型:I am writing to apply for . I wish to apply for the post m

3、entioned in your advertisement in Beijing Daily of March 21. I am writing to express my interest in . I am writing to formally request . I should like to apply for the job advertised in yesterdays newspaper.Your advertisement for a sale manager in has impressed me. I feel I can fill that vacancy The

4、 requirements outlined in your advertisement makes me confident that I am qualified for the position.I am writing in response to your advertisement for the position of It is with considerable interest that I enclose my resume in response to your advertisement for a Human Resources Manager. 表示信心、能力或兴

5、趣的方式:I feel that similar contributions might be made to your firm as well.I feel that, with my overall qua1ifications and desire, I could contribute significantly to your company.I feel that I can make a strong contribution to your company.I would appear to have excellent qualifications for this pos

6、ition . I feel confident that I can provide the kind of leadership that you are seeking for.I am convinced that my interest together with my academic background and working experiences will make me better qualified in applying a course of a higher level.在信尾表达进一步联系的愿望,表示感激的方式:After you have reviewed

7、the enclosed curriculum vitae, I would appreciate an opportunity to discuss how I may contribute to your department.I would be pleased to have the opportunity to interview with . I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss how I might further contribute to your . Thank you again and I look forward

8、 to hearing from you shortly.I am very interested in this position and would appreciate the opportunity to further discuss during a face-to-face interview.Thank you for you consideration.Thank you again and I am looking forward to hearing from you.I would appreciate it if you could contact me as soo

9、n as possible.If there is anything further I could add to a review of my qualifications or goals, please do not hesitate to call. I hope to hear from you soon. 咨询信在人们的生活中常常会有一些不明白、不清楚而需要询问和咨询的情形,如:入学手续、打工薪水、参加组织、借用设施等。询问信的主要目的是寻求所需的信息。因此,第一要说明写信的目的、介绍背景、询问详情,最后要表示谢意,期盼回答。大体结构是:1)简述题目场景,表明写作目的,说明写这封信

10、的目的是要寻求什么样的信息。写询问信时,注意礼貌原则,而且只能就收信人能够提供的信息进行询问。2)询问具体问题。若是某个问题较为重要,能够单独占一个段落。3)表明获取信息的急切心情,期盼回答,并提供联系方式以便收信人与你联系,对收信人能提供信息表示感激,表现礼貌原则。咨询信中还应特别注意句式原则,在询问问题时所利用的疑问句应当与口语中常常利用的疑问句式有明显不同,应利用“Would you please tell me . ”之类的正式疑问句式。 Dear Sir,I am organizing a group of students to pay a visit to the histori

11、cal exhibition in your town. This visit will be part of our schools social survey project. I would be grateful if you could supply me with the following information.First of all, what are the dates between which the exhibition will be held, and what are the daily opening hours? Secondly, what is the

12、 size of the exhibition, what is its theme and what objects are on display? Thirdly, are there any other activities being held in connection with the exhibition?I would also like to inquire if there is any discount available on entrance tickets for how much is the discount and what is the minimum nu

13、mber of students necessary to qualify for it?I look forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,文章在第一段就表明了与收信人的相关性:我要组团去你们镇上参观历史展览,所以要写信向你询问一些问题。询问信的礼貌原则应当在第一段就表现出来,因此在第一段的末尾有如此一句话:I could be grateful if you could supply me with the following information. 这句话在咨询信中必然要出现。文章的第二段除询问题目规定的问题即开放的日期和时刻外,还问了其他一些相关

14、的问题,这是在询问信中冲破字数要求的一个有效策略。同时第二段中还用了衔接手腕,显得层次清楚。接下来在第三段询问是不是有折扣,要多少人材会有折扣。咨询信的最后一段必然要对收信人表明会期待他的回信,因为询问必需取得反馈才能获取所需的信息。咨询信的开头常常利用句式和套话I am writing for information about . I would like to receive information regarding . I am writing to ask if you could possibly . I would be grateful if you would . I wo

15、uld like to request materials for I would be most grateful if you could send me information regarding/concerning . I wonder if you could . I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding . 咨询信的结尾常常利用句式和套话I am expecting your early reply.Your prompt attention to

16、this letter would be highly appreciated. I am looking forward to hearing from you.Thank you for your consideration.I look forward to your immediate response. 请求信请求信是对收信人提出请求,希望对方知足该请求。请求信和询问信有一点相似,就是二者都要向对方提出某种要求并请对方给予回答。而二者的不同则在于询问信的核心是要询问信息,重点要写清楚询问的内容,收信人要提供信息则大多是自身职责所在,应当为咨询者提供所需的信息。请求信的核心却是请求他人

17、做某事的原因,重点是要写清楚为何要请求他人做某事。写这种书信第一注意礼貌客气,用词不要生硬不要用命令的语气。要讲明求助的具体内容,简练明了,直入主题。接到回信后,无论结果如何,应迅速回信致谢。1)正文一开始便提出具体的请求,或简单交代原因后提出请求。请求信的首段既要礼貌,又要规范。2)简要介绍自己的情形,然后详细阐明请求的内容,希望取得的信息。说明请求的原因,应具体展开。请求信的主体段落应尽可能地客观、公平、合乎情理。3)表示感激或表示希望取得对方的回答,并在此处表现礼貌原则。Dear Professor James,I am writing to request to withdraw fr

18、om two courses: Introduction to Elementary Education (EDU602) and Teaching Methods (EDU619).The reason for reducing my course load is that I am finding it difficult to manage six courses.At the beginning of the term, I was optimistic about juggling my full-time studies and my part-time job (20hours/

19、week). I really must work part time, so I have no choice but to decrease my course load.I would also like to request a tuition refund. I am sorry for any inconvenience I have caused by this change in plans. This decision was not taken lightly.Thank you for your attention to these requests. If you ha

20、ve any questions, please feel free to contact me at 2779144. I look forward to hearing from you soon.Sincerely yours,首段说明写作用意:I am writing to formally request withdraw from two courses,我是写信来请求正式撤消两门课程的,下面具体说是哪两门课。第二段说明撤消课程的理由,下面对具体的理由具体展开。第三段提出若是时刻允许,希望能够退款。第四段再次表现礼貌原则,并留下联系的方式,以便对方回答。请求信首段常常利用句式和套话

21、:I am writing in the hope that you could send me I am writing to ask you to kindly provide us with . I am writing to ask if it is possible for you to . We are going to stay in your hotel for a week. But will you send us a price list of your . ?I want to join in your travel agency to . , I would be p

22、articularly interested to know if your tours are indeed . I would very much like to ask for your permission with this letter so as to allow me. I am writing to seek for your assistance in . 请求信结尾段常常利用句式和套话:I would very much appreciate your advice on such matters.Your assistance in this matter would

23、be a real blessing to me.I would be grateful if you could put in a word on my behalf. I would appreciate your advice as to what I should do next.Thank you for your attention to this matter.I am looking forward to hearing from you.I do appreciate the favorable consideration you have shown to me.I wou

24、ld like to thank you for your generous help in this matter.I shall remain grateful to you for the great help. 抱怨及批评信当某种举措给咱们的生活带来不便和损失时,当自己的合法生活或权利受到侵犯时,咱们就会给有关部门或个人写抱怨信或批评信,抒发不满情绪。所以,这种信件中常会出现表达不满乃至盛怒情绪的辞汇,有的较为委婉礼貌,有的用词尖刻,口气生硬。但咱们应明白,这种信件的最终目的是解决问题、纠正错误,因此,这种信中除不该搀杂与之无关的具有强烈情感态度的辞汇外,还要注意言辞不能过于激烈。另外


26、信的礼貌原则,最好利用试探性的语言,应当有类似“如你能,我将万分感激”的话语,这也是投诉信最能表现礼貌原则的地方。所有的投诉信都有一个一路点,就是最终是要收信人解决问题,要解决问题就应当提出解决的方案。从解决问题的角度来看,这种信的命题方式有两种,一种是在题目的情景设置里面已经提供了解决的方案;另外一种题目的场景中并无提供解决方案,考生就应当在信中给出自己的解决方案,而且所提出的解决方案应当是与投诉的内容相关,对某一点不满就针对某一点提出解决方案。范文:Dear Sir / Madam,I am writing to inform you that I wish to move into a

27、new room next term. I would prefer a single room, as I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient.The reason for my dissatisfaction is my roommates inconsiderate behavior. His friends constantly visit him and he regularly holds noisy parties. In addition, he sometimes borrows my things withou

28、t asking me. Under these circumstances, I find it difficult to concentrate on my studies, and I am falling behind on my assignments.I am sure you will agree that the solution is for me to move into a room of my own, where I will be free from such distractions. I would be grateful if you could find a

29、 single room for me, preferably not in the same building but as near to the college campus as possible.文章的第一段说明写信的目的“I am writing to inform you”,这种说话的语气比较客气委婉,并无直接说要投诉,这就表明交际时对对方的一种尊重。第二段解释要求换房的原因。既然是投诉信,最后必然是要解决问题的,在最后一段提出解决的方案,要换一个单间,而且不要和此刻的宿舍在一幢楼上,还要离学校近一些。在最后一段表现出书信的礼貌原则,“I would be grateful if you could . ”,这种礼貌性的语言在投诉信中必需出现。常见的抱怨批评导语句式和套话:I am writing to complain about one annoying aspect of you

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