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1、8. all age groups各种年龄层9. encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事10. make progress取得进步11. take an interest in对感兴趣12. native speakers讲本族语的人Unit 9 1. space museum太空博物院2. amusement park游乐场3. water park水上乐园4. have been to曾经到过某个地方5. have gone to到某个地方去了6. have been in呆在某个地方7. walk around四处走动8. all the time总是,一直9.

2、take a ride兜风10. on board在船上11. take different routes走不同的路线12. end up结束13. rather than胜过,而不是14. three quarters四分之三one third三分之一15. during the daytime在白天16. all year round全年Unit 10 Its a nice day, isnt it?1. small talk闲聊2. have a good day祝一天愉快3. look through浏览;粗略看一遍4. open questions开场白5. Thank-you no

3、te感谢函6. feel like想要7. come along出现8. get along相处9. heavy traffic交通拥挤10. at least至少II. 重要句型Would you mind turning down the music? 此句中would并不表示过去时,而是一种委婉语气,表示征求意见或提出请求。例如:Would you please not do this? 请你不要这样做好吗?Would you like something to drink? 你想要点喝的吗?(2) mind作及物动词,意为“介意,反对”,常用于疑问句、否定句、条件句中,后接动名词形式,

4、不接动词不定式。I dont mind what you said. 我不在乎你说的话。Do you mind if I take it away? 我把它拿走你不反对吧?Would you mind opening the window?请你把窗子打开好吗?(3) mind doing sth. 意为“介意做某事”,而mind ones doing sth.意为“介意某人做某事”。Dont mind his opening the door. 他开门你别介意。试比较:Would you mind washing the dishes? 你介意洗盘子吗?(“你”去洗盘子)Would you m

5、ind my smoking here? 我在这儿吸烟你介意吗?(“我”吸烟)(4) Would you mind (not) doing ? 或Would you mind ones doing?用来客气地提出请求、要求。在回答带有 mind的问句时要注意yes或no都是针对mind选用的。选用yes时,表示“介意,在乎”,意思是“不让对方做某事”;选用no时,表示“不介意,不在乎”,意思是“允许对方做某事”。 Would you mind cleaning your room? 你介意打扫一下你的房间吗?No, not at all. / Certainly not. / Of cours

6、e not. 不,一点儿也不。/ 当然不介意。Would you mind my turning on the radio? 你介意我打开收音机吗?Yes, I do mind. 是的,我介意。Yes, youd better not. 是的,你最好别打开。Im sorry, but I do. 很抱歉,请别打开。练一练Would you mind the window? .A. opening; Certainly not B. to open; Not at all C. opening; Never mind D. to open; I dont care Would you mind

7、my opening the door?Do you mind the door?Do you mind if I turn the radio on?A. No, do please B. No, I mind C. Yes, not at all D. Yes, its OK【中考链接】Would you mind my ? . Do it as you like, please.A. to play the piano; Good idea B. playing the piano; Of course notC. playing the piano; Of course D. play

8、 the piano; All right Would you mind your bike?No, not at all. Ill put it under the tree right now. A. move B. to move C. moves D. moving Could you please?Could you please + do? 意为“请你好吗?”相当于Would you please + do? 此处could 不表示过去,而是表示请求,是一种委婉语气。Could you please teach me how to surf the Internet? 请你教我怎么

9、上网好吗?Could you please open the door? 请你打开门好吗?和Would you please + do?句型的否定式是在动词原形前加not。Could you please not draw on the wall? 请你不要往墙上画画好吗?Would you please not listen to music in class? 请不要在课堂上听音乐好吗?Would you please tell me something about your travel in Sydney? .A. Excuse me. Im afraid not B. Its ver

10、y nice of you to say soC. Certainly. Ill be glad to D. No, I dont like itWould you mind keeping your voice down?Keep作及物动词,意为“保留,保存,保持,留住”等,后常接复合宾语。(1) keep+宾语+形容词When we do eye exercises, we should keep our eyes closed.当我们做眼保健操时,我们应该闭着眼睛。(2) keep+宾语+现在分词Dont keep me waiting too long.不要让我等太久。(3) keep

11、+宾语+副词Nobody can keep him back. 谁也无法阻拦他。(4) keep+宾语+介词短语I always keep the keys in my bag. 我总是把钥匙放在书包里。(5) keep后不接动词不定式,要接动名词形式,即keep doing sth.表示“保持做某事”。He kept smiling when he read the letter. 当他看信时,一直微笑着。I have kept the boy for an hour.A. wait B. waiting C. waited D. to wait Its hard to keep the h

12、ouse with three kids.A. cleaning B. to clean C. cleaned D. clean Why dont you get her a scarf?Why dont you? 意思是“你为什么不?”其后接动词原形,用来提出建议,相当Why not意为“为什么不?”“干嘛不?”后面也要接动词原形。Why dont you go there with them?= Why not go there with them?(你)为什么不和他们一起去那儿呢?Why dont you go swimming? = Why not go swimming?(你)为什么

13、不去游泳呢?相关链接:提建议的其他表达方法:(1) Shall I/ we?表示“我/我们好吗?”。Shall we go boating? 我们去划船好吗?Shall I close the door for you? 要我给你关上门吗?(2) Lets 后接动词原形。意为“咱们,让我们”。Lets have lunch at eleven. 咱们11点钟吃午饭吧。Lets sing a pop song together! 咱们一起唱首流行歌曲吧!(3) How about? / What about? 后接名词、代词或动名词形式。意为“如何?怎么样?How / What about bu

14、ying some flowers? 买些花怎么样?How / What about this blue scarf? 这条蓝色的围巾怎么样?(4) Youd better (not) do sth. 意为“你最好(别)做某事”。Youd better take off your coat. Its hot inside. 你最好脱掉你的外套。里面很热。回答建议的表达方式:(1) 同意对方的建议时,一般用:Good idea. / Thats a good idea.OK/ All right.Yes, please. / Id love to.I agree with you. Sure.

15、/ Of course. / Certainly.(2) 对对方的帮助或要求表示委婉谢绝时,一般用:I dont think so. / Sorry, I cant. / Sorry, butId love / like to, but / Im afraid Its hot today. What about going swimming? . Lets ask Mike to go with us.A. Good idea. B. Best wishes C. Have a good time D. Good luckYou look tired. stop to have a rest?

16、All right. A. Why not B. How about C. Why not to D. Why dont Why not join us in the game, Kitty? , but I have to do my homework first.A. Lets go B. Id like to C. Yes, please D. Its a pleasureIf you dont want to watch TV, how about cards with me?A. to play B. playing C. play D. playedShall we go to t

17、he sea animal show tomorrow? . A. Thank you. B. Good idea. C. It doesnt matter. D. Its very kind of you. 邮局离这儿有些远,你最好坐车去。The post office is a bit far from here. take a bus. 为什么不早点儿把这个好消息告诉他呢? tell him the good news a little earlier?It seems that it is going to rain. Youd better the windows open when

18、 you leave the house.A. not leave B. leave C. not to leave D. to leave Its raining hard outside. Youd better .OK.A. to go out B. going out C. not to go out D. not go out Why not join us in the game, Nancy? , but I have to do the dishes first.A. Yes, please B. Id love to C. Lets go What a hot day! Ho

19、w about going swimming after school? ! Lets ask Daniel to go with us.A. Thats OK B. No problem C. Good luck D. Sounds great III. 交际用语 Me neither. Lets go to Water City tomorrow.Me neither. 我也没去过。与Neither have I同义。此句为省略句,常用于口语中,表示说话者的情况与上述否定句中所说的情况一样。I dont smoke. 我不吸烟。Me neither. 我也不吸烟。常用于倒装句的连词有:ne

20、ither, nor, so。其中neither, nor用法相同,都用于否定句的倒装,意为“也不”。so用于肯定句的倒装,意为“也”。倒装句的句式具体如下:(1) “否定句+ neither / nor + be(或助动词或情态动词)+ 另一主语”,表示“也不”。If you wont go, neither will I. 如果你不去,我也不去。He isnt a teacher, neither am I. 他不是教师,我也不是。(2)“肯定句+ so + be(或助动词或情态动词)+ 另一主语”,表示“也”。He likes apples, so does his brother. 他

21、喜欢苹果,他弟弟也喜欢。I can swim, so can he. 我会游泳,他也会。注意:前后两个句子的时态要一致。Lucy went there yesterday.A. So do Tom B. So did Tom C. Nor did Tom D. Neither did TomDo you think well need a coffee pot?I dont drink coffee, and . Its not necessary. Why not a tea service?A. so do you B. neither you do C. so you do D. nei

22、ther you do Jim wants to take part in the torch relay of the 2008 Olympic Games. A. So I do B. So do I C. Neither do I D. Nor do I I hope so.(1) hope 意为“希望”,作动词用时常用于hope to do sth. 和“hope + (that) 从句”。I hope to see you soon. 我希望很快见到你。They hope to visit the museum next week. 他们希望下星期能参观博物馆。I hope (tha

23、t) youre coming to the party. 我希望你能来参加聚会。I hope (that) you have a happy birthday. 我希望你有一个开心的生日。不能说hope sb. to do sth. “希望某人做某事”。I hope come up with a good plan.A. you to B. to you C. / D. you can (2) I hope so. 常指希望上面提到的情况发生,意为“希望如此”,so在这里是分句代替词,代替了上文已出现过的整个分句或分句的一部分,以避免重复。常和分句代替词搭配的词有think, hope, b

24、e afraid等,在习惯上我们常说I think so, I dont think so,而不说I think not, 但可以说I hope so.和I hope not, Im afraid so和Im afraid not等。It will be a fine day today. 今天将会是个好天。I hope so. 希望如此。Do you think he will come this afternoon? 你觉得他今天下午会来吗?I dont think so. / I think so. 我想他不会来。/ 我想他会来的。Excuse me, is this seat take

25、n? . That man got his books and left a few minutes ago.A. Im afraid so B. I dont think so C. I dont know D. I hope notIV. 重要语法反意疑问句(一)反意疑问句的概念及构成反意疑问句又叫附加疑问句,它表示提问者有一定的主见,但没有把握,希望对方证实一下。反意疑问句由两部分组成,前一部分是对事物的陈述,后一部分是简短的提问。两部分在肯定与否定方面一般相反,中间用逗号隔开。反意疑问句的前后两部分在时态、人称和数上都要保持一致。It is a fine day, isnt it? I

26、t isnt a fine day, is it?(二)反意疑问句的解答步骤1. 判定(判断该用肯定还是否定);2. 找动(找句子的助动词);3. 换代(将主语换为代词);4. 完成(写上问号,注意语调)。Plastic bags have caused serious environmental pollution, ?A. havent they B. have they C. dont they D. do they Youre new here, ?Yes, Im from Dujiangyan. I came here last week. A. do you B. dont you

27、 C. are you D. arent you This bus is always late, ?It sure is.A. is not it B. isnt it C. isnt the bus D. doesnt it It rained last night, ?A. wasnt it B. didnt it C. doesnt it D. wont it Its an exciting football match, ?A. isnt it B. is it C. does it D. doesnt it (三)特殊形式的反意疑问句,除了要采取上述其中的几步外,还要注意其不规则变

28、化。1. 特殊代词作主语在英语口语中,“I am +表语”结构后面的反意疑问部分多用“arent I?”来体现。am a worker, arent I ?指示代词this 或that; these或those 作陈述句的主语, 其疑问部分的主语分别用it或they。如:This /That is your pen , isnt it ? These /Those arent books, are they?不定代词everyone, everybody , anyone, anybody, someone, somebody, no one, nobody作陈述部分的主语,疑问部分的主语多用they,也

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