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1、hepatic coma 肝性昏迷hepatic cords 肝细胞索hepatic echography 肝回波描记术hepatic failure 肝衰竭hepatic fetor 肝病性口臭hepatic insufficiency 肝衰竭hepatic lobule 肝小叶hepatico duodenostomy 肝十二指肠吻合术hepatico enterostomy 肝小肠吻合术hepatico gastrostomy 肝管胃吻合术hepatico jejunostomy 肝管空肠吻合术hepaticotomy 肝管切开术hepatitis virus 肝炎病毒hepatizat

2、ion 肝样变hepatoblastoma 肝胚细胞瘤hepatocarcinoma 肝癌hepatocele 肝突出hepatocellular carcinoma 肝细胞癌hepatocellular jaundice 肝细胞性黄疸hepatocerebral syndrome 肝脑综合征hepatocholangioduodenostomy 肝管十二指肠吻合术hepatocholangioenterostomy 肝管肠吻合术hepatocholangiogastrostomy 肝管胃吻合术hepatocholangiostomy 胆管造口术hepatocirrhosis 肝硬变hepat

3、ocyte 肝细胞hepatodynia 肝痛hepatogenous diabetes 肝原性糖尿病hepatogram 肝搏动图hepatography 肝 x 线照相术hepatolenticular degeneration 肝豆状核变性hepatolith 肝石hepatolithectomy 肝石切除术hepatolithiasis 肝石病hepatology 肝脏病学hepatoma 肝细胞瘤hepatomegalia 肝大hepatomegaly 肝大hepatomelanosis 肝黑变病hepatomphalocele 脐部肝突出hepatomphalos 脐部肝突出hep

4、atonephritis 肝肾炎hepatopexy 肝固定术hepatorenal syndrome 肝肾综合征hepatorrhagia 肝出血hepatorrhaphy 肝缝术hepatorrhea 肝液溢hepatorrhexis 肝破裂hepatoscintigram 肝闪烁图hepatoscopy 肝检查hepatosis 肝机能障碍hepatosplenography 肝脾 x 线照相术hepatosplenomegaly 肝脾大hepatotherapy 肝剂疗法hepatotomy 肝切开术hepatotoxemia 肝性毒血病hepatotoxicity 肝毒性 BILIR

5、UBIN - Chemical breakdown product of hemoglobin. Measured in blood specimen by laboratory to assess function of liver. 胆红素血色素化学损坏的产物。在实验室由血液检测中评估肝功能。CERULOPLASMIN - Serum protein measured by laboratory to help in the diagnosis of Wilsons Disease. .血浆铜蓝蛋白血清蛋白, 在实验室由血液检测帮助诊断Wilsons病注:威尔逊氏病一种很少见的遗传性疾病,

6、是由体内缺乏对铜的新陈代谢能力,导致体内器官(如脑,肝和肾)铜积存过多而引起的。CHOLANGIOCARCINOMA - Malignant tumor that arises from bile ducts or ductules. 胆管癌发生于胆管或微胆管的恶性肿瘤。CHRONIC HEPATITIS - Prolonged inflammation and death of liver cells persisting for six months or more caused by hepatitis viruses, autoimmune factors, and on occasi

7、on, unknown conditions. 慢性肝炎长期发炎和肝细胞坏死,持续6个月以上,由肝炎病毒引起,或由自体免疫引起,有时原因不明。CIRRHOSIS - Used as a pathologic term to denote extensive scarring in the liver along with irregular nodules of regenerating liver tissue. Used as a clinical liver term to refer to the condition of individuals with liver disease

8、accompanied by ascites, esophageal variceal bleeding, or hepatic encephalopathy. 硬化用来描述一种病理时期,指出肝脏广泛发生疤痕,伴有肝组织发生不规则新生结节。在临床上作为一种肝病时期,指肝病个体的状态,伴有腹水,食道血管曲张,或肝昏迷。COMPUTERIZED TOMOGRAPHY (CT) SCAN - A specialized x-ray procedure utilizing multiple radiographic films of the liver to construct with comput

9、er technology, a 2-dimensional picture of the liver. 计算机X线断层扫描一种专门的X线手段,应用肝脏多重射线造影术,由计算机技术构造,一种肝脏2维图象。CYCLOSPORINE A - Drug marketed with trade names Sandimmune and Neoral. Given to organ transplant recipients to prevent the body from rejecting the graft. Inhibits immune system from rejecting foreig

10、n tissue. 环孢霉素A一种商品名为Sandimmune and Neoral的药物。给接受器官移植者,用来防止机体的排斥。抑制免疫系统排斥外来组织。DRUG HEPATITIS - Hepatitis caused by a drug. Causative drugs include isoniazid (INH), Alpha Methyldopa, and Dilatin. 药物肝炎由药物引起的肝炎。有可能引起的药物包括isoniazid (INH)(雷米封,一种抗结核药),Alpha Methyldopa,(-甲基多巴,C10H13NO4,用于治疗高血压)。ENDOSCOPE -

11、 A flexible instrument containing fiberoptic bundles and a light source used by physicians to examine the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. 内窥镜一种柔软的器具,包括光导纤维束和光源,内科医师用来检查食道,胃,和十二指肠。ESOPHAGEAL VARICES - Dilated vessels in the lower end of the esophagus that result from portal hypertension. Often resu

12、lts in gastrointestinal bleeding, a life threatening complication of cirrhosis. 食道血管曲张食道底端血管扩张,是门脉高压的结果。经常导致胃肠道出血,是肝硬化的一种危及生命的并发症。FERRITIN - Iron-containing serum protein measured by laboratory to help establish a diagnosis of hemochromatosis. 铁蛋白含铁的血清蛋白,由实验室血液检测帮助诊断血色沉着病GALLBLADDER - Specialized or

13、gan that joins the bile duct and is located just under the liver. Stores bile secreted by the liver between meals and empties this fluid into the intestine to help with digestion at the time of food intake. 胆囊联结胆管的专门器官,位置在肝脏下。在进食间隙贮存由肝脏分泌的胆汁,并在进食时倒空到肠以帮助消化。GGTP (Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidase) - Enzy

14、me or protein synthesized by the liver in large amounts when there is obstruction of the bile ducts to the normal flow of bile. Measured in blood by laboratory to assess function of liver. 谷氨酰转肽酶当胆汁在胆管中正常流动受到阻碍时,肝脏大量合成的酶或蛋白。HEMANGIOSARCOMA - Malignant tumor that arises from the blood vessels of the

15、liver. 血管肉瘤发生于肝脏血管的恶性肿瘤。HEMOCHROMATOSIS - A genetic disorder involving increased absorption of iron by the gastrointestinal tract and deposition in the liver resulting ultimately in cirrhosis and liver failure. 血色沉着病一种遗传性病症引起胃肠道吸收铁增多,沉积在肝脏,导致最终肝硬化或肝衰竭。HEPATIC ARTERY - Main artery that supplies fully

16、 oxygenated blood to the liver. Comes from aorta to underside of the liver. 肝动脉主要的动脉,输送充足氧气的血液到肝脏。从大动脉到肝脏的下方。HEPATIC VEIN - Main outflow vein of liver connecting liver to vena cava and then to heart. Located on topside of liver. 肝静脉肝脏主要的流出静脉,连接肝脏和腔静脉,然后到心脏。位置在肝脏上方。HEPATITIS A ANTIBODY (Anti HA) - Ma

17、in laboratory test used to detect hepatitis A. Detects antibody produced by patients immune system in response to hepatitis A virus. 甲型肝炎抗体(Anti HA)实验室主要的测试以侦测甲型肝炎。侦测到患者免疫系统产生的抗体反应有甲肝病毒。 1)“virologic breakthrough”和“virologic rebound”“virologic breakthrough”比较统一,译为“病毒学反弹”,而对“virologic rebound”存在很大争议,

18、有学者译为“病毒学突破”,也有不少学者译为“病毒学反弹”(见2005年慢性乙型肝炎防治指南)2)“flare”和“acute exacerbation”“flare”常描述肝炎的“突然发作”,系平时病情相对稳定者的突然发作;“acute exacerbation”则表示肝炎的“急性加重”,即原有炎症的急性加重。3)“elimination”和“eradication”“elimination”译为“清除”,“eradication”译为“根除”,较前者来得更彻底,意为“连根拔除”。4)“conversion”和“reversion”“conversion”译为“转换”,指从阳性转为阴性,如常见

19、的血清学转换(seroconversion);“reversion”译为“回复”,“复阳”,比如“HBeAg reversion”形容HBeAg消失后又转为阳性。5)“early virologic response(EVR)”和“initial virologic response(IVR)”“early virologic response(EVR)”指“早期病毒学应答”,“initial virologic response(IVR)”指“初期病毒学应答”,EVR指“12周病毒学应答”,IVR指“24周病毒学应答”。6)“Knodell HAI”和“necroinflammatory s

20、core”“Knodell HAI(histological activety index,HAI)”即Knodell肝组织学活性积分;“necroinflammatory score”即坏死性炎症积分。前者包括后者外,还包括肝纤维化。7)“fulminant hepatitis”和“severe hepatitis”“fulminant hepatitis”国内一直译为“暴发性肝炎”,日本译为“剧症肝炎”,台湾译为“猛暴性肝炎”;“severe hepatitis”国内译为“重症肝炎”,而国外指病情稍重的肝炎(如急性黄疸型肝炎)。8)“HBeAg loss”和“HBeAg clearance”“HBeAg loss”译为“HBeAg丢失”;“HBeAg clearance”译为“HBeAg清除”。“丢失”时不一定达到“清除”,而达到“清除”时必然发生“丢失”。

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