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1、新目标英语八年级下册第十单元SectionB教学设计MicrosoftOfficeWord文档一、设计指导思想 Go for it这本教材倡导“任务型”的教学模式以培养学生综合运用英语的能力。“让学生做事”是设计课堂教学的主要原则,也是设计课堂任务的主要思路。从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,通过学生体验、实践、参与、交流和合作的学习方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功。二、学情分析 八年级的学生学习英语已经超过一年了,学生对学习英语有着浓厚的兴趣。他们的抽象思维能力较低,但是形象思维能力强。他们的注意力很容易被分散。这一单元计划通过一些活动,比如情景对话、书写感便条、小游戏等,来增强学生的

2、学习兴趣注意力。三、容分析 这一单元的目标句型是Its a nice day, isnt it?目标语言是运用反义疑问句来表达自我的看法和观点。四、教学目标教学目标知识与能力1.学会区分礼貌的话题与不礼貌的话题。Youre Annas brother, arent you? (polite)How big is your apartment? (impolite)2.掌握常见的礼貌话题(weather, traffic, music, sports, movies and activities)及其常用语。3.能运用所学知识编一个dance party上的small talk。过程与方法养成良

3、好的口说英语的习惯和写英语小便条。培养学生的观察力、记忆力、想象力和分析能力。能够通过小组合作的方式实现互助与资源共享。情感态度价值观学会关爱和帮助别人学会理解和尊重异国朋友;了解异国同学的兴趣和爱好;五、其他教学要素重点词汇weather, traffic, music, sports, movies and the activities they are having教学重点Key vocabulary & Key structure.Listening practice教学难点目标句型Its a nice day, isnt it?教学工具多媒体课件和录音机六。教学准备教师准备提前备课,

4、写教案,容包括备教材,备学生,备方法;制作随堂练习幻灯片。学生准备预习课文,运用反义疑问句来表达自我的看法和观点。七、任务设计 Task1:会区分礼貌的话题与不礼貌的话题,利用多媒体给出情景对话,让学生分析此话题礼貌与否?尽可能多了解中外文化差异及其口语有关的短语,及复习了所学习的知识,又为下面的任务做好了铺垫。Task2: Pair work. 给出假定情景,做模仿对话。Task3: Listening. 练习学生的听力能力,用自己的语言复述Task 4 :Writing (thank-you note )假设你收到生日礼物,或受到别人帮助等,你如何表达自己的感?挑战性任务, 超越自我,全面

5、加强学生的能力训练,提高应用英语的能力八、教学环节TopicUnit 10 Its a nice day, isnt it? (Section B)Teaching proceduresTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesDesign purposesStep 1Warm-upDo Guessing Games and do some practice 1. Youd rather watch TV this evening, _?a. isnt itb. hadnt youc. wouldnt youd. wont you2. I suppose yo

6、ure not going today, _?a. are youb. do youc. dont youd. arent you3. I wish to shake hands with you, _?a. shallb. may Ic. do Id. will IAnswers:CABStep 2Key vocabularylearningShow the new words on the screen. Teach the new words. Read the new words to students and ask students to repeat.Look at the sc

7、reen and guess the new words. Then read the new words after the teacher. And then read the new words together.Learn the useful words and phrases.Step3Target language1a ,1bIs it polite to ask people you dont know well about personal questions?Which are personal questions? Answer the questions and stu

8、dy to make a polite talk.A:Look at Picture One. What does the boy ask?B:He asks “Do you like thrillers?”A:Is it good to have polite small talk with people you dont know well?B:I think so.This activity helps students understand which topics are good or not good in small talk situations.Step4Section B

9、2a,2b1.Play the recording.2.Play the recording again, Stop the recording after each line or two give students several minute to finish writing in their book.The first time ,Students only listen.Then check the answers with the whole class.Answers:1.d 2.f 3.c 4.b 5.a 6.eThis activity provides listenin

10、g practice using the target language.Step 5SectionB-2cLook at 2c , make their own small talk .As they work, move around the room checking progress and offering help as they needed. Ask several pairs to say their completed conversations for the class . A: This is a great party, isnt it? B: Yes, it is

11、. All the people are friendly and the food is very nice. A: But its very crowded, isnt it? B: Maybe you are right. Too many people are here.This activity provides oral practice using the target language.Step 6SectionA-3a,3bAsk Ss to pay attention to the three notes. Read the notes to the class. Next

12、 point to the list of three situations: Thank-you note for a gift /a party/help. Ask Ss to say when they might receive a gift.Ask Ss to write their own thank-you note. They can use the note in 3b as a model. In the end invite some Ss to read their letters to class. Show a sample letter on the blackb

13、oard.This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.Step7HomeworkMake a small talk :At Karens Dance partyUseful expressions:This is a great party, isnt it?Hi. My name is_. Im Karens friend.You love dancing, arent you?Go over what has learned in the previous periods.Bla

14、ckboard designUnit 10 Its a nice day, isnt it? (Section B) Its a nice day, isnt it? Youre Annas brother, arent you? (polite)How big is your apartment? (impolite)九。练习设计随堂练习设计要求学生模仿3a部分的短文,自己写一篇感信。十、教学反思: 一个有经验的教师不仅要教给学生一定的知识,更重要的是要培养学生的自学能力。我们在指导学生预习时,一方面要考虑如何让学生在教师没有讲授新课之前依靠自身的努力获取新信息、新知识,寻找解决问题的方法。另一方面又要考虑如何指导学生把新课文,新材料与自己原来的旧知识联系起来。每学完一篇课文,一个单元之后,要指导他们进行自我总结,对这一课,这一单元的知识点、重点、难点进行归纳管理,因为学生不断地总结自己、检查自己正是形成自学能力的有效过程。1 导入联系的题可以通过多媒体手段多出几题,联系上节课容.2 时间掌握不够准确,在游戏上超时。新目标英语八年级下册第十单元 Section B 教学设计一、设计指导思想Go for it这本教材倡导“任务型”的教学模式以培养

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