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1、文章打印托福听力汇总托福听写作业16正确原文:One important thing about art movements is that their popularity can be affected by social conditions, which are themselves often affected by historical events. As an example, look at what happened in the United States early in the 20th century, around the time of the Great De

2、pression, the art movement known as the Regionalism had begun in the United States even before the depression occurred. But it really flourished in the 1930s, during the depression years. Why? Well, many artists who had been living in big cities were forced by the economic crisis to leave those big

3、cities and move back to their small towns in rural America. And some of these artists came to truly embrace the life in small towns and to eject city life in so-called sophisticated society”. These artists or specifically certain painters really built regionalist movement. They created scenes of eve

4、ryday life in small towns or farming areas. And their style was not all neutral, really big glorified or romanticized country life, showing it stable, wholesome, and embodying important American traditions. And this style became very popular, in part because of the economic conditions of the time. Y

5、ou see, the Depression had caused many Americans to begin to doubt their society. But regionalist artists painted scenes that glorified American values, scenes that many Americans could easily identify with. So the movement helped strengthen peoples faith in their country, faith that had weakened as

6、 a result of the depression. But in the 1940s,before and after the Second World War. American culture began to take on a much more international spirit, and Regionalism, with its focus on small town life, well, it lost a lot of popularity, as American society changed once again.生词摘录:1. popularity: n

7、. 流行,普及2. Regionalism: 20世纪30-40年代美国一批地方主义艺术家的风格3. flourish: v. 繁荣4. rural: adj. 乡下的,农村的5. embrace: v. 拥抱,热忱的接受6. eject: v. 放弃,离开7. sophisticated: adj. 成熟的8. specifically: adv. 特定地,明确地9. regionalist movement: 地方主义运动10. neutral: adj. 中性的11. glorify: v. 赞扬12. romanticize: v. 浪漫化13. wholesome: adj. (有益

8、于)健康的14. embody: v. 体现托福听写作业17正确原文:Okay. Uh, you remember that Ive mentioned that its important to read the assigned poems aloud, so you can develop an appreciation of the sounds of the poetry: the rhymes, the rhythm, the repetition of words or sounds, and to get a sense of the interplay between the

9、 sounds of the words and their meaning. This is really critical as we move into modern poetry, especially by writers who place so much importance on sounds that the meaning becomes all better relevant, like this line by Gertrude Stein that Id like to quote. Listen. Listen as I say the words: “Rose i

10、s a rose is a rose is a rose.” Taken literally, this would seem to be an empty statement, one which gives us no information. But the purpose of a poem need not be to inform the reader of anything, but rather to evoke feelings, to create a sensual, aesthetically pleasing experience. Now Gertrude Stei

11、n was better known for her prose than for her poems. But Id like to quote this line because of its musicality, and because I think it helps open up our awareness to the unconventional lyricism of contemporary poets. Youll see this in your homework tonight as you read the poetry of John Ashbery, espe

12、cially if you read it out loud, which I recommend you do. Poets like Ashbery dont rely so much on any formal rhyme, scheme or meter as on the musical quality of the individual words themselves. As I said, Stein was better known for her non-poetical work. And now Id like to touch briefly on her essay

13、 entitled “Conversation and Explanation”. This work deals with her theory of writing and will help to explain some of the things weve been talking about.生词摘录:1. assign: v. 布置2. appreciation: n. 欣赏3. poetry: n. 诗歌4. rhyme: n. 韵, 韵脚; 同韵的词(如尾音相同的love 和 above, witty 和 pretty)5. rhythm: n. 节奏,韵律6. repeti

14、tion: n. 重复7. interplay: n. 相互影响,相互作业8. Gertrude Stein: 格特鲁德斯坦9. literally: adv. 照字面地,逐字地10. sensual: adj. 感觉的,感官的11. aesthetically: adv. 审美地, 美学观点上地12. prose: n. 散文13. musicality: n. 音感, 音乐性14. awareness: n. 意识,注意15. unconventional: adj. 非传统的16. lyricism: n. 抒情诗性质, 抒情诗体; 抒情语句17. John Ashbery: 约翰阿什伯

15、里18. scheme: n. 系统,规律,体系19. meter: n. 格律,韵律,节拍,节奏20. non-poetical: 非诗歌的21. entitle: v. 给题名或命名22. Conversation and Explanation: 对话和诠释托福听写作业18正确原文:Were going to start out discussion of poetry in Western Europe with The Iliad and The Odyssey. These two great poems stand out as great examples of the ear

16、liest European poems. They are believed to have been written some time between 800 BC and 700 BC, partly because the poems refer to the social conditions of that time, conditions that have been validated by the findings of archeologists. But just who was the poet who laid down these cornerstones of western literature? Well, tradition ascribes them to a man named Homer, but we know virtu

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