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本文(深圳牛津版英语资料8B Chapter2教案后记反思Word格式文档下载.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

深圳牛津版英语资料8B Chapter2教案后记反思Word格式文档下载.docx

1、 Why or why not?2. How many comic books have you read? What are they?3. Who are your favorite characters in comic books or cartoon films?b. Look at the expressions of the cartoon characters below. Say out what expressions are on their facesPleasedsatisfied BoredworriedconfusedPuzzled Sad /sorrowfulS

2、orry/depressed Happy/glad/joyful/cheerfulFrightenedscared Surprised/astonished annoyedc. Look and think Before you read the passage on the next page, look at the title, the picture and the first and last paragraphs of the article on the next page. Then do the exercises on page 16.d. Vocabulary Box.a

3、. Learn some new words and expressions about the reading passage.1. together : with each other 2. getinto trouble: cause a problem3. show: make sth. available for the public to see.4. success: a thing or person that has been successful.5. a number of: many; a lot of6. instead: in place of someone or

4、 sth. 7. around: round8. though: in spite of the fact that; although 9. in total: altogether10. be in trouble with: having a serious problem with.e. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.1. He has written a number of books on Chinese literature.2. If I dont tell the truth, I will get my friend i

5、nto trouble.3. Bob was sick so I went instead.4. In total, the artist drew 120 paintings in his life.5. Ill be in trouble with my boss if I dont finish the work in time.6. The soap opera is shown every other day.7. The new film has turned out to be a big success.8. Though he is over 60, he is active

6、 and energetic.9. The boys go home together after school.10. The earth moves around the sun.f. Conclusiong. Assignments. 1. Recite the new words and expressions.(from tough to plastic) 2. Make up sentences with the ten words and expressions studied in class.教学后记:教学新单词时,先领读他们一遍,再分开音节,讲一讲英语的拼读规则,发现学生的

7、记忆效率大大的提高。第二课时1. To listen for the reading passage and say “T” or “F” to each sentence about it.2. To scan the reading passage and answer some questions about it.3. To read it further and conclude the meaning of each part.a. Review the new words and expressions. Have a dictation. The words are:b. wh

8、ile-reading Listen to the tape carefully withoutlooking at your books, and say “T” or “F” to each sentence.1.Tom and Jerry cartoons were created only a short time ago.2. The first Tom and Jerry cartoon was very successful.3.Most Tom and Jerry cartoons are very long.4. There are a large number of dia

9、logues between Tom and Jerry.5.Tom never succeeds in catching Jerry.6. We can still see Tom and Jerry cartoons on TV today.7. Hanna and Barbera both won a lot of awards thanks to characters. Read through the text then answer the following questions. 1. Who created Tom and Jerry?2. How did they make

10、the cartoons funny ?3. When was the first Tom and Jerry cartoon shown in cinema?4.Why did their boss tell Hanna and Barbera to make more Tom and Jerry cartoon films?5. How many Tom and Jerry cartoons were made by Hanna and Barbera in total?6. How long does every one last?7.Why is it easy to understa

11、nd the cartoons?8.Why did Hanna and Barbera won a lot of awards. Read the passage again and give synopsis:P1: Tom and Jerry are popular cartoon characters.The cartoons are funny and have a long history.P2: Hanna and Barbera thought of an idea of a cat trying to catch a mouse to make a cartoon.P3: Th

12、e first Tom and Jerry cartoon was a great success. And Hanna and Barbera made a lot more afterwards.P4: The cartoons are easy to understand. There is no speaking in them. The funny cartoons won many awards.P5: Tom and Jerry cartoons are still very popular today.c. Complete the following with facts y

13、ou collect from the text. William Hanna and Joseph Barbera_ Tom and Jerry, which are successful _ _ in the world.At first they thought it would be funny tomake the mouse _ and always_ the cat _ trouble. It is _ to understand the cartoons because there is usually no_ in them. _ they are usually runni

14、ng _and fighting each other. Tom is always _ _ _ his owner, and Jerry laughs at him. The first Tom and Jerry was _in cinema successfully. later, Hanna and Barbera made _ _ _ cartoons, most of which _ about seven minutes.Thanks to the characters, Hanna and Barbera won a huge number of _. The most fam

15、ous cat and mouse are still _ today which are still shown on TV all _ the world. d. Conclusione. Assignments. 1). Recite the new words and expressions.(from chief to play a trick on sb.) 2). Read the passage after the tape and try to recite Paragraph 1-2.以激发学生的兴趣为切入点。教学方法上,我设计通过多种方式呈现著名卡通人物来吸引学生,在课堂

16、中唤起学生兴趣及共鸣,接着将主题引到课文,使学生有言可发,最后将学生引导本课的重点-阅读理解。 第三课时Post-reading1. To have a revision about new words and expressions.2. To review the reading passage and try to do some post-reading exercises.3. To explain the key points about reading and try to finish exercises about vocabulary in Workbook.a. Revi

17、sion-new words and expressions Have a diction:b. Post-reading 1. Read the reading passage after the tape, then try to recite Para 1-2. 2. Read it again and try to understand the following keys. tough adj. 坚硬的; 坚强的,坚忍不拔的 e.g. tough young teenagers 粗暴的青少年。He has a tough character.他有一个坚韧的性格。He is tough

18、 to work with.他很难共事。shes both sensitive and tough.她既敏感,又强硬。 popular popularity n.普遍,流行;受欢迎;有 声望e.g. the popularity of football 足球运动的普及His generosity gained him popularity. 他的慷慨为他获得了人气。 together together with =as well as; along with 同一起,和;连同.e.g. Their meal arrived, together with a carafe of red wine

19、. 他们的菜上来了,还有一瓶红葡萄酒。Tom together with his friends goes skating every weekends.Together or separately? 合起来付还是分开付?instead adv. as an alternative or substitute 替代, e.g. Do not use lotions, but put on a clean dressing instead. 不用洗剂,而是敷上干净的敷药。If Henry is not well enough to go with you, take me instead.如果亨

20、利不舒服不能跟你去, 那就带我去吧。Mike doesnt study at all. Instead, he sits idle all day.迈克根本不肯读书, 相反地, 他终日游手好闲。We went to the Biology class instead of attending the English lesson. 我们去上生物而不去上英语课。He has been playing all afternoon instead of getting on with his work.他整个下午一直玩, 没有继续工作。 express v. 1表达, 陈述. 2特快发送,快递 ex

21、pression n. 1.表情 2.表示,表达 3.词组He expressed complete satisfaction.他表示完全满意。An express airmail service. 航空快件服务。Her voice lacked expression. 她的声音缺乏感情。He closed his letter with expression of grateful thanks.他在那封信的结尾表达了自己的感激之情。 Wonder v.对产生疑惑, 想知道 n.奇观,奇迹;惊叹,惊异e.g. They waited and wondered what to do.他们等待着

22、, 不知干什么。 I dont wonder at her refusing to marry him. 她拒绝和他结婚我一点也不感到惊异。Books are filled with many wonders. 书中充满了新奇的事物。 the seven wonders of the world. 世界七大奇观 The childrens faces were full of wonder as they looked up at the Christmas tree. 孩子们抬头看着圣诞树,脸上充满惊叹。Wonder vt. Vi. 觉得奇怪,想知道.常构成的结构有: Wonder + Wh

23、- + 不定式 e.g. I was wondering where to spend the holiday. Wonder + Wh/if(whether) 从句 e.g. I wonder if you are free this evening. Wonder+that从句 e.g. I wonder that he could come back without losing the way . Wonder + at e.g. We wonder at his doing that. Wonder + 不定式 e.g. I wonder to hear his voice in t

24、he next room. Wonder + about e.g. I was wondering about that. pale adj. 1.苍白的,灰白的 2.浅色的,淡的. e.g. His face turned pale at the sight of the blood. 他一看见血就脸色发白。The walls were painted a pale green. 那些墙壁被漆成浅绿色。 in total 总计,合计e.g. Please tell me the total charges for the night. 请告诉我一晚的总费用。 His plan ended i

25、n total failure. 他的计划以彻底失败告终。 around adv. 在四周/ 大约/在附近e.g. One of them was glancing nervously around. 其中有一个人在紧张地东张西望。e.g. Software costs would be around 1,500. 软件花费大约是1,500英镑。 Play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人e.g. We play a trick on them and they fall right into it. 我们设了个圈套,他们就正好中计。 a (large/great/huge) numbe

26、r of 许多 the number of 的数量 e.g. A number of new products have been successfully trial-produced.许多新产品已试制成功。A large number of people were present.很多人出席了。The company decreased the number of workers. 公司裁减了工作人员。The number of students is increasing. 学生人数正在增多。 be in trouble with 与之间有麻烦 e.g. Tom is always in

27、 trouble with his owner. come to life 变得更有趣、活跃 e.g. He made the ghost story come to life. 他把那个鬼的故事讲得活灵活现。The quiet girl has come to life since she worked as a saleswoman 那个少言寡语的姑娘自从当上售货员后变得活跃起来。c. Conclusiond. Assignments: 1). Recite the reading passage from Paragraph 3 to 5. 2). Review the keys in

28、the reading passage. Try to make up sentences with the following phrases. a. be full of b. have/ has a long history c. think of d. get into trouble e. a number of f. instead / instead of g. in total h. be in trouble with i. laugh at j. though对于我们的学生来说,重要词组、句子需要积累。现要求他们背下来,在用的时候就可以举一反三,就像语文中背范文一样。对于我们这些基础较差的学生来说,是十必要的。第四课时1. Review and conclude the phrases of this chapter.2. Study the language -Using adj.3. Do some exercises.Teachin

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