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1、3.counter offer还盘 tranche黄金份额5.terms of trade贸易条件 6. tariff schedule税率表,税则7.partial shipment分批装运 8.hyperinflation极度通货膨胀9.intellectual property知识产权 10. long-term capital长期资本11.(汇率)间接标价indirect quote 12.中间产品intermediate product13.反倾销 anti-dumping 14.共同市场common market15.大路货staple goods 16.绝对利益ab

2、solute advantage17.远期信用证usance credit 18.价格条件terms of sale19.受票人drawee 20.结关 customs clearance 全真模拟演练(三)parative advantage比较利益 2. negotiable transport document可转让装运单据 positions实际头寸 4. most-favoured-nation treatment最惠国待遇5. income distribution收入分布 6.bill of exchange汇票7.opening bank开证银行 rate

3、汇率9. balance of payment国际收支 10. parent MNC跨国公司母公司11.无形贸易invisible trade 12商品交易会trade fairs13.非贸易结算non-trade settlement 14.唛头shipping marks15.产品自然领域natural product provinces 16.风险转移risk transfer17.配额限制quota restrictions 18.客户流动customer mobility19.关税配额tariff quota 20.无差别待遇原则non-discrimination principl

4、e 全真模拟演练(四)1.Irrevocable credit不可撤销信用证 2.par value平价 policy贸易政策 4.grace period优惠期,宽限期5.equity investment股权投资 floor交易场地7.shareholders股东 8.national treatment国民待遇9. preferential customs tariffs特惠税 10. portfolio investment证券投资11.关税壁垒tariff barriers 12.询盘enquiry13.竞争性贬值 competitive devalu

5、ation 14.提单bill of lading15.通知行advising bank 16.签字signature 17.即时库存 just-in-time inventory 18.代位追偿subrogation19.基础设施infrastructure 20.规模经济economies of scale 全真模拟演练(五) valorem duties从价税 2. cen trally planned economies中央计划经济国家3.tariff rates关税税率 4.dirty float肮脏浮动 5.joint verttne合资企业 6. listed marke

6、t挂牌证券交易市场7. Generalized System of Preferences普惠制 8. transfer of technology技术转让 trade area自由贸易区 10. endowment of nature自然的赋予11.缔约方contracting parties 12.付款交单documents against payment13.保兑行confirming bank 14.起运港port of shipment15.退税drawback 16.寄售consignment17.欧洲支付联盟European Payment Union 18.财务状况

7、financial standing19.全球化globalization 20.保险单insurance policy 全真模拟演练(六)I .Translate the following words and expressions :(20 %)1.policy objectives政策目标 2. document collection跟单托收3. special drawing right特别提款权 4.gilt- edged stocks金边证券5.roll on-roll off滚装滚卸的 6.expertise专门知识7. credit worthiness资信可靠状况

8、ance draft.远期汇票9.clean draft光票 10. certificate of origin产地证书11.关税同盟customs. Union 12关税减让the most-favored nation clause13.最惠国条款the most-favored nation clause 14.从量税specific duties15.货号article number 16.可撤销信用证revocahle credit17.佣金commission 18.公共承运人common carrier19.中间人middJeman 20.储备货币reserve currency

9、 全真模拟演练(七)1. Documents against acceptance承兑交单 2.Business line业务范围3.barter易货贸易 4.cost economies节约成本(成本节约)5.clean float清洁浮动 6. investment returns投资回报7.documentary draft跟单汇票 8. standing committee常务委员会9. institutional strength制度(行政)力量 10. new international economic order国际经济新秩序11.金融市场Financial market 12

10、.贴现率discount rate13反补贴措施counter-veiling measures 14.进口关税import duties15.循环贷款证revolving credit 16.空运收据airway bill17.所得税income tax 18.差别待遇differential treatment19.有形贸易visible trade 20.外汇储备foreign currency reserves 全真模拟演练(八)( 20%)1.clearing system清算系统 2.counter purchase反向购买,互购3.idle funds游资 4. the gree

11、nfield strategy绿地战略5.practitioner开业者 6.national income国民收人7. sovereign state主权国家 8.sales contract销售合同9.beneficiary受益人 10. cash in advance预付现金11充分就业Full employment 12.非关税壁垒Non-tariff barrier13.海关发票custoro invoice 14.制成品finished products15.董事会board of directors 16.自然资源16. natural resources17.装船通知17 sh

12、ipping advice 18.面值face value19.货物保险cargo insurance 20.可保利益insurable interest 考前深度密押(一)1.title to the goods货物所有权 2.entrepreneur企业家 quote直接标价 4.stock exchange证券交易所5.creditor country债权国 6. multi-polarizatio多极化 7.Xerox Corporation施乐公司 8.processing trade加工贸易9.debtor债务人 10. capital turnover资金周转11

13、.补偿贸易compensation trade 12.古迹places of historical interest13.领事发票consular invoice 14.期权options15.生活standards of living 16.合同正文contract proper17.主要银行leading bank 18.可转让信用证transferable credit19.保险公司underwriters 20.借款权borrowing power 考前深度密押(二) (20 % )1.middle rate中间价 2. secondary capital market二级资本诈场3.

14、 trade credit accounts贸易信贷往来账户 4. VAT( Value Added Tax)增值税 5. signatory签字人,签字国 6.economies of scale规模经济7. trade terms贸易术语 8.validity period有效期9. firm offer实盘 10. protectionism贸易保护主义11.运输工具means of transport 12.自给自足self-sufficient13.双部长会议Dual-Ministerial Meeting 14.农产品farnn produ15.进口关税import duties

15、16.租赁贸易 leasing trade17.分阶段付款periodic payments18.货物收据cargo receipt19.价格条款price terms20.即期信用证sight credit.2014年4月全国高等教育自学考试试题I.Translate the foIlowhe wortlb,nd exlrQsKD,8 from English into Chinese.(10%)1.Economic glohalization经济全球化 2.political entity政治实体 trade area自由贸易区 4.banknotes钞票 5.Legal ob

16、ligationss,法律责任(P153) 6.BOT建设、经营、移交7.tra demark商标 8. staple goods大路货9.council of ministers部长理事 10. parent company母公司11.货号article number 12.初级产品primary commodities13.销售合同Sales contract 14.混合关税compound duties15.货舱cargo compartment 16.汇款Remittance 17.红利bonus 18.仲裁arbitration19.远期汇票usance draft tenor dr

17、aft/term draft 20.证券投资portfolio investment2014年10月全国高等教育自学考试试题L.Transl9C the following words and expressions from Enghsh into Chinese.(10%)1.Foreign currency reserves外汇储备 2.customs clearance结关3.foreign exchange shortage外汇短缺 4.documentary credit跟单信用证5.utmost good faith最大诚信 6.Legal entity法人实体7.hedge套期

18、保值 8.escape clause免责条款9.European Commission欧盟委员套 10.portfolio investment证券投资11.基础设施infrastructure 12.专业化specialization 13.集装箱 container 14.金融市场financial market15 .商业风险commercial risk 16.贴现率discount rate 17.所得税income tax 18.反倾销 anti-dumpins19.产地证书certincate of origin 20.关税待遇tariff treatment2015年4月全国高

19、等教育自学考试试题I.Tuu slate the following words and expressions from English into Chinese.(10%)1.Primary commodities初级产品 2.Exchange rate fluctuationl汇率波动3.Insurance policy保险单 4.Economic conflict经济摩擦5.Voluntary export restriction自动出口限制 floor交易场地7. counter-vailing measures反补贴措施 8.consum preference消费

20、偏好9.bulk goods大宗货物 10. European Parliament欧洲议会11.预付现金cash in advance 12.报价quotation offer 13.唛头shipping marks 14.储备货币resene currency15 .并购Acquisition 16.长期资本Iong-term capital17.关税区customs area 18.双边贸易DilUera. X84e19.即期汇票sight draft 20.工业化industrialization 全真模拟演练(一)50. The term Triad refers to the th

21、ree richest regions of the world. The United States, the European Union and Japan that offer the most important business opportuities. Any international enter-prise must bear Triad in mind if they want to be successfuJ in the increasinglj competitive wurld market.术语Triad是指世界上最富有的三大市场:美国,欧盟和日本。这些市场提供

22、着最重要的商业机会。任何跨国企业要想在竞争日益激烈的世界市场上成功,都应当密切关注这三大市场。51. In choosing a transportation mode for a particular product, shippers consider as many as six criteria: speed, frequency, dependability, capability, availability and cost. Thus if a shipper seeks speed, air and truck are the prime contenders. If the

23、goal is low cost, then water and pipeline are the prime contenders. Shippers are increasingly combining two or more transporta- tion modes, thanks to containerization. Containerization consists of putting the goods in boxes or trailers that are easy to transfer between two transportation modes. Each

24、 coordinatect mode of transportation offers specific advantages to the shipper.为了给某种产品选定一种运输方式,货主要考虑六个问题:速度、频率、可靠性、能力、便利性和成本。这样,若货主要求速度,空运和汽车运输是首要选择。如果目标是低成本,那么水运和管道运输最好。由于集装箱化的发展,货主越来越多地将两种或更多的运输方式结合在一起;集装比是指将货切装入便于在两种运输方式间互换的箱子里或拖车上。每种联运都为货主提供了某些便利。52.经济联盟的成员不仅要在税收、政府开支、产业政策等方面保持一致,而且还要使用统一的货币。The

25、 members d an economic union are required not only to harmonize their taxation,govemment expendi- ture,industry policies,etc. ,but also use the same currency.53.包装需按运输的要求进行,在大多数情况下,卖方明确地知道把货物安全地运到目的地所需要的特定包装类型。 Packing should be made according to the require-ment of transportation. In most cases, th

26、e seller knows clearly the particular type of packing required Ior transporting the goods safely to destination.54.在国际贸易中已经出现了为解决不同情况下付款问题的各种各样的付款方式。Various methods of payment na,e beer婁乙qcd to cope with different situations in international trade.55.保险是一种风险转移机制。通过保险个人或企业可以将生活中一些不确定因素转移给其他人。Insuranc

27、e is a risk transfer mechanism,by which the individual or the business enterprise can shift sorme of the uncertainty of life to the shoulders of others.56.事实上,较不发达国家的目标在于建立一种他们所说的“国际经济新秩序”。In fact,the target at which the less-developed coun- ies are aiming is what they describe as “a new internation

28、al economic order”.50. It should be noted, however, that the existence of a letter of credit is not a guarantee of payment to anyone. Its existence only aSSUres payment to the beneficiary if the terms and condi- tions of the letter of credit are fulfilled. In addition, a letter of crecHt does not insure that the aterials purchased will be those invoiced or shipped.然而应该注意,有了信用证并不能保证对任何人付款,信用证只保证在其条款得到满足的情况下对受益

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