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Cet6 听力原文答案与详解第1套Word文件下载.docx

1、。选项D中be doubtful about意思是对表示怀疑故选D。2. A) The class has kept the party a secret from Jay. B) Jay is organizing a party for the retiring dean. C) Jay is surprised to learn of the party for him. D) The dean will come to Jays birthday party.A Jay will turn 21 this week. Does he know the classes are havin

2、g a surprise party for him? No, he thinks we are giving a party for the retiring dean. What do we learn from the conversation?【解析】 A。女士说Jay下周就21岁了,他知不知道我们会给他办一个惊喜派对。男士说,Jay不知道派对是给他办的,他以为是给退休的系主任办的。由此可知,没有人告诉Jay派对是为他而办的。keep a secret意思是保守秘密故选A。 3. A) He found his wallet in his briefcase. B) He went t

3、o the lost-and-found office. C) He found the woman to go and pick up his car. D) He left his things with his car in the garage.D Hello, this is Carls garage. We found Mr. Whites briefcase and wallet after he left his car here this morning. He has been wondering where he could have left them. Ill tel

4、l him to pick them up this afternoon. Thank you forcalling. What do we learn about Mr. White from the conversation?细节题。本题考查事实细节。男士是卡尔汽修厂的工作人员,他们发现White先生早上把车开来的时候把公文包和钱包都落在了汽修厂。女士说会让White先生下午过去拿的。本题中garage意为汽修厂,车库4. A) The show he directed turned out lo be a success. B) He watched only those comedie

5、s by famous directors. C) TV comedies have not improved much since the 1960s. D) New comedies are exciting, just like those in the 1960s. C You know, some TV channels have been rerunning a lot of comedies from the 1960s. What do you think of those old shows? Not much. But the new ones including thos

6、e done by famous directors are not so entertaining either.【解析】C。女士说有些电视频道在重播20世纪60年代的很多喜剧,问男士对那些老节目有什么看法。男士说没有什么看法,但是包括知名导演在内的那些新喜剧也不是很有意思。由此可推知男士应该觉得现在的电视喜剧和20世纪60年代的相比没有什么提高。故选C。5. A) The man should stop boiling the vegetables. B) The man should try out some new recipes. C) Overcooked vegetables a

7、re often tasteless. D) All vegetables should be cooked fresh. How much longer should I boil these vegetables? The recipe says about 10 minutes in total. They look pretty done to me. I doubt you should cook them anymore. What does the woman mean?男士问女士蔬菜还应该再煮多久,菜谱上说总 共要10分钟左右。女士说,在自己看来已经很熟了,觉得男士不应该再煮了

8、。对话中的anymore意思是不再,怀疑不应该再煮蔬菜了,也就是说不应该煮了。选项A中的stop doing sth.表示停止做某事。6. A) Help them tidy up the house. B) Sort out their tax returns. C) Help them to decode a message. D) Figure out a way to avoid taxes.B Tom, are you going to your parents house tonight? Yes, I promise to help them figure out their t

9、ax returns. The tax code is really confusing to them. What is the man going to do for his parents?【解析】 B。题目问的是男士要为父母做什么。对话中女士问男士今天晚上是不是要去他父家。男士说,是的,答应了帮父母算出捐税收入,他们对税务规定很糊涂。B选项符合对话内容,故选B。对话中的figure out意思是算出,弃明白,tax return意思是捐税收入,纳税申报单选项B中sort out意思是将某物拣出,整理7. A) The woman remains a total mystery to h

10、im. B) The woman is still trying to finish her work. C) He has devoted a whole month to his research. D) He didnt expect to complete his work so soon.D I was surprised when I heard youd finished your research project a whole month early. How I manage to do its still a mystery to me. What does the ma

11、n mean?【解析】 D。推理題。女士说很奇怪男士提早整一个月完成了工作,男士说,怎么做到的对于他自己来说都是个谜。由此可知,男士也没有料到自己能这么早完成工作。选项D中的complete意思是完成8. A) He has failed to register for the course. B) He would like to major in psychology too. C) There should be more time for registration. D) Developmental psychology is newly offered.A I was hoping

12、we could be in the same developmental psychology class. Me too, but by the time I went for registration the course was closed. Whatdoes the man mean?【解析】A。本题考查的是语义推断。女士说希望和男士在发展心理学课程的同一个班。男士说自己也希望如此,但是注册的时候,这个课程已经结束了。由此可知另士没有选上这门课。fail意思是在(某事物)中失败2 long conversationsConversation 1 Its really amazing

13、 how many colors there are in these Thai silks. These are our new designs. Oh, I dont think Ive seen this combination of colors before. Theyre really brilliant, arent they? Quite dazzling! May I have samples of the new color combinations? Yes, of course. But arent you going to place an order? We ord

14、er them regularly, you know, but I do want our buyer who handles fabrics to see them. Have you looked at the wood and stone coverings? Did you like them? Oh, they arent really what Im looking for. What do you have in mind? Thats the trouble. Ive never know exactly until I see it. I usually have more

15、 luck when I get away from the tourist places. Out in the countryside you mean. Yeah, exactly. Markets in small towns have turned out best for me. Youre more interested than in handicrafts that havent been commercialized. Yes, real folk arts, pots, dishes, basket ware the kinds of things that people

16、 themselves use. Im sure we can arrange a trip out into the country for you. I was hoping youd say that. We can drive out of Bangkok and stop whenever you see something that interests you. That would be wonderful! How soon could we leave? I cant get away tomorrow. But I think I can get a car for the

17、 day after. And would we have to come back the same day? No, I think Ill be able to keep the car for three or four days. Wonderful! Thatll give me time for a real look around.9. What attracts the man to the Thai silks? A) The brilliant product design. B) The unique craftsmanship. C) The new color co

18、mbinations. D) The texture of the fabrics.C题目问的是泰国丝绸什么地方吸引了男士。对话一开始男士就称赞了泰国丝绸用了很多颜色,拫神奇。女士回答到,这是他们的新设计。紧接着男士说之俞没有看到过这样的色彩搭配,女士说颜色确实很灿烂。男士肯定了女士的说法,颜色很耀眼。由此可知泰国丝绸吸引男士的是其色彩搭配。原文中的amazing意思是令人惊异的,color combinations意思是色彩搭配10. What is the man looking for in Thailand? A) Fancy products. B) Local handicraft

19、s. C) Traditional Thai silks. D) Unique tourist attractions.对话开始两人在讨论泰国丝绸,但是女士让男士下订单,男士说会定期订购的。女士又推荐了木头和石头的盖子,男士说,这些不是他要找的东西,但他也不知道自己想找什么东西。女士推测男士对于那些还没有商业化的手工艺品更感兴趣。男士赞同了女士的说法,由此可知男士想找的应该是当地的手工业品。对话中的handicraft意思是手工艺品11. What do we learn about the trip the woman promised to arrange for the man? A)

20、It will start tomorrow. B) It will last only one day. C) It will be out into the countryside. D) It will be on the following weekend.【解析】 C。题目问的是我们可以了解到女士答应安排给男士的旅行的什么信息。对话中女士说会安排男士到乡下旅行,但是明天没有时间,要后天出发,持续三四天再回来。由此可知选项A、B、D的内容都是不对的。Conversation 2 Well, before we decide were going tolive in Enderby(地名

21、 加拿大、英国 恩 德比), we really ought to have a look at the schools; we want the children to have a good secondary education (中学教育; 初中教育), so wed better see whats available. They gave me some information at the district office and I took notes. It appears there are five secondary schools in Enderby: three

22、state schools and two private. I dont know if we want private schools, do we? I dont think so, but well look at the many way. Theres Saint Marys, thats a Catholic(天主教会) school for girls, and Carlton Abbey thats a very old boys boarding school(寄宿制学校), founded in 1672. Are all the state schools coeduc

23、ational(adj.男女同校的; 男女合校的; 男女混 合的)? Yes, it seems so. I think little Keith is going to be very good with his hands, we ought to send him to a school with good vocational training(职业教育; 职业技能培训; 职业训 练) carpentry(木工手艺; 木工活), electronics, that sort of thing. In that case we are best off(最好的方法:You are bes

24、t off trying to crush them or retreating in these situations. 最好的方法就是碾压它们或者撤退。此处: 最好去某学校)at Enderby Comprehensive(圣玛利的恩德比综合学校). I gather they have excellent workshops and instructors. But it says here that Donwell(校名:当维尔) also has good facilities. Enderby High has a little, but they are mostly acade

25、mic. No vocational training at all at Carlton Abbey (校名: 卡尔顿修道院) or Saint Marys. What are the schools like academically? How many children go on to university every year? Well, Enderby High is very good and Carlton Abbey even better, 70% of their pupils go on to university. Donwell isnt so good. Onl

26、y 8%. And Enderby Comprehensive in Saint Marys not much more, about 10%. Well, it seems like there is a broad selection of schools. But we have to find out more than statistics before we can decide.12. What do they want their children to have? A) A year of practical training. B) A happy childhood. C

27、) A pleasant neighborhood. D) A good secondary education.题目问的是谈话双方想要孩子拥有什么。对话中女士说在决定搬到恩德比之前要先看看学校,因为想要孩子得到良好的中学教育。男士说恩德比好像有五所学校,两人随后开始讨论这五所学校哪个更合适。由此可知他们想让孩子得到良好的中学教育,其他三个选项的内容文章并设有提到。13. What do the speakers say about little Keith? A) He is good at carpentry. B) He is academically gifted. C) He sho

28、uld be sent to a private school. D) He ought to get good vocational training.本題考查语义推断。题目问的是谈话者说到的小Keith的信息。对话中女士说道,小Keith擅长手工,应该把他送到擅长木工、电子等职业教育的学校。对话中的be good with his hands 是指擅长手工,vocational training是指职业教育虽然对话中提到了carpentry,electronics,但这是列举了职业教育包括的内容,并不是小Keith擅长的。故本题选D。14. What school has the highest percentage of pupils who go on to university? A) Donwell School. B) Carlton Abbey C) Enderby High. D) Enderby Comprehensive. 答案

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